Nuclear powers of the world for 2022-2023: List of a nuclear club

Nuclear powers of the world for 2022-2023: List of a nuclear club

The beginning of the use of nuclear weapons is the middle of the last century, when the last chords of World War II was the bombardment of the uranium bombs of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Practical completely destroyed cities have become a reference point, from which a new life starts - not only peaceful, post -war, but also in constant tension, which will freely or involuntarily create reserves of nuclear weapons in the world.

The development of nuclear weapons was not very rapid, but confident. About which nuclear powers were the first to announce the creation of nuclear weapons, and also how many nuclear states are now - you will learn from the article.

The first nuclear power

  • The first nuclear power of the world was America. It was the United States at the end of the Second World War who managed to concentrate the entire potential of science in order to prevent the championship in this area of \u200b\u200bHitler Germany.
  • These developments, which are actively involved in nuclear physicists, allowed the Americans to become the discoverers of not only the most nuclear bomb, but also the terrifying consequences of its explosion. By the end of the war, they approached three nuclear warheads in the arsenal.
  • Having conquered the palm of the championship, the United States held it for some time, remaining messive owners of nuclear weapons in the world. But after a few years, the Soviet Union caught up with the leader, also becoming a nuclear power.
  • Initially, the functions of the nuclear bombs were performed by aviation units, and since the 60s, American weapons were replenished with both land and marine intercontinental missiles. The first tests were conducted by the Americans in the early 1950s.
  • At first, having increased the power of its nuclear reserve, by the 90s of the last century, the United States first reduced it by 3 times, and by the time it stopped Cold War with the USSR, It was decided to dispose of obsolete samples.
A map of nuclear powers
A map of nuclear powers

Great nuclear powers

  • To date, the main holders of nuclear weapons according to official figures are the five countries that are part of the UN Security Council on the rights of its permanent members. The great nuclear powers are the Russian Federation, the USA, China, France, and Great Britain.
  • They fully meet the characteristics of the definition of a great nuclear power, having, in addition to interests in various regions of the world and a well -equipped army and navy, the required number of nuclear weapons and its delivery means at distances, which are determined as intercontinental, i.e. Over 8 you. km. In addition, these powers are equipped and atomic submarines.

At the beginning of 2022-2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on all the great nuclear powers to work primarily on eliminating the risks of a large-scale military conflict, since it is they who are largely responsible for ensuring that humanity not only remains, but also develops.

Nuclear weapons in the world
Nuclear weapons in the world

Young nuclear powers

  • In addition to the five great nuclear powers, there are four countries that also have nuclear weapons and are part of the so -called nuclear clubIn more detail - just below.
  • Since the first five - Russia, America, France, Great Britain and China - It is connected by certain relations, documents and contractual obligations, then they are called “old”, i.e. For a long time and officially announced their arsenal of nuclear weapons. But, besides these powers, countries such as Israel, India, Korean People's Democratic Republic and Pakistan. Since all membership in the club (as, in fact, the club itself) is conditional, these states have informally received the status of the "young".
  • There are several more powers in the territory of which nuclear weapons are recorded or expected. First of all, it is nATO member countries Or those who are an ally of the United States of America. They are ranked to those Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Turkey, and it is also assumed that the nuclear arsenal is in Japan and the South Korean Republic.
  • They, unlike the "old" club members, are not yet officially recognized and submitted by the contract that stipulates non -proliferation of nuclear weapons signed in 1968.

Powers of a nuclear club

  • The club is the conditional name of several countries that have nuclear potential. Its “old -timers” and the main core, as already indicated above, are considered 5 powers. All of them signed an agreement in which they pledged not to distribute a nuclear arsenal.
About a nuclear club
About a nuclear club
  • But, in addition, almost almost joined the above agreement 200 states, not having or possessing single copies of nuclear weapons, but this does not give reason to consider them members of the club. But such Asian nuclear powers as Pakistan, India and Israel, are still not the signathers of the agreement on non -proliferation, although they are currently in the top ten leaders in the number of nuclear potential.
  • Another power North Korea, For her part, she stated that she was leaving the contract. This issue is still not finally settled, since many are of the opinion that all the necessary procedures for the release were legally observed. That's why The UN to this day is considering the DPRK as a member of the contract.
  • Also, Israel has not yet admitted that he has nuclear weapons. His position is still characterized by the phrase of the Great Golda Meir, the prime minister of this country, that Israel does not have nuclear weapons, but if necessary, the Israelis will use it. Therefore, no one doubts Israel in Israel, and the country is even entering the symbolic club of nuclear powers, as in the top ten leaders in the number of weapons.
  • All powers with nuclear arsenal are not interested in increasing their number. For this, both international economic and political sanctions are used, and provocative armed sabotage methods.

