100 interesting facts about the plants of the world, Russia by location: List

100 interesting facts about the plants of the world, Russia by location: List

In this article we will tell you what interesting facts about plants depending on their habitat.

Depending on the location of the plant, they differ and this is due to their habitat. We will tell you what interesting facts about plants with different growths.

We talked about other interesting facts about plants:

Interesting facts about indoor plants: List


Indoor plants affect not only the atmosphere in the house, but also human health. They are even able to cheer up. There will be a lot of accepted precisely about indoor colors - some bring happiness, while others, on the contrary, grief. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, flowers have their own energy, which affects the state of a person. We offer you to see interesting facts about plants for home growing.

  1. Tradexence allows you to identify dysfunctional places in the house. She cleans the space from negativity and envy. From this she turns yellow and drops the leaves. Try to put the flower in another place and check whether your resting places are organized correctly.
  2. Geranium absorbs poor energy and protects against the evil eye. At the same time, it is famous for its effectiveness in the treatment of neurosis, insomnia and colds. However, it is better not to sleep with her in one room, because evaporating essential oils will lead to a headache.
  3. "Cash tree" allows you to attract prosperity in the house. It not only helps to cope with cash difficulties, but also alleviate the state of mind.
  4. Aloe is important in a house where people often get sick. The unique properties of this plant are able to provide first aid for various diseases, as well as to clean and strengthen the energy of housing.
  5. Ficus relieves the house of fear and anxieties. It contributes to prosperity and prosperity.
  6. Violets help to establish family life. To do this, it must be placed in the bedroom on the windowsill. The owners protect the flower from misfortunes and helps to cope with stress.
  7. Golden mustache is a donor plant. It helps to cure simple and mental wounds. In general, the plant is famous for its properties in case of malaise and loss of strength.
  8. Rosemary is recommended for those who have a decline for life energy. He can restore strength and maintain a condition in tone. For pregnant women, the flower is also useful because it reduces the manifestations of toxicosis and toxicosis.
  9. Cacti, regardless of appearance, equally affect the situation in the house. They take all the negativity.
  10. It is believed that ivy feeds on the energy of its owners. He depresses the nervous system and a person becomes closed. And from unmarried girls, the flower repels fans.

Australia plants - interesting facts: List

Australia plants
Australia plants

Australia Flora is beautiful. Hundreds of unique plants grow here, which cannot be found anywhere else. Many legends are told about the mainland. Some are true, some are invented. In any case, they allow you to look at the mainland differently. Let us consider with you interesting facts about the plants of this area.

  1. Eucalyptus is considered the highest in the world. It is recommended to visit tourists an eucalyptus forest. At the tree, the sheet turns parallel to the sun, and therefore its light does not linger.
  2. The bottle tree is so named for its shape. It looks like a bottle. It absorbs water from the soil and accumulates it in the trunk. During the drought, the water ends, and then accumulates again.
  3. Casuarin shrub is similar to spruce and horsetail, and therefore it is considered a Christmas tree. On the branches, instead of leaves, flowing shoots grow like hair. Bright red wood is used for the manufacture of furniture.
  4. In the desert territory, cereals and agricultural crops are growing. The main plant is wheat. She is fed animals, people and transported to other countries.

Tundra plants - interesting facts: List

Tundra plants
Tundra plants

In the tundra, plants have to adapt to difficult conditions. We must pay tribute to them because they cope. Flora of this area has a lot of characteristics and, in particular, it should be able to survive in an unfavorable environment. We present you interesting facts about tundra plants.

  1. Yagel is a useful lichen. It combines marsupial mushrooms, green algae and bacteria. This is a natural antibiotic. He does not like dirt and therefore does not grow near large cities. As a rule, slowly develops and its oldest representatives lived up to 500 years.
  2. Cloudberry is a long -term grass with a knuckled fruit. It resembles orange raspberries. It is fully used for blanks. Plant fruits contain a huge amount of nutrients for the body.
  3. Brusnika is a small shrub in height up to 30 cm. Bitter berries must be frozen and soaked, then they will be sweet. The most useful leaves are - they relieve inflammation, heat, heal wounds and serve as a means against helminths.
  4. Blueberries are extremely useful, which everyone knows. It is universal and can be used to treat most diseases. It will be easier to say why it is not used.
  5. Voronika is a creeping shrub with black berries. Her branches have frequent elongated leaves, and therefore they look like Christmas trees.
  6. Lloydia grows up to only 15 cm. She begins to bloom in June and her strong frosts are not terrible.
  7. Skorod onions grow on wet well -poor and marshy soils. It can be eaten and used as a seasoning.
  8. The princess has multi -stained fruits. By the way, they are tasty, and they are often used in confectionery business.
  9. The fluff is involved in the formation of peat. It is effective for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism and convulsions. It has some sedative effect.
  10. The dwarf birch resembles ordinary, but only it is very small. Often grows islands. She also has earrings, but they do not fall right away, but with the advent of spring.

