Who is more in the Russian Federation and in the world of Muslims or Christians? What peoples in the Russian Federation and in the world are Christians, and what Muslims?

Who is more in the Russian Federation and in the world of Muslims or Christians? What peoples in the Russian Federation and in the world are Christians, and what Muslims?

The first Christians appeared in the 1st century AD in the Roman Empire. The Christian faith quickly spread throughout the continents, and after 100 years of Christians there were already up to 800 thousand people. And the first Muslims appeared in 610 of our era - this is how a very important collection of Hasids in Islam says. How much in our time, in the world, and in Russia, there are Christians, and how many Muslims? We learn from this article.

How many Christians are there in the world?

In the world, according to 2010, most Christians - 33.2% (2 billion 292 million 454 thousand people) of all Ver on Earth.

Religions of the world
Religions of the world

Christianity of the world is divided into 4 large groups:

  1. Catholics (1.3 billion people).
  2. Protestants (559 million people). These include: Pentecostals - 279 million; Anglicans, Lutherans, Baptists, Reformats - 280 million people.
  3. Orthodox believers (15 autocephalous churches) - 227 million people.
  4. Marginal Christians (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc.) - 33 million believers.
This is how service in the Orthodox Church takes place

The main commandments of Christians

Christians have 10 commandments. They go in the following sequence:

  1. Believe in one god.
  2. Do not pronounce the name of God unnecessary.
  3. Hall the holidays for Christians.
  4. Respect your father and mother.
  5. Do not kill your own kind.
  6. Do not violate marital fidelity.
  7. Do not steal.
  8. Do not lie on your neighbor.
  9. Do not wish your wife or husband your neighbor.
  10. Do not want housing or cattle of your neighbor.

How are Christians distributed by continents?

Distribution of Christians by continents:

  • Europe - 558.8 million believers
  • South America - 542.6 million believers
  • Africa - 474.8 million believers
  • Asia - 354.2 million believers
  • North America - 231 million believers
  • Oceania - 23.9 million believers
  • Australia - 16 million believers
In the Catholic Church, believers are sitting

Distribution of Christians by European countries

European countries With a predominance of Christians (the number of Christians believers in the country and percentage composition are given). The data was taken for 2017:

  • Romania - 21.3 million people. (99%)
  • Faroe Islands - 50 thousand people. (98%)
  • Moldova - 3.4 million people. (97.5%)
  • Republic of Malta - 400 thousand people. (97%)
  • Iceland - 300 thousand people. (95%)
  • Portugal - 10.1 million people. (94.7%)
  • Poland - 36 million people. (94.3%)
  • Ireland - 4.2 million people. (94%)
  • Serbia - 7.2 million people. (93.5%)
  • Croatia - 4.1 million people. (93.4%)
  • Liechtenstein - 30 thousand people. (91.9%)
  • San Marino-30 thousand people. (91.6%)
  • Andorra - 80 thousand people. (90%)
  • Lithuania - 2.9 million people. (89.8%)
  • Greece - 10.1 million people. (89.5%)
  • Slovakia - 4.7 million people. (86.5%)
  • Norway - 4.2 million people. (86.2%)
  • Monaco - 30 thousand people. (86%)
  • Italy - 51.5 million people. (85%)
  • Bulgaria - 6.3 million people. (84%)
  • Ukraine - 38 million people. (83.8%)
  • Austria - 6.9 million people. (83%)
  • Denmark - 4.6 million people. (83%)
  • Switzerland - 6.3 million people. (82.9%)
  • Hungary - 8.2 million people. (82.7%)
  • Finland - 4.3 million people. (81.6%)
  • Slovenia - 1.6 million people. (79.2%)
  • Montenegro - 500 thousand people. (78.8%)
  • Spain - 36.2 million people. (78.6%)
  • Russia - 105.2 million people. (73.6%)
  • Great Britain - 45 million people. (72.6%)
  • Belarus - 6.8 million people. (71%)
  • Germany - 58.2 million people. (70.8%)
  • Luxembourg - 360 thousand people. (70.4%)
  • Sweden - 6.3 million people. (67.2%)
  • Northern Macedonia - 1.3 million people. (65.2%)
  • Belgium - 6.8 million people. (64%)
  • France - 39.5 million people. (63%)
  • Latvia - 1.2 million people. (55.7%)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovin - 1.9 million people. (fifty%)
  • The Netherlands - 8.5 million people. (51.2%)
  • Estonia - 550 thousand people. (41.3%)
  • Czech Republic - 4.1 million people. (39.4%)

Distribution of Christians over the countries of South America

Countries of South America and the islands of Central America With a predominance of Christians (data for 2017):

