Wikium - simulators for training the brain, mind, attention, attention, development of brain abilities, thinking to adults and children online: how to register and enter, play for free without registration, reviews of specialists. Vicium simulators: is it paid?

Wikium - simulators for training the brain, mind, attention, attention, development of brain abilities, thinking to adults and children online: how to register and enter, play for free without registration, reviews of specialists. Vicium simulators: is it paid?

The Wikium website helps effectively and quickly develop the brain. Read more in the article.

Most modern people monitor their body, develop muscles, and go to gyms every day. This is necessary because the muscles have a “short memory”, and it is important to maintain them constantly in good shape.

  • The human brain is also prone to laziness. Therefore, do not neglect the development of intelligence.
  • The ability to think quickly and correctly is lost if you do not specifically engage in and stop overloading the gyrus of the brain.
  • Ordinary everyday affairs “stupid” the brain and it will not actively act.
  • To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to train the ability to think and develop memory.
  • This will help Wikium -Modern online trender. Read more in this article.

Wikium - brain training simulators: how to register and enter?

Different tasks, game exercises helps training not only memory, but also the development of logical thinking. It is advisable to conduct such classes daily so that the mind is “fit and beautiful” as the body.

  • There are many different portals on the network with which you can train the brain.
  • But the system of online tremens " Wikium", Which appeared more than 5 years ago, is able to turn the process of improving the cognitive abilities of the brain into a fascinating and interesting pastime.
  • It is convenient to engage in such a simulator at any time when a free minute appears.
  • Anyone can download the application on their smartphone and engage when there is access to a computer and the Internet.

Here are the instructions on how to register and enter the Vikium website:

The beginning of the stage of registration on Wikium
The beginning of the stage of registration on Wikium

Silents for brain training VIKIUM are located by this link. Go through it and click on the dig Start developing».

Click "Continue"

At the next stage, an acquaintance with the user takes place.

  • You need choose attention skills From the proposed site you would like to develop. You can choose one or more.
  • Click on the button "Proceed".
  • After that, another page of acquaintance will open, on which you need to choose what memory skills you would like to develop in yourself. Select one or more options. Then click " Proceed».
  • At the next stage, the tab will open, on which it is necessary choose thinking skillsthat you need in life, but you do not have enough of them. Click on "again" Proceed».
  • Next, you need to register and undergo testing. On the next page, enter the email address or click on one of their social networks in which you have an account so that the site can identify you.

When the registration is passed, you can go to the site by clicking on the button "I already have an account" In the middle of the page.

Entrance to Wikium account
Entrance to Wikium account

After registration, go through testing by performing the tasks proposed by the site. On the one hand, they are very light, but with their help the system will identify your “gaps” and draw up an individual class program. When the testing process is over, your results will appear on the screen. Click on the button "Form an individual program".

  • When the site finishes to form a program, you can start classes.
  • This will take no more than 10-15 minutes, but it is enough to tone your brain.
  • After passing all stages, some lightness and at the same time tension in the brain, which passes within 2 minutes, is felt.
  • The results are saved on the site, and tomorrow you can go again and continue training.
Inclusion of the Wikium Profession function
Inclusion of the Wikium Profession function

In addition, experts - creators of the resource, offer a new product that allows you to develop those skills that can be useful in your profession.

  • After passing the training, a page with such a sentence will open, click on " Turn on the vicium profession».
  • But to obtain such a service you will have to pay 1990 rubles.
  • If this is really important for a person, then you can pay for the use of the service in order to improve your skills in the professional field. The service is valid for 1 year.

Now you can go to the site at any time and train your brain. If you have a lot of free time, you can perform several approaches and improve your results.

Vicium simulators: is it paid?

Use simulators Wikium You can be free. There are paid services on the site, but it is not necessary to use them. However, if there is a need, for example, to find out which skills will help you better develop for a professional sphere, then you should pay a small amount and take advantage of this opportunity.

