TOP-10 of the most visited countries. What countries are the most popular among tourists from Russia?

TOP-10 of the most visited countries. What countries are the most popular among tourists from Russia?

Review of countries that tourists most often visit.

Most tourists are tired of relaxing in the nearest regions of their own country, so they seek to go abroad, see something new, beautiful, unusual. In this article, we will consider the top 10 countries in which tourists go most and with pleasure.

TOP-10 of the most visited countries

  • In 10th place was Mexico. Oddly enough, this dangerous country for women is quite popular among tourists. This is due to the fact that there are unusual islands in it, on which a huge number of sandy beaches, ancient ruins, the ruins of Mayan peoples, as well as chic beaches, warm, affectionate sea. Please note that crime flourishes in Mexico, so you need to be very careful, and not be alone even on large beaches.

  • In 9th place in this list is Russia. In our country there are 26 UNESCO facilities. Most often, tourists come to Lake Baikal, Kamchatka, Altai Territory, as well as on the Black Sea coast. Visit large cities in which a huge number of monuments. The most popular among tourists who want to be among the city bustle are Moscow, as well as St. Petersburg. More than a million inhabitants of Russia work just in the field of tourism, regularly engage in excursions, entertaining visitors from other countries.

    Altai region
    Altai region
  • Britain is in 8th place. Despite the fact that London is one of the most rainy cities, he is visited the most. Most often, visitors can be seen just on the Tower Bridge and in a variety of fortresses. This city is full of various history monuments, as well as beautiful architectural buildings. At the same time, residents of the city are quite unusual.
  • Most of all tourists come to the UK, oddly enough from Europe, that is, from neighboring countries and even residents of the USA, Canada. It is worth noting that it is in London, as well as Great Britain, according to tourists, the most money is left. It is in the UK that huge incomes in the field of tourism are received. It is worth noting that they often come to the UK in order to visit the unusual places of Scotland.

  • In the 7th place of the most visited countries in the world is Germany. According to some reports, this country is the safest for tourists, because it is here that the least thefts were discovered, as well as attacks on residents of other states. It is worth noting that tourism in Germany is very developed, so more than 40% of local residents are resting in their country and do not go anywhere. The state has a lot of castles and parks that are guarded. It is here that a huge number of tourists come to look at green spaces, as well as relax, cook a barbecue. Among the most visited cities, Munich and Berlin can be distinguished.

  • On the 6th place of popular countries is located Turkey. After 2015, the number of tourists in the country was significantly reduced. This is due to the action of terrorist groups, as well as various extremists in the country. Therefore, tourists prefer to relax in safer places. It is worth noting that this is a country with a rich cultural heritage, a variety of ethnic characteristics. Several peoples live in it, which are very different from each other. You will fall into completely different civilizations.
  • In addition, they often come to Turkey in order to relax on the shores of the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea. Here is a gentle beach, a beautiful sand, as well as a huge number of hotels where you can relax for very little money. At the same time, you will receive a buffet, good service and comfortable conditions of stay. This country has somewhat decreased in the ranking of the most popular among tourists, precisely because of the unfavorable position and rampant terrorism. The situation is stabilized.

  • Oddly enough, Italy was in 5th place. The fact is that in this country there are 50 UNESCO facilities. Most often, tourists come to Rome, Venice, as well as Milan. These cities are very popular among tourists, thanks to unusual landscapes. Tourists come to see such a phenomenon, admire reservoirs and ride on gondolas. Tourism in the country is very developed and brings a lot of money to the treasury.

  • On 4th place is China. This state is very popular among tourists, because here you can see many settlements that differ significantly from each other. Here you can find villages that hid among the forests and developed, large cities, with skyscrapers and chic places. According to the World Trade Organization, in 2020, China may move in first place.
  • This is due to the fact that a lot of China tourists come in order to shop. Now quite popular tours to China precisely with the aim of purchasing goods. Therefore, among tourists you can find a large number of businessmen. People who want to see Chinese attractions mainly visit gorges, waterfalls, various monasteries, as well as ethnic villages and settlements near rivers and lakes.

  • On 3rd place is Spain. It is here that a huge number of tourists come to see unusual landscapes. There is a rather diverse vacation for every taste and wallet. You can settle in a quiet street, not far from the sea coast, enjoy local delicacies and a relaxing vacation. But here, entertainment of extreme lovers can find entertainment. It is in this country that Corrida flourishes. You can become a spectator or even a participant in this action. It is worth noting that tourism in Spain is one of the leading industries, which brings huge funds to the state treasury.

  • In 2nd place is the United States. It is this state that residents of Mexico and Canada, as well as Great Britain, visit. A large number of states lives at the expense of tourism. It is worth noting that among visitors, popular cities such as New York, Los Angeles, places where you can spend a lot of money, play casinos and find entertainment for every taste. For tourists who love unusual places, canyons, various rivers and Lakes of the United States are suitable. A huge number of strange and unusual places that can be visited.

  • In 1 place is located France. It is here that huge crowds of tourists flock, who want to try local cuisine and enjoy the views. It is in France that you can rest both in summer and in winter. Because in the summer you can rest on the sea coast here, visit a variety of parks, beautiful places with green spaces. In winter, ride the Alpine Mountains.
  • Tourism in this country is very developed. A huge number of people come to Paris in order to admire the Eiffel Tower, and enjoy the local color. The country is considered the most romantic state, so it is popular among the newlyweds who go on a romantic journey and a honeymoon.


Unfortunately, Greece was not included in the list, because after the 2013 crisis, tourism began to develop less. Therefore, the number of people who visit the state has decreased. Thailand, as well as Egypt, did not enter this list. Because these countries are popular exclusively among tourists of former CIS countries. Europeans, as well as the inhabitants of the United States, do not go to these states.

What countries are the most popular among tourists from Russia?

The most interesting thing is that the opinion of Russian tourists is significantly different from the preferences of Europeans, as well as US residents.


  • It is worth noting that the Russians have in the first place Turkey. For several years, this country has been leading in the number of tourists from Russia. Antalya is mostly very popular. Relatively cheap Kemer. It is thanks to accessibility that these resorts are very popular among Russians.

  • In second place are the resorts of the native country, that is, Russian. This is mainly Krasnodar Territory. Among tourists, Gelendzhik is very popular, as well as Sochi. The number of vacationers who go to the Crimea increased. The most popular region for relaxing in Crimea among Russians is SUBK. This is mainly Yalta, New Light and Sudak. It is in these cities that vacationers from Russia most often come.

  • In third place in our compatriots Egypt. The trips are relatively inexpensive, so the Russians use the all -inclusive system, and they are happy to rest at low prices.

  • Despite the fact that Greece was not included in the list of the most visited countries for tourists The whole world, our compatriots prefer to go to this state. The most popular places in Greece for vacationers are Rhodes and Crete.

  • Less willingly Russian tourists go to Bulgaria, Montenegro. Because these countries seem expensive compared to Turkey and Egypt. But at the same time, nature is much better there. That is why these countries are preferred by young and successful people who love outdoor activities and travel.


As you can see, among Russian tourists, the European direction is not very popular. One of the European countries, which the Russians most often travel to, is Greece. At the same time, our compatriots prefer to relax at the resorts of Turkey and Egypt. Many prefer not to travel beyond their own country. This is due to a low standard of living, as well as a small amount of money that Russian tourists are ready to give for rest.

Video: the most visited countries among tourists

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