Caries in children: causes and treatment. Prevention of caries of milk and permanent teeth in children

Caries in children: causes and treatment. Prevention of caries of milk and permanent teeth in children

Parents can prevent the development of caries in their child. To do this, it is enough to know and follow several simple rules.

“To brush their teeth every day for babies is not too lazy, otherwise caries will come and take all the teeth,” - such words or such children will hear such words from their parents quite often.

And here adults are completely right, since caries is the destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth, as a result of which it rot and over time can be lost.

Caries destroys the child's teeth
Caries destroys the child's teeth

If the tooth has acids that are released as a result of the decomposition of food residues, such caries is called infectious.

When in the growing organism, due to malnutrition, metabolism is disturbed, caries is called dystrophic.

Causes of caries in children

Why, after all, the whiteness of children's milk smiles sometimes spoil brown and black dots? The main cause of this disease is the effect of organic acids on the tooth enamel of the child, formed as a result of the splitting of carbohydrates that enter the oral cavity with food.

All other reasons are factors that increase the risk of caries in children:

  • health problems in motherwhen the child was still in the womb
  • transferred viral or infectious diseases, heart disease, kidneys, blood, lack of proper balanced nutrition
  • Frequent birth or young age pregnant
  • artificial feeding baby, as well as dipping a nipple into sweet syrups and jams provoke in children under 3 years the appearance of a bottle caries
  • rarely, but still it happens genetic predispositionwhen one or both parents do not get out of the dentist's chair
  • the baby's poor health: frequent diseases, malnutrition, injuries
  • lack of fluorine on a child’s dental enamel, again associated with an unbalanced diet
  • defects and pathology In the anatomical structure of the dental cavity: in all cracks and irregularities, food remains accumulate and lead to the propagation of microbes in the mouth
  • poor oral hygiene
Artificial feeding is one of the reasons for the development of caries in children
Artificial feeding is one of the reasons for the development of caries in children

Important: mothers and dads should remember - it is necessary to treat children with milk teeth, and not think that over time healthy will grow in their place.

The rudiments of the permanent teeth are under milk, and when they change them in the place of a patient with a milk teeth, a constant patient will grow.

The reasons for early caries in a child up to a year and a year

The development of caries, like any diseases in infants, occurs very quickly and with complications: destruction often covers several teeth.

Since central and lateral incisors are usually cut through up to a year, and some have the upper and lower small molars, caries have something to profit from.

Caries in infants often develops with complications
Caries in infants often develops with complications

The defeat, in most cases, begins with incisors and, if the baby was not provided with medical assistance, applies to all teeth.
To avoid teeth disease at this age, parents need to follow certain rules:

  1. Do not use the baby’s dishes, do not lick the nipples and not kiss the child into a ajar lip, since streptococcal bacteria fall into the mouth of the child, which cause the destruction of the enamel of the milk tooth
  2. Adhere to the regime and quality of nutrition: the more often the child eats, sucking various sugar -containing mixtures and juices, the more he has a chance to get caries
  3. Monitor the hygiene of the cavity of the baby's mouth
Observance of oral hygiene helps to avoid the appearance of caries
Observance of oral hygiene helps to avoid the appearance of caries

Important: if the development of caries in a child is associated with genetics or poor health, you need to constantly keep it under control and regularly show the baby to a children's dentist.

Caries of permanent teeth in a child

When the tooth fairy (or mouse) successfully exchanged the falling milk teeth for coins (or sweets), parents should double the vigilance and frequency of the training with their child to care for the oral cavity.

Caries of permanent teeth can begin with caries of milk teeth
Caries of permanent teeth can begin with caries of milk teeth

Caries from milk teeth smoothly passes into the carious lesions of constant.

Mostly Malyars suffer, or, as we call them, chewing teeth.

To minimize the possibility of carious lesion, you need to adhere to a balanced diet: the child’s food must contain calcium, fluorine, proteins.

Balanced nutrition will warn the caries of permanent teeth in a child
Balanced nutrition will warn the caries of permanent teeth in a child

Carbohydrates are also needed, but not in the form of artificial sucrose - a favorite caramel behind the cheek, but contained in vegetables and fruits rich in fiber.

It is necessary to use raw solid food (apple, carrot), which strengthens the gum and naturally cleans the oral cavity.

Important: the child should understand that although the teeth have grown, the rules remained old: the disinfection of the oral cavity is mandatory twice a day (morning and evening), and after each meal - thorough rinsing with warm water, because there will be no more new teeth.

And, despite the fact that the child has grown, he should still have separate daily household items (dishes) and personal hygiene (toothbrush, towel), since each family member has its own bacteria, microbes, infections and viruses.

To avoid the appearance of caries, the child must regularly brush his teeth
To avoid the appearance of caries, the child must regularly brush his teeth

If you adhere to these recommendations, the risk of caused permanent teeth in the child will be minimal.

