The most backward, poor, poor countries in the world, Asia, Africa: rating, capital, features and interesting facts

The most backward, poor, poor countries in the world, Asia, Africa: rating, capital, features and interesting facts

Our article will tell you about the most backward, poor, poor countries of the world.

Thanks to the rapid development of technology, modern man lives as comfortable as possible and does not even think that on planet Earth there are places where people live one day and do not know that they, in general, are waiting for tomorrow. No matter how regrettable this is recognized, but some residents of our planet are constantly starving, do not have access to pure water, and also do not know what normal medicine is. As a rule, this position of the population is observed in the poorest countries of the world with a depressive economy. We will tell you about such places of our planet.

The most backward, poor, poor countries in the world: rating, features

Rating of the poorest countries in the world

Rating of the poorest countries in the world:

  • Central African Republic. The republic is the poorest country in the world. Almost 90% of the inhabitants of this African state live behind the poverty line. Due to the permanent military coups, there are practically no working enterprises here, which means that ordinary people do not have the opportunity to legally earn their food. That is why robbery flourishes here. And because of the fact that the normally current authorities are not here, there is no one to protect people from such arbitrariness. Very often, local gangs take away from the population what they managed to grow in their garden. But despite this state of affairs in the country, there is still a rich class that lives quite tolerably. At the same time, rich people do not even try to help the poor, and just live for their pleasure.
  • Democratic Republic of Congo. Despite the fact that the Republic of Congo is considered the poorest country in the world, it has huge reserves of minerals that could make this corner a heavenly place on Earth. But only in 2002 this country began to export gold, diamonds and cobalt to other states of the world. Trade became possible due to the fact that the international community managed to agree with the then ruler of the Congo, who wanted to get out of world isolation. Thanks to this, this poor country of the world has the opportunity to at least slightly increase its position in economically.
  • Liberia. Another small country that is almost a beggar. About 80% of the country's inhabitants live without means for normal existence. Most of the adult population of Liberia is unemployed, and most often earns on food in small theft. Those who are lucky to get a job are engaged in the manufacture of rubber or process wood. The rich people of the country are engaged in the registration of courts, which is very popular with foreigners because of a very low cost. This poor country of the world has a very good tourist potential, but due to the fact that there are no comfortable lines and hostels, and there are also no normal roads, tourists are not going here.
Slums in the poorest country in the world
  • Burundi. Another poor country in the world, in which 75 % of residents live behind the poverty line. Since 1995, armed conflicts regularly take place in Burundi, which inhibit the economic development of the state. All this led to the fact that most people do not have funds for food, clothes, medical care and study. Because of this, the majority of the country's population are not particularly literate. The lack of normal medicine led to the fact that people began to die at a fairly young age. As statistics show, no more than 45 years live in this country. People of advanced age are practically absent here as they simply cannot earn on a piece of bread, and die of hunger.
  • Niger. This African state is also included in the five poorest countries in the world. Niger has very large reserves of uranium and oil. It is these minerals that help the country at least somehow stay afloat. True, this does not save the inhabitants of the state from poverty and poverty. The reason for this situation lies in the fact that most of this country is occupied by a lifeless desert. In the same place where it gives way to people, it is still very hot and dry. For this reason, local residents do not have the opportunity to grow vegetables and fruits in the right amount. In order to make up for the missing amount of products, the government of the country has to import them from other countries and this, of course, significantly affects their price. And if you take into account that people are not earned, the picture loomed not very cheerful.

TOP-10 of the poorest countries in Asia: capital, interesting facts

TOP-10 of the poorest countries in Asia

It would seem that Asia should be that part of our globe, where people feel completely satisfied with life. But as statistics show, on this rather large part of the world there are countries that cannot provide people with a decent life. And this is despite the fact that they have good economic potential and an impressive number of natural fossils.

TOP-10 of the poorest countries in Asia:

