100 interesting facts about the plants of the world, Russia by type: List

100 interesting facts about the plants of the world, Russia by type: List

In this article we will find out what interesting facts about plants regarding their species.

Depending on their habitat, the plants differ, and they have many interesting features. About what they are, you will learn in our article.

We talked about other interesting facts about plants:

Interesting facts about coniferous, gymnosperm plants: List

Coniferous plants
Coniferous plants

Interesting facts about coniferous plants will also surprise you. Representatives of this species, as we have already said, have not even needles, but real leaves. But this is far from all that can be said about them.

  1. Coniferous are excellent noise absorbers. If you plant 4-6 trees in a row, then the noise level decreases by 25%.
  2. From the aesthetic side, conifers are important, because they are beautiful and strict, and some do not drop needles.
  3. Plants do not require much care. They are able to grow anywhere, regardless of climate.
  4. Wood is used for the production of building materials, furniture, paper and so on.
  5. Amber is obtained from coniferous trees. The fact is that it is a resin that has become solid.
  6. The forest can light up instantly in the drought, and the cones fly over long distances.
  7. In the coniferous forest, it is always a little warmer, because the crown is able to restrain heat and moisture.
  8. Coniferous trees are collectors of dust and harmful substances. That is why there are very clean air in the forests.
  9. Many cities began with construction precisely from the needles.

Interesting facts about predatory plants and their nutrition: List

Predatory plants
Predatory plants

In fact, plants receive food from the soil. It’s just not all concerns. So, for example, there are predators, although they are attributed to the miracles of nature. However, she herself developed such a way of survival. Basically, predators live in places of water bodies, swamps that do not give useful substances.

Interesting facts about predatory plants and their nutrition:

  1. Rosyanka is a plant feeding insects. For their fishing, she uses leaves on which cilia with thickening-heads at the ends grow. They are similar to dew drops, which attract insects. When they sit down, they stick and the plant slams the trap.
  2. Zhiryanka. It looks like Rosyanka, because the leaves are about the same, but only they are larger and all are covered with sticky mucus. When an insect is on the sheet, digestive juice is thrown out and the trap is closed. At the same time, the food process in the fat is faster than that of Rosyanka.
  3. Pemphigus. Also eats insects, but its leaves in water, and a stem with flowers on the surface. It is the leaves that act as a trap. Their slices are bubbles with holes closed with a valve, and digestive glands are located on the inner walls. So when touching the valve, production is inside and is not selected back.
  4. Neventes. Cathes prey with jugs. The upper part of the plant has a bright color that lures insects. Moreover, the plant emits a jug of nectar at the edges. The insect sits on the edge of the jug and slides inside, where it enters the liquid, and the pieces of iron begin to secrete digestive juice.
  5. Dioney flyer. The most voracious. The trap is similar to something to the shell of the mollusk, and on the edges of the wings are assumed with teeth. The plant attracts insects to nectar. As soon as the insect concerns the wings, they immediately close.
  6. Sarrrance and Darlingtonium. They are similar, since the petioles of their leaves are similar to hollow tubes. Around them are sharp hairs, looking down. They do not allow insects to be selected if they get inside.

Interesting facts about plants in winter: List

Plants in winter
Plants in winter

In areas where constant winter there are many plants. Not everyone knows interesting facts about the plants of these areas.

  1. The forest zone is not only natural forests, but also artificial green spaces. Different plants are found in them. In Siberia, natural cover prevails, and in Europe it is artificial by 95%.
  2. Many forests have disappeared because of humans and even more species are on the verge of extinction. For example, in Africa, forests are destroyed and places for arable land and pastures appear instead.
  3. Not five, but six tiers are formed by plants of the forest zone, because plant roots are still taken on the expense. Although, usually in coniferous forests there are only three tiers.
  4. Plants from the forest can be both healing and poisonous. And pines and cedars act as air filters and also give it useful elements.
  5. Lugger is the most common coniferous Russian forest zone. At the same time, she drops the needles for the winter.
  6. Plants of the forest zone always participate in a life cycle, which is almost endless. So, from the soil they get everything useful, and after extinction they themselves become sources of nutrition.
  7. Forests provide land with oxygen. They are able to filter 100 thousand cubic meters over the year. Meters of air.
  8. The forest area is on every continent, except for Antarctica. The total area of \u200b\u200bforests is 38 million sq. Km.
  9. The editorial is also considered a forest area, but it is much smaller.
  10. The most famous plant of the forest zone is oak ..

