10 factors affecting the acceleration of the aging process of the brain: lack of sleep, poor ecology, sleep under the pillow

10 factors affecting the acceleration of the aging process of the brain: lack of sleep, poor ecology, sleep under the pillow

This article describes 10 factors of rapid aging of the brain and nervous system.

Our health and well -being largely depend on the correct functioning of the brain. Contrary to everything, we have a huge impact on the level of performance of this body. It depends on the lifestyle that we usually lead, our habits in food, possible addictions and the type of work that we do.

Did you know that some habits, more than others, can violate our brain, thereby increasing the overall risk of health loss? This article describes 10 factorsthat affect the aging process of the brain. Read further.

In a dream, the head under the pillow is at risk of aging of the brain - chronic hypoxia

In a dream, the head under the pillow: you are at risk of aging of the brain
In a dream, the head under the pillow: you are at risk of aging of the brain

This may seem quite strange and even completely unbelievable, but sleeping a head under a pillow can be a serious threat to health and even life. In such a situation, hypoxia of the brain may occur. Such a pathology in this organ gives very noticeable symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Speech and equilibrium disturbances
  • Confusion

It is worth noting: Chronic hypoxia of the brain that occurs as a result of frequent sleep with the head under the pillow is usually difficult to recognize and evaluate all health risks. Its symptoms are weakly expressed, but gradually intensify with time.

Plus, such signs of the disease can join the above symptoms:

  • Deterioration of concentration
  • Difficulties with memorizing texts, poems
  • Constant fatigue
  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Mental disorders

Thus, the habit of sleeping, putting the head under the pillow, significantly increases the rate of aging of the brain.

Brain aging: breakfast pass or harmful products

Brain aging: breakfast pass or harmful products
Brain aging: breakfast pass or harmful products

We all know that breakfast is the most important food of the day. Foods used in the morning provide energy for the next few hours. Refusal to this meal leads to a sharp decrease in blood sugar before dinner. The brain does not receive the nutrients necessary for its correct functioning.

It's important to know: The aging of the brain occurs faster if you pass breakfast. As a result of this, hypoglycemia may occur. The heartbeat quickens to protect the brain from damage.

Eating of harmful foods - too fat and sweet food, can also harm the brain. Not useful for this organ: harmful fats, sugar. Breakfast should consist of easily absorbed, high fiber, unprocessed and not very sweet products. You can add a spoonful of honey to the porridge, fruit to cottage cheese.

Too heavy and fatty food: accelerates the process of aging of the brain

Too heavy and fatty food: accelerates the process of aging of the brain
Too heavy and fatty food: accelerates the process of aging of the brain

As you know, fatty and satisfying food increases blood cholesterol. If cholesterol indicators are constantly at a high level, especially low density, that is, LDL, then this substance accumulates in the walls of the arteries in the form of deposits. It turns out atherosclerotic plaques, which over time narrow the vessels and make them thin and inelastic. This process is called atherosclerosis. It is worth noting the following:

  • Cholesterol deposits can appear in any arteries.
  • But they most often occur in coronary vessels of the heart and carotid artery, which supply the brain with blood, as well as in arteries that supply the lower limbs with blood.
  • Too heavy and fatty food can ultimately lead to fragility of the vessels of the brain, and accelerate the degenerative processes occurring in this organ.
  • Frequent overeating, especially unhealthy food, significantly worsens the brain. Cognitive functions are also depressed, and there is a risk of developing such serious diseases, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

As the numerous scientific studies conducted in this direction show, the restriction of calories in the daily menu significantly slows down the aging process, including preventing the death of neurons in the brain.

Smoking: early aging of the brain, research

Smoking: early aging of the brain, research
Smoking: early aging of the brain, research

Smoking is a dangerous dependence. Cigarettes are not only restriction of breathing effectiveness, but also impaired immunity, atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer. Many scientific studies confirm that regular smoking can increase the risk of dementia in the middle age.

  • Per 25 years observations conducted by specialists from the University College of London on a group from 5000 people men and 2.1 thousand Women show that regular smoking is extremely harmful to the brain, especially for men.
  • Studies show that some of the subjects had signs of dementia already aged 45 years.
  • Having addicted to tobacco, fifty -year -old people demonstrate the same intellectual abilities as the sixty -year -old non -smokers.

The thing is that tobacco reduces the thickness of the cerebral cortex. This is due to the loss of gray cells, which in turn worsens cognitive functions, including even the ability to choose words correctly and memorize texts or lines from poems. Nevertheless, science confirms that this process can be largely completely changed.

Important: Scientific studies show that the re -growth of the cerebral cerebral of former smokers is proportional to the time that has passed since the cessation of smoking. Therefore, early aging of the brain can be avoided.

Alcohol abuse: aging of the cerebral cortex

Alcohol abuse: aging of the cerebral cortex
Alcohol abuse: aging of the cerebral cortex

The abuse of alcoholic drinks very negatively affects the brain. For a short period of time, alcohol suppresses the activity of the cerebral cortex and has a negative effect on the cerebellum, which manifests itself in slow or improper absorption of information and imbalance.

Numerous scientific studies clearly confirm that prolonged alcohol abuse leads to the destruction of the brain. As a result of regular use of alcohol, the volume of the brain is also reduced in percentage ratio.

  • The results of this study were published in the archive of neurology.
  • It is worth noting that the risk of problems with memory and concentration increases significantly even at a young age.
  • Another study was conducted in 2014. Data is published at the Department of Neurology. Frequent use of alcohol damages the cells of our body, not only those that build internal organs (liver and others), but also those that are in the brain.

The longer a person drinks, the worse for his health. Over time, this leads to various neurological diseases and can even disrupt the blood flow in the brain.

