Riddles about birds for children are the most complete selection with answers

Riddles about birds for children are the most complete selection with answers

A selection of riddles about birds for children.

Riddles for children about birds with answers

Riddles for children about birds with answers

Riddles for children about birds with answers:

Who jumps there, rustling
Will the bumps gut the cones?
Voice speechless, clean -
Claus! Claus! CLA - sings with a whistle.
(Answer: Cleest)

Here is a bird is so a bird
Not a thrush, not a blue,
Do not swan, not duck
And not a goat.
But this bird is here
Though small
Displays chicks
Only fierce in winter.
(Answer: Cleest)

Children call the ass
And it's a shame with a fool
He answers them the same.
Who are you? Do not scare!
Guessed ...?
(Answer - parrot)

All the pirates went with him,
They wore him on his shoulder
Who is it, guess
That's for sure …
(Answer - parrot)

Sits on my shoulder
Says something loudly
Don't think, guess
What kind of bird? ..
(Answer - parrot)

It can be taught
Very briskly speak
Surprise us with voices
Repeat the words behind us.
All day you play with him,
This is a bird ...
(Answer - parrot)

What a bird all year round
Does it fly backward?
(Answer - hummingbird)

Like a pink bud
He walks in shallow water.
And if he suddenly notices you,
The flower will be blossomed immediately.
It will run on thin legs,
And, like a swan, will fly.
(Answer - flamingos)

His scream like a creak of a well,
A rusty chain is given.
On the but a huge tail
Like from diamond stars.
(Answer - peacock)

Dressed as a holiday
In feathers of rainbow flowers.
Migrate the prankster
All tired of everyone is ready.
(Answer - parrot)

Among the birds by running he
The very first champion.
(Answer - ostrich)

Well, fashionistas, however!
Snow and snow around.
And they go in tailcoats
To the hole in the gouck.
(Answer - penguins)

Riddles about birds for children 3-4 years old-a selection about a swallow

Riddles about birds for children 3-4 years old-a selection about a swallow

Riddles about birds for children 3-4 years old-a selection about a swallow:

Quickly flutters above the ground,
There are enough midges on the fly
And flashes in height
With a black arrow on the tail.
Her house is made of clay,
Like a small basket.
(Answer - swallow)

A quick arrow flies,
There are enough midges in the air.
Tail with a fork, like a slingshot,
It - …

Nest under the roof - deftly builds,
Constantly withdraws their chicks,
Before the rain it flies very low,
This bird, every child knows
We love her, watch,
This bird ... call.
(Answer - swallow)

Guarded guest
From the distant edge
He lives under the windows.
(Answer - swallow)

Like on a house, on a cornice
I stuck a bird from below
Nest like a vase
This bird - ...
(Answer - swallow)

Who is the spring day
Weoned the mitten over the window,
Brought new residents in it -
Small such chicks?
(Answer - swallow)

The little horse was behind the sea.
(Answer - swallow)

Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay.
(Answer - swallow)

We are a bird's flight
We can predict the weather:
Here to the rain - flies down
In the house - a basket under the cornice.
In the beak carries the water:
Build the house will come in handy.
Dirt will stick sticks
In a nest for ...
(Answer - swallows)

There are enough midges on the fly,
Tail - thin braids,
Can predict the weather - -
You are familiar with this bird.
(Answer - swallow)

She catches midges in the summer
A nest of clay is building.
Kohl flies high,
So the rain is far away
If it flies low,
This means rain is close
(Answer - swallow)

She lives under the roofs,
Its nest drives from clay,
All day fussing
Does not sit on the ground,
It flies high in the clouds,
He eats midges on the fly,
In a black tailcoat, a paw,
Is it called? ...
(Answer - swallow)

They love wires very much
And they always sit on them.
And chirp under the window
In the morning, in the evening and day.
And with the chicks affectionate,
And beautiful ...
(Answer - swallows)

Flies to us with warmth,
The path has made a long one.
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay.
(Answer - swallow)

In front - nameph
On top - black cloth,
Below is a white towel.
(Answer - swallow)

Guess what kind of bird:
Darkest little bad
White from the abdomen,
The tail is pushed into two tails.
(Answer - swallow)

At the cliff, where the twist,
Fast -winged birds of clouds,
Holes from below to the top ...
(Answer - swallow)

Awl in front
Front tangle,
Scissors from behind.
(Answer - swallow)

This is who under our roof
Little blinded the house?
From the window is already heard hshe is a sonorous voice.
(Answer - swallow)

Riddles about birds for children 5-6 years old-a selection of sparrows

Riddles about birds for children 5-6 years old-a selection of sparrows

Riddles about birds for children 5-6 years old-a selection of sparrows:

“I don't fly to the warm land,
I live under the roof.
A cat is nearby? Not timid! " -
So cleared ...
(Answer - sparrow)

In a gray fur coat feather
And in the cold he is a hero
Drings, frolic on the fly, -
Not an eagle - but still a bird!
(Answer - sparrow)

They fly in a cheerful flock -
The rash is more than the crumbs, do not regret
But gazed - flies away
With a hump in the beak ...
(Answer - sparrow)

You have seen him more than once, he jumps a stone's throw from us:
“Chirik-Chirik! Chirik-Chirik! "
Who is not used to this song.
(Answer - sparrow)

Near the house, along the path,
Drings gathering crumbs.
Friend of tits and pigeons,
Gray, nimble ...?
(Answer - sparrow)

They say they are thieves
These gray babies;
And noisy and drunk,
Everyone grinds:
- Whose are you? Whose are you?
(Answer - sparrow)

The breast is a ball
He jumps around the yard.
There are no bread crumbs
Grieves at the windows.
(Answer - sparrow)