  • 1st place - Afghanistan, capital Kabul. Despite the fact that Afghanistan is considered the poorest country in the world, it has large gas and oil reserves, which, with proper use, could significantly improve people's lives. But in this Asian country almost all the time the military operations of different intensities are going on, and it is they who interfere with economic development. Moreover, almost all the inhabitants of this country to one degree or another are lacking in food and water.
  • 2nd place - North Korea, the capital of Pyongyang. Translated into Russian, the name of the capital of this rather poor state of the world is translated as “a cozy country” or “wide area”. It would seem that such a correct name should attract positive energy. But as statistics show, 70% of North Korea residents cannot afford even two -time nutrition. A lot of illiterate people live here, and all because they simply cannot pay for school, school or institute.
  • 3rd place - Nepal, the capital of Kathmandu. This is a mysterious country in which the majestic Everest is located. Every year, a large number of tourists come to Nepal who want to get to know beautiful nature and, of course, to climb Everest. But unfortunately, even their money cannot fill the state treasury. Most residents live in small villages scattered in mountainous areas, so often they simply do not have the opportunity to engage in agriculture. Products for food to the mountains have to deliver absolutely everything, and this very much increases their cost.
In poor countries of the world, people do not have normal housing
  • 4th place - Tajikistan, the capital of Dushanbe. This corner of our planet was not in vain in the rating of the poorest countries in the world. The fact is that approximately 90% of the territory of this small country is rocks of different heights. That is why only a small part of the population managed to settle on the plains, while the rest live high in the mountains. It is scary even to imagine that in the age of computer technology they often sit without electricity, and for weeks they do not have the opportunity to contact their family. That is why the working part of the population is trying to leave Tajikistan in order to at least slightly improve his life. Often such women and men earn not only themselves, but also on the family that remained in Tajikistan.
  • 5th place - Cambodia, the capital of a ton. If you look at the photo of this poor country in tourist booklets, you can see a beautiful nature, blue lakes and mysterious old temples. All this, of course, fascinates travelers, but when they come to Cambodia, they open a completely different side of this beautiful place. The poverty of the local population immediately catches the eye. Most of them live on the water as they simply do not have the opportunity to buy housing on land. That is why whole floating villages with shops, hospitals and even schools appeared on the water. The local population adapted to such a lifestyle and looks quite satisfied and happy.
In the poor countries of the world, people do not have access to clean water
  • 6th place - Kyrgyzstan, the capital of Bishkek. This poor country in the world is striking in its contrast. So, here you can see well -groomed beautiful houses, gardens, majestic architectural monuments, and at the same time very poor villages, which, it would seem, have not changed their appearance since the century before. After the collapse of the USSR, Kyrgyzstan remained a very large external debt, which to this day does not allow it to develop economically. A large number of industrial factories and plants do not work at full capacity, which is why people do not receive a decent salary. Also in this country, most of the able -bodied population is not employed, which also leads to the fact that people cannot afford elementary things that would do their life better.
  • 7th place - Yemen, the capital of San. This poor country in the world was stuck in the last century. Here you can see many dilapidated buildings that, with their appearance, are more like abandoned huts. At the same time, quite large families can live in them. Islam is confessed in the country, for this reason, it is better not to consider local women to visit the travelers. If you try to speak with the representative of the fair sex, then you will have major troubles. Due to the fact that the female population has practically no rights, for the most part it is illiterate and Umet only to engage in households. As for men, they despite the fact that they can learn freely, they are in no hurry to do it. Only a small number of them receive higher education. As statistics show, most of the representatives of the stronger sex living in Yemen, from the age of 16, begin to use narcotic substances.
In the poorest countries of the world, sewage
  • 8th place - Bangladesh, the capital of Dacca. If you look at the economic component of Bangladesh, you might think that it should not be in the ranking of the poorest countries in the world. Agriculture is developed here, the textile industry flourishes and, most importantly, there are its own natural gas reserves. But with all this, the country is considered backward in economic terms. Two factors interfere with its development. The first include natural disasters that very often destroy everything that a person created. The second factor includes too fast population growth, which is why a lot of unemployed people appeared in the country. This state of affairs gave rise to aggression, which, in turn, contributed to an increase in crime.
  • 9th place - Pakistan, the capital of Islamabad. Another poor country in the world, which at the same time beckons and repels. Along with beautiful architecture and nature, poverty flourishes here. According to statistics, more than 15% of the able -bodied population of the country are unemployed. Those who have work very often receive a meager wage that cannot cover their expenses. Also, weather phenomena have a great influence on the country's economic development. Here, drought can change the flood and this leads to the fact that people simply do not get the expected profit.
  • 10th place-India, the capital of New Delhi. In most people, India is associated with colorful Indian films. On the very business, the country outside the screen looks a little different. Yes, there are rich quarters with beautiful houses, shops, modern clinics and educational institutions. But unfortunately, only a small part of the population lives in them. Most residents live very poorly, while working almost around the clock. Things are even worse in small villages, where there is no industry, here people feel cut off from the whole world. Perhaps that is why in large cities there are a huge number of homeless people, for whom it is preferable to live on the street, but at the same time have at least some earnings.

TOP 10 of the poorest countries in Africa: capital, interesting facts

TOP-10 of the poorest countries in Africa

Recently, some economists began to attribute Africa to developing regions that become more popular for investment. But unfortunately, despite such positive shifts in Africa, very poor people live.