Desert plants - interesting facts: List

Desert plants
Desert plants

The desert plants are considered very strong, because they adapted to such a complex climate. They have powerful roots, since they have to get food from groundwater, and leaves are able to keep moisture for a long time. We present you interesting facts about desert plants:

  1. Cactus. Cactus stems are able to contain up to 3 thousand liters of water. Instead of leaves, they have spikes. They do not allow moisture to evaporate ..
  2. Aloe. This is a desert lily. She loves water very much, especially wild. Under the shell is a fabric that does not produce water and accumulates useful substances.
  3. Jantak. Or simply a camel spine. Its roots go deep into up to 20 meters, and therefore the plant calmly tolerates drought. In the heat, it gives a “manna” - a sweet substance that is used as a medicine and as a treat.
  4. Baobab. It absorbs moisture and distributes it along the trunk. The tree is considered a source of water, food and refuge at the same time. If there is no water, then Baobab will throw off the crown and will become less in volume.
  5. Date palm. It grows only where there is water, and it should come to the surface. It is considered multifunctional, because its fruits are eaten, and the trunks are used in production.
  6. Saxaul. Not afraid of any drought, salted soil and heat. In less arid places, it blooms. Those who saw this claim that this is the most beautiful sight.

Steppe plants - interesting facts: List

Steppe plants
Steppe plants

For the most part, small shrubs and herbs grow in the steppe. They are able to transfer the drought and the lack of nutrition from the soil. There are trees, but on the banks of rivers. The same applies to the high herbs that are along the banks of the rivers. You can find lower grass in deserts. Due to too much dryness, the vegetation sometimes lights up to large territories. Let's look at interesting facts about the plants of this area.

  1. Mullein. It grows to 1.5 meters, and its leaves have felt peeling. Inflorescences are in the form of yellow flowers. Effective in medicine from cough, pain and seizures.
  2. Adonis Spring perfectly tolerates temperature changes and grows up to 20 cm. Its flowers are opened in the morning until dinner, and when the weather is cloudy, they are not disclosed at all.
  3. The tinki rowing prefers dry fields. Its height is 65 cm. The inflorescence is similar to an elongated panicle with a shade from green to silver. Gives a lot of fruits. Infusion from its leaves is able to heal wounds.
  4. The schizonopetet is multidimensional - excellent honey plant. He has a wooden root and a simple stem. A very beautiful plant with purple flowers collected in the colossus. It is used in folk medicine to treat cough and relieve inflammation.
  5. The Sunny Kaintor is listed in the Red Book. The leaves have a coating of a red plaque. They appear later and grow even more colors. The fetal box opens with wings.
  6. Cornflows live 1-2 years. During this time, they grow up to 60 cm. The middle of the flower is painted in purple, and it is blue at the edges. By the way, it is believed that this is a weed.
  7. Lugovoi rebellion is characterized by a rapid increase in dense turf. He is able to withstand drought or strong humidity. It develops completely only after four years.
  8. Donnik is white. Grows up to two meters in length. The roots go about the same distance in depth. It is an excellent honey plant and endure frosts steadfastly.
  9. The steppe sage has pubescent stems up to 80 cm long. Blooms in the second year after planting. Amazing purple flowers collected in high inflorescence.
  10. Kovil is considered Zlakov. Its stems are very juicy, and therefore they feed sheep and horses.

Taiga plants - interesting facts: List

Taiga plants
Taiga plants

Taiga is the pride of Russia. It occupies a large area. A huge number of plants grow here. We offer you to get acquainted with interesting facts about the plants of this “world”.