  • Paraguay - 6.2 million people. (96.9%)
  • Puerto Rico-3.6 million people. (96.9%)
  • Martinika - 390 thousand people. (96.5%)
  • Peru - 27.8 million people. (95.6%)
  • Guatemala - 13.7 million people. (95%)
  • Dominican Republic - 60 thousand people. (94.4%)
  • Ecuador - 13.6 million people. (94.1%)
  • Bolivia - 9.3 million people. (94%)
  • Burundi - 7.8 million people. (94%)
  • Panama - 3.2 million people. (93%)
  • Colombia - 42.8 million people. (92.5%)
  • Costa Rica-4.2 million people. (90.9%)
  • Brazil - 175.7 million people. (90%)
  • Chile - 15.3 million people. (89.5%)
  • Venezuela - 25.8 million people. (89%)
  • Salvador - 5.4 million people. (88.2%)
  • Honduras - 6.6 million people. (87.6%)
  • Nicaragua - 4.9 million people. (85.9%)
  • Argentina - 34.4 million people. (85%)
  • Guiana - 200 thousand people. (84.4%)
  • Trinidad and Tobago - 880 thousand people. (65.8%)
  • Gayana - 490 thousand people. (65%)
  • Cuba - 6.6 million people. (59.2%)
  • Uruguay - 1.9 million people. (58.2%)
  • Surinam - 270 thousand people. (51%)

Distribution of Christians over the countries of Africa

Africa countries With a predominance of Christians (data for 2017):

  • Namibia - 2.2 million people. (97.6%)
  • Zambia - 12.7 million people. (97.5%)
  • Lesoto - 2.1 million people. (96.8%)
  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo - 63.1 million people. (95.7%)
  • Seychelles - 80 thousand people. (94%)
  • Rwanda - 9.9 million people. (93.4%)
  • Central African Republic - 3.9 million people. (89.8%)
  • Cabo-Verde-440 thousand people. (89%)
  • Equatorial Guinea - 620 thousand people. (88.7%)
  • Angola - 16.8 million (88%)
  • Uganda - 28.9 million people. (86.7%)
  • The Republic of Congo - 3.4 million people. (85.9%)
  • Liberia - 3.4 million people. (85.6%)
  • Kenya - 34.3 million people. (84.8%)
  • Malawi - 12.3 million people. (82.7%)
  • South African Republic-40.4 million people. (80.9%)
  • Zimbabwe - 9.8 million people. (78.2%)
  • Gabon - 1.17 million people. (77.7%)
  • Gana - 18.2 million people. (75%)
  • Madagascar island - 15.4 million people. (74.5%)
  • Botswana - 1.4 million people. (72%)
  • Cameroon - 13.8 million people. (70.8%)
  • Ethiopia - 52.5 million people. (63.4%)
  • Eritrea - 3.3 million people. (62.9%)
  • South Sudan - 6.5 million people. (60.5%)
  • Tanzania - 26.7 million people. (59.6%)
  • Mozambique - 13.1 million people. (56.1%)
  • Benin - 4.7 million people. (53.4%)
  • Nigeria - 80.5 million people. (50.8%)
  • Divoire cat-8.8 million people. (44.8%)
  • That - 2.6 million people. (44.1%)
  • Republic of Chad - 4.5 million people. (40%)
  • Mauritius - 320 thousand people. (24.8%)
  • Sierra Leone-1.2 million people. (21.1%)
  • Guinea-Bisau-300 thousand people. (twenty%)

Distribution of Christians over the countries of Asia

Asian countries With a predominance of Christians (data for 2017):

  • Armenia - 3 million people. (98.5%)
  • The Philippines - 86.7 million people. (93.1%)
  • Georgia - 3.8 million people. (89.3%)
  • Republic of Cyprus - 810 thousand people. (73.2%)
  • Lebanon - 1.6 million people. (38.3%)
  • South Korea - 14.1 million people. (29.3%)
  • Kazakhstan - 4.1 million people. (26.2%)
  • Singapore - 920. people. (18.2%)
  • Kuwait - 390 thousand people. (14.3%)
  • Qatar - 240 thousand people. (13.8%)
  • United Arab Emirates - 940 thousand people. (12.6%)
  • Kyrgyzstan - 660 thousand people. (12.3%)
  • Malaysia - 2.5 million people. (9.1%)

Distribution of Christians through the countries of North America

North America countries With a predominance of Christians (data for 2017):

  • Mexico - 107.7 million people. (95%)
  • USA - 246.7 million people. (79.5%)
  • Canada - 23.4 million people. (68.9%)

Distribution of Christians by Oceania countries

Oceania countries With a predominance of Christians (data for 2017):

  • Papua New Guinea-6.8 million people. (99%)
  • Tong - 100 thousand people. (98.9%)
  • Solomon Islands - 520 thousand people. (97.5%)
  • Marshalls of the island - 50 thousand people. (97.5%)
  • Samoa - 180 thousand people. (97.3%)
  • Kiribati - 100 thousand people. (97%)
  • Micronesia - 110 thousand people. (95.4%)
  • Vanuatu - 220 thousand people. (93%)
  • Fiji - 550 thousand people. (64.4%)
  • New Zealand - 2.5 million people. (58%)

How many Muslims are in the world?

