TOP-10 dangerous for women of countries. What countries are dangerous for women tourists? Countries in which it is scary to be born a woman

TOP-10 dangerous for women of countries. What countries are dangerous for women tourists? Countries in which it is scary to be born a woman

The most dangerous states are for women.

Now there are many posts in politics, in our country and in Europe women are occupied by women. For many, this is not surprising, because in developing countries women and men are approximately at the same level, there is equality. But there are countries to be born in which a woman is very dangerous. Below we will present the rating of the countries in which women are infringed.

TOP-10 hazardous for women of countries


  1. Afghanistan. This state has a very low level of healthcare, more than 80% of the fair sex in the process of delivery do not contact medical institutions, because they are not enough. A woman gives birth on her own, because of this, the country has a high level of mortality among women in labor. In addition, sexual violence flourishes. Almost always, girls under 16 years old are married. About 90% of minors are married. There is high illiteracy. Women do not learn anywhere and do not even know how to write. Due to the difficult situation, many parents refuse to take their children to school.

    Women in Afghanistan
    Women in Afghanistan
  2. Guatemala. The country is very poor. Women are not considered to be people in it, they are regularly subjected to domestic violence and rape. The country has a very high level of AIDS disease, so many women do not even live up to 30 years.

    Wedding in Guatemala
    Wedding in Guatemala
  3. Democratic Republic of Congo. At the moment, martial law is in the country. Since military operations, the situation for women has radically worsened. Now most women are also fighting, they are regularly abused by men. Women in this republic are often raped, while there are practically no rights of the fair sex. They cannot sign in any legal document without the permission of the husband. The country has a very low level of medicine, so about 70% of women in position suffers from anemia, gives birth to not quite healthy children.

    Girl after rape
    Girl after rape
  4. India. This is a country in which Dauri is welcome, although it is officially prohibited by law. This is nothing more than ransom to the parents of the groom for being married. The most interesting thing is that the amount of ransom is set long before the wedding. If the bride’s parents cannot pay this amount, then the wedding may be canceled. The most interesting thing is that now in India there are many women in a position go on an ultrasound in order to determine the sex of the child. If this is a girl, then most likely a woman will have an abortion. This is due to the unwillingness to pay a huge ransom during the girl’s wedding. In this country, it is necessary that a woman gives birth to an heir. If she has all her daughters, then no one takes the sisters. For the family, a huge shame that she cannot give birth to an heir, but lets into the light exclusively daughters. In India, women are regularly subjected to violence, due to the fact that their number has significantly reduced. Illegal sterilization of women flourishes.

    Illegal sterilization of women
    Illegal sterilization of women
  5. Iraq. Until 2003, life for women in this country was one of the best among Arab countries. Because women were allowed to study, they could work with architects, doctors, and journalists. After 2003, with the beginning of hostilities, the situation has completely changed. Now a huge number of women are sitting locked up at home, because they are not allowed without their husband or relatives to leave home. They are forced to wear a bedspread that completely covers the face, leaving his eyes open and hands. In Iraq, a woman must obey her man, and do nothing without his knowledge. In fact, in this state, the husband is the master of his wife.

    The woman is a soldier
    The woman is a soldier
  6. Mali, Africa. In the state, female circumcision is welcome. Many women after circumcision cannot get pregnant. In addition, during sex they cannot feel an orgasm. In fact, they become frigid. They are forced to work hard, constantly being pregnant. In the country, they practically do not have abortion. High mortality during childbirth.

    Women in Mali
    Women in Mali
  7. Pakistan. Dangerous to women the country. Because very religious. It is not customary to say the word sex aloud here, while women are not allowed to go out without accompanying men. Violence is common in this country. About 90% of women in families are abused, both sexual and ordinary. The rights of women are oppressed in every possible way. This state was on the list of countries of religious extremists. As a result of this, special religious communities kill, as well as persecute politicians, and women who promote human rights or work as lawyers. Often for refusing the wedding, women are doused with acid.