Interesting facts about lily plants: List

Liley plants
Liley plants

Lilies are very beautiful plants, but ambiguous colors. Many admire them, and some simply hate them. However, in floristry they occupy a special place. These flowers serve as an excellent decoration for any solemn event. There are unusual interesting facts about lilies. Let's look at them.

  1. There are more than three thousand varieties in the family of lily. Each bud consists of six petals, which can be of different shapes. In addition, lilies have many different shades. Their characteristic feature is specks on the petals.
  2. Not all lilies have the smell. We are used to the fact that they have a heavy sweet smell, but these are not all varieties. Some have a pleasant thin aroma or sharp and cloying. The breeders even created varieties without smell at all.
  3. Lily from ancient Greek translates as "snow -white." They have been growing since ancient times. Archaeologists still find bas -reliefs. In religion, a special attitude towards them. They are considered a symbol of purity, chastity and immaculate.
  4. For different countries, Lilia has its own meaning. So, for example, in France it is a national emblem, and in Rome a flower means luxury and wealth. But in Germany, White Lilia is a symbol of death.
  5. Lilies are appreciated by perfumers that make hoods of them to create interesting aromas. At the same time, perfumes are suitable for almost everyone and regardless of the time of year.
  6. Some lilies are poisonous, and completely. Ordinary lilies are better not to put in the bedroom, because prolonged exposure to the aroma can cause headaches or allergies.
  7. Medicines are being prepared from lilies. Although its healing properties are not completely studied. At the same time, with their help, drugs are actively created to treat angina or bronchitis, and decoctions of flowers heal wounds and clean the body.
  8. Some lilies can be eaten, more precisely, their bulbs. This is actively practiced in Japan, Korea and China.
  9. It is believed that lilies began to grow where the milk of the wife of Zeus - Hera spilled. And in Germany there is a belief that lilies germinate on the graves of innocent.

Interesting facts about nightshade plants: List


The nightshade family can boast of the presence of about 90 genera, which includes more than two thousand plants. They can be food, medicinal or decorative. The bulk of the family is grass, trees and shrubs. Let's learn about interesting facts about the plants of this family.

  1. Cyphomandra is characterized by a surface root system and brittle wood. At the same time, its leaves have a delicious aroma. It fruits for 5-6 years, and with good care-11-12 years. At the same time, in our soil it will die, so it is allowed to raise it only in a greenhouse or container.
  2. The tomato tree has small fruits. Of these, compotes and jams are often prepared, or eaten raw or fried.
  3. Naranhil from Colombia is distinguished by orange fruits in size of 4-6 cm. They have a sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. The berries are very tasty raw and made good drinks and jams.
  4. Nick -shaped Nikandra grows quickly quite quickly and differs in branchability. It fruit fruit until late autumn with beautiful flowers. It gives spherical fruits in a green-violet wrapper. The dried stems look beautiful in bouquets. In this case, the plant is used in medicine from fever, as diuretic and in heart disease.
  5. Rasnens are often used in medicine. For example, Mandragor. It differs in that her root looks like a human figure. That is why in ancient times it was believed that the plant has magical properties.
  6. Physalis from America is distinguished by swollen puffs-tunics in which fruits are enclosed. There are about 100 species of plant. There are decorative varieties, they are also called Chinese lanterns. The cups have blue, red, orange or yellow. Dried fruits are used to decorate bouquets.
  7. Many botanists conduct experiments with petty. So, for example, there are pepper or potatoes on which tomatoes ripen.

Interesting facts about meadows: List

Plants of the meadow
Plants of the meadow

Meadow plants are of great interest. As a rule, they are represented by perennials. In addition, most of them are cereal and sedge. The meadows moisturize the soil and even in excess. Let's find out what interesting facts about the plants of meadows.