By number, after Christians go Muslims. They occupy 22.4% in the world among other religions. In terms of number, this is 1 billion 549 million 444 thousand people.

There is also no uniformity in the Islamic faith, it is divided into the following currents:

  1. Sunnis. These include 85-90% of all Muslims (adhere to the severity of all rites).
  2. Shiites (14.3%) - less strict, for example, recognize an illegal marriage, often make prayers together, which is unacceptable for Sunnis.
  3. Haridzhits (1.64 million believers).
  4. Mystical direction - Sufism.
In the Muslim Church, men and women cannot be together

The main commandments of Muslims

The Muslim faith has 5 main commandmentsthat every Muslim adheres to:

  1. Faith in the only god-Allah, in Muslim, the commandment is called shahada.
  2. Reading 5 times a day, every day, prayers - this prayer.
  3. Compliance with the post once a year, a month of Ramadan, which stands the ninth according to the Muslim calendar - uraza.
  4. Each Muslim from the profit received for the year must pay in favor of the poor 1 \\ 40th part of his income- zakat.
  5. Each Muslim should strive to make a pilgrimage to Mecca: to visit at least 1 time in his life a reserved mosque - this is called hajj.

How were Muslims on continents distributed?

The number of Muslims by continents:

  • Africa - 40.5%
  • Asia - 26%
  • Europe - 5.6%
  • Australia - 2.6%
  • North America - 1.6%
  • South America - 0.3%
  • Oceania - 0.28%

Distribution of Muslims by Africa countries

Africa countries With the Muslim population (data taken for 2017):

  • Mauritania - 3.8 million people. (99.9%)
  • Tunisia - 11.1 million people. (99.8%)
  • Somalia - 10.9 million people. (99.8%)
  • Western sugar - 599.6 thousand people. (99.4%)
  • Algeria –41.2 million people. (99%)
  • Morocco - 37.9 million people. (99%)
  • Niger - 21.1 million people. (98.3%)
  • Comor islands - 807 thousand people. (98.3%)
  • Sudan - 39.5 million people. (97%)
  • Libya - 6.5 million people. (97%)
  • Djibuti - 857 thousand people. (97%)
  • Senegal - 15.1 million people. (96.1%)
  • Gambia - 2 million people. (95.7%)
  • Mali - 17.5 million people. (95%)
  • Egypt-85-90 million people. (90-94.7%)
  • Guinea - 10.5 million people. (89.1%)
  • Sierra Leone-6 million people. (78.6%)
  • Burkina-Faso-12.1 million people. (61.5%)
  • Republic of Chad - 9.1 million people. (58%)
  • Nigeria-95-103 million people. (47.6-51.6%)
  • Guinea-Bisau-826.7 thousand people. (45.1%)
  • Divoire cat-11.2 million people. (42.9%)
  • Eritrea-2.1-3.1 million people. (36-51.6%)
  • Tanzania - 19.4 million people. (35.2%)
  • Ethiopia - 35.6 million people. (33.9%)
  • Cameroon - 7.6 million people. (thirty%)
  • Benin - 3.1 million people. (27.7%)
  • Malawi - 3.9 million people. (twenty%)
  • South Sudan - 2.4 million people. (twenty%)
  • That - 1.5 million people. (twenty%)
  • Liberia - 961 thousand people. (twenty%)
  • Mozambique - 3.8 million people. (17.9%)
  • Gana - 5 million people. (17.6%)
  • Mauritius - 236 thousand people. (17.3%)
  • Central African Republic - 861 thousand people. (fifteen%)
  • Uganda - 5.4 million people. (fourteen%)
  • Kenya - 5.5 million people. (11.2%)
  • Congo - 12.7 million people. (ten%)
  • Madagascar island - 2.5 million people. (ten%)
  • Burundi - 1.1 million people. (ten%)
  • Gabon - 211 thousand people. (ten%)
  • Equatorial Guinea - 79.7 thousand people. (ten%)

Distribution of Muslims over the countries of Asia

Asian countries With the Muslim population (data taken for 2017):