Does it twist loudly, quickly flies?
(Answer - sparrow)

Cings crumbs
Afraid of cats.
(Answer - sparrow)

Who has never taken a step?
(Answer - sparrow)

Likes to jump and fly
Bread and grains to peck,
Instead of "hello" used to
Tell everyone Chick-Chick.
(Answer - sparrow)

Little boy
In the gray Armenian
Slits around the yards
The crumbs collects
In the barn is night -
The hemp is stealing.
(Answer - sparrow)

Small remote, in a gray fur coat flies - collects crumbs in the yards.
(Answer - sparrow)

Does not saw on the violin,
Does not sink like a nightingale
And tweets on a branch
Our baby ...
(Answer - sparrow)

Does not fly away to the south in the fall.
Chi-Rick! - Outside the windows
All winter. And I am to him
Like an old faithful friend
I'll take it and throw crumbs.
(Answer - sparrow)

I don't know how to walk -
Just jump and fly.
"Chick-Chick" I can say.
Who is ready to call me?
(Answer - sparrow)

I catch bugs all day
I rush the worms.
I'm not flying to the warm land,
I live here under the roof.
“Chick-chirik-chick! Do not timid!
I'm experienced ... "
(Answer - sparrow)

This little bird is
In the cities we live.
The smallest thief
From birth, he is lying.
(Answer - sparrow)

He is from under the nose of pigeons
Dragging crumbs of crackers,
That we fell from people.
Who is he? Say for:
Ryuba Baby ...
(Answer - sparrow)

A scream is heard under the cornice:
"Chick-Chick and Chick-Chick!"
These are songs of children
He teaches gray ...
(Answer - sparrow)

Bird a noil
Has legs,
But he does not know how to walk.
Wants to take a step -
It turns out a jump.
(Answer - sparrow)

A gray boy spends the night in the fields, hemping is stealing.
(Answer - sparrow)

Gray little lump
Chick-Chirik! - He froze very much!
Sun, look soon
Our ... is waiting for you ...
(Answer - sparrow)

Boyko rides along the path
He picks up crumbs from the ground.
Not afraid of pigeons ...
What kind of bird? ...
(Answer - sparrow)

Gray, little bird,
Skok-skok and again skok!
(Answer - sparrow)

Among the fat pigeons
The foul rides ...
(Answer - sparrow)

They flew in a finge noisy
Croses, grains ate everything.
(Answer - sparrow)

Chick - Chirik, yes Chick - Chirik,
Jumping down the paths, yes jumping,
Likes to sing among the branches,
Gray, brave ...
(Answer - sparrow)

Behind the grain jump!
Kluy, do not shy!
Who is it?
(Answer - sparrow)

It strucks with notes.
Walks jumping.
Following the turkeys and
(Answer - sparrow)

What kind of bird? Not afraid
Neither ravens nor tits.
Throw crumbs - and more fun
Will jump ....
(Answer - sparrow)

He sits on a tree,
Chick-Chirik says everyone
Loves treats very much
Millet, grains, cookies.
Jumps, not going
He lives next to us,
Guess as soon as possible
Who is this?
(Answer - sparrow)

These little birds
In gray everyday shirts
Everyone pecks, what they treat
Even crumbs are selected.
-Chick-Chirik,-everywhere yours,
Fidgets ...
(Answer - sparrows)

Chick-Chirik, yes Chick-Chirik,
A brisk scream is heard,
Gray bird,
Growing little,
There are no more fun in the world
This bird ...
(Answer - sparrow)

He is disheveled, drury.
Disgusting, shouting.
On the asphalt, under the window,
Bread collects crumbs.
It is redeemed in dust
Or in a puddle on shallows.
Guess as soon as possible
This bird
(Answer - sparrow)

Riddles about birds for children 7-8 years old-a selection of a dove

Riddles about birds for children 7-8 years old-a selection of a dove

Riddles about birds for children 7-8 years old-a selection of a dove:

Bird of the world and good!
A bird of happiness and warmth!
This bird is the postman,
He will not get off the course.
He lives in the squares,
On trees, and branches.
He cooles, does not sing,
Cheerfully pecks seeds.
Reacts to a whistle
He is afraid of birds of prey.
He became a symbol of freedom.
Who recognized this bird? ..
(Answer - pigeon)

He picks up a quarrel
Grains thrown to him
And nests on the cornice
Our beloved ...
(Answer - pigeon)

This bird is a symbol of the world
The attics are her apartment,
Where are the squares, fountains,
Looking for crumbs constantly!
(Answer - pigeon)

What is the name of the postman to whom the address is not written
And they don’t say in words, but still he delivers letters?
(Answer - pigeon)

I am a silly
Everyone has been called since childhood.
Like a symbol of the world
And they love and honor.
(Answer - pigeon)

Endless bird
It is eager to look for food,
And he picks up the crumbs
Vorky under the window!
(Answer - pigeon)

Chicks picking up bread,
I don't forget the seeds
Salt from the ground I will put on
And all the water with a pile!
(Answer - pigeon)

A flock is circling in the sky,
A flock, not at all simple!
You don't hit this flock:
A flock of blue ...
(Answer - pigeon)

Either white or blue,
Or motley, in childhood - bald,
He likes to sit where he is higher -
For example, under the roof itself.
He sits there, he cooled -
Quick -winged postman.
(Answer - pigeon)

The well -known symbol of the world,
It is spinning in the sky.
The beauty of people carried away ...
What is the name of everyone?
(Answer - pigeon)

Riddles about birds for children 9-10 years old-a selection about a crow

Riddles about birds for children 9-10 years old-a selection about a crow

Riddles about birds for children 9-10 years old-a selection of a crow:

In the courtyard I am the queen.
There is my house, on a branch on the left.
Bird in gray-black feathers,
I am smart, cunning, enchanted.
(Answer - crow)

Two talkative neighbors
The conversation was led on a branch.
Very important persons
These black ...
(Answer - crows)

Kar-car-car! Kar-car-car! -
That's the whole repertoire.
Announces the crown of maple
With your singing ...
(Answer - crow)

-Kar-car-car! - screams a rogue.
Well, a clever thief!
All brilliant little things
This bird loves very much!
And she is familiar to you all,
What is her name? ...
(Answer - crow)

A flock was sitting on the birch,
Does not whistle, does not sing, -
This is known to young and old
The word "kar" is not sung!
(Answer is a flock of raven)

I sat on a tree
And she kept cheese in her mouth,
And past a cunning fox
Blizkhonko fled.
Who am I? Do you know?
Well, guess!
(Answer - crow)

Sits on a tree,
"Kar-car!" Screaming
Not afraid of anyone
Robber Bird.
(Answer - crow)

Wears a gray vest,
But the wings are black.
See, twenty pairs are circling
And they shout: “Ka-a-ar! Ka-a-ar! Ka-a-ar! "
(Answer - crow)

Coloring - grayish,
The habits - thieving,
Screaming hoarse -
Famous person.
Who is she? ...
(Answer - crow)

I flew to the bazaar,
Loudly said to everyone: “Kar!
Let me not at school not scientist
But smart, because I - ... "
(Answer - crow)

Black bird sits
On a shaggy Christmas tree.
- Kar! - He says all the time.
The beak is worse than the needle. -
(Answer - crow)

The gray-black bird,
They say nothing, singer.
Like, how he stops caring,
The singer imitates the birds.
(Answer - crow)

Strong, big bird
Not even afraid of cats! ..
Very important person -
Black-gray ...
(Answer - crow)

Sliped gray,
Non -woven vest,
Rippled caftan,
And he walks barefoot.
(Answer - crow)

Smart, cunning, impudent and noisy, -
It will drown out, a flock, bells of ringing.
The people say that she is a thief!
And who is it? It's clear that…
(Answer - crow)

Smart bird
The field is spinning,
His beak
She can be proud of:
Black as coal,
And strong, like steel,
The beak is very necessary
A detail in life.
(Answer - crow)

This bird wants from childhood
Become a well -known singer.
Day and night restless
"Kar - car - car!" - Sings ...
(Answer - crow)

The chicks scream hoarsely,
Their beaks stick out in the nest,
Hide their dense crown,
Lives here ...
(Answer - crow)

Black patch and gray patch
They jump on a birch.
(Answer - crow)

This bird is familiar to everyone -
It is important to walk near the house
Car-car-car will suddenly scream,
And calmly fly away.
Very cunning person
And her name is ...
(Answer - crow)

I'm so groovy
Glorious and mischievous,
I walk on asphalt
I do not serve you people.
I'm walking a proud attachment
I put on a black raincoat,
I’ll jump in a lot of fun
Car, car, kar, I always scream.
(Answer - crow)

Drains bread crust,
It does not allow others.
Holds the defense tightly
Loudly crooked?

(Answer - crow)

Riddles about birds are short with answers for children of preschool and school age

Riddles about birds are short with answers for children of preschool and school age

Riddles about birds are short with answers for children of preschool and school age:

I'm sitting on a pole,
I look in the mirror
I'm crazy about myself
I can repeat the words!
(Answer - parrot)

Here's a fun so fun
For large and for guys:
There is an echo sits on a branch -
Repeats everything in a row.
(Answer - parrot)

A bird in a cell sits
And he says with you
Don't trust her secret
Gettingter ...
(Answer - parrot)

I'll go to Africa
Like a boulevard.
Meeting the bird Caccadus
And I will see Ara.
Give it right away, guys,
I am the name of those birds.
(Answer - parrot)

It is noticeable among the branches
In bright feathers of all colors.
If in the cage, tamed, -
He knows how to speak ...
(Answer - parrot)

Not a plane, but flies
Not a singer, but sings,
Not a person, but talking.
(Answer - parrot)

He says, sitting in a cage
And screams when on a branch.
(Answer - parrot)

He repeats all the words
What he will hear - he knows.
Do not tease and do not scold
It will be polite ...
(Answer - parrot)

This little bird
Wears a gray shirt
He picks up the crumbs quickly
And saves from the cat.
(Answer - sparrow)

This bird does not walk
Calls: "Do not timid!"
Zabiyaka is the most important -
Gray-brown ...
(Answer - sparrow)

In a gray fur coat feather
And in the cold he is a hero
Drings, frolic on the fly,
Not an eagle, but still a bird.
(Answer - sparrow)

This little bird is
In the cities we live.
The smallest thief
From birth, he is lying.
(Answer - sparrow)

Near the house, along the path,
Drings gathering crumbs.
Friend of tits and pigeons,
Gray, nimble?
(Answer - sparrow)

A scream is heard under the cornice:
"Chick-Chick and Chick-Chick!"
These are songs of children
He teaches gray ...
(Answer - sparrow)

Little boy
In the gray Armenian
Slits around the yards
Raps collects.
(Answer - sparrow)

This little bird
Wears a gray shirt
He picks up the crumbs quickly
And saves from the cat.
(Answer - sparrow)

The breast is a ball
He jumps around the yard.
There are no bread crumbs
Grieves at the windows.
(Answer - sparrow)

Riddles about poultry for preschool and school children - a selection of chicken and geese

