Brain development. 30 exercises for the brain of children, schoolchildren, adults and the elderly

Brain development. 30 exercises for the brain of children, schoolchildren, adults and the elderly

Effective gymnastics for the development of the brain will help to improve the body and develop the left and right hemisphere.

  • Man is a reasonable creature. He in a different way than, for example, animals, perceives the world around him and has special thinking and logic. To understand how to develop your brain, you need to know its functions
  • The brain can be called a computer, because its capabilities are limitless. Throughout the entire segment of life, a person knows something new, a lot of information can be stored in his head. He remembers only what he needs, and what will never come in handy “removed” forever
  • The brain consists of two hemispheres - right and left. Each side has its own functional features - everything is analyzed in strict order, remembered or deleted

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The development of the left hemisphere of the brain
The development of the left hemisphere of the brain

The left side is responsible for logic. Language abilities, solving logical schemes, mathematical actions, calculating integers and fractions, accounting for time - all this is the work of the left half of the brain.

Therefore, in order to increase the performance of children at school or to improve overall development, we must develop the left side of our “computer”.

So how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? It is necessary to perform the following:

  • Work on the development of logic - study mathematical algorithms, exercise in logical thinking
  • Solve complex geometric problems. The study of such a science as mathematics is impossible without a well -developed left half of our brain
  • Solve puzzles and crosswords - analyzing actions and making words, the left hemisphere works better than the right
  • The Levsha man needs to do everything with the right hand: write, draw, eat. It is necessary to use the right side of the body
  • Accept vitaminsto improve brain function

Important: try not to get hung up on the development of one of the halves of the brain. It is precisely the work of both halves of our brain "computer" that is valuable. Develop the left and right hemisphere of the brain at the same time.

How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Development of the right hemisphere of the brain
Development of the right hemisphere of the brain

Above, we figured out what the left half of the brain is responsible for, now we need to work on the development of intuitive abilities and creative thinking.

The right side of the brain is engaged in processing data that comes from the senses. It allows the synthesis of available data in the head, so a person can solve puzzles and act according to his planes, and not according to the compiled templates.

Developing the right half, we educate in ourselves a holistic view of the world and reality. How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? Perform the following:

  • Listen to music - it should be classical music, not rock or pop
  • Dream, meditate alone. It is better to perform meditation on the seashore or in the forest where the connection with nature occurs
  • Draw, write poetry, compose music. Any creativity helps the development of the right half of the brain

Tip: Tune in to creativity, believe in your abilities, and the result will not be long in coming.

How to develop a child's brain?

How to develop a child's brain?
How to develop a child's brain?

From birth, the baby’s brain is configured to know something new. Therefore, even such ordinary actions as feeding, walking and changing diapers are training.

Tip: Do not invent anything new in order to develop the brain of your crumbs. Do not get hung up on the performance of any special classes.

In order to properly develop the brain of the child, it is necessary to provide him with only proper care.

Important: talk with your baby, even when you take the mail from the box or brews tea. Such comments help to interest the child, which means that he begins to think and develop.

The development of books, games, mother’s songs, dancing with a tiny in her arms helps well in development. Even the usual massage and swaying before bedtime will be developing for the child’s brain.

Brain exercises for adults and children of preschool children

Brain exercises for adults and children of preschool children
Brain exercises for adults and children of preschool children

Psychophysiologists work a lot on the creation of methods for harmonizing and developing the brain.

Each hemisphere is responsible for its hand, so the musicians and pianists will improve both hemispheres of the brain. After all, they play musical instruments with two hands, which helps to well develop two halves of the brain.

Exercises for the brain for adults and children of preschool children, in which two hands are involved: are very effective: two hands are involved:

AN EXERCISE: Take your left hand by the tip of the nose, and with the right by the lobe of the left ear. Then lower your hands and make cotton into your hands. Change your hands and repeat the exercise

AN EXERCISE: Sit at the table and put a sheet of paper in front of you. Take in both hands on a pencil, and begin to draw symmetrical-mirror drawings. Let them first be simple, for example, letters or numbers. If it is difficult to do this with both hands, you will first have to perform the exercise with each hand separately

AN EXERCISE:Take a sheet of paper with both hands and wave it, using not only brushes, but also elbows, and shoulders

AN EXERCISE: Put your left hand on the right shoulder, turn your head in this direction, focusing on any object. Slowly turn your head towards the left shoulder, and look through it. Repeat the exercise by shifting your right hand to the left shoulder

AN EXERCISE: Put your hands on the back of the chair - this is support. Set aside one leg back. Push the body forward, bending the other leg. Torture body weight to it. Raise the heel behind the standing leg slightly. Now smoothly move the entire weight to the leg, which is located behind. Lower its heel, and lift the toe of the other leg. Repeat 5 times, then change your legs.