How many nuclear powers in the world at 2022-2023: List

It is probably impossible to list all the powers that have or developing nuclear weapons. Often such data is classified by this or that country, and only intelligence reports sometimes indicate the possibility of its possession of nuclear potential. A striking example of this is Iraq, about which there was an opinion, as a country developing nuclear ammunition, and maybe already equipped with them. But since there is not a single official confirmation of this - it is impossible to talk about Iraq as a nuclear power today.

In the official list of nuclear powers of the world, compiled for 2022-2023, all the same nine positions appear:

  1. The largest number of nuclear weapons in the Russian Federation - About 7 thousand, some of which the country received as a successor of the Soviet Union. Almost 2 thousand charges are in a detailed state, the rest - in the stage of preparation for disposal as old -time, or are stored.
  2. USA. The country has a little less than 7 thousand nuclear charges, of which 1500 ammunition is deployed, the rest in storage or disposal, as well as from above 800 strategic carriers.
  3. Great Britain. This country has not been conducting tests since the beginning of the 90s, and delivery systems have been purchased in America. In general, the arsenal of the British is estimated at about 220 charges, in the absence of aviation and land carriers based on submarines.
  4. France. Unlike British neighbors, the French chose to create their own strengths. To date, the potential of France is estimated at 300 charges. The power of one of the latter, only at the very end of the last century, signed an agreement prohibiting nuclear tests.
  5. Chinese People's Republic. Nuclear weapons have been tested in China from the mid-60s to the end of the last century. It is only supposed to talk about the true volumes of the arsenal, since the Chinese quite actively close information about this. According to official figures, we are talking about 250-270 warheads.
  6. India. The country created its weapon with the help of the British, Canadians and Americans. In the official lists of powers owning a nuclear arsenal, he fell only by the end of the last century, when the test explosions no longer made it possible to hide the presence of nuclear charges. Today, their number is estimated in about 130 units.
  7. Pakistan. There are approximately as many charges as in India, with which Pakistan is in a state of protracted conflict. The country has its own factories and reactors, and the first test of nuclear weapons produced on them was carried out at the very end of the 20th century.
  8. Israel. As already mentioned, the Israeli nuclear program is a secret behind seven seals. There is no exact data about the tests conducted or about the number of charges. According to alleged estimates, it is about 80, and Israel is ready to deliver charges from both air and land and water.
  9. Korean People's Democratic Republic Also, one of the first took up the creation of her own atomic weapons. In the Commonwealth with the Soviet Union, development and research have been conducted since the middle of the last century, but the world has learned about the test of a kiloton nuclear bomb only at the beginning of the current one. Today, the arsenal of North Korea is estimated at 10-20 charges. In addition, Koreans say they have intercontinental ballistic missiles that can overcome from above 7 thousand km.

We can also say about the states that were nuclear powers in the recent past: the South African Republic, which abandoned the already available nuclear potential, Ukraine and Kazakhstan (which were part of the four nuclear leaders), Belarus, which also voluntarily parted with nuclear weapons.

Balance of nuclear potentials of powers

  • Of course, it would be naive about the balance in the literal sense of the word, since out of 9 countries participating in a nuclear club over 90% of the total world reserve of nuclear weapons falls on the share of only two nuclear powers- America and Russia.
  • Fortunately, in today's days of nuclear charges on Earth, there are less and less. True, a decreasing amount does not speak of quality. By modern standards, one shell may be equal to the degree of possible destruction to several warheads created in past years. The role of the nuclear status of the power is mainly in eliminating the factor of possible pressure on it. In addition, almost half of the globe is a zone, officially free from nuclear weapons.
Proliferation of nuclear weapons
Proliferation of nuclear weapons
  • In the world, according to experts, about 16 thousand nuclear charges (We are talking about both strategic and tactical weapons). Russia and the USA, possessing the largest amount of charges, At the same time are leaders in the field of disarmament. The development of nuclear industry in many countries from this point of view is closely considered by the world community in order to prevent the production of nuclear weapons under the cover of peaceful programs.
  • The International Atomic Energy Agency calculated that the potential of about 40 countries allows them to create their own nuclear weapons. That is why a clear and steady compliance with the norms and clauses of the non -proliferation agreement is so important. The logic of deterrence of weapons makes a bilateral strategic balance more stable and predicted. Under the nuclear umbrella of America today are all countries-NATO members, as well as Japan, Australia, the South Korean Republic, which allows them not to strive to increase their own nuclear weapons.

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Comments K. article

  1. The UN countries do not accept the world free of nuclear weapons (resolution 70/33 of December 7, 2015) terror and “unprincipled” attitude to weapons and its variability, the country is not a participant in the contract, to be called a democratic document on “fundamental importance disarmament ”, not striking a nuclear strike of the world community and adequately solve, a state of type Iran is not incoming under the contract.

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