Riddles about poultry for preschool and school children - a selection of chicken and geese
Riddles about poultry for preschool and school children - a selection of chicken

Riddles about poultry for preschool and school children - a selection of chicken and geese:

Natasha runs
In seventy shirts,
On the head of the cap,
And the legs of the barefoot.
(Answer - chicken)

Leads chickens
Like a nanny in a kindergarten
(Answer - chicken)

Like a bird does not fly,
Walks, collects grains.
(Answer - chicken)

This bird clocks everything
Looking for what to eat.
No, she does not frown.
This is simple - …
(Answer - chicken)

They say: "She is not a bird."
But let me doubt:
Let it not fly
The garbage rakes with his paws.
If you say anything,
-Ko-ko-ko-ko-ko! - Fixing.
And also carries testicles -
There is no more useful for this bird.
Amazing texture,
They call birds ...
(Answer - chicken)

Poultry, under the beak of earrings,
She carries eggs for Dimka and Leshka,
But if suddenly the rain and the sky frows,
Wet hiding in the chicken coop
(Answer - chicken)

She whisked: “I am a big bird!
Take a look, brought a yellow testicle! "
And went outside
Praise ...
(Answer - chicken)

She pecks grains.
Tasty eggs are tasty.
I hear the whole street
How to clock ...
(Answer - chicken)

Kvokhchchet, fussing
Emergency is angry with passers -by
All lifes on everyone
He tries to peck everyone.
It goes ahead of itself
Forty sun leads.
(Answer - chicken)

Clokhchet, cloach,
It convenes children.
He picks up everyone under the wings.
(Answer - chicken)

When he finds a grain,
A quip, the baby calls.
The rain will go to dare
Wet ...
(Answer - chicken)

Ko-ko, ko! Ko-ko-ko!
It’s not easy for her mother!
It is necessary to calculate the children,
Place under the wings to sleep.
Twenty daughters, two sons.
And the name of the mother is ... Kvochka!
Strictly quarrel at the gazebo.
They are still called ... Hands!
(Answer - chicken)

Who clocks all day?
She is not lazy to sit in the nest.
Her yellow guys
They are called "chickens."
(Answer - chicken)

Who is clockwork early in the morning?
Who calls the chickens to himself
Does their family collect?
Does it give out eggs?
(Answer - chicken)

Someone loves to swim at sea
And someone loves in the river
And in the ocean at the open!
And I love in dry sand!
And I will be proud of this.
I am an domesticated bird.
(Answer - chicken)

We are household birds!
In the morning we carry testicles
People for breakfast, and during the day -
We go, we peck something.
(Answer - chicken)

She clutches in the morning
Bring the egg as a gift to us.
(Answer - chicken)

Having drunk, sits on the eggs,
On the paws, only four fingers
Clakes and worries
Can't fly ...
(Answer - chicken)

Our sweet girlfriend
Will give us feathers on a pillow,
Give a testicle for pancakes
Easter cakes and pies.
(Answer - chicken)

With a crest, this bird
I pour her water.
And also, my dad said,
I write how she is a paw.
(Answer - chicken)

I eat a worm, I will drink water,
I'll look for bread crumbs,
And then I will demolish the testicle
I will treat the children.
(Answer - chicken)

Walks the grains pecking.
Eggs in a nest carry.
"Ko-ko-ko" along the street.
Who walks loudly?
(Answer - chicken)

“Tsyp-tsyp-tsep! Kudakha-dream! " -
We hear on the street.
It convenes all chickens
Rippled ...
(Answer - chicken)

Hat of scarlet,
Non -woven vest,
Rise caftan.
(Answer - chicken)

I give an egg and meat,
I can click often
I am all rowing from myself.
Guess who I am.
(Answer - chicken)

I am a pestle, I'm a crest.
KUD-where! - I shout briefly.
I shout, and the street hears:
I took off the testicle ...
(Answer - chicken)

White mansions, red backstings.
(Answer - goose)

White, white
The ship is important along the river.
Is it possible to steamboat
Dive your head under water?
Ground loudly, menacingly
And fly?
(Answer - goose)

Bathed in the water,
And dry remained.
Red legs,
Pinches the heels,
Run without looking back.
(Answer - goose)

Swims in the water
It flies in the air,
Runes on the ground
It treats meat.
(Answer - goose)

He walks in feathers, does not hurry,
Often hisses hiss.
I'm a little afraid of him.
Guessed? It - ….
(Answer - goose)

Red -legged, long -wing,
Knows how to hiss.
Pinches the heels -
Run without looking back.
(Answer - goose)

I will pinch, not bite
With a long neck, white ...
(Answer - goose)

I want to ask guys
I don’t take it myself:
His children are goslings.
Maybe it's proud ...?
(Answer - goose)

Sleeps or bathes,
Everything does not get off:
Day and night on the legs
Red boots.

(Answer - goose)

Walks in red boots.
And shouts: "Ha-ha, ha-ha."
(Answer - goose)

It goes important, healing
This bird is fishing.
I'm not at all afraid
Though this slicer ...
(Answer - goose)

Walks across the field, but not a horse;
Swims on the water, but does not wet.
(Answer - goose)

There is a tag with tagans - -
Not with your feet, but with shovels.
All swimmers are not bad
Dry water comes out of the water.
(Answer - goose)

Riddles about migratory birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of rooks, cuts, starlings

Riddles about migratory birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection about rooks, cuts, starlings
Riddles about migratory birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of rooks, cuts, starlings

Riddles about migratory birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection about rooks, cuts, starlings:

A close relative of the raven,
Featers are black - monochrome ...
With purple tint -
Picturesque overflow.
He arrives in the spring,
When the snow is not melting yet.
On the trees the nests are driven,
On the fields of bugs pecks.
Checks like a doctor,
Who is the land in the district? ..
(Answer - rook)

