5 hormones of happiness, joy and pleasure: what are they called, what are they produced in the body, in what products are contained? How to accustom the brain to produce more hormone of happiness and joy of serotonin, endorphin, dopamine?

5 hormones of happiness, joy and pleasure: what are they called, what are they produced in the body, in what products are contained? How to accustom the brain to produce more hormone of happiness and joy of serotonin, endorphin, dopamine?

What are hormones of happiness? And is it possible to develop more of these hormones and become happier?

Everyone heard about hormones, but very few were able to thoroughly understand how they work. However, this topic is very interesting, because invisible subtle ties between soul and body, food and mood, stress and insomnia are due to processes at the hormonal level. Therefore, the temptation to take control of the situation, and learn to consciously control the level of certain hormones is very large.

Hormones affect the mood, and sometimes vice versa - the mood affects the level of certain hormones.
Hormones affect the mood, and sometimes vice versa - the mood affects the level of certain hormones.

5 hormones of happiness, joy and pleasure: as called, views

Hormones are chemical compounds that are produced by living organisms and can be obtained synthetically. In the human body, they are created by iron secretion glands, transferred with blood flow and affect the target organs, which are for each hormone.

Hormones are chemicals
Hormones are chemicals

The pharmacological industry produces some hormones in the form of drugs, as well as drugs containing substances necessary for the body to create a particular hormone on its own.

Hormones create artificially
Hormones are chemicals

There are the same compounds in some foods. But the “pills of happiness” still do not exist, because pharmacy hormones act too roughly and cause a lot of side effects, but certain foods really allow you to gently and without special consequences to improve their mood.

Food will help you cheer up
Food will help you cheer up

Hormones of happiness and joy are only 5, this:

  • Dopamine - The hormone of joy and satisfaction. It is developed when a person receives any experience in his representation. If you like to look at the clean room after cleaning, it is pleasant to touch a loved one or you feel satisfaction by finally finishing the report, then at this moment dopamine is produced
  •   Serotonin - The hormone of self -confidence and satisfaction. If dopamine is a storm of positive emotions, then serotonin is a quiet joy. By the way, these two hormones suppress each other. And this means that people who love to rejoice violently are usually not very confident in themselves, and those who have high self -esteem less often allow themselves to have fun with the heart.
  • Adrenalin - It helps to mobilize in a stressful situation and open hidden reserves. When adrenaline is released, the heart beats more often, vision and hearing exacerbate, the reaction becomes faster, even thoughts fly at the speed of light. Thanks to all this, a feeling of a surge of strength and inspiration appears.
  • Endorphins - Hormones that are produced in response to stress, and like adrenaline help to mobilize, endorphins help to maintain calm and hope for the best in any situation. It is believed that these hormones are actively produced at the time of tactile contact with a person who is pleasant. For example, during a friendly hug, handshake or kiss.
  • Oxytocin - Hormone attachment and trust. However, recent studies have shown that tenderness caused by oxytocin does not apply to everyone. Under the influence of this hormone, a person is more kind to those whom he considers “his own”, and as a result of which he is inclined to zealously protect them from “strangers”. Oxytocin plays an important role at the time of childbirth and with the initial formation of relations between the mother and the child.
Chemical formulas of emotions
Chemical formulas of emotions

It is believed that not only the hormonal background affects the mood, but also on the contrary, emotions affect the hormonal background.

The connection between hormones and emotions
The connection between hormones and emotions

Women's hormones of joy, happiness, pleasure and love: List

Women have male sex hormones in the body, and men have women's, therefore dividing into male and female hormones conditionally. Below, we list those hormones that are most associated with joy and love in women.

  •   Estrogen - It is considered the most significant female sex hormone. This hormone makes a woman attractive in the eyes of men. Thanks to the estrogen, the figure looks feminine, the skin becomes more elastic, and the hair is thick and shiny. According to statistics, the level of estrogen is higher in natural blondes.
  • Testosterone - This is a male hormone, since among the stronger sex it is produced in large quantities. However, for women, testosterone plays a very important role. If it weren’t for testosterone, then women would probably have little interest in relations with representatives of the opposite sex. This hormone of activity and determination turns a timid girl into a conqueror, and encourages women to take the initiative in personal relations.
  • Oxytocin - This hormone has already been mentioned above, since it is significant for both women and men. But the fair sex has a higher level of oxytocin. This hormone gives rise to tenderness, affection, the need to care, and other qualities that are considered more female than male. It is also known that in women oxytocin is produced at the time of stress. Therefore, if, after a quarrel, you feel a desire to take care of loved ones and cook something tasty, then this is not weak character, it is oxytocin.
Women are very different, but female hormones work the same for everyone
Women are very different, but female hormones work the same for everyone