AN EXERCISE: Write words on paper in different colors. Repeat them as quickly as possible, and without hesitation

Exercise for brain development
Exercise for brain development

In the development of the brain, chess, checkers, puzzles, a cube of chopping, puzzles and crosswords help.

Gymnastics for the brain - Olga Troitskaya

Gymnastics for the brain - Olga Troitskaya
Gymnastics for the brain - Olga Troitskaya

The program of exercise systems was developed back in the 70s. Scientists of that time conducted research with their students, each of which performed gymnastics every day. Since that time, the system spreads around the world and brings excellent results.

Olga Troitskaya is a successful psychologist. It pays great importance to the development of the brain, because thanks to a clear mind, a person can be happy and successful.

Important: exercises increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, and massage of biologically active points allows you to force both halves of the brain.

Exercise # 1 "Cross Roals":

  • Cut the floor like a child. You can just march when lethargy and do not want to do anything. A feeling of vigor will come instantly

Exercise number 2:

  • Stand exactly, legs shoulder -width apart
  • Lean, carrying your shoulder to the thigh, not elbow to the knee
  • The head turns a little in the course of actions
  • The mouth is not clamped, the lips are free. Only all muscles and lower part are clamped

Exercise No. 3 "Brain buttons":

  • Put two fingers under the collarbone (there are 2 pits in that place). The second hand is located on the navel
  • Massage the pits slightly
  • Change your hands
  • You also need to massage the dimples located between the 1 and 2 rib under the collarbone. This is a powerful neuro-lymphatic zone with large vessels coming from the heart
Brain synchronization and large vessels of the heart
Brain synchronization and large vessels of the heart

Exercise No. 4 "Capaca for the Duman":

  • Get the top of the ear, and gently massage, as if stretching back and turning each ear
  • Turn your head to the left to the limit. Massage your ears, allowing your head looking back, go further and further. Massage do it from top to bottom. When the head turns to the limit - stop performing the exercise
  • Turn your head to the right and again repeat all the actions as with a turn of your head to the left

Exercise No. 5 "Owl":

  • Get your right hand by the left shoulder in the middle
  • Turn your head a little to the left
  • Start kneading - squeeze your fingers on exhalation and say “wow”. Expand your eyes and look like an owl
  • You turn your head a little from side to side
  • Then take your left hand by the right shoulder and repeat the exercise

Exercise No. 6 "Lazy Eight":

  • Put your feet shoulder -width apart, the feet are parallel, the knees are smooth and slightly bent. The body is relaxed
  • Bend one hand in the elbow joint and put it forward. The thumb looks up. Fix your eyes on it. Thumb of the hand on the middle line of the body.
  • Imagine in front of you a circle in which draw a lying eight
  • Change your hands and repeat the exercise
  • Then do it with both hands together - left and up
Eights in the air for synchronization of the brain
Eights in the air for synchronization of the brain

Exercise No. 7 "Danison Hooks":

1 part of the exercise:

  • Bind your legs
  • Hand over your hands with your palms outward
  • Fold your palms, binding your fingers and turning your arms to your chest
  • Raise and press the tongue to the sky
  • Raise your eyes up. You need to perform an exercise as much time as you will be comfortable

2 part of the exercise:

  • Put your feet shoulder width apart
  • Lower your hands down and squeeze with a boat at the level of the bottom of the abdomen
  • Lower your eyes down, press your tongue to the sky

Below is a video with gymnastics for the brain of Olga Troitskaya. It presents only the exercises themselves.

Video: brain gymnastics - become successful at any age! Olga Troitskaya. Only exercises

Finger gymnastics for the brain

Finger gymnastics for the brain
Finger gymnastics for the brain

A fitness system for the brain is specially designed exercises that help to develop and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain and develop motor skills.

Finger gymnastics for the brain brings much benefit. It must be performed daily.