All arrived birds black,
Cleans the arable land from worms.
Back and forth on the arable land.
And the bird is called ...
(Answer - rook)

In the summer he walks after the plowman,
And in the winter it leaves with a cry.
(Answer - rook)

Black, nimble,
Shouts "krak",
Worms - enemy.
(Answer - rook)

The air is cut without effort
Like sickles, crooked wings.
Flashes - do not see,
So it flies only ...
(Answer - haircut)

They look like swallows
And in the sky they are very similar.
I'm telling the truth, tell me!
There are - swallows, but there are - ...
(Answer - haircut)

Very difficult work -
About the family in the spring, care -
Build floors in the house!
Who are the builders?
(Answer - haircut)

Look - above the roofs
The sky cuts fast ...
(Answer - haircut)

This bird is small
All day she flies -
Does not want to land
And does not sit on the branches.
Above the forest, above the roofs -
Everyone flies faster ...
(Answer - haircut)

I am for meals for food
I catch on the fly.
I fly like a bullet -
I can't walk.
(Answer - haircut)

There is a palace in the yard
One singer lives there.
Very dexterous well done
And his name is ...
(Answer - haircut)

The children made the house
And they were nailed to the tree.
The singer settled in it ...
What is his name? ...
(Answer - haircut)

For guests of arrival huts,
The guys are making in the spring,
We finally waited
I flew in the spring ...
(Answer - haircut)

On a sleepy branch in the morning
The house swayed in the wind.
The walls are crowded in it,
But the residents of the winged.
(Answer - birdhouse)

On pole - a cheerful house
With a round small window.
So that the children fall asleep
The house shakes the wind.
Father sings on the porch -
He is both a pilot and a singer.
(Answer - starling)

We all know this bird -
We live on a pole.
How nature blooms -
Songs sings marvelous.
(Answer - starling)

Made a house with birds,
Not to ravens, not tits.
The singers settled there,
Called - ...
(Answer - starlings)

A mystery about a forest poultry for preschool and school children - a selection about an owl, woodpecker

A mystery about a forest poultry for preschool and school children - a selection about an owl, woodpecker

A mystery about a forest poultry for preschool and school children - a selection about an owl, woodpecker:

It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One bird does not sleep:
He sits on the bitch,
The mice is watching.
(Answer - owl)

In the sky circles at night long
The largest, strongest
From a large family of ovina
Croch -pin -backed predatory ...
(Answer - eagle owl)

Here with oddities, the bird -
Judge, really wonderful:
During the day, calmly sprinkles,
At night - she is awake.
(Answer - owl)

All blind people think me
In the morning, in the afternoon. But at night I am
I see everyone in the darkness of the pitch:
Even a crumb of an ant.
(Answer - owl)

It flies all night, gets mice,
And it will become light, again flies into the hollow.
(Answer - owl)

You at night
Find it in the forest.
It is silent, then he will say aloud
Unexpected: "Wow!"
(Answer - owl)

Glazes are round,
The claws are sharp
Narriest crooked -
Forest robber.
(Answer - owl)

Drives weak birds in mutual,
Catches hares and mice
Dawns, wise and multi -sized
A resident of the forest is predatory ...
(Answer - eagle owl)

Two huge scary eyes
The head is turning around
You will recognize her right away
Kohl hesitates ...
(Answer - owl)

Day-day sleeps,
It flies in a dark night
Sleeping everyone wakes up,
Passers -by in the forest scares.
(Answer - owl)

It is silent during the day
Shouts at night
It flies through the forest
Passers -by scares.
(Answer - owl)

He rests in the afternoon, and walks at night.
(Answer - owl)

He sits like a blind day.
And only the evening - for robbery.
(Answer - eagle owl)

In the afternoon blind, sighting at night, catches mice, not a cat.
(Answer - owl)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night,
Heals, scares people.
Eyes burn in the dark -
She is a thunderstorm to all mice.
(Answer - owl)

I'm sleeping during the day
And the night is flying.
Am I good?
(Answer - owl)

Lives in the forest; Movies like a robber.
People are afraid of him, and he is afraid of people.
(Answer - eagle owl)

And in the forest, notice, children,
There are night watchmen.
The watchmen are afraid of these,
Mice hide, trembling!
Very harsh
Filin and ...
(Answer - owls)

Crochet, the eyes are big,
The head walks around
Reduces the mouse genus
Quietly gray ...
(Answer - owl)

When light,
I am hiding in the hollow.
I fly at night,
I scare the mice.
(Answer - owl)

Round -eyed, red -fingered, attacks indiscriminately:
He exterminates rodents, there are enough hazel grouse in the forest,
Parts in the meadow. Only at night it flies
And shouts "Yeah! Yes!"
(Answer - eagle owl)

Flies silently.
Around the head!
Polar, white
Bird …
(Answer - owl)

The ducklings hid in an instant
From forest adversaries.
Apparently, the cell was not closed -
Flew to the wild ...
(Answer - owl)

On the hunt is not up to sleep.
"Beware of the mice at night" -
She grinds loudly.
(Answer - owl)

Not happy to the sun's rays
Hunt only at night.
She has a big head
Eyes are two saucers, who is she?
(Answer - owl)

Crochet nose,
The eyes are large
And a big head.
I decided in the dark at night
She will hunt ...
(Answer - owl)

All trees with interest
The doctor of the forest is studying.
If the tree eats a beetle,
Doctor right away: tuk tuk tuk!
(Answer - woodpecker)

