Why is the order received from Aliexpress not deleted?

Why is the order received from Aliexpress not deleted?

Aliexpress: We delete the received order in the basket.

Aliexpress - The best Chinese service at which you can purchase absolutely everything that is produced in China. In this article we will tell you what to do with orders that are received and completed, but they cannot be deleted.

Do I need to delete the received orders for Aliexpress?

So, order with Aliexpress I came, the evaluation of the product and the seller has been delivered, what to do with the order next? Many have a logical answer - to remove from My orders. And how to delete the received order on Aliexpress? But do I need to do this?

  • Firstly, if you save the order, then subsequently you will easily find this order, and you can go to the store to a good proven seller and choose its other goods;
  • Secondly, you can recommend the store to friends and acquaintances who will want to buy the same product as yours;
  • Thirdly, over time, the order will go down in the line of display of orders, and will not interfere, this does not affect the speed of downloading the site;
  • And even if you did not like the seller - by preserving the order, you will have information about poor quality, and you will not order this seller in the future.

If you are in the way of completed orders in the tab "My orders"Just put the filter on status. To do it is simple:

  • Press step by step: "My profile";
Go into my profile
Go to my profile
  • "My orders";
The menu is my orders
Menu "My orders"
  • "More filters";
Tab "More filters"
  • "Status" on the drop -down menu;
Choose one of the status of orders so that all orders with this status are displayed
Choose one of the status of orders so that all orders with this status are displayed
  • In the drop -down menu, select orders by status.

But if you still want to delete the received order, follow the instructions below.

How to delete the received order for Aliexpress?

So, we will analyze step by step how to delete the received order for Aliexpress:

  • Press step by step: "My profile";
Click on my profile
Click on "My profile"
  • "My orders";
We enter the menu
We enter the menu "My orders"
  • Select the necessary order and find the basket icon on the right side;
Basket icon in order
Basket icon in order
  • Press on a basket;
We confirm the removal of the order
We confirm the removal of the order
  • Confirm on a pop -up window by clicking on the button "Delete the order."

After these manipulations, the order will be deleted!

Why is the order received from Aliexpress not deleted?

Consider another question why the order received from Aliexpressis not removed? And how to delete the received order for Aliexpress, if when clicking on the icon "Basket" The lock and broken key falls. In this case, you need to carry out a number of actions:

  • Refresh the page. Perhaps you have already deleted this order, but the removal has not yet loaded and because of this it is still displayed in the tab " My orders";
  • Go out and again go to the Aliexpress account so that the system is updated, and try to remove again;
  • Cleaning Cooks and Kesh Browser, perhaps the problem is connected with this;
  • If it is not possible to remove the product and the display of the castle with a broken key continues - write to the support service.

In order to write to the support service, you need:

Menu Help
Menu "Help"
  • Click on "Help";
Click on the menu
Click on the "Support Service" menu
  • In the drop -down list, click on "Support";
Icon to write in chat
Icon "Write in chat"
  • Sink into the bottom of the page;
  • Press " Write to the chat ”;
  • Write an order number, describe the problem and make a screen screen with an error.

Why is the order received from Aliexpress is not deleted: tips and reviews

Igor: I love order, and on Aliexpress Due to many orders, chaos began to occur. I decided to clean the orders received, but some turned out to be a mistake and could not delete. He wrote to the support service, my complaint was recorded, and not quickly, but within a month the orders disappeared from my menu.

Maria: I wanted to clean the received orders for Aliexpress. More than half with an error, and I decided not to be worth it! Now I go through filters and everything is perfect. I recommend to everyone who orders a lot, and does not want to waste time cleaning accounts.

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Video: How to delete the order of Aliexpress?

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