Video: What is fitness for the brain and finger gymnastics?

Video: Fitness for the brain

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #2 cards Money two trunks

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #3 Crazy crocodiles

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #4 Tie your fingers in the knot

Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain - niches

Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain - niches
Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain - niches

The Japanese healer Katsuzo Niche created a system of exercises for healing the body. This is done through the training of capillaries.

Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain of the niche:

  • The simplest exercise to improve the condition of capillaries and blood circulation is called "Vibration". In the morning, without rising from bed, raise your legs and arms up and rub them with 2 minutes. This peculiar massage of capillaries also helps redistribute the lymph fluid, which allows you to cleanse the body of toxins
  • An exercise "Gold fish". Lying on a flat surface, put your hands under the neck, at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra. Tighten your legs to you. Strain hard and play vibrating movements with your whole body, ka fish

Such exercises help reduce the tone of the nervous system, and raise the tone of blood vessels. Active blood circulation begins throughout the body, the vessels are actively working and strengthened.

Here are still effective exercises to strengthen blood vessels and improve brain function:

Video: Exercises to strengthen blood vessels

Gymnastics for the brain and exercises for the elderly

Gymnastics for the brain and exercises for the elderly
Gymnastics for the brain and exercises for the elderly
  • Older people should also have a lot work on rejuvenation their body, if they want to live their life in health
  • Therefore, it is necessary to begin to perform gymnastics for the brain and exercises for the elderly today. Exercises from Olga Troitskaya, which are presented above, act very well.
  • Elderly people are suitable for all exercises, that people are younger and children. Just perform them without rushing and do as many repetitions as you can
  • Thanks to constant classes, lethargy will disappear, laziness, the vestibular apparatus is activated. An elderly person will be able to achieve the full functioning of the brain

Brain synchronization - 25 exercises

Brain synchronization
Brain synchronization

To begin to develop your brain, adhere to the tips below:

Advice: Get rid of hypodynamia - this is a problem of sedentary people. Move more - do not spend much time at the computer and TV. If you do not move, the vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques, which leads to brain problems.

Advice: Refuse to drink alcohol. Oating kills neurons. But, if you choose between vodka, wine and beer, then beer provides much less harm to our brain.

Advice: Consume 2 liters of water per day. People who have overweight should drink up to 4 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. It helps to remove toxins and toxins.

Advice: Doing any homework, do it fun and with irony! The brain loves good emotions.

We have fun - both cerebral hemispheres work
We have fun - both cerebral hemispheres work

How a person works on muscle development, he must also develop his brain. If the brain does not give daily work, it will be decrepit.

Important: if there are daily loads, then the number of gray cells increases, new capillaries appear and new synapses between neurons are formed.

Fulfilling these tips, you will help your brain: it “does not get bored” and will constantly develop:

  1. Walk around the house with your eyes closed - this helps to develop coordination of movements
  2. To the touch determine the nominal value of the coins that are in your pocket
  3. Determine Braille's font - reading and writing for the blind
  4. Write with your left hand if you are right -handed, and right, if left -handed.
  5. Buy unusual clothes for yourself and wear it
  6. Change hair color or make a short haircut if you had long hair before
  7. Travel, find out new cities and countries
  8. More often change the interior in the house and office
  9. Come up with new phrases to answer the questions: how are you, what's new?

Important: why do this? Habits are bored with the brain, and it gets tired of everyday life. Everything new is interesting to him: emotions, words, actions and places.

Warm up for the brain: Do the exercises closed with your eyes:

  • Inhale peacefully and deeply 10 times
  • Consider out loud from 1 to 100, and vice versa, from 100 to 1
  • Imagine a pink circle in your head, then, using a turn, mentally redo it into a square, triangle, trapezoid and rhombus
  • Speak the alphabet, inventing a word for each letter, for example, "a - watermelon"
  • Mentally look at yourself from the side. Take a closer look at all the details of clothes and accessories. Think about the fact that you are smiling
  • Read any text backward
Brain synchronization - warm -up
Brain synchronization - warm -up

Exercise "Ambulance": Write the letters of the alphabet on a sheet of paper, and under them L, P or B. letters of the upper lines are spoke out loud, and from the lower ones are made with their hands (l - the left hand rises up, p - the right hand rises, in - both hands rise up). It is difficult to do it at the same time, although it seems simple at first glance.