    Face after acid
    Face after acid
  8. Somalia. Due to constant hostilities, the situation has significantly worsened. Here, most girls aged 4-11 are victims of violence. At the same time, human trade flourishes. The most interesting thing is that only about 10% of women give birth to children in medical institutions. Therefore, mortality among women in labor is very high. In 40% of cases, children die during childbirth due to the fact that they cannot provide medical assistance. Moreover, death can occur due to trifling diseases that are successfully treated in our country.

    Life in Somalia
    Life in Somalia
  9. Sudan. The state, in which marriages are concluded quite late, usually after 20 years a wedding is carried out. At the same time, a woman in the country has the right to study, get a profession in order to get a prestigious job. The most interesting thing is that after marriage, a woman is forced to take care of the house, as well as work, monitor children. However, she does not have the right to raise her voice to her husband. Men in this country do not help their women in the house, so a huge number of worries come down for the fair sex. In this state, the custom of sexual circumcision in girls has been preserved, so most women after this procedure do not enjoy sex. Sexual relations become real torture for a woman. Therefore, girls who have received at least some education try to go abroad to another country. It is quite difficult to do this, it is necessary to obtain permission from all male family members. If this is not done, the girl simply will not be released abroad. The only option to leave is to undergo religious training. Girls in most cases remain in the state, get a job, get married. Thus dooming itself to a hard life. The fact is that they cannot spend their free time as they want. They are obliged to ask their husbands. Very often women resort to deception in order to meet with their friends or just relax.

    South Sudan
    South Sudan
  10. Chad. In this state, most women are married at the age of 11-12 years. In this country, the fair sex is almost powerless. There is a tradition in the state that a man should take care of his relatives. Most residents of the country live in poverty, and if a man, a distant relative, earns well, they can come to him every day in order to eat. Accordingly, the wife is forced to cook food even for 40 people. The most interesting thing is that female sexual circumcision is also done in this state. A woman is devoid of orgasm during sex. The level of medicine is very low, dysentery flourishes, as well as a variety of intestinal infections, due to which a large number of children die. A woman in this country is forced to take care of her husband, children from morning to evening. She is practically not allowed to go out. The state is divided into 2 parts, in the first part is Muslim, and the second Christian. These communities are divided by territories and standard of living. In the part where Muslims live, it is really very difficult for women. In the Christian community, many women can freely dress like Europeans, and even work.

    Republic of Chad
    Republic of Chad

Countries in which it is scary to be born a woman

This is a list of states in which it is dangerous to be a little girl:

  1. Afghanistan. Here, the faces of schoolgirls are often doused with acid. This is because some religious sects do not welcome women's education. The best wife is dumb.
  2. India. In this country, infants are simply killed by girls. Because they do not want to educate the girl. This provoked a shortage of women, in huge cities but 1000 men only 800 women. Because of this, a lot of fair sex simply disappears. The midwife or midwife pay only 3 dollars so that she gets rid of the girl of the girl. Women for this penny money attack the babies with poison, drown like kittens, or close in a pot. They can instill alive.
  3. Somalia. In the country, little girls, due to the low standard of living and the lack of humanitarian aid, are forced to ask for alms. Girls are often abducted and sold to slavery unattended.
  4. Iraq. In this country, a huge number of prostitutes, as well as women who ask for alms. This is due to the fact that the country is very poor, and military operations are taking place in it. Thanks to this, the theft and trade of children flourishes. For a girl 12 years in the black market, they give for $ 30,000. For the woman “not the first freshness” they give $ 2,000. Therefore, teenage girls are not allowed to walk along the street unaccompanied.
  5. Africa. In this state, it is customary for girls to do sexual circumcision. To minor girls, usually at the age of 8-12 years they simply cut small labia, as well as the clitoris. This is a tradition that originates since ancient times. Further, to live women becomes no better. Even before adulthood, they are married. A huge number of girls cannot give birth to children, just because they were circumcised. What caused a violation of labor.
Girl in scars
Girl in scars

Countries are dangerous for women tourists

Of course, in the countries of the near East, few of our tourists will take the chance to go to rest, because in most of these states the rights of women, military operations or poverty are infringed. Therefore, there is nothing to watch there. But there are countries to which it makes sense to go, to see local attractions and features of life. Below is a list of countries, before a trip to which it is worth thinking a hundred times. Because they are potentially dangerous for Russian tourists.