Bottle caries in children

Many dentists consider bottle caries as a separate type of carious lesion of the milk teeth, since it has special causes, methods of prevention and treatment.
Baby children to four years old are subject to this disease. The main reason for the occurrence, in most cases, lies in the very name - the habit of feeding the kids before bedtime, in the middle of the night or during sleep with sweet milk mixtures from the bottle.

Feeding a child with sweet porridge from a bottle before going to bed can lead to the development of bottle caries
Feeding a child with sweet porridge from a bottle before going to bed can lead to the development of bottle caries

As a result of such actions, the child in the teeth remains for the whole night, and since the salivary glands do not work during sleep, natural cleansing does not occur, and a raid of cariesogenic bacteria accumulates in the oral cavity. The defeats with such caries are incomparable and fangs of the upper jaw.

Important: the occurrence of bottle caries can be due to the incorrect organization of the diet of the baby or insufficient oral hygiene.

In any case, at the first signs of detection of the disease, you must immediately contact a dentist for treatment, and not wait for a change of teeth.

At the first signs of caries in a child, you need to contact a dentist
At the first signs of caries in a child, you need to contact a dentist

Treatment of milk teeth

  • Previously, the word "Bormashin" was shocked by both children and adults. With the treatment of teeth, they pulled to the last, when only the surgeon could help
  • Now the development of medicine has reached such a level that visiting the dentist does not cause negative emotions
  • However, this understanding of security is characteristic of reasonable adults, and small fidgets are unlikely to agree with this
  • Therefore, if the carious lesions of milk teeth are in the very initial stage, treatment is possible without the use of a terrible drill
  • One of the options - remineralization, in which a special composition containing a fluorine that protects the enamel from external exposure is applied to the surface of the tooth.
  • Perhaps use silvering method - The cleansed teeth of the baby are covered with silver nitrate. The effect persists for up to six months, then the protection procedure must be repeated
  • But there is a small drawback, which is that the teeth become black to the very shift

Important: if caries has reached the middle and deep stage, you cannot do without filling. This process lies in the fact that the dentist removes the carious tissues, with the help of the drill, thoroughly cleans all the subjects to be subject to and puts the seal.

Treatment of milk teeth in a child
Be sure to treat milk teeth in a child

If the baby is restless, you can use nitrogen oxide as a relaxing agent that gives a feeling of calm and safety. However, it does not give an anesthesia, therefore, anesthesia can not do without anesthesia.

Treatment of permanent teeth in children

  • Treatment of permanent teeth caries in small patients requires a dentist a more complicated approach
  • Depending on the degree of damage to the teeth caries ( initial, caries enamel or deep) the dentist will choose treatment
  • Very often, a stone infecting the gum is formed on the damaged tooth, and before setting the seal, it is necessary to eliminate all such deposits on the teeth
  • It is also mandatory to use anesthesia, which will not leave pain in the child’s memory, which is important for subsequent visits to the doctor

Important: anesthesia happens application (painkillers and aerosols) or injection, and the use of one or another type is determined by the characteristics of the child's body.

In the treatment of caries in children, anesthesia can be used
In the treatment of caries in children, anesthesia can be used

It is important to consult a doctor in time and solve the problem, since a sick tooth is the primary source of all subsequent infectious lesions of the child's body.

Caries prevention in children

In order for the teeth of the child, and in general, his body is healthy, it is necessary to learn the basics of caries prevention in children:

  • Carefully follow the hygiene of the child’s oral cavity. Teach the child to this immediately after the appearance of the first teeth, since a thorough removal of the plaque will help to avoid the carious lesion of the milk teeth
  • Constantly monitor the health of the child, since the weakening of immunity leads to increased exposure to the infection of the oral cavity with carious bacteria
  • Regularly visit a dentist with your child (once every six months), even if there are no visible reasons for this
  • Try to provide your child with a balanced diet, saturated with vitamins and minerals - this helps to strengthen the enamel of the tooth
Caries prevention will help keep the teeth of children healthy
Caries prevention will help keep the teeth of children healthy

The main thing to remember is that the health of children depends on the sense of responsibility of their parents and does not tolerate negligence.

Video: Caries in children - types, treatment, consequences

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Comments K. article

  1. healthy

  2. It was correctly said that even milk teeth must be treated, otherwise there may be an infection of the whole organism. In general, it is better to engage in prevention, not treatment, so I give my daughter a baby formula for the bears of calcium to strengthen teeth, rinsing sage, also every six months of going to the dentist.

  3. I believe that in addition to such habitual hygiene rules, additional care is also very important-we give vitamins (for teeth, bones and growth)+we try to eat more products containing calcium. Ugh ugh, there were no problems with the teeth ... I hope it will not be))

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