  1. The Siberian cedar is a beautiful centuries -old tree. He can live for several hundred years. The tree has healing properties. Cedar nuts are of particular value. Their oil is used in perfumes. It is believed that his smell calms.
  2. Cedar stelic is creeping on the lowlands in the northern regions. Whole thickets are obtained from it. In the warmth, he tries to climb higher. This is not a shrub or a tree, but something average.
  3. Juniper cleans air from harmful microbes within a radius of five meters. Its aroma remains for a long time, and wood is resistant to decay, water and pests.
  4. Brusnika differs in that it has practically no contraindications. Moreover, it does not mold, does not deteriorate, and even without conservation can be stored all winter.
  5. Brunner Siberian is named after his discoverer Samuel Brunner. He studied the plant world in the 30s of the 18th century.

Interesting facts about Africa plants: List

Africa also has a rich flora. It is extremely amazing and capable of impressing anyone. We present you interesting facts about plants in the area.

  1. Romanesco is one of the varieties of cabbage. They grow it in the vicinity of Rome. This fruit is more delicate and with a soft creamy-speaking taste.
  2. Pully fat is similar to a stone or even a green soccer ball, but sometimes it forms suction cups in the form of strange sets of spheres. It hides between stones and merges with nature, which can be difficult to find.
  3. Takka grows in different conditions. Young plants have fluffing strips that take place when growing up. The sizes of plants are small-40-100 cm, but some grow up to three meters.
  4. Venus flytrap. Predator of the Rosyankov family. It grows in Africa, but at the same time feels good in an ordinary room. He loves a swampy kidney. Due to the lack of nitrogen in these places, traps appear that catch insects that give this substance.
  5. African Gidnora is hardly just growing in the desert. She looks like a mushroom until her flower reveals. The flowers of the plant are large and solitary. They have no petals. Flowers have a putrid smell, which attracts beetles. There they eat and lay eggs.
  6. Victoria Amazon. It is considered the largest jug in the world. It can reach 2.5 meters in size and weigh up to 50 kg. In one season, a tuber can give up to 50 leaves that close a lot of space, closing other plants from the sun.
  7. California sequoia can grow up to 110 meters in height. At the same time, she can live up to 3.5 thousand years. The diameter of the plant reaches 10 meters.
  8. The bloody tooth looks like a chewing gum that someone has already chewed. She oozes and smells of strawberries. But there is no one, because it is the most poisonous mushroom. Even if you just lick it, you can earn serious poisoning.
  9. Amorphophalus is titanic. Its sheets reach three meters in height and one in diameter. The flower smells terribly - a mixture of rotten eggs and rotten fish. And he looks like a decaying piece of meat. During flowering, the cob is heated to 40 degrees.
  10. Velvia has two sheets, although from afar it may seem that there are many of them. It is considered a tree, but has no annual rings. The largest representatives have the age of about 2 thousand years.

Interesting facts about Russian plants: List


A huge number of interesting plants are growing in Russia. Some species are found everywhere. Let's look at interesting facts about the plants of our country.

  1. Squirting cucumber. It grows in the south and has no mustache, like ordinary cucumbers. When ripening, the fetus flies away a couple of meters and at the same time shoots with seeds. They often stick on animal hair. This allows them to spread to other places.
  2. Rosyanka is round -leaved. Selects sticky juice to attract insects. It eats them.
  3. The bubble is ordinary. It grows rapidly on warm days. In just a few days, large thickets are formed, and bubbles-traps for insects appear on the sheets.
  4. The bluish infection parasitizes on some types of wormwood and other plants. She sucks all useful from them. They get good healing decoctions.
  5. Peas hairy. Harmful to winter crops and grows up to 90 cm in height. Although its seeds can be eaten. They like lentils.
  6. Crocuses or saffron was previously used as a seasoning and dye. Very valuable, because earlier it was burned for its fake at the stake. Now used in confectionery.

Interesting facts about plants of forest zones, forests: List

Forest plants
Forest plants

A huge number of plant species grow in the forests. Most of them are of interest. The forest is a real treasury that a person does not touch. And this cannot be done, because we are only guests and we are allowed only to contemplate, but in no case do not destroy. Let's learn interesting facts about forest plants.