TOP-10 of the poorest countries in Africa:

  • 1st place - Eritrea, the capital of Asmara. This African country is completely controlled by one ruling party. It is she who adopts all important laws and, most unpleasant, often interpret them in their favor. And if we take into account that the country's population is illiterate, then no one enters the disputes with the leadership. All this led to the fact that a small circle of people was enriched in the country, and the rest live behind the poverty line. For food, most people make hard work in hellish conditions.
  • 2nd place - Guinea, the capital of Konakri. Guinea is the poorest country of West Africa. But, according to economic analysts, with the right guidance, it could be not only constantly developing, but even rich. Minerals could help the population - gold, iron ore, diamonds, uranium. There are also large bauxite deposits in Guinea. To make it clear, more than half of all world reserves. But constant political ramps do not allow this poor country to develop, and people have to survive at the expense of agriculture.
  • 3rd place - Mozambique, capital Maputu. The country has gained independence as early as 1975, but since then it has not been able to become strong economically. Initially, the communist methods of government were introduced here, and everything seems to have begun to improve. But in Guinea, a civil war began, which returned the economy to the lowest level. For this moment, thanks to international assistance, the life of the population has improved slightly, but still ordinary people have to engage in agriculture so as not to starve.
Transport of the poorest countries
  • 4th place - Malawi, the capital of Lilongwe. Malawi got into the rating of the poorest countries in the world due to the fact that more than 60% of its population lives behind the poverty line. Some families live in 1 dollar per day and do not have access to a pure water source. The income of the state treasury brings agriculture and small business. There are deposits of uranium, coal, bauxites in the country, but at the same time they are not mined, which means they do not enrich the population.
  • 5th place - Somalia, the capital of Mogadisho. This poor country in the world is in hearing thanks to the Somali pirates, which periodically capture ships, and then ask for a ransom for them. Agree the advertising is quite controversial. But no matter how regrettable it was to recognize this, most Somalians relate to robbery quite calmly. This is due to the fact that they live in cities with a high criminal environment, in which they have to somehow survive. That is why for tourists this country may be dangerous. Of course, this does not mean that the entire population was somali thieves and bandits. There are regions where people work to feed their family, and get, let a small but official salary.
In the poorest countries of the world, children have no future
  • 6th place-Sierra Leone, the capital of Fritown. About 70% of people in this very poor country in the world live behind the poverty line. They constantly do not mean and, as a result, do not receive the right amount of nutrients, and therefore are very sick. In Sierra Leone, almost 2% of the population is infected with HIV. And these are only officially confirmed facts. How many people do not suspect that they are sick, it’s even scary to imagine. Hard work is imposed on all this, which greatly reduces the life expectancy of the population. According to statistics, a man in Sierra Leone live an average of 53 years, and women-58 years old.
  • 7th place-Ethiopia, the capital of Addis Ababa. Poverty in Ethiopia is closely bordering on illiteracy. Initially, Christian education was widespread in this country. But realizing that it does not very much increase the intellectual abilities of people, a law was adopted on the formation of a Soviet model. Unfortunately, and this did not have the proper effect as only rich people could afford it. Recently, the Ethiopia government has begun to pay even more attention to learning, so slowly, but the number of competent people is increasing. The country has chosen the right direction, so it remains only to wait for educated people to begin to more intensively stimulate the economy.
In the poor countries of the world, there is often a high population density in cities
  • 8th place - that, the capital of Lome. The average life expectancy in this poor country in the world is not very large. According to statistics on average, the population lives about 60 years. The worst thing is that all the time people have to fight for their place in the sun. The country is still confessed by native cults. The men dominate that, and it is among them that the maximum educated people are 75%. The rights of the fair sex are oppressed here as they are assigned the role of the keeper of the hearth. Only 40% of women get an education. There are also problems with medicine, and, probably, that is why more than 3% of the population is infected with HIV.
  • 9th place - Zimbabwe, the capital of Harara. Until 1980, this poor country in the world was the most economically developed on the African continent. Prior to this period, the economy and industry showed good dynamics, and people here lived quite tolerably. In any case, the one who worked did not starve. But in the 2000s, an acute economic crisis broke out in the country, which the government could not cope with. It lasted for 8 years. Against this background, the population began to massively poorly and lose their jobs, which led to the fact that Zimbabwe fell into the rating of the poorest countries in the world.
  • 10th place-Guinea-Bisau, the capital of Bisau. The state ends our rating in which there are problems in all areas of life. The population of this poor country does not have access to education, medicine, as well as normal work. According to statistics, only 15 % of adolescents over 16 years of age are able to read, write and count. Also in Guinea-Bisau there is a very large mortality of babies. As a rule, out of 1000 newborns, 100 dies. The adult population lives on average 48 years and approximately 2% of them are sick. The population is employed in agriculture and fishing.

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