  • Maldives - 374 thousand people. (100%)
  • Afghanistan - 37 million people. (99.7%)
  • Yemen - 27.7 million people. (99.2%)
  • Saudi Arabia - 33.5 million people. (98.2%)
  • Turkey - 74.4 million people. (98%)
  • Tajikistan - 9.2 million people. (97.9%)
  • Palestine - 4.2 million people. (97.5%)
  • Jordan - 10.1 million people. (97.2%)
  • Azerbaijan - 9.7 million people. (96.9%)
  • Pakistan - 202.6 million people. (96.5%)
  • Iraq - 38.4 million people. (95.7%)
  • Turkmenistan - 5.6 million people. (93.7%)
  • Bangladesh - 153.7 million people. (90.4%)
  • Iran - 82.5 million people. (89.5%)
  • Uzbekistan - 29.9 million people. (88.7%)
  • Syria - 16 million people. (87%)
  • Oman - 2.4 million people. (86%)
  • Kyrgyzstan - 4.6 million people. (80%)
  • Brunei - 355 thousand people. (78.8%)
  • Qatar - 1.5 million people. (77.5%)
  • United Arab Emirates - 7.2 million people. (76%)
  • Kuwait - 2.1 million people. (74.6%)
  • Bahrain - 1 million people. (73.7%)
  • Kazakhstan - 13.1 million people. (70.2%)
  • Malaysia - 16.3 million people. (61.3%)
  • Lebanon - 3.5 million people. (57.7%)
  • Israel - 1.5 million people. (eighteen%)
  • India - 195 million people. (14.2%)
  • Filippins-5.4-12 million people. (5-11%)

Distribution of Muslims by European countries

European countries With the Muslim population (data for 2017):

  • Kosovo - 1.8 million people. (95.6%)
  • Albania - 1.7 million people. (58.8%)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovin - 1.9 million people. (fifty%)
  • Northern Macedonia - 705.6 thousand people. (33.3%)
  • Republic of Cyprus - 275 thousand people. (25.3%)
  • Montenegro - 122.8 thousand people. (19.1%)
  • Bulgaria - 861 thousand people. (13.4%)
  • Russia-14-22 million people. (10-15%)
  • Georgia - 527 thousand people. (10.7%)
  • France - 5.7 million people. (8.8%)
  • Sweden - 800 thousand people. (8.1%)
  • Belgium - 879 thousand people. (7.6%)
  • Great Britain - 4.1 million people. (6.3%)
  • The Netherlands - 946 thousand people. (5.7%)
  • Germany-4.5-5 million people. (5.4-6%)
  • Italy - 2.9 million people. (4.8%)

Distribution of Muslims by North America

In North America The Muslim population lives in the following countries (data taken for 2010):

  • Canada - 2.1%
  • USA - 3.45 million people. (1.1%)
  • Mexico - less than 0.1%

Distribution of Muslims through the countries of South America

In South America Muslims live in the following countries (data taken for 2010):

  • Surinam - 85.6 thousand people. (15.2%)
  • Gayana - 6.4%
  • Trinidad and Tobago - 5.9%
  • Argentina - 1%
  • Barbados - 1%
  • Panama - 0.7%
  • Venezuela - 0.3%

Distribution of Muslims by Oceania countries

Oceania countries With the Muslim population (data taken for 2017):

  • Indonesia - 229 million people. (87.2%)
  • Fiji - 58 thousand people. (6.3%)

Muslim distribution in Russia

Muslim population in Russia It was distributed as follows (data for 2002):

  • The Republic of Ingushetia - 535 thousand people. (98%)
  • The Republic of Chechnya - 1 million people. (96%)
  • The Republic of Dagestan - 2.4 million people. (94%)
  • Kabardino-Balkarian Republic-535 thousand people. (70%)
  • Karachay-Cherkess Republic-276 thousand people. (54.6%)
  • Republic of Bashkortostan - 2.2 million people. (54.5%)
  • Republic of Tatarstan - 2 million people. (54%)
  • Republic of Adygea - 27%
  • Astrakhan region - 260 thousand people. (26%)
  • Republic of North Ossetia - 150 thousand people. (21%)
  • Orenburg region - 365 thousand people. (16.7%)
  • Khanty-Mansi district-216 thousand people. (fifteen%)
  • Ulyanovsk region - 180 thousand people. (13%)
  • Chelyabinsk region - 425 thousand people. (12%)
  • Yamal-Nenets district-11.5%
  • Tyumen region - 140 thousand people. (10.5%)
  • Republic of Kalmykia - 10%
  • Udmurt Republic - 7.6%
  • Altai Republic - 7.4%
  • Stavropol Territory - 190 thousand people. (7%)

Note: In the remaining regions and districts of Russia, people who relate themselves to Christians live, mainly Orthodox Christians.

The article provides the distribution of two main religions on Earth by continents.

Video: peoples, languages, religion of Russia

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