  1. Every year the variety of forests is reduced. This is due to the fact that more than half of the forest zones has destroyed humanity together with all the plants available there.
  2. In total, the forest on Earth occupies an area of \u200b\u200b38 million square meters. km.
  3. Any forest is based on trees. When there are few of them, this is considered a editorial. Although, these concepts are not too divided.
  4. In forests, plants are able to form a maximum of two levels of the canopy, but in tropical their number reaches five.
  5. In Russian forests, larch is most often found. It occupies 40% of all trees in the forests.
  6. In Europe, 95% of forest zones are parks and green spaces. And around the world their number is 7%.
  7. The largest trees in the forests and the oldest produced about 70 kg of pure oxygen.
  8. The most valuable plant is pine. Perhaps you did not pay attention, but sanatoriums are located in pine forests, because the air there is the cleanest.
  9. Dub uses great honor in various countries, and some cultures recognize it with a sacred tree.
  10. In the middle strip of Russia, hazel blooms before the rest.
  11. Some forest plants known to us are very poisonous, especially Boligols.

Interesting facts about the plants of the Black Sea coast: List

Plants from the coast of the Black Sea
Plants from the coast of the Black Sea

Interesting facts about the plants of the Black Sea are interesting for very tourists. A huge amount of wild plants grows here due to a special climate. Fruit-berry plants allow us to eat forest inhabitants, but with here there are many poisonous ones. If a person applies to flowers, he receives chemical burns and headache due to the isolated toxic essential oil. Let's find out other facts.

  1. Aronics spotted is the most foul -smelling. His inflorescence smells of rotten meat, which attracts insects. Despite such a “aroma” of tubers, you can eat fried.
  2. The oldest tree is olive. It grows in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Its approximate age is two thousand years. Moreover, there are several dozen such trees.
  3. Stevia is considered honey grass. She is useful. This is a natural sugar substitute and at the same time pure stysid from the plant is 200-300 times sweeter.
  4. Cherry or cherries appeared on the Black Sea. From one tree you can get up to eight thousand berries.
  5. Plants consume from the Black Sea all nutrients in dissolved form.
  6. Eremurus Crimean has a high stem without leaves, and its white or yellowish flowers are incredibly beautiful. Outwardly, inflorescences are similar to the tail.
  7. The pacifier is a holonfish is interesting in that if it is early in the morning to bring a burning match at a distance of even 3-4 cm, then the flowers will light up, but only after repaying the flame it turns out that it is unharmed. It is burning essential oils.
  8. Shivereckia Podolskaya has a rust parasite, which is developing rapidly. This means that the plant is an ancient relic.
  9. Crimean saffron blooms from October to frost.
  10. The stem of Koktebelsky during flowering is almost all of the underground. Only one flower is located on the surface.

Interesting facts about the plants of the Red Book: List

Red Book
Red Book

In the last version of the Red Book, there were more than six hundred plant species. Some on the verge of disappearance, and some no longer exist. This also applies to flowers. Now we will tell you interesting facts about plants from the Red Book.

  1. The violet is cut. It does not have a stem and it can grow up to 10 cm. The flowers have purple and cut edges.
  2. Tulip Shrenka. It has a flower up to 40 cm in size, while a bud size of a sixth part. It is found in different colors.
  3. Venus Shoe. It resembles in appearance a female shoe due to the fusion of the lower petals. It is more common in purple, yellow or spotty. When entering the bud, the insect cannot get out immediately, which improves propagation. Unlike other orchids, it has two stamens instead of one.
  4. Snowstick is broad -leaved. It tolerates frosts perfectly and he has a very delicate smell. How many such snowdrops exists are unknown, but they are threatened due to premature breakdown and damage to the bulbs.
  5. Dolo -nosd lotus lives in water and is considered a perennial. He has wide leaves, from about half a meter in diameter. His petals are pink and brighten before falling. It blooms only 2-3 days.
  6. The peony is thin -leaved. Grows up to half a meter in height. He has thin interviewed leaves and deep red colors. Buds have a size of about 8 cm and bloom in late spring
  7. Cardiocrinum is heart -shaped. It can reach two meters in height, and the bud itself reaches 15 cm like a bulb. It disappears due to its medicinal properties and the possibility of eating.
  8. Magnolia from the bottom is white. It grows exclusively in the south about Kunashir. This is a deciduous tree up to 10 meters high. On the shoots there are white-green leaves similar to eggs. The tree thins out a bright aroma.
  9. Valerian Ayanskaya. Its flowers are only up to 4 cm, but at the same time the stems are 25 cm. 3-4 leaf plates can be located on each copy. Locals exterminate the plant, since its root is considered therapeutic, in particular, it calms and anesthesia.

Video: The most interesting facts about plants

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