Lp p v l

E -z and k

In l p v l

L m n o p

L p l l p

R s t u f

In p l p v

X chhh

LV v p l

Now let's remember exercises from physical education lessonswho, as it turned out, help to develop the brain and make it work synchronously:

Parallel exercise:

  • Take your right hand with your right hand to the knee of the right leg, and with your left hand to the knee of the left leg - repeat 12 times

Cross exercise:

  • Take your right hand with your elbow to the knee of the left leg, and with the elbow of the left hand to the knee of the right leg

It will take only 2 minutes to perform these exercises, and the effect will be felt right away - the head will become “fresh” and “lighter”.

Specialists and experts in the field of brain development give very valuable advice to those people who work on synchronization of their brain. If they are performed at least once a week, progress will appear.

Brain synchronization - clock on the other hand
Brain synchronization - clock on the other hand
  • Advice: The neural function of the brain helps to develop fingertips. Unclench and connect your fingers, complicating the task and doing the exercise through one finger
  • Advice: Change objects in places on your desktop. This will make the brain look for new solutions. But do not do it too often that the brain is not used to it
  • Advice: Name the twenty female or male names aloud. Mentally imagine these people and how they smile at you. Wish them all good day
  • Advice: Once a week, go to bed with your head to another end of the bed. For the brain, this is unusual and it will not be able to fall asleep quickly, but we must try.
  • Advice: Change the hand on which you wear a clock. At first you will experience inconvenience, but then you will not notice it anymore. After 7 days, change your hand again
  • Advice: During cleaning the house, fold things beautifully, but not in its place. After that, the brain will have to work and remember where things and objects lie after cleaning
  • Advice: Solve various logical problems. They can be found in collections, children's magazines or online
  • Advice: Once a week, think about what you have achieved in a week. Build plans for the next week, highlighting the main events
  • Advice: Sometimes write letters to yourself, which will talk about mistakes made in a week. Do not spare yourself, write down even minor troubles, so that next week you become even better
Brain synchronization exercise
Brain synchronization exercise

Complex exercise to enlarge brains:

  • Sit on a chair and put your foot on your foot
  • With a foot that is located on top, draw circles clockwise in the air
  • After that, draw a circle with your right hand with a circle counterclockwise - the leg continues to move clockwise

Exercise "Color":

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and paints, a felt -tip pen or pencil decorate it completely with one color
  • List all the associations that you have with this color. For example, red - cherry, watermelon, flag and so on

Exercise "Account":

  • Count to 20 and vice versa, but skipping the figure, which is, for example, 3 or which is divided into 3

Exercise "Word":

  • Pick up the newspaper and read any first word that falls
  • Make ten different offers with this word, quickly and without hesitation

Exercise to improve brain function:

  • Put both palms on the stomach - the left hand on the right
  • Exhale, as if blowing a candle
  • You need to perform such an exercise within one minute

Exercise "Rise without the help of hands":

  • Sit on the floor and spread your legs wide
  • Now go up abruptly without using your hands
  • During this exercise, both hemispheres of the brain begin to work in agreement. A sense of balance is important. Caution: during this exercise you can fall
Brain development with closed eyes
Brain development with closed eyes

Exercise "letter":

  • Close your eyes and imagine any letter in your head
  • Name up to twenty items with a rumor with this letter, for example: one is a tank, two are a tractor, three are a throne, four is a fest and so on. The faster you call words, the better

Exercise to improve blood circulation:

  • Stretch one hand forward, straighten the thumb and draw in the air 8
  • Make 4 such repetitions. Change your hand
  • At the end, do gymnastics with both hands

Exercise to improve brain function:

  • Raise both hands up
  • Draw in the air - with one hand a square and the other star
  • As soon as the exercise starts to turn out, change your hands. To complicate it, come up with drawings of other forms

Now we will learn how to do physical exercises for synchronization of the brain. After performing such gymnastics, both hemispheres of the brain will learn to work at the same time.

Exercise "Reduction of the fingers and legs":

  • Sit on a high table so that your legs swing freely
  • Pour your fingers and put your fingers to each other, holding your hands in front
  • Perform fly movements with your hands. Fingertips should meet each other

Important: if you want to complicate this exercise, combine the toes. Make swings with your hands and reducing your fingertips, spread your legs. Diling your arms, connect your legs together.

