100 interesting facts about the organs of the world, Russia: list. Do plants feel pain: scientific facts

100 interesting facts about the organs of the world, Russia: list. Do plants feel pain: scientific facts

In this article, we will talk about the world of plants. Nature always causes admiration and has many interesting features. We will talk about them about them.

Everyone loves flowers and even if it claims the opposite. Someone likes to receive them as a gift, and someone more likes the process of growing and leaving them. So to learn something interesting about the flora of our world is interesting to everyone. We have collected in our article the most interesting facts about plants that you may not know.

We talked about other interesting facts about plants:

Interesting facts about photosynthesis, plant breathing: List

Plant photosynthesis
Plant photosynthesis

Plant photosynthesis is a process in which solar energy helps convert carbon dioxide into nutrients. This process occurs in plants. Each part of the plant processes carbon dioxide and gives oxygen. Let's find out that this process gives interesting.

  1. Algae that live in the ocean and the sea release approximately 80% of oxygen as a result of photosynthesis. Because of this, the world ocean is considered something like the "lungs of our planet."
  2. Photosynthesis helps to survive even slugs. For example, eastern emerald Elsia is a unique look, which is digesting algae during nutrition. They are photographed inside and she receives nutrients.
  3. In nature, there are plants that do not have chlorophyll. These include parasites of mushrooms of mycogeneshotrophics.
  4. In 1970, scientists have proved that the power of solar energy that plants absorb into themselves are several times more than the capacity of all electrical stations on Earth.

Interesting facts about plant shoots and kidney: List

Plant shoots
Plant shoots

The kidneys and shoots of plants are one of the most amazing parts. The kidneys first ripen, and then bloom. Let's find out what interesting facts about plants are for this part of nature.

  1. The escape can grow in length and develop the plants until he has an apical kidney.
  2. The sinuses of the leaves have kidneys, from which the side shoots are then obtained. They also have kidneys.
  3. The kidneys can have protection that resembles scales. If they are available, then the kidneys are also called closed.
  4. In an unfavorable period for development, the kidneys can go into a state of rest. Then they turn around and give new shoots. This allows plants to bloom for many years.
  5. Some kidneys can "sleep" for years. To wake up, you need a certain incentive. For example, a tree must be damaged by a tree and it forms a pure shoot. For shrubs, trimming is carried out.
  6. Shoots develop from the kidneys. The more branching the system, the more sun he absorbs the plant and receives oxygen.
  7. By the appearance of the kidneys and their location on the escape, the type of plant is determined.
  8. Almost all plants have renal scales. They protect the internal parts of the kidney from damage and drying.

Interesting facts about plant fruits: List

Plant fruits
Plant fruits

Plant fruits are very diverse and few people think about what interesting facts about plants regarding them. Let's find out what interesting is in the most delicious part of plants.

  1. There are more than seven thousand apples in the world.
  2. Pear trees are able to experience even the lowest temperatures. As a rule, even with forty -degree frost, they are able to survive.
  3. Despite the fact that the lemon is very sour in it more sugar than in some other fruits, for example, strawberries.
  4. The fruit from the tree of the family of a boot can reduce the sensitivity to sour. If you eat it and then the lemon, the latter will seem sweet.
  5. To determine the maturity of the banana, a special color scale of seven shades is used.
  6. The peel of the banana can be used to polish the shoes or table silver. The inner side has good polishing properties.
  7. Papaya juice can be used as a solvent. At the same time, it allows you to remove not only strong pollution, but even reduce prints from the fingertips.
  8. Watermelons were used by travelers as water bottles.
  9. The pomelo is characterized by large fruits. The largest can reach 30 cm in diameter and 10 kg by weight.

Interesting facts about plant stems: List


Plants on Earth are more common than any other organisms. They are everywhere. Let's learn interesting facts about plants and their stems.

  1. The longest stems of tropical vines in the world. They should be more than a host tree, into the crown of which they climb. At the same time, they can form additional roots.
  2. Liana can weave trees into many square meters. This spectacle looks amazingly and resembles a giant web.
  3. On one of the slopes of the Sierra Madra ridge, wisteria grows. Its length is about 150 meters. It occupies an area of \u200b\u200bfour thousand square meters. According to scientists, the plant can weigh more than 200 tons.
  4. When removing the fruits from the stem of a frantic cucumber, seeds are thrown out of the hole that remains.
  5. The stem of the Brazilian plant gives a dairy nipple. It is enough to make a small incision. During the day, you can get up to 3-4 liters of milk from it and you can drink it, but only after boiling.
  6. There is a mushroom in the world, the taste of which resembles chicken meat. It is called a gray-yellow tinder. It is large enough and the size of the hat can reach 40 cm in diameter.
  7. Ceratonia has identical seeds. Each weighs 0.2 grams. Previously, they were used by jewelers as weights. Now the measure is called carat.
  8. Eucalyptus from the island of Mindanao is very amazing. His tree bark changes constantly and becomes a different color.
  9. The barrel of Baobab is the thickest in the world, and it is high. So, it grows to 20 meters in height and up to 10 meters wide, but there are unique specimens up to 50 meters.
  10. A wood cashew of a pierce from Brazil requires two hectares for a barrel. This unique tree was planted in 1888.