Where do not go women-tourists:

  1. Brazil. The country of carnival, on which a huge number of criminals and thieves are teeming. They often steal girls here. In addition, they beat and abduct values.
  2. Philippines. These are the islands that many tourists want to get to, thanks to local beauties and unusual landscapes. But before the trip it is worth thinking a hundred times. Because there is an island, as well as cities in which staying for a woman is very dangerous. The fact is that it is customary to add drugs to foreign tourists in food, as well as sleeping pills in order to rob them. And this is at best. There is a cutting of organs in tourists. Trade of organs flourishes here, so tourists are most often victims, due to the fact that no one will look for them.
  3. Colombia. Drugs, the mafia flourish in this country. Men are very hot, so there are cases of kidnapping tourists right on the streets, and selling them into sexual slavery.
  4. Turkey. This state used to be very popular among tourists who enjoyed the All inclusive system. Now everything has changed, because most Turks are very annoying and simply adhere to Russian girls. They want to get bait, most often they stick to rob. Trading girls, as well as their delivery to local brothels, will flour. Therefore, if you do not want to become a prostitute of one of the brothels, we advise you not to go beyond your hotel without men and in defiant clothes.
  5. Thailand. Despite the fact that in this country you can have fun and have a great rest for a small amount of money, single tourists should be very careful. The fact is that you should not walk here at a later time. A crime on sexual grounds is often carried out, despite the large number of brothels and the availability of sex. Tourists are often robbed.
  6. Morocco. This is a country in which you should be very careful. Most often, foreigners become victims because of their defiant clothes. A man can come up and just beat a tourist, because he did not like her appearance.
  7. Mexico. In this country, the metro is very dangerous. The most interesting thing is that tourists are recommended to travel in the first two wagons. It is in them that the police who prohibit the entrance to men go. Therefore, you will protect yourself and reduce the risk of being robbed in the subway car.
  8. India. Despite the fact that this is a very beautiful country, with unusual landscapes, a woman should be careful. The number of abortions among women who are pregnant by girls is constantly growing here. The number of fair sex in this country is sharply reduced. Men lacking women, so cases of violence flourish here. This is especially common with tourists, because they look very unusual, exotic.
Collision of two crops
Collision of two crops

In order to protect yourself in these countries during rest, you should adhere to several rules.


  • Never withdraw a huge amount of money. It is best if you save your card in the room, and cash in the safe. Take a small amount of cash with you. If you are stolen from you, it will not be so offensive.
  • Never put on a huge amount of jewelry. It is better to go out into the street without expensive jewelry.
  • Do not put on causing clothes. This is especially true for eastern countries, where the main faith is Islam. Men can behave very aggressively in relation to visiting women because of their appearance and non-compliance with the rules of behavior.
  • Try to dress modestly without opening the mouth -watering parts of the body. Do not go for a walk in the evening around the city unaccompanied by men or company.
  • Try to always stay with friends and not go far from them.
Countries are dangerous for tourists
Countries are dangerous for tourists

As you can see, there are a huge number of countries in which women are infringed, and cannot afford elementary preschool education. They are married early, and in some states sexual circumcision are done, as a result of which a woman cannot enjoy sex.

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  1. In a marriage with his wife 12 years old. The reasons were sharply spoiled. The attention had been overcome on her part! She began to often linger at work, came late, not showing me. I noticed that the phone was hiding. When meeting with friends, he shared his problem. They advised me to contact a specialist who at one time helped them. This person is engaged in these issues for a long time and successfully. He also deals with accounts, all social networks and messengers, passwords, searching for people, wiretapping and others. Arthur (eight nine -six -seven zero nine -nine five -five -five -five are called him). And really he was able to help me! My problem was solved. My fears were justified. The treason was revealed. Thanks to Arthur! Really helped.

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