Men's hormones of joy, happiness, pleasure and love: List

  • Testosterone - This is a male sex hormone that plays a leading role. It is he who makes men decisive and courageous. It is believed that the higher the level of testosterone, the more attractive the man looks in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex.
  • Dihydrotesterone - The male hormone that occurs when the testosterone breaks down and is necessary in order to develop a new testosterone. Dihydrotesterone is interesting in that it is with him that male alopecia is associated with him, or in other words, previously baldness in men. From this we can conclude that the sooner the man began to bald, the higher he has the level of testosterone.
  • Oxytocin - No less important for men than for women. In representatives of the stronger sex, the maximum amount of oxytocin is produced in moments after physical proximity. Oxytocin makes a man loving and attached. Men with a high level of oxytocin are very devoted and will never allow themselves hobbies on the side.
The higher the level of testosterone, the more people like the physical activity
The higher the level of testosterone, the more people like the physical activity

What products contain hormones of happiness: List

For women, the "hormone of happiness" often becomes precisely estrogen, after all, with its deficiency, sexual desire is reduced, depression approaches and even spoils the appearance: the skin does not look so fresh, but the hair and nails become dry and brittle. Estrogen deficiency can be tried to make up with the help of such food:

  • Flax seeds
  • Peas and beans
  • Bran
  • Coffee
  • Apricots
Coffee - an invigorating drink that raises the level of estrogen
Coffee - an invigorating drink that raises the level of estrogen

But note that the excess estrogen is also sometimes undesirable. In particular, this hormone may interfere with the excess weight in the lower abdomen and hips. Therefore, if you have such a problem, then the reason may lie in the use of coffee in large quantities. But if an excess of estrogen does not threaten you, pay attention to our article About how to choose delicious coffee with a rating of brands.

Sometimes the cause of despondency is a deficiency of female hormones
Sometimes the cause of despondency is a deficiency of female hormones

By the way, in the last days of the menstrual cycle, all representatives of the fair sex are inclined to experience a deficiency of female hormones and a bad mood in some arises in these days. And you can try to raise it from the list above, as well as herbs in which there are phytoestrogens, this is:

  • Sage
  • Solo
  • Linden blossom
  • Chamomile
  • Hop
Sage - an incredibly aromatic plant with phytoestrogens
Sage - an incredibly aromatic plant with phytoestrogens

The hormone of happiness in chocolate and banana: what is it called?

Chocolate and bananas contribute to the development of joy in the body of a hormone serotonin. But to say that serotonin comes directly from them, it would be wrong, these products are simply rich in substances necessary for the production of the hormone. Moreover, there are other food products in which tryptophan (substances from which serotonin is quickly synthesized) is much larger than in chocolate, and even more so in bananas. Therefore, the legend that in chocolate and bananas there are “hormones of happiness” is only half true.

Banans and chocolate contribute to the production of serotonin
Banans and chocolate contribute to the production of serotonin

What and how is the hormone of the happiness of serotonin?

Serotonin is produced from the amino acid of tryptophan. Interestingly, the best -rich products are rich in delicacies.

Hormone of happiness serotonin in food products
Hormone of happiness serotonin in food products

How to accustom the brain to produce more hormone of happiness and joy of serotonin?

About how Serotonin works and our other hormones written entire books. We suggest you pay attention to two of them. The author of the first is the American Loretta Breining, the second was written by Asya Kazantseva, a Russian scientific journalist and biologist by education.

Books on how hormones work
Books on how hormones work

They are valuable in that they give an understanding of what hormones are for and how they act. Loretta Breining claims that serotonin is a hormone of their own significance, and its level is high in those who occupy high social status. And in her book and the network there are a lot of recommendations on how to quickly increase the level of serotonin, for example:

  • Play sports and enjoy physical exertion
  • There are nuts, chocolate, bananas and other Printophan products
  • Engage in auto -training and daily praise yourself out loud, as well as be proud of your social status, whatever it may be

All these methods work and can help at a moment of despondency, but they give a short -term effect. And in order for the brain to learn to produce more serotonin on an ongoing basis, you really need to occupy the desired social status. Ah, and it will not be superfluous to mention that a person constantly wants more, and that means you need to constantly move forward.

The level of serotonin depends on how satisfied you are your life
The level of serotonin depends on how satisfied you are your life

What and how is the hormone of endorphin's happiness is produced?