Lack of sleep: a modern problem of brain aging

Lack of sleep: a modern problem of brain aging
Lack of sleep: a modern problem of brain aging

A modern person constantly does not have enough time - this is the problem of our world. People try to save time in a dream. But chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the health of the brain.

  • Scientists have long proved that in case of lack of sleep, more 30 hours a month Characteristic proteins appear in the brain NSA and S-100Bthat indicate the damage in this body.
  • The chronic lack of sleep causes persistent degenerative changes.
  • Because of this, the adoption of rational decisions is greatly difficult, the reaction to external stimuli is worsening.

New scientific studies show that the consequences of chronic lack of sleep are almost irreversible. Although it used to be different. It is also known that lack of sleep causes persistent damage to the neural cells of the brain. There is a real aging at the physiological level.

  • Researchers from the Faculty of Medical Faculty of Perelman University in Pennsylvania studied the activity of neurons in mice at various levels of lack of sleep.
  • Experiments have shown that long periods of insomnia lead to a violation of the brain and the death of its cells.
  • This is one of the first evidence of irreversible damage to the brain associated with insufficient sleep.

In any case, insomnia, for various reasons, and special lack of sleep, lead to violations - irreversible and serious.

The aging of the body depends on the brain: what does too many stimuli leads to, noise?

The aging of the body depends on the brain
The aging of the body depends on the brain

Excessive physical external stimuli poorly affect the human brain. To function normally, he needs a balance between work and rest. Loud sounds and constant noise negatively affect the human brain, increasing the level of hormones (cortisol) associated with stress. This happens even during sleep. When the level of cortisol rises, a person develops obesity and cardiovascular diseases. It also follows that aging of the body depends on the brain. What else does too many irritants lead to? Here's the answer:

  • Sound waves cause a specific physiological response and activate specific brain centers, closely related to memory and emotions.
  • Studies confirm that people subject to chronic noise develops a reaction that makes them ignore them as harmful.

Moreover, this applies to both completely unnecessary sounds and such important ones as human speech.

Insufficient intellectual level: rapid aging of the human brain

Insufficient intellectual level: rapid aging of the human brain
Insufficient intellectual level: rapid aging of the human brain

If your work is not related to intellectual efforts, then try to train your brain daily and regularly. How to do it? For example:

  • Solve complex crosswords and puzzles
  • Learn new words and foreign languages
  • Read interesting books
  • Solve completely new problems

Can engage in the website of the vicium. The developers of this resource made such a program in a playful way, the algorithms of which are selected for each particular person. First, you need to register on the site, then solve a few simple tasks, on the basis of which the system reveals the "gaps" of your brain. It is important to engage in this site every day, so that the connections between neurons are effectively restored and fixed. If you perform the recommended exercises daily, then you are not threatened with rapid aging of the brain.

The insufficient intellectual level of a person leads to the development of various health problems. If our brain is not stimulated by the necessary efforts every day, then over time its performance begins to deteriorate, it ages faster, and the risk of dementia is significantly increased.

Remember: The best training for the brain is intensive thinking.

Thanks to this, the mind will remain in shape for a long time, we will better remember events and quickly connect the facts, people, places and all other life issues.

Air pollution: one of the main reasons for the aging of the brain

Air pollution: one of the main reasons for the aging of the brain
Air pollution: one of the main reasons for the aging of the brain

Scientific studies clearly confirm that the contaminated air, which most inhabitants of large cities inhale daily, harm not only the respiratory and circulatory systems, but the brain.

Poor ecology is one of the reasons for aging. Even the short -term effect of contaminated air on the brain significantly reduces its performance. In addition, some components of poisoned air can damage brain tissue and cause inflammatory processes that are dangerous to health. This can lead to cognitive disorders, memory problems, concentration and attention.

Sweets cause aging of the brain and nervous system

Sweets cause aging of the brain and nervous system
Sweets cause aging of the brain and nervous system

Despite the fact that for normal functioning, the human brain needs a large amount of energy in the form of glucose - this does not mean that you need to eat sugar in kilograms. Excessive use of sweets can seriously harm your health. As numerous scientific studies show, constant fluctuations in blood glucose, lead to mood disorders, worsening memory and attention. Read more:

  • Excessive sugar consumption not only makes a person dependent, but also accelerates the aging of the brain.
  • Studies conducted with diabetics showed disappointing results about the progressive damage to this organ.
  • This over time leads to great difficulties in teaching, memorizing the program, and even to deterioration of motor ability.
  • Scientists note that children, for example, after the New Year holidays, when they eat sweets and other festive sweets in kilograms, come to school after long holidays are lethargic and tired. Therefore, many experts hold promotions "New Year without sweet gifts" and others.

Advice: You can make a child another gift, not a bag of sweets. All parents should remember this, if the health of their child is important to them.

In addition, it is worth noting that even in people who do not suffer from diabetes, higher sugar consumption leads to the worst results in cognitive relations. It is believed that these effects are due to a combination of hyperglycemia, hypertension, insulin resistance and an increased level of cholesterol.

Develop your brain always, and it doesn’t matter how old you are 20 or 50. Read books, decide crosswords, eat less sweet and conduct the struggle for good ecology. All this will help maintain the youth of your brain. Good luck!

Video: brain aging: how to slow down? What interferes with this?

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Comments K. article

  1. As for lack of sleep, I agree one hundred percent. Indeed, when the dream is bad, then the body seems to completely suffer .... Therefore, the best option is to follow hygiene, to lie down and wake up always at the same time. By the way, the Evalarovsky melatonin helps me in this. I always accept it so that there are no problems in this regard. He is also inexpensive, besides speaking. And doctors now often recommend viruses for diseases ... To get out of the way, an indispensable thing, as you can see.

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