How to preserve the youth of the skin of the face? Effective methods of face rejuvenation

How to preserve the youth of the skin of the face? Effective methods of face rejuvenation

Simple and available to each woman folk remedies to extend the youth of the face of the face, will replace expensive Beauty Salon procedures. Regular massage, the correct diet and positive emotions will rejuvenate the skin of the face without surgery.

Each age has its own charm, but you don’t want a single self -respecting lady in advance to lose face, turning into an old woman in advance. A woman who has already “hit” 30 years begins to observe minor changes in appearance. Along with the acquisition of smoothness and special sophistication, slightly noticeable wrinkles appear on the face, which eventually become deep grooves.

Why is the skin of the face aging?

The skin is a kind of indicator that reflects the harmony of the external and inner world of a woman. Any imbalance of these indicators immediately manifest on her face.

The main enemy of any woman is negative emotions. No wonder the people of the woman Yagu are drawn as an evil, wrinkled old woman with gray complexion and papillomas. The feeling of dissatisfaction, guilt and envy, dissatisfaction with their appearance, the quality of life or relationships - destroy from the inside.

All these experiences are reflected in the condition of the skin and general well -being. Therefore, before proceeding with the rejuvenation of the face and the whole body - get rid of negativity and love yourself.

Folk remedies of rejuvenation of the skin of the face for a long time

Cosmetics, in quality and their action, are largely inferior to natural skin care products. This is due to the composition of cosmetics, which includes the ingredients that contribute to its long -term storage. Of course, to use ready-made products that are massively produced by specialized Beauty companies is easy and convenient, but even their prolonged use rarely gives expected results.

Natural components in inexpensive cosmetics are often replaced by synthetic, which, injure the skin, clog pores, causing a greenhouse effect and, most importantly, accumulate in the body. Even expensive cosmetics will not exceed the quality of a regular homemade mask, cream or scrub from natural products.

Women who managed to choose the right face cosmetics will be useful to arrange the Vitamin Boom skin in the form of homemade masks from natural components. The young ladies that are still in the search for magical cosmetic drugs can discover the world of folk remedies for prolonging the youth of the skin.

A few tips, at the choice of ingredients and making home cosmetics:

  • The unchanging principle of facial skin care (cleansing, tonic, moisturizing and nutrition) should be present in home procedures
  • For the manufacture of any means, only purified (melt or mineral non -carbonated) is used, in extreme cases - boiled water
  • All ingredients of home remedies should be fresh, organic. For lack of any of the components, it is advisable to purchase it in the bazaar - from grandmothers who sell their own hand -grown vegetables and fruits. Overseas products should be chosen carefully, it is better for trusted sellers
  • Girls prone to allergies should check the skin of any component present in the folk remedy
  • You can not prepare facial care mixtures in aluminum containers

A comprehensive procedure for skin rejuvenation of cryo cubes of ice

The procedure for rejuvenation of the face using cryo cubes includes the phased use of three types of frozen mixtures. It is advisable to use the rejuvenation system before bedtime.

Ice cubes for skin

Recipe 1. Ice cubes for cleansing, tonic skin

  • cranberry juice 100 ml
  • water 100 ml
  • alo's juice - 2 tsp.

Recipe2. Nourishing and moisturizing the skin of a cryo cube

  • lipa infusion 100 ml
  • mirra oil - 3 drops
  • sea buckthorn oil - 1 tsp

Recipe 3. Nourishing cubes that smoothing small wrinkles around the eyes

  • green tea infusion 100 ml
  • milk (preferably non -fat) - 100 ml
  • olive oil - 3 drops.

The ingredients indicated in each recipe are thoroughly mix and separately fill in ice molds.

All mixtures in frozen form are applied to cleansed skin of the face and neck of the neck. First, cranberry ice should be applied to the face, bypassing the area around the eyes, until the ice cube is and is. The next ice from sea buckthorn oil is applied immediately after the use of the previous one. Cubes prepared according to the third recipe are applied to the area around the eyes in the form of an eight.

The rejuvenation system of cryo cubes lasts 5 consecutive days with a break of 2-3 days, in 3-4 approaches.

Cryo cubes are stored in the freezer for no more than a week.

Video: Belarusian ice cubes. Rejuvenation per month

Face mask with Botox effect

A mask based on potato starch allows you to actively smooth out small, facial wrinkles. The carrot juice present in the mask perfectly tones, smoothes the skin, gives elasticity.


  • potato starch - 1 tbsp.
  • warm water (boiled) - 250 ml
  • 1 carrot or 5 tbsp. freshly squeezed carrot juice
  • fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Dissolve potato starch in warm water (100-120 ml)
  2. Put the solution in a water bath or stove, add the remaining amount of warm water
  3. Keep the mixture on the stove for about 10-15 minutes-until that time, until the mass thickens to the state of jelly
  4. Sprinkle 5 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting Clayster in another container, let it cool
  5. Add 5 tbsp to the cooled mass. fresh carrot juice and 1 tbsp. sour cream, mix until a homogeneous state

The smoothing mask with the effect of Botox can be smeared not only the face, but also the “forbidden zones” - the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds. You can apply the natural substitute for Botox in several layers. After 20-40 minutes after application, rinse the mixture with warm water, apply a nutritious cream or almond oil. The mask should be used in the course every other day, 5 - 10 times.