Walks in a red skullcap,
And sits not on the bench,
And on a tree in the forest,
And almost a canopy.
Shin, he will grab the little bug
The famous "doctor" ...
(Answer - woodpecker)

Clock and tuk, tuk and tuk,
What is in the forest for a strange knock?
This is a healer of forests
It works cheerful
(Answer - woodpecker)

Who knocks in the forest in the morning?
Answer the kids,
Then: “tuk-tuk”, then: “So, so, so!”
Builds the house to another eccentric,
In a red cap, a friend,
Who is he? Of course…
(Answer - woodpecker)

The forest is cleaned of bugs -
Easier a couple of trifles!
Forest Friend is a friend.
Colorful, sharp
(Answer - woodpecker)

Who treats trees in the forest?
Time, it will become easier for them.
(Answer - woodpecker)

The trees have evil troubles
Barkouts defeated.
Skire, groan, crying.
Who will help? The bird is a doctor.
  (Answer - woodpecker)

In a hat and a coat and coat
The nose looks like a bit.
Stolyar wood trunk
Every day and house and table.
(Answer - woodpecker)

Whose wonderful, strong nose
Need to build nests?
(Answer - woodpecker)

Knocks on a fraction - shut up
The drummer is strange.
He does not cripple the trees.
He treats trees in the forest.
(Answer - woodpecker)

The dress is motley.
The nose is sharp.
(Answer - woodpecker)

Gray coat.
The nose is chisel.
(Answer - woodpecker)

I love construction,
Belts Dumps the houses.
My cheerful, sonorous knock
Everywhere you can hear:
(Answer - woodpecker)

“Tuk-tuk-tuk, tuk-tuk-tuk!”-
A loud knock is heard.
What a carpenter in a red cap
Does it hold tenaciously by the branch?
(Answer - woodpecker)

All day in the forest: tuk-tuk ...
Who is hidden among the branches?
All trees are the best friend
Lesnoy doctor, hard worker ...
(Answer - woodpecker)

A bird walks in a red hat.
And he finds Zhukov in the bark.
This is my old friend.
And the bird is called ...
(Answer - woodpecker)

At noon hot I hear suddenly:
" Knock-Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock!"
Drummer at the edge
Fights off to the beat of the cuckoo.
In a red hat, in a frock coat,
Having settled on a bitch
Snow White from barrels
He is looking for bugs in the bark.
He hits the beak more and more often
And spreads more often
Drum fraction sound:
" Knock-Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock!"
He is a lumberjack and a sculptor.
Who is this, kids? ...
(Answer - woodpecker)

Bright red head.
The rod will deftly arrange.
And skillfully without missing
He takes out the bugs in the bark.
Have you guessed, buddy?
There is a cheerful one.
(Answer - woodpecker)

Thin long tongue,
The beak is torved like a hammer,
On the head of the cap,
To the larvae - varnish.
(Answer - woodpecker)

"Doctor" for pines and birch,
The sharp nose became stronger,
Will eat pests in the bark
And in the cold, and in the heat!
(Answer - woodpecker)

Disabbed hollow in the barrel,
It is always warm here in winter,
And you sometimes eat food
Near the house under the bark!
(Answer - woodpecker)

Knocks on wood in the morning
Lights fly, bark.
He is an old friend of forests,
Zhukov will catch smart ...
(Answer - woodpecker)

Riddles about wild birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of swans, partridges, eagles

Riddles about wild birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of swans, partridges, eagles
Riddles about wild birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of swans, partridges, eagles

Riddles about wild birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of swans, partridges, eagles:

The neck is like a letter s,
Curled up especially
White color is so to her face
The bird is incomparable.
(Answer - swan)

Long -legged that bird
Graceful, like a queen,
The surface of the water floats,
Wonderfully wriggles.
(Answer - swan)

Proud bird
Is not afraid of water
Very useful,
It looks like a deuce
What is the name, answer!
It is white …
(Answer - swan)

The bird floats slowly
Like a white ship.
Proud and beautiful,
Patient and shy.
(Answer - swan)

It seems to be running around the water surface
Rushing wings like sails.
He pulls his neck and is about to take off-
Water the owner is torn to heaven!
(Answer - swan)

As if the sun is floating
Big a neck,
The beak of water is drawn,
Taken high.
(Answer - swan)

That's wild, that’s a bird!
On the water is like a queen
The snow -white color is matching,
It’s hard to tear your eyes.
(Answer - swan)

Remember who was like that
From a fairy tale, our chick chick.
All of him drove him out for a long time
And rudely nasty was called.
(Answer - swan)

In forest areas lives,
And flies to the wintering,
And the neck of the bird is always
Reminds the number two!
(Answer - swan)

Outwardly, the bird is just wondrous
But hisses, creaks disgusting,
They meet between themselves
Found in love!
(Answer - swan)

These birds are for the night
Snow dived into the blue.
And until dawn
In this fabulous snow
The birds dreamed of summer
With blueberries in the meadow.
(Answer - partridges)

Kuritsa Khokhlata has
Wild Rodich -...
(Answer - partridge)

This is the ancient order -
I have been living in the forest for a long time
I live there by itself,
His chicken is watching.
(Answer - partridges)

Without specialefforts,
Shruck widely,
I gained fame in the sky,
It soars above the ground ...
(Answer - eagle)

In the sky above the field, he often dizzy.
He sees prey and immediately sits down.
Will instantly find a mouse in the grass,
He will pick up the paws and take him to the forest.
He steals chicks at the crests.
In a dark forest, this predator spends the night.
The vision is acute, the hearing did not fail,
Call this bird, of course ...
(Answer - eagle)