Brain synchronization - crossing the arms and legs
Brain synchronization - crossing the arms and legs

Exercise "Browning Hands and Legs":

  • First, perform flying movements with your hands in front of the torso at the shoulder level. Palms should be facing the floor
  • After a while, start making swings and crossing behind the body - at the level of the buttocks
  • Continue to perform the exercise, attaching the movement of the legs
  • When moving to the right, lead the left leg in front of the right, and the right leg in front of the left when moving to the left

Another such exercise:

  • Make your legs crossing while moving
  • Step to the side - get your left leg to the right
  • Another step is right and put your left leg
  • Repeat the movement in the opposite direction

Exercise "Puppet on the contrary":

  • Stand straight, legs together. Fold your hands over your head. Make a jump and swing your hands to the sides, spreading your legs. Jump back to the starting position
  • With your feet, perform the previous movements, and stretch your hands in front of the body, moving them up and down
  • With your hands, perform movements to the sides, with your feet-jumping back and forth from foot to foot, as while walking

Exercise "Great Conductor":

  • Turn on any classical music
  • Stand in a position as the conductor stands in front of the orchestraants
  • Raise your arms at the height of the shoulders, while one hand should be higher than the other
  • Draw lying eights in the air: the left hand writes to the left, the right - to the right
  • After that, draw in the inner arc and repeat all the exercises in the opposite direction

Exercise "Confusion":

  • The right hand on the head, the left is on the stomach. Pat your top of your head and stroke your stomach in a circle at the same time
  • Stroke your stomach with your left hand clockwise, and make stroking in the left clavicle with your right hand in the other direction

Exercise "Figure Nose":

  • Imagine a pencil on the tip of your nose
  • Draw eight in the air
  • When this exercise will turn out, write names and surnames in the air

Exercise "Passage with lemon":

  • Prepare lemon and chair
  • Lie on your back, put the chair behind your head. Lemon click between the feet
  • Raise your legs so that you can put a lemon on a chair
  • Lower your legs, then raise, and take the lemon from the chair, returning to its original position

Tip: young people in good physical shape can put a lemon not on a chair, but on the floor behind their heads.

Important: well, along with this exercise, perform a “birch” and a stand on the head. Such gymnastics will help stimulate cerebral circulation.

Exercise "Breathing Yoga":

  • Sit on a chair and relax, your back is straight. Put the index and middle fingers of the right hand on the nose bridge
  • Close your left nostril with your ring finger and slowly inhale through the right nostril, counting up to 8
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Then press the thumb and close the right nostril, slowly exhaling through the left nostril, counting up to 8
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds, and take a breath again, counting up to 8, but now through the left nostril

Exercise "Relaxation and concentration":

  • Sit on the floor in Turkish and close your eyes
  • Make a few breaths, directing the flow of air deep down the abdomen. The diaphragm should work
  • Concentrate on your breath. On inspiration aloud, pronounce “OM”, and on exhalation - “ah”
We strengthen memory - we yawn wide
We strengthen memory - we yawn wide

Exercise to strengthen memory:

  • Close your eyes and yawn widely
  • Simultaneously massage tense areas in the lower and upper jaw
  • The yawn should be long and sonorous. Repeat the exercise 3-6 times

Exercise for the development of logic:

  • Lie on the floor, bend your legs in your knees, feet on the floor. Put your hands under your head and weave your fingers. Not unclenching your hands, rise and turn at the same time, leaning your elbow on the floor
  • The left elbow is to the right knee, the right elbow is to the left knee. Repeat this exercise 5 times in each direction

Exercise for the development of mental ability(helps to increase the accuracy of movements):

  • Find the hollows on the forehead, over the eyebrows
  • Press your fingertips slightly for one minute. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times

Be healthy, and do not forget to share useful information with your friends and relatives. After all, perhaps this will help them prolong life, and live it happily and successfully!

Video: 3 minutes lesson for life! Harmonization of the right and left hemisphere of the brain

Video: How to develop a brain?! How to become much smarter than others?!

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Comments K. article

  1. very cool games for the brain on a vicium. There are also cool drugs such as glycine, ginkoma or theanin Evalarovsky. It generally comprehensively affects the problem, increases mental performance, relieves irritability, etc.

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