  1. Meadow herbs in floodplains are represented by fodder plants. When the rivers spill in the spring, they flood low places, and after leaving it remains. Various herbs grow in these places, because the soil becomes favorable.
  2. Meadows are located even on the slopes of the mountains. They differ in a gentle surface.
  3. Meadow plants are very fond of light. Such territories are distinguished by the presence of herbal, and turf. The soil layer is fastened with roots from above.
  4. Meadows cannot arise everywhere. This requires favorable conditions. Meadows appear as a result of drainage of deforestation of forests and shrubs.
  5. Each meadow is distinguished by vegetation, they have a lot of flowering plants.
  6. Luga in the middle of summer differs with particular beauty, when the herbs bloom massively, and a lot of insects flies here on the smell of nectar.
  7. When the soil is not so moistened in the meadows, it is the least of the cereals on it.
  8. Mountain meadows are distinguished by a high level of moisture, and therefore there are a lot of cereal. Here, hay is usually assembled and animals graze.
  9. Plants of meadows are diverse, but among them there are toxic representatives.
  10. A poisonous milestone can grow up to 1.5 meters. He has a thick stem, and he smells almost like parsley or celery.
  11. Meadows are very useful for plants and animals. The latter eat from it, and for people they are given medicinal herbs. In addition, they look beautiful.

Cross -color plants: interesting facts


Cruciferous plants are called so because they have a cross -shaped flower shape, more precisely, the petals are located. Let's find out what interesting facts about the cross -flowers in terms of their growth and application are.

  1. In Western Virginia, according to the law, cabbage cannot be fermented, because an unpleasant odor can disturb the neighbors.
  2. In red cabbage, juice is used as a dye. It gives the products a blue hue.
  3. There are images of radish on the Cheops pyramid.
  4. In the plant, the beracks of the petals do not fall after pollination of the flowers, but rather become more. This attracts insects to flowers that were not pollinated.
  5. The “shepherd’s bag” was so named, because its fruits are similar to the bags of shepherds. In China, it is grown as a vegetable culture.
  6. Radis is the very first plant that was grown at the space station.
  7. Mexicans note the “Night of the Redis” when the participants compete in creating crafts from such a vegetable.
  8. And in the USA there is a “mustard day”, and in Wisconsin there is even a whole museum dedicated to it.
  9. In Germany, there was a belief that the marriage would be strong if the grain of mustard is sewn into the veil, and in Russia seven grains were worn on clothes to protect against the evil eye.
  10. The casket plant was awarded the allocation of a whole section for its study.

Interesting facts about legumes: List


Legumes are a rather diverse family. Their representatives grow throughout the Earth. They are not only widespread, but also healthy. Probably, they are in second place after cereals. Beans are characterized by low cost, do not require too much care and nutritious. There are a lot of interesting facts about legumes that everyone should know.

  1. Bob in the language of botanists is not just one fruit. This is all in the shell. Experts do not like when people make mistakes.
  2. Legumes are very different, and there are 1700 species. They are both herbaceous and trees.
  3. The largest fruits are given to the entaad of a caressing. It has fruits up to 1.5 meters in length
  4. All fruits are covered with a strong transparent shell. It allows them to survive even in the most difficult conditions.
  5. Bobs have an almost perfect combination of proteins and fats. So you can eat them instead of meat.
  6. Beans are three times more high in potatoes and six times more calorie than corn.
  7. Legumes remove heavy metals from the body, and therefore it is recommended to eat them to those who live in industrial regions.
  8. There are toxins in the beans, so there are many of them.
  9. Arachis is legumes, not a nut, as is accepted.
  10. A shrub with jumping beans is growing in Mexico. They jump from behind the moth larva inside. She eats the core and then runs away from warmth and light, forcing the beans to jump.

Interesting facts about exotic, unusual plants: List

Exotic plants
Exotic plants

Exotic plants differ in the fact that they are unusual. They are actually capable of very surprising. Let's find out what interesting facts about plants related to exotic ones.