In the sky, blue and high,
The bird curls, but not a falcon.
The mice scattered: “Ah!
What a wings, here is a scope!
The bird's gaze is very vigilant,
Better we hide in minks! "
(Answer - eagle)

Like an all -seeing eye
Lonely circles in the sky
And tracks vigilantly
Entrances, exits from mink.
The booty will be distracted a little -
The predator with a stone rushes to her.
From childhood I acquired
These skills ...
(Answer - eagle)

The beak is huge, like a hook,
But all about this is silent.
I meet here dawn.
In the sky, the blue is steaming,
And I fly above the mountains,
Do you find out? I - …
(Answer - eagle)

Very beautiful, proud view.
He soars high in the sky,
Without attaching strength, easy
He sees prey far away
And falling with a stone from heaven,
He will get the food to himself.
Deserved fame of the halo,
Not just a bird, but - ...
(Answer - eagle)

He builds a house on a rock.
Isn't it scary to live in it?
At least around and beauty
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Slide from the cliff - slide off -
Two powerful wings
The owner ...
(Answer - eagle)

There is no one who is not afraid
This formidable bird of prey.
Who, wherever he wandered,
He sees everything from above ...
(Answer - eagle)

He is alone on a branch
The eyes of the eyes and claws of the chain,
All in two accounts B overcome,
Because he - …
(Answer - eagle)

You can’t say about him “Ptach”.
He magnify him and strong.
Two wings with a large scale,
It has a powerful beak.
Both fearless and powerful
He soars over a mountain wheels.
Though his chicks are small,
They still ...
(Answer - eagles)

I don't want to argue with him -
Him mountains on the shoulder!
Two mighty are wings
The king has all the birds - ...
(Answer - eagle)

There in the sky is high, where the clouds
Wide wings are spread out.
I was looking for the prey down
Big and strong bird king
(Answer - eagle)

She is predatory. Big!
Every bird knows this bird.
Crochet and proud gaze -
The color of the steppes and the mountains.
(Answer - eagle)

"Tsar" is called that bird,
Although the crown is not on it.
And many, of course, know
That the mountains are all subject to her.
(Answer - eagle)

Riddles about birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection about a cuckoo

Riddles about birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection about a cuckoo

Riddles about birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of cuckoo:

In the nest above the chicks
She does not coo
Flies through the forest
And loudly dolls.
(Answer - cuckoo)

She sits in the forest on a branch,
She repeats one "ku-ku"
She considers to us all years,
She loses her chicks.
"Ku-ku" here and here
What is the name of this bird?
(Answer - cuckoo)

Lives in the forest on a tree,
It blows its testicles.
But, since she does not drive the nests,
The neighbors will toss them.
We go to the forest to collect a bouquet
On the sunny edge.
And how much to live left
We will ask ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

A funny bird in the forest
All day sings: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku! "
Can not learn
To sing like a rooster, "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
(Answer - cuckoo)

Only two letters know
In the forest repeats them.
(Answer - cuckoo)

In other people's nests, this bird
Throw the craftsman's eggs.
Ku-ku shouting a girlfriend ...
What is the name? ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

The dietary has not yet been born,
And he was given to education.
(Answer - Kukushonok)

I haven't been born yet,
In someone else's nest, he found himself.
(Answer - Kukushonok)

The artist lives in the forest.
Famous soloist.
I perched on the bitch
And sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku."
(Answer - cuckoo)

Who is in the forest guess
And knows everything about your life?
Comers, calculate,
How much you will find out to you!
Bird, gray girlfriend,
And her name is ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

Which mother does not cry for children,
Does it have fun and jumps all my life?
(Answer - cuckoo)

Like a rooster: "Ku-ka-re-ku!",
I started: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku! "
Guesses how many years
Will be disastroused to the whole world!
Who knows this fortuneteller,
And the riddle will guess?
(Answer - cuckoo)

Who is in the forest guess
And knows everything about your life?
Comers, calculate,
How much you will find out to you!
Bird, gray girlfriend,
And her name is ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

Who is on the Christmas tree, on the bitch
The score is: "Ku-ku, ku-ku?"
(Answer - cuckoo)

Who is this bird?
Never build nests for himself,
The neighbor leaves the eggs
And does not remember the chicks.
(Answer - cuckoo)

Lazy bird. The nest does not lie down
Does not nurse the kids, but only sings:
“Ku-ku, yes ku-ku, I will demolish the testicle.
I will take it to someone else's nest. ”
(Answer - cuckoo)

She is worthless mother,
I threw the egg to a girlfriend
I thought to count the years
No wonder her name is ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

I don't know the mother-father
But I often call it.
I will not know children
- I’ll come to a stranger.
(Answer - cuckoo)

Suka sits on Bolshoi
And sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku."
Who lives in our forest?
Tell us about beauty.
(Answer - cuckoo)

Sits on a branch,
His name screams.
(Answer - cuckoo)

They answer us to a question,
They notify about themselves
Huts live without their own
Throwing all the chicks, ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

We must go very quietly,
In order not to scare her and find her.
Sitting somewhere high on the bitch
And he counts the year-ku-ku.
Here is ahead of the edge
And here she is ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

We often hear in the fishing line
Between the branches:-Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
What a variegated bird
Did you demolish the testicle in someone else's nest?
(Answer - cuckoo)

Not a crow, not a tit -
What is this bird called?
I posted on the bitch -
It was heard in the forest "ku-ku".
(Answer - cuckoo)

Does not care about the kids
Looking for nests on the branches:
Non -paste girlfriend
And her name is ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

Reluctance to this bird
To bother with your chick.
He strives to other pichuzhki
Put the egg ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

