The best Chinese plasters for joints for Aliexpress: review, advantages of links to the catalog

The best Chinese plasters for joints for Aliexpress: review, advantages of links to the catalog

Review of Chinese plasters on Aliexpress.

There are a lot of ways by which you can treat joints. Among them are both folk recipes and drugs. Please note that most often non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. It can be injections, candles and ointments that are applied directly to the sick, affected place. But in addition, there are a number of alternative methods to relieve pain. In this article, we will talk about Chinese plasters that help get rid of joint pain.

Why Chinese plasters are effective: the advantages of plasters

Now many people who suffer from joint diseases often think about Chinese medicine. The fact is that it was this medicine that was able to combine the oriental methods of treatment, which were used in antiquity by popular healers, as well as modern methods. Most often, Chinese medicine uses just an integrated approach, when diseases are treated not only with certain drugs aimed at treating a particular disease, but affect the entire body. Thus, joints are treated without harming other organs and systems.

It is worth noting that the most effective methods are considered acupuncture, as well as the use of a variety of local ointments and drugs for joints, affected places, and muscle sprains. Given these techniques, they came up with treatment with Chinese plasters. This is a kind of symbiosis of modern and ancient medicine. Indeed, first of all, the active substance is most actively absorbed directly in the affected area. Accordingly, for treatment, it is necessary to use peculiar baths, lotions, as well as compresses. That's just a healthy person who works most of his life, cannot devote so much time to his health.

Chinese patch
Chinese patch


  • Therefore, there is a certain difficulty using peculiar lotions, compresses for the treatment of joints. There is simply no time for this.
  • It is for this that special Chinese plasters came up with, which greatly simplifies life. There is no need to separately connect the components of the ointment, some product, to impose on a sore spot, wrap with several layers of an elastic bandage, and maintain a certain period of time.
  • All this boils down to one simple manipulation: removing the protective layer from the patch and attaching it to the sore spot. The patch itself is already nourished with all the necessary medicinal extracts, herbs, which allows you to influence the disease directly in the affected area.

The best Chinese plasters for the joints for Aliexpress

A huge number of Chinese plasters can be found on Aliexpress. They are sold mainly not one at a time, but with whole packages, which allows you to purchase a course. Which will help to significantly improve the patient's condition and makes it possible to reduce the manifestation of the disease. These Chinese plasters are based on ordinary fabric saturated with glue and active substance. It can be different.

These are mainly medicinal herbs. Recently, a scorpion or ant acid is used for the manufacture of such tools, which allows you to activate blood circulation in sick tissues and improves the patient's condition. Below is a review of the most popular plasters for the treatment of joints that can be found on Aliexpress.

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The catalog of plasters for joints can be found here.



Chinese patch tiger for joints

Chinese patch tiger. This patch is based on the therapeutic effect of a variety of Chinese herbs that are in mountainous areas and gathered by local residents. The patch is greased with nothing more than a white tiger balm. The composition is reliably unknown, but we only know that in the composition of wormwood, dandelions, lotus, rhizomes of various herbs, useful for joints.

Green Tiger

Green Tiger

Paths for joints with poison of Scorpio

Patchi with poison of Scorpio. It is known that in addition to this component, other Chinese herbs are also included. Scorpio poison in small quantities is a stimulating substance, heals sore joints, and helps to restore the elasticity of cartilage. Due to this, muscle pain is reduced, the flow of fluid to the joints is restored, which provides good gluing of bones inside the joints. The patch can cause severe allergies, sold by packages of 80 pieces each. On average, a patch is glued for about 8-12 hours. It is recommended to take the bathroom before sticking the patch and wipe the skin with a degreaser, that is, alcohol. This provides the best adhesion of the patch and skin.



Paths for joints with bee poison

Patchi with bee venom - A rather popular product on Aliexpress. It is noted that the composition contains bee poison, as well as camphor, menthol and other Chinese herbs. Many buyers note that the patchers warm quite a lot, help get rid of back pain, joints. Effective for radiculitis, arthritis. If knees hurt, then they usually glue over the knee. 30 patches come in the package. This amount is enough for the course of treatment and facilitating the condition.

Samifur patch for joints

Samifur patch. This is nothing more than a patch for the joints, which contains the extract of ants and Chinese herbs. Thanks to this symbiosis, a good effect is obtained. Thus, sore spots are warmly warm up. This helps to reduce pain. There are 8 pieces in the package. Accordingly, if you are going to treat chronic diseases, you will have to buy plasters. Antic acid stimulates blood circulation.

Samifur patch
Samifur patch

Chinese patch Xiedu Zhuifeng for joints

  • Chinese patch Xiedu Zhuifeng. Contains paprika, red pepper and scorpion poison. In the package 8 pieces. Warm up and reduces pain. The most effective for pain in the neck, lower back and knees. Heals strongly and increases the temperature in the zone of exposure. There are spices extracts in the extracts.

    Patch Xiedu Zhuifeng
    Patch Xiedu Zhuifeng

Povihome patch for joints

  • Povihome. Contains the poison of a snake, spider and scorpion. Warms up and relaxes the joints. Effective in chronic ailments.


Try to purchase plasters on Aliexpress. Perhaps they will help relieve joint pain.

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