  1. The tak is similar to a bat, so it is customary to sell it for Christmas. It is grown in greenhouses, and also grows independently in Africa, Asia and Africa.
  2. The pool refers to orchids. He was called a "naked man." He got his name because the petals are similar to men.
  3. Hitnora African is a parasite without leaves. It settles on other plants. Her flower resembles the mouth of the monster.
  4. The exalted psychoty grows in Central America. She looks like a woman’s folded lips. By the way, she emits a hallucinogenic toxin.
  5. Hirandodendron was considered sacred by the Aztecs and various rituals were carried out with it.
  6. The dragon tree is striking in its appearance, but it also has other features. For example, with damage to the bark, red liquid will flow outward. Some trees can live up to 8-9 thousand years.
  7. Baobab is distinguished by a thick barrel and it almost does not have a crown, because all the liquid accumulates precisely in the first in case there is a drought.
  8. The rotational desmodium is characterized by leaves that are constantly in motion, even if there is no wind.
  9. Lithops is very interesting during the appearance of flowers on it.
  10. The lion's pharynx is distinguished by its fruits. They grow in the form of a human skull.

Interesting facts about medicinal plants: List

Medicinal plants
Medicinal plants

Everyone knows that plants are able to treat, and from a variety of diseases. This is due to the fact that they have a lot of useful things. At the same time, they have many amazing qualities. We decided to figure out what interesting facts about plants that are medicinal.

  1. Dandelions are edible plants. They are actively used for treatment. In particular, they clean the body from harmful substances, and also normalize sugar and holisterol in the blood.
  2. Mac is excellent sedative and is great for removing excitement in children. You can simply brew or add it to tea. A stronger decoction is anesthetized.
  3. Nogots are able to grow on any soil. They are often tinted with summer dishes. The plant is effective against skin diseases, in addition, they relieve heat and fever well.
  4. Tansy improves the taste of beer and decoctions, and it also protects from insects well. Just rub the flower on the skin.
  5. The fern has antipyretic properties, removes the fever and treats the cough. In addition, it has healing properties.
  6. Lucerne is used as a diet of livestock, because it has a lot of useful things. Due to the roots up to 10 meters long, it is called the "mother of plants."
  7. A tea bush is an excellent remedy for staphylococcus. In addition, he saves well from insect bites. By the way, even from a cold it helps a lot.
  8. Cat mint. Cats bloom from him, but at the same time it has many useful properties. It eliminates the symptoms of colds, and also relieves heat. With external use, you can stop bleeding and relieve swelling.
  9. Thyme or thyme is often used for food. It is effective in the treatment of shortness of breath. Thyme is also effective for solving various skin problems. And besides, it is a wonderful sedative and relaxing agent.
  10. Sage is considered one of the most valuable medicinal plants. It has antioxidant, anti -inflammatory and antifungal properties.

Interesting facts about poisonous plants: List

Poisonous plants
Poisonous plants

Flora of the Earth is rich and diverse. Among plants, not only useful and beautiful, but also poisonous. We present you interesting facts about plants that are poisonous.

  1. Scunza cabbage has large sizes and an extremely unpleasant odor. It is therefore called Skunskova because it thinns similar aromas. In addition, it contains calcium oxalat that can cause dizziness and weakness.
  2. Angelic pipes. After use, consequences such as moral ugliness or transformation into zombies up to death can be overtaken. Inhalation of plant vapors in small doses allows you to enter a person into a trance and he does not realize his actions. If you overdo it with a dose, you can stay cripple for life.
  3. The Himalayan blackberry differs from the one that we are used to seeing. It is non -nuclear, but has spikes that can lead to serious injury or blood loss.
  4. Moloy Lorel. Very beautiful, but only externally. If a person eats several fruits, then he will die, because all organs and a vast hemorrhage cease to work.
  5. New Zealand nettle grows above five meters in height. It usually hides behind other plants. If you pass by or touch, then neurotoxin stands out. It paralyzes the nervous system in a few seconds. If a person does not die, then he degrades. In any case, patients do not live for a long time.
  6. Kleshchevina is known that the poison when entering the body kills a person and evaporates. At the same time, it is not possible to even establish the cause of death. This is due to the fact that ricin from the plant breaks up very quickly. If a person survives, then disorders in the body are irreversible.