Breast strip, legs
Like in orange boots.
Only something this bird
He does not strive at all at all.
Will not ask permission,
Sparrow will throw eggs.
Fustles, goric highways
Termin the children's children.
In hot Africa, winter
Only the male dolls her.
“Kli-Kryki,”-in response a girlfriend.
Carefree ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

The gray bird lives.
Never to the nest.
In other people's families, it grows up.
Years of life predicts:
Ku-ku-ku,-shouts on a branch,
- Where are you, where are you, where are you children!
Do not believe her, the bird is a head!
And her name is ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

It is heard in the meadow
Someone's tender "ku-ku",
This is behind the forest edge
Counted a year ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

Mother handed out
All their details
On other people's houses,
Crying, lamenting
The children convenes
It will not convene in any way.
(Answer - cuckoo)

A distant sad call is heard,
Repetition of two syllables.
Birch forest, edge,
He sits on a bitch ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

Counts years on the edge
You, and me, and you ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

Quiet! Hear?
"Ku-ku" is distributed upstairs.
Who lives there on the edge of the edge?
This is smart ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

At least the heat, even though the wind blows -
All day in the forest is dolls.
She is not sorry for her eggs -
Into the nests of home birds
They are thrown boldly,
She has no dealing with the chicks.
Neither beauty nor uglyushka,
And her name is ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

What is this mother
What does not bring up their children?
(Answer - cuckoo)

What a bird is not a little
Ku-ku sings everyone, ku-ku?
Everyone in the forest is a girlfriend,
And her name is ... ...
(Answer - cuckoo)

What a bird -
Does not sit on the egg
Slies on other people's nests,
He does not know his children.
(Answer - cuckoo)

Shchoplai, tail
Cunning feathered.
The nests are driving. But does not want
The masonry in the neighbors leaves.
For a chant there is a edge!
And it is cuckoing there ...
   (Answer - cuckoo)

This bird, mother is bad,
At least at first glance, not angry.
But to hatch the testicles,
Gives a neighbor a bird.
From the very top of the top,
Ku-ku screams to us?
(Answer - cuckoo)

This bird does not drive nests
He does not sing marvelous songs.
Loud, sitting on a bitch,
The score keeps years: "Ku-ku!"
(Answer - cuckoo)

I can live without home,
For children, the nest is not a view.
I do not feed my family.
(Answer - cuckoo)

Riddles about birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of a lark

Riddles for birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of a lark
Riddles about birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of a lark

Riddles about birds for children of preschool and school age - a selection of a lark:

Voice in the blue sky
Like a tiny bell.
(Answer - larks)

In the morning it is loudly singing
He invites everyone to the field.
(Answer - larks)

He's his nest in the field.
Where plants stretch.
His songs and flight
We entered the poems!
(Answer - larks)

High under the clouds,
Above the fields and meadows,
As if pouring off the consumption,
The song starts ...
(Answer - larks)

He wants to fly directly
Wants - hangs in the air,
It falls from the heights with a stone
And sings in the fields, sings.
(Answer - larks)

Sings for a long time in flight,
He lives in the steppes, deserts,
He meets the first dawn,
The singer is more wonderful.
- Whose trill in the air floats
And what is the name of that singer?
(Answer - larks)

When the sun shines
High in heaven,
He is in flowering, flies
And sings in the clouds.
You can hear the trill
High, far ...
Everything around freezes -
It is so beautiful.
(Answer - larks)

The blue song was woven in the sky
The voice is clean and the call.
I fell from the sky with a pebble
In the grass ...
(Answer - larks)

Previously all of the birds gets up,
Sings the sun to the sun,
Raises all living things
What is the name of the bird?
(Answer - larks)

I am above the field, above the swamp
I'm starting to sing early.
And I love a helicopter
Hanging in the blue air.
(Answer - larks)

What a little bird
Did you get a ringing song?
Among the morning coolness
The new day welcomes.
(Answer - larks)

Riddle about a firebird for preschool and school children

Riddle about a firebird for preschool and school children
Riddle about a firebird for preschool and school children

A riddle about a firebird for children of preschool and school age:

Sweet apples aroma
He lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers shine with fire,
And light around, like during the day.
(Answer: Firebird)

Grief of grief,
All sparkles like a dawn
And Ivan-Durak catches her for the king at night.
He managed to cling to her tail,
And her name is ...
(Answer: Firebird)

Ivan Humpbukes told Ivan
How to catch a bird.
And the advice gave him:
“You can burn your hand, you need a mitten,
Burns like fire and as the sun ... "
(Answer: Firebird)

My question, believe me, is simple:
Who, as a fan, has a tail?
Who is proud of the plumage,
Does not fly, does not sing,
Is it important on the ground?
(Answer: Firebird)

Riddle about bird feeder for preschool and school children

Riddle about bird feeder for preschool and school children
Riddle about bird feeder for preschool and school children

Riddle about bird feeders for preschool and school children:

The hut is new, for all the dining room,
Calls dinner, tickle crumbs.
(Answer: bird feeder)

What a table among birches
Open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds with grain and bread.
(Answer: bird feeder)

I feed the winter of the bird:
Sparrows and blue
I will give them fat and grain.
I'm glad when full
(Answer: bird feeder)

It always has comfort for birds,
People put grains.
House without windows, but with the crown,
Called ...
(Answer: bird feeder)

On winter day among branches
The table is set for guests.
(Answer: bird feeder)

Here are tables for birds -
Sparrows and tits.
Winter evening girlfriends
They make birds ...
(Answer: bird feeder)

Anyone here can a bird
To the winter cold to treat.
A hut hangs on a bitch,
Called ...
(Answer: bird feeder)

Video: riddles for children-guess. Riddles about birds and drawing lesson for children

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