  • Endorphins are produced in the brain, and mainly during sleep, so a full sleep is the key to a sufficient amount of this hormone.
  • Endorphins are able to accumulate in the body and stand out when there is an acute need. Typically, endorphin is released in parallel with adrenaline.
  • The action of this hormone is impressive: endorphin allows you not to feel pain and think clearly even with serious injury, nature has foreseen this mechanism to provide a person with survival in a critical situation.

How to accustom the brain to produce more hormone of happiness and joy of endorphin?

  • Perhaps you should not try to increase the level of endorphin, its effect is too deafening, and the body spends too much effort, working at the limit. Opium has an effect similar to natural endorphin on the same receptors, but there is no need to talk about its destructive effect.
Endorphin ejection is necessary only in a critical situation
Endorphin ejection is necessary only in a critical situation

How is the hormone of love and happiness is produced in the body of oxytocin?

Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus - it is believed that this part of the brain was formed during evolution before all and it is precisely it is responsible for the deep motivation and pristine instincts. The hormone oxytocin also has a centuries -old history, it is not only in humans, but also in all other mammals. Oxytocin is responsible for attachment to the group, and causes a feeling of satisfaction when the individual is in the circle of individuals like him.

When a person feels like a member of the group, the hormone of love oxytocin stands out
When a person feels like a member of the group, the hormone of love oxytocin stands out
  • Tactile contact with a person who pleasant sharply raises the level of oxytocin.
  • In adult representatives of both sexes of the maximum level, oxytocin indicates during intimacy.
  • It is believed that oxytocin stimulates a person to attach to members of his group and be loyal to them. But this is so only so far the indicators of oxytocin are at an average level.
  • If the level of oxytocin goes off scale, then a person can neglect the interests of the group for the sake of more important goals. Only family members and especially children can be more important. The same situation is observed in nature, the female can leave Pride, if she has lost the cub, representatives of both sexes leave their groups to find a partner and get cubs.
Oxytocin: only children are more important than the pride
Oxytocin: only children are more important than the pride

What is the maximum level for the happiness of dopamine and how is it produced?

Dopamine is produced at the moment when a person is looking forward to obtaining a reward and helps him to activate and be in a vigorous mood in order to achieve the goal. During the hunting and gathering, Dopamine played an important role for survival, noticing something special, our ancestors rushed to this object, and often thus found food. However, the key feature of dopamine is that when the goal is achieved, it does not last long, and the desire to experience positive emotions again pushes us to new achievements.

He probably already thinks that you need to conquer the other peak, and higher
He probably already thinks that you need to conquer the other peak, and higher

What hormone of happiness is produced during sex, kiss, from chocolate, banana, sun, after training?

  • During sex, the production of three “hormones of happiness” is stimulated at once: dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, so intimacy causes such a storm of emotions.
  • However, the same hormones are produced with a kiss. And their number depends on how desired and pleasant a kiss will be.
  • Chocolate stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin, in addition, it contains an invigorating caffeine and a large amount of carbohydrates that give a quick surge of strength. Therefore, chocolate is an excellent remedy for spleen and sadness.
  • Under the influence of sunlight and when eating bananas in the human body, serotonin is more actively synthesized.
  • Regular playing sports stimulates the production of serotonin, as well as oxytocin and dopamine in moderate quantities. But if the role is about important competitions, then other hormones - adrenaline and endorphin, which help not to notice the barriers on the way to the goal, can be used. And with the victory, huge amounts of dopamine and oxytocin are thrown out.
Perhaps the players hug due to a high level of oxytocin?
Perhaps the players hug due to a high level of oxytocin?

How to increase, raise the level of hormones of happiness in the body: Tips

So that the level of hormones of happiness is always high, try to follow these tips:

  • Choose products with a high content of tryptophan: nuts, seafood, cheeses, rabbit meat and veal, halva and seeds. If you eat something from this instead of a bun, then this will positively affect both the figure and the mood.
  • Do not protect yourself from physical exertion. Unfortunately, hypodynamia is a common problem in modern society.
  • “Enemy number one” for “hormones of happiness” - cortisol, stress hormone. The cortisol is also very important, because the feeling of discomfort during its emission makes us move forward. But if there are too many stresses and cortisol, then this is already a problem that requires attention.
  • Study how hormones work. It is unlikely that you will learn to consciously control this complex system, but by understanding how hormones work, you can find the true motives of one or other actions, and stop worrying about trifles.

Video: Documentary film "Secrets of Love"

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  1. By the way, the book about hormones of happiness is very interesting and useful! The topic is very interesting about this all) I drink the formula for the calm of Triptofan, I try more healthy fats, because this is true everything affects the mood!

  2. The article is super! Thanks

  3. An excellent article is very easy to chip and everything is clearly written!
    Thank you!

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