Interesting facts about flowering, covered plants: List

Flowering plants
Flowering plants

Beautiful flowers, covered, for more than one century are the decoration of any home, they are given to express their attention, and also decorate clothes and hair. Biologists admire the variety of species, because even inside the only flowers are so different that it is impossible not to be surprised. Some flowers live for a long time, and some are very few, but this is enough to evaluate all their beauty. Let's look at interesting facts about plants with flowers.

  1. Flowering plants multiply precisely flowers.
  2. The duckweed, growing on the ponds, has the smallest flowers. They are only 1 mm in diameter.
  3. The largest flower is Arnold Rafflesia. It grows in Indonesia and has a diameter of 90 cm.
  4. Forget -me -nots have the same translation regardless of the language.
  5. In the Middle Ages there was a special language of flowers. So, with the help of a flower, it was possible to make a marriage proposal or confess to love.
  6. The Malaysian Golden Orchid is the most expensive. She blooms for the first time only when she becomes 15 years old.
  7. In Hildeshaim in Germany, the oldest flowers grow. For example, there is a pink bush, which is more than a thousand years old.
  8. Real mimoshes have a lilac color, not yellow. Those that are called yellow are called silver acacia.
  9. Some types of colors can be eaten. The simplest example is dandelions. They make salads and jams from them.
  10. The flowers of the bell grow down so that their inner part is protected from the rain.

Interesting facts about cultivated plants: List

Cultural plants
Cultural plants

Most cultures appeared as a result of a person crossing. In the modern world, selection is actively developing and becoming more and more popular. Almost every week new plants appear, but not all of them are in demand. There are many interesting facts about plants of this type. Let's talk about them.

  1. The first plant that people domesticated is figs. In any case, this is confirmed by findings of archaeologists, which are more than 11 thousand years old. The detected fruits had no seeds, that is, belonged to the cultural fig, propagating only shoots.
  2. Some of the plants, for example, pineapple, are not able to multiply in the wild. The products grown on an industrial scale do not have seeds. At the same time, when crossing wild pineapple with domesticated, the ability will appear again.
  3. Most hybrids have citrus fruits. For example, Clementine appeared as a result of crossing the tangerine and orange-korolek, and sweat is the result of crossing the grapefruit and pomelo.
  4. Japanese breeders managed to withdraw square watermelons for their convenient transportation, because they occupy less space.
  5. Many cultivated plants without humans cannot multiply. If they can do it on their own, then there will definitely not be a good harvest from them.
  6. Apples, which are sometimes called paradise, are the ancestors of most varieties of modern apples. Home apple trees also appeared as a result of selection.
  7. Some cultivated plants and trees can exist without problems together. For example, a vaccinated pear branch can take root on the apple tree.
  8. Garlic contains more sugar than in sugar beets.
  9. Many cultivated plants consist of water to some extent. For example, in the same cucumbers, it contains about 95-97%.

Bamboo - interesting facts about plants: List


Bamboo is one of the most interesting plants on the planet. It grows very quickly. On average, the plant grows by 10 cm per day. In addition, some species can grow even by a meter per day, that is, in two minutes they add 1 mm. The largest distance that the bamboo stem has grown in a day is 120 cm. Let's learn more interesting facts about the bamboo plant, than it is so surprising.

  1. Bamboo is always green. He does not drop the leaves. It can reach enormous sizes. There are specimens that grow up to 38 meters in height.
  2. Many stems bloom every 60-130 years. From one sprout, the stems bloom simultaneously and even regardless of where they are.
  3. Bamboo dies after flowering, because all his strength goes to it. Flowering is usually chain, and therefore there were cases when plants were dying with plantations.
  4. Bamboo is used in folk medicine, because it has a lot of useful for the body.
  5. Often bamboo is used in Asian cuisine. It is used for salads and soups.
  6. Bamboo has hard wood, and therefore it is used for the construction of houses. Bamboo is 2.5 times stronger than oak.
  7. Panda feed exclusively with bamboo stems.
  8. If you cut the bamboo, then a new one will appear in its place. This is carried out due to an extensive root system.

Video: Amazing facts about plants

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