Interesting facts about plant tissues: List

Plant tissues
Plant tissues

Plant tissues are actively examined by scientists. So, there are many interesting facts about plants and their fabric.

  1. Each plant cell contains vacuole. They can reach the size of almost a whole cage.
  2. Herbs, like trees, also allow you to determine age by rings. They are small, but allow you to determine the size.
  3. In the cells of some plants there is no chlorophyll, and therefore they have to parasitize on other plants.
  4. The leaves of plants have special cells that make tiny hairs appear. It is they that allow you to hold the dew drops.

Interesting facts about plant leaves: List

Many interesting facts about plants are associated with their leaves. Some of them are well-known, and some make them surprise.

  1. The needles on Christmas trees and other similar representatives of the species are also foliage, it just has such an unusual shape.
  2. In the New Guinea there is a Plant of Putanga. The edges of its leaves are very sharp, so that the locals use them as razors.
  3. Banana leaves are often used as disposable dishes by residents of Sri Lanka and New Guinea.
  4. The Adiantum fern has the thinnest leaves. They grow with only one layer of cells and are damaged even from light touch.
  5. Cypress has more leaves than on any other tree. They can grow up to 50 million on it. For example, the same oak has 200 times less.
  6. The forms of the leaves in trees are so diverse that science is still unknown how many of them exist.
  7. Each leaf has many veins that play the role of blood vessels. Only in them water instead of blood.
  8. Velvia has two sheets with which it never parted. If they cut them, then it will die. On average, the plant can live up to 100 years.
  9. In the tree of the bilimbi, the leaves fall down in winter. This means that the plant is sleeping. But at the same time, it reacts to the slightest touch.
  10. Some young plants have red or purple color, but then they become green, because as they grow, chlorophyll production increases.

Interesting facts about plant roots: List

Plant roots
Plant roots

The root system of plants can also be surprising. It can develop so powerful that no misfortunes are afraid of the plant. Sometimes the roots acquire a special shape and look like large outgrowths. Let's find out what interesting facts about plants and their roots.

  1. Rye has the most developed system of roots. If you fold all its roots, you get several hundred kilometers. So, the largest size of the root system found by scientists was 623 kilometers.
  2. In pine, the maximum length of the root system can reach 50 km.
  3. In figs and oak, plant roots go deep underground. In the first, they can delve to 120 meters, and in the second - up to 100.
  4. Banan has the most unusual roots. The plant refers to ficuses, and it is unique that it forms additional trunks on the branches. They are also called air roots. They also grow down and look like garlands.
  5. Tillandsia grows without roots at all. She takes nutrients from the environment. Its roots can be used as a mount, and food is obtained from scales on the leaves.
  6. Metrosideros from New Zealand sometimes throws out honeycomb roots hanging from branches. The roots look like a skirt. Why do plants need them scientists did not find out.
  7. In thick tropics, trees can grow from branches of others. For example, they make ficuses when their seeds are accidentally dropped by birds. On the branches they hold on the roots.
  8. Similar qualities have parasitic roots. A bright representative is an omela. She steals everything nutritious from roots and branches. The donors themselves are suffering.
  9. Some roots form flowers or fruits underground. These are thin and long shoots and not even roots ..

Interesting facts about the cage of the plant: List

Plant cell
Plant cell

The nature surrounding us is particularly mystery. One evidence of this is interesting facts about plants and their cells. They are complex in structure and are considered the most amazing part of the plants.

