All vocabulary words of the Russian language in alphabet, vocabulary words grade 1-11

All vocabulary words of the Russian language in alphabet, vocabulary words grade 1-11

Often we think about how to write a particular word. From the course of the school curriculum, it is remembered that the correctness is checked by the selection of verification words.

But what about the case when you can’t find a single verification word, as luck would have it? It is in this case that we are dealing with the so -called vocabulary words.

What are vocabulary words?

We call the vocabulary a word that we cannot check according to the rules dictated by the spelling of the Russian language.

  • Most often, these include nouns, but sometimes there are other parts of speech, from adjectives with verbs to adverbs.
  • Most often, the difficulty is the unstressed vowel, which is part of the root of the word, and, such vowels that are not under stress, there may be several.
  • Another difficulty arises in the presence of a consonant that cannot be tested as a deaf or ringing - for example, football: What letter to write - “T” or “D”?. Go remember that “foot” in English means “leg”, and “food”-food, and the game is still more related to the first word than the second.
  • Or, say, a word "feeling": Where did the letter “B” came from here in the middle? To that, in speech we practically do not pronounce it. So some write as they hear, instead of just remembering the spelling. It is no less problematic to decide how much “l” to write in a word "Alley", And why a doubling is needed.
  • What is the way out? Only one - memorization. Yes, there are many such words, but no one forces us to make them all at once! It is best to do this as such words meet you in books or when writing. Of course, all of them are given in dictionaries, and you can find them in almost any: spelling, interpretation, dictionary of foreign words, etc.
  • The last dictionary is no less relevant than all others, since most often it is the words that came to us from other languages \u200b\u200bthat are vocabulary. Of course, there are many words of Russian etymology, which can also cause difficulty and focus: who buzzes above the ear - "Mosquito" or "Kamar"? And in this case, you can’t do without memorization.

List of vocabulary words grade 1-11

List of vocabulary words grade 1-11:

Documentary words grade 1
Documentary words grade 1
Dictionary words grade 2
Dictionary words grade 2
Part 1
Part 1
Continued for grade 3
Continued for grade 3
Dictionary words grade 4
Dictionary words grade 4 (to better consider each word - open the picture in a new window or increase)
Dictionary words for grade 5
Dictionary words for grade 5 (to better consider each word - open the picture in a new window or increase)
Dictionary words grade 6
Dictionary words grade 6
Dictionary words for grade 6
Dictionary words for grade 7 (to better consider each word - open the picture in a new window or increase)
Dictionary words for grade 8
Dictionary words for grade 8 (to better consider each word - open the picture in a new window or increase)
Dictionary words for grade 9
Dictionary words for grade 9 (to better consider each word - open the picture in a new window or increase)
Dictionary words for grade 10
Dictionary words for grade 10
Dictionary words grade 11
Dictionary words grade 11

In what classes do vocabulary words study?

  • In the school curriculum, dictionary words are studied by students of the younger and high school, from first-graders to students of 8 grades. They begin, of course, with the simplest, for example, watermelon. The word is familiar, and the concept is very tasty and well known, but what letter to write at the end of the word? It is precisely such words that are simple and understandable to children, in which only one letter is caused by difficulty, they open the list in the first grade, reaching the level of “experiment” or “audience” by eighth. Schoolchildren of this age already have a sufficient margin of knowledge in order not only to automatically remember the word, but also to understand its essence.
  • Having learned the vocabulary, the student thereby can use it to verify others formed from him. Say, remembering the spelling of the word “horizon”, the student will no longer make mistakes in the word “horizontal”, because This adjective is formed from a vocabulary word already familiar to him. He will also write the word “sightseeing” without difficulties, because the writing of the word “excursion”, which is the vocabulary, he already knows.

How faster and easier to remember vocabulary words: Tips

How faster and easier to remember vocabulary words:

  • Council 1. Try to make a small story consisting of several phrases, using words in it, representing the difficulty in writing. This can be done, based on a certain topic, say, theatrical: "" Our tickets to the theater for places on the balcony, from there we will see the ballet. And in the wardrobe we were given binoculars, and thus we will clearly see the action that will take place on the stage. ". Or try to combine words in which difficulties are due to similar spelling. Using such a technique, you will remember the words, the spelling of which causes you difficulty, and the story you invented will help you every time if necessary to write a word.
  • Tip 2. Remember children's colorful posters that are used to study the alphabet. There, each letter is represented by an animal or an object with which it begins. So the child remembers the first letters, associating them with the image. Try and you create such "tips" for yourself. Not entirely sure of how the word is spelled correctly "hippopotamus"? Open the dictionary, look at it, and then draw this animal in the pose of a sitting person, the lines of the body and legs will remind you of the letter "E". And the word “nut” in the form of a picture in itself will already appear before you in the form of the letter “o”. Now you will not think about how to write these words - you just have to remember the pictures you drawn.
  • Tip 3. We use a method that has already become a textbook - the word needs to be written many times. And to make it not so monotonous, you can apply a technique of declination by cases.

So, we write:

  • Nominative - walnut
  • The genitive is a nut
  • The dative is a nut
  • Accessory - nut
  • Coming - nut
  • Write - a nut

With this technique, the motor memory “turns on”, which will work better, the more times you scrape the word.

  • Council 4. Unable associative series. This will help when studying borrowed words or terminology. For example, by the way, “eyewitness”, pick up similar spelling that are under stress: “The one who sees, and very much.” The funnier and unexpected the association will be, the faster it will help you in memorizing a difficult word. So, being in doubt whether the letter “t” is needed in the word “honesty”, just draw an analogy with the word “honor” - they are consonant.
  • Tip 5. Visual memory will help you remember the word if you hang stickers around the house with its correct spelling. You will constantly see him in front of your eyes, and thereby perceive its true spelling not only with the help of motor, but also visual memory.
  • Council 6. You can apply the method of alphabetical study: determine for yourself the number of words that you must remember during each day. Choose the quantity yourself: at least one, at least ten. Now open the dictionary and begin to teach them alphabetically.

The most common errors in vocabulary

  • Everyone can make a mistake in writing a vocabulary word, especially if you do not work on their memorization. But there are a few words, mistakes in which are most common. This includes the word "precedent", which, as soon as they do not write. With one, and with two unstressed letters “and”, and even the letter “n” is trying to insert into the middle (as, indeed, into the word "incident"). Word "agency" Many people write, forgetting that it came from the “agent”, and strive to skip the letter “T” in the middle.
  • It's funny to read in school works a word like "best", In which the letter “h” for some reason is replaced with the letter “t”, or even “D”.
  • Inserting a beautiful foreign word of Latin origin into the text "Scrupulous", a person can get into trouble, inattentively reading the order of the letters and confusing them in a letter, resulting in “scurpling”.
  • Often with errors, for some reason they write a word "appeal", Either using the double “P” instead of “l”, then doubleting both letters, or even completely bypassing one “l” without any thought.
  • Gets from "literaits" and adverbs "too", Which they write in two words: the pretext of “through” and the old Russian word “chur”, apparently, recalling how the superstitious people “Chur me!
  • All these words, errors in which are the most common, belong to vocabulary and should be remembered to write correctly, without causing ridicule and misunderstanding.

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Video: How to remember vocabulary words?

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