The possibility of a paid account
The possibility of a paid account

In addition, you can buy a premium account that provides additional opportunities:

  • setting up complexity levels;
  • competitions with other users;
  • connecting a personal brain development program;
  • the possibility of passing various courses and so on.

It is worth noting that a basic account is quite enough for brain training. But, if you want to get more opportunities and communicate with other users, observing their results, then you can buy premium.

How to play for free in a vicium without registration?

Without registration on the site, it will not be possible to use simulators Wikium. This process must be passed, because to achieve good results, the system must record your everyday achievements. You can register on the site quickly and free, play and imperceptibly for yourself.

Does the vicium really help the brain?

You can read a lot about the Vicium simulator in the media, the Internet and hear from friends and acquaintances. This site is known, and it really helps the brain to develop. Its gym systems were created by specialists WikiumWho are experienced experts in the study of cognitive and general psychology, neuropsychologists and psychophysiologists of the certification center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. For this project, over 5 million rubles were invested in all the time of existence. This suggests that it is popular, which means it helps people.

Brain Siterer Vikium-Exercises for children

On the site Wikium There is no separation of exercises for adults and children.

  • When registering, a person passes the process of acquaintance and testing.
  • Thanks to this, the system learns about the capabilities of the user and draws up an individual program.
  • Accordingly, if the test passes the child, then the program will not be as difficult as in an adult.
  • But it will still be aimed at developing the quantity and a variety of synapses - the connections between the nerve cells of the brain. The more these connections, the more intelligent a person.

Therefore, both adults and children can playly develop abilities on the Wikium website.

How to download the mobile version of the Wikium on the phone, the Android tablet?

Unfortunately, download the mobile version Wikium On the phone, the Android tablet will not work, since it does not exist. Why the site specialists do not work on the creation of a mobile version is unknown. But at the moment you can only use the resource for the PC. But this is enough, since 10-15 minutes are enough to perform exercises of the simulator. This can be done during the break at work or already in the evening - at home.

Vikium: Expert Reviews

Wikium - Development Program
Wikium - Development Program

Users reviews on the Internet about the resource Wikium Positive. People like the logical games of the site, and they really help in the development of thinking, memory and logic. But it is necessary to systematically engage. Reviews of specialists - psychologists, neuropsychologists and psychophysiologists are also good. In addition, many of these experts participated in creating programs for the system Wikium. Here are a few reviews of experts:

Andrey Sergeevich, neuropsychologist

Excellent developmental effect, using simulators Wikium, achieved due to the generation of an individual program to improve brain qualities for every day. It is created on the basis of information about the level of development of attention, thinking and logic, which become known after filling out the test when registering on the site. Such a system helps all people without exception individually develop a large number of synapses - the connections between neurons. It is known that smart people from mediocre are distinguished by the presence of precisely these ties.

Igor Alexandrovich, psychologist with 30 years of experience

The most important thing in the online trender Wikium The fact that it is based on the well -known diagnostic tools: Schultte tables, strap effect, Corsi test and others. Each of these programs individually gives the result, but if you use them in one system, you will get a unique method of brain training. I recommend this site to its patients who suffer from various psychological disorders. The result is always positive.

Semyon Ignatievich, psychophysiologist of the certification center of the State University

It is known that the brain is plastic throughout human life. Therefore, we are able to create new synapses and strengthen them. If you do not engage in training and the development of cognitive abilities, neural connections are lost, the state of brain activity worsens. Wikium It helps not only not to lose these connections, but also to strengthen them. It is important that a special procedure for exercises is observed in this simulator, there is a variety and increasing degree of complexity.

Video: Vicium - Fitness for the brain!

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  1. I also indulge like it .... The hostility and attention really became better)) Of course, without additional means, I can’t do it, I drink ginkoma and try to visit the fresh air+chess and checkers almost every day. It was much easier to memorize the infmiation, and this is how it helps as it helps)

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