  1. Mimosa is bashful when exposed to the stimulus reduces the pressure in the cells. From this, the petals are folded because the water leaves due to the release of a chemical substance.
  2. In winter horsetails, external cells can accumulate silica. Because of this, the plant becomes very tough. Its stem is even able to scratch the steel surfaces.
  3. Bacillariophical algae is unicellular, it does not depend on anyone and performs all the functions itself. Moreover, it transfers genetic information to other generations.
  4. Tropical Abaka has the longest cells. From the fibers of the leaves, a special tourniquet used in weaving. It is also called a textile banana.
  5. In vines of Lomonos, the cells have the largest size. Their diameter reaches 0.7 mm. Therefore, they are visible even with a naked look, if you look closely.
  6. The Chinese nettle fiber has the most powerful fiber. So, strength on average is 95 kg per 1 mm.
  7. Mature cucumber cells are inside under a pressure of 0.3 MPa, therefore, if you touch its leg, which serves the role of traffic jams, the contents will splash out a distance of up to seven meters from the inside.
  8. White ash emits cells dangerous to humans. If you touch the plant, then after 12 hours a chemical burn of a second degree appears on the skin.
  9. The pressure and stretching of the cells of the royal palm tree allows its stems sometimes thicken.
  10. Nettle stages due to stinging cells on the stem. So, when touched, they dig into the skin and release the contents from the inside.

Interesting facts about plant seeds: List

Plants' seeds
Plants' seeds

Plants on the planet spread due to seeds. These are such small “boxes”, which contains important elements for the formation of a new plant. At the same time, each seeds differ. Let's find out what interesting facts about plants and their seeds.

  1. Lupine Arctic seeds have been in the ice for more than 10 thousand years. Scientists managed to create the conditions of germination. Of the six grains found, beautiful healthy plants have grown.
  2. On the island of Java, the volcano at one time killed all the plants, but after 10 years they grew up again. At the moment, scientists are still trying to find out how they managed to survive.
  3. There are a huge number of types of seeds in the world. There are even sailors who do not go under water, but swim to the shore and multiply.
  4. Seeds of a series and Tatar clock to feathers of birds or animals that spread them to different points of the world. And then they germinate.
  5. There are plants that can twist and spin. Their sharp end penetrates the soil and is already germinating there.
  6. The editor -in -chief has the fastest seeds in terms of germination. In a day alone, the plant can reach 40 cm in height. After a couple of months, it becomes up to 30 m and 0.5 m in diameter.
  7. One pumpkin seed can give a fruit up to 92 kg weighing, and this is not a maximum.
  8. Seeds in plants can spread to different territories, the so -called travelers. Therefore, it is not surprising if a plant is found somewhere, unusual terrain.

Interesting facts about reproduction, plant breeding: List

Plant reproduction
Plant reproduction

Propagation of plants is carried out in different ways. Each requires the choice of the most optimal option. Let's look at interesting facts about plants and their reproduction.

  1. With the help of cuttings, many indoor plants with developed stems and shoots multiply. The procedure is usually carried out in the spring or early summer, but for example, Benjamin's ficuses can be rooted all year.
  2. Some plants are propagated by leaf cuttings, for example, Senpolia. This method can be used for them at any time of the year.
  3. Cyclamen is propagated exclusively by seeds.
  4. Bush plants give layering with long shoots.
  5. With offspring, mustache and bulbs, some indoor plants can be propagated. For them, this method can be either simple or the only one.
  6. All flowering species are divorced by seed crops, but usually they do this if this is the only way.

Do plants feel pain, do they have a nervous system: scientific facts

Plants nervous system
Plants nervous system

Today, many people refuse to eat meat and other livestock products, because they allegedly cause pain to animals. Vegetarians focus on plant foods. They are sure that plants have no nerves and they do not hurt. They don’t know only one interesting fact about plants - scientists consider otherwise.

A few years ago, a statement that plants could be painfully caused laughter. Only now scientists have confirmed that plants are able to feel and pain including.

The first fact is dated to the fifty years of the last century. The American researcher Khabbard used electropsychometer for experiments. The device measures the density and flow of vital energy in the body. At the same time, his testimony indicates the presence of life. In the experiment, the scientist checked how the device reacts to human emotions and then looked at the plants. He stuck a nail in a tomato and made measurements. The arrow showed a parameter by which it was possible to determine that the plant was worried and afraid of death.

Another scientist Klive Baxter, also an American, confirmed this experience. He attached to the sheets of his indoor plant a lie detector. He wanted to know how long the water reaches the leaves after watering, but the device drew a line that indicates a pleasant surprise in a person. It turns out that the plant was delighted that it was watered. Immediately, the Baxter brought a hot match to the sheet and the device painted a schedule of fear on this phenomenon.

After them, many scientists conducted experiments and concluded that plants are far from as simple as it seems to us. They can hear the caterpillars who are trying to eat them and include protection. And trees can warn about insect attacks.

Video: 10 most striking plants in the world with superpowers

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