The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

Video: Replace Botox with a natural mask

Mask to increase the skin tone of the face

The product is prepared on the basis of ginger, which gives the skin elasticity. To make a face care mixture, it is preferable to use fresh ginger root, grated in advance and placed in a glass container. A shabby mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks.

Ingredients for preparing lifting masks:

  • apple
  • banana
  • olive oil - 1 tsp (you can replace it with oil of wheat germ (for light skin) or avocado oil

The sequence of cooking masks with the lifting effect:

  1. Rub half an apple on a fine grater
  2. Suppress a third of the banana and connect with a grated apple
    Add 1 tsp. olive oil
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with 1 tsp. fresh ginger juice, mix

The finished puree is applied for 20 minutes on the face, neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe second chin, without touching the eye area and the nasolabial area. Use the mask lifting no more than a week and a course of no more than a month. The remaining mixture is perfect for conducting hair care procedures “Just apply it before washing your head to your hair.”

Video: lifting mask from ginger

Night cream from sea rinks

A daily remedy that allows you to fight edema, wrinkles and small rashes, despite the weighty list of ingredients, is quickly prepared.


  • fresh sea buckthorn-3-4 tbsp.
  • shi oil - ½ coffee spoon
  • grape seed oil - 8 drops
  • calendula oil - 5 drops
  • wheat germ oil - 10 drops
  • glycerin - 7 drops
  • vaselin - 1 tbsp.
  • children's cream - 75 ml.
  • vitamin E-2-3 drops
  • grapefruit essential oil-4-5 drops
  • tea rose essential oil-3-4 drops

Cream cooking sequence:

  1. Ceilings in a mortar sea buckthorn
  2. Melt the oil on the steam bath
  3. Add grape seed oil, calendula oil, wheat germ oil
  4. Pour glycerin and petroleum jelly into the melted mass, and when it cools, add vitamin E
  5. Place the baby cream in a separate container, connect with the previously sealed sea buckthorn and melted oils and mix thoroughly
  6. Add grapefruit and tea rose to the resulting mixture

Video: 100% Cream against wrinkles

Contact massage of the face. Facial skin tightening without surgery

Along with home skin care procedures, facial massage Helps to fight signs of aging and wilting the dermis. The systematic performance of facial massage allows you to remove swelling, strengthen muscle tissue, fight skin problems (acne, capillary "mesh").

If the skin of the face has inflammation, herpes, large moles or open wounds, massage is not recommended to produce on their own.

Before the immediate massage procedure:

  • rinse cosmetics from your face
  • wash your hands
  • apply a massage cosmetic product to the skin

The sequence of massage of the face along the massage lines:

  • from the top of the nose, along the chin to the ears and down the neck
  • from the center of the chin to the lower part of the ears
  • from the wings of the nose to the middle of the ear sink
  • from the top of the nose to the top of the ear
  • with delicate movements of the fingertips “draw an eight” in the area around the eyes
  • from the center of the eyebrow connection, up the forehead to the scalp

All movements should be soft and smooth. Fingers should slide on the skin without squeezing it.

Video: face massage from wrinkles

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting information!
    For more than a century, people have been looking for a means of eternal youth and beauty,
    many studies were conducted, as a result of which various
    Creams against wrinkles, pills against aging.

  2. I tried a lot to remove small facial wrinkles, but for some reason everything did not give a long effect. Then, she began to engage in gymnastics for the face, the simulator Lula Ultra connected, at the moment there is a result in the form of a fit and elastic skin. I really liked the recipe for sea buckthorn cream, I think just after evening classes with Lulu it will be perfect.

  3. Dear women, be beautiful at any age!

  4. I always wipe the skin of the face with a piece of ice in the morning and now, like a month, I drink a hyaluron from Evalar, in general it is necessary for 2 months, but I already like the result + I wipe the skin with aloe juice in the evening. The skin has become moisturized and more elastic

  5. Over time, I notice how my skin more and more loses its elasticity and freshness, and now the first wrinkles have already begun recently. As a way out, I get a little more to drink fresh Freshov and do charging every day, but unfortunately, this is not enough. Because of this, on the advice of a good cosmetologist, she began to drink capsules from Evalar, which are called Coenzym Q₁₀. I really liked this remedy for aging because it is completely natural and has no side effects. After a course of 2 months, the skin on the face becomes very fresh and fit.

  6. The topic of vitamins passed by ... But there are very good ones. Famval French, for example, appeared not so long ago. And in general there are many complexes for the skin. The rest is a very useful article. Facial massage is a thing!

  7. Your comment is waiting for verification.

    I like to wipe my face with an ice cube. Sometimes I do with the addition of herbs. I make various masks and massage courses. I nourish the skin from the inside. I take Coenzym Q10 courses. It stimulates cell renewal, has a complex effect on all layers of the skin, helping to maintain elasticity and freshness. I take the Evalarovsky dissolved in coconut oil, easily absorbed by the body.

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