How to distinguish the flu from colds and SARS in adults and children: a comparison of diseases. The disease of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, cold: difference in symptoms, nature of the course, duration, consequences of the disease. How many days is a person under the flu and SARS?

How to distinguish the flu from colds and SARS in adults and children: a comparison of diseases. The disease of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, cold: difference in symptoms, nature of the course, duration, consequences of the disease. How many days is a person under the flu and SARS?

To quickly overcome any infection, you should correctly establish a diagnosis. Read how to distinguish SARS, ORZ from influenza.

There are many colds and it is very difficult to distinguish which of them is the flu, and what acute respiratory infections, SARS. However, if the doctor correctly diagnosed, then treatment will not last long. It is very important to know what is the source of one or another disease. Then improper treatment will not harm the body, on the contrary, the patient will quickly recover from the disease.

ARI, SARS, influenza, cold - difference at the beginning of the disease, at the first signs, symptoms: comparison

ORZ - Most often arise against the background of hypothermia. And their symptoms are reduced to infectious lesions of the respiratory tract. The root cause of ARIs are viruses, parasites, bacteria, fungi.

Such a diagnosis is made by therapists in the case when they unknown the pathogen of pathology. Only diagnostic laboratory tests can give an accurate answer under such circumstances.

Influenza, SARS, ARI - Differences
Influenza, SARS, ARI - Differences

SARS - This is a specific diagnosis. The doctor can confidently say what the disease is provoked by. Its causative agents of bacteria or viruses. Moreover, viruses spread faster. That is why during epidemics in hospitals there are many patients. And therapists are prone to the thought that the source of the disease is a virus.

Flu - This is also SARVI. But the disease has rapid progress in all body systems. The flu is characterized by a high temperature that does not go astray for a long time. An infection of this nature quickly spreads and is transmitted from one sick with another through the air.

ARI, SARS, influenza, cold - the difference in the nature of the course and duration of the disease: Comparison

Sometimes flu and SARS confused. This is due to the similarity of symptoms. Indeed, both these diseases manifest the almost identical clinical picture at the initial stage due to the toxins of the virus, which affects the cells of the body.

Patients show headaches, aches in muscles, joint pain. There is also a depressed state, violation of appetite, sometimes: vomiting, nausea.

Differences in viral, bacterial infection
Differences in viral, bacterial infection

People who work in public places and children are most susceptible to such infections. More than 92% of such diseases fall on the second. Children will not pass the flu, colds due to the not yet formed immunity.

IMPORTANT: If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist, then colds, influenza pass without any complications in 7-10 days.

How much does the temperature last with influenza, cold and SARS?

With all infectious lesions of the human body, body temperature rises. Moreover, as in flu, and with SARS She holds on a rather long period.

And it does not depend on who is sick: a child, a man, a woman. In the acute course of pathology, the temperature rises up to 39 degrees, depending on the damage to the body and additional complications.

With acute respiratory infections, the temperature is small 37.2-37.5, the condition does not deteriorate immediately, but in stages, gaining momentum. Treatment is also carried out in stages and aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.


Take of drugs must be carried out on the recommendations of the therapist. You can not prescribe dosage forms yourself. To bring down a high temperature, sometimes there are few antipyretic drugs, antibiotics should also be used.

Incubation, contagious period of influenza, colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections

It is bad when the patient does not observe bed rest and thereby exposes the rest of the risk of the disease. Infection occurs by the airborne method, through household items, things, etc. But not everyone is subject to infection thanks to persistent immunity.

Doctors found that a patient who is sick in a day is becoming dangerous to others. And continues to infect other people throughout his illness. Thanks to the runny nose, the patient’s cough into the environment spread viral bacteria, which are the source of SARS, influenza and other unpleasant conditions. After the disappearance of such symptoms, a person still has the ability to infect others for two days.

How not to become infected with SARS
How not to become infected with SARS

Features of signs of influenza, colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children: comparison

Most often, with any cold, there is a cough, sore throat, runny nose, temperature. Nevertheless, the differences between infectious diseases exist. They have completely different symptoms. Below is a table where you can determine what your type of disease is: flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.

Comparative table of acute respiratory infections, SARS, influenza
Comparative table of acute respiratory infections, SARS, influenza

The consequences of the disease with influenza, cold, acute respiratory infections, SARS: Comparison

All cold diseases must be treated, not launched. Especially flu is terrible for its complications. Against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, diseases such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis media and others can occur. In order not to get complications in the work of organs, namely hearts, kidneys, etc., follow the doctor’s recommendations and be healthy!

Complications after SARS
Complications after SARS

First aid for SARS, cold and flu: a complex of common and individual measures

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Comments K. article

  1. These are different things it turns out ... oh life live - learn a century)

  2. The symptoms are the same, but the diseases are different. But the treatment, of course, seems to agree with you) I already have how many years, at the first symptoms of these diseases, treatment is a single warm drink and Ingavirin. Quickly puts on your feet by the way, keep in mind.

  3. Each mother already knows how to distinguish these diseases, it’s just scary to self -medicate without a doctor. This is the right drink correctly, the air in the room should be wet, so the humidifier will not hurt or at least wet towels on batteries. I need vitamins, I give my bears a formula vitamin C, I order in the online store at once a couple of packs in reserve. If there is no temperature of the walk cannot be canceled, but only where there is no accumulation of people.

  4. That the flu, that SARS is caused by the virus anyway. That is why I am always in such cases in INGAVIRIN, and in the other case works equally well. I have a maximum for a week, and so usually in a few days I already come to myself.

  5. I do not understand, a cold, SARS or influenza ... The symptoms are usually the same. Therefore, I just immediately begin to take anti -grippine from the natural product, dissolve the sparkles in warm water and drink. It tastes pleasant, actually effective.

  6. So I also began to get sick, what to do and I do not know, to be honest (((

  7. Lyudmila, of course to be treated. For example, I have already written above, I take anti -agippin from the nature of the product. And my well -being only improves with every trick, and all unpleasant symptoms are declining.

  8. That flu, that ARVI is terrible. Immediately start treating, I advise you to buy Orvis Flu, I always take it on a shop. Evalar, when I only begin to feel the first signs of a cold. Taking three times a day, in two days, the cold will completely leave, and there will be neither the heat nor the chills in the body. And the composition in it is not bad, I personally, never after it had at least any side effects

  9. At work I felt that I was ill. The doctor did not call. I decided not to go to the sick leave. I took 3 days of the Riddle. I went to the nearest pharmacy, said her symptoms to the pharmacist. She recommended that I purchase Square Flu. I thought, if I do not recover, I would call a doctor. I drank three days 3 times a day, everything was written in the instructions, I did not leave the house. The malaise has passed these days. Apparently the treatment began on time.

  10. Summer passed, it began that everyone began to cough. So I am not an exception (I also felt that I was ill. It’s a run for a pharmacy for a rhinocard is a hotmix, since I take this tool more than once with a cold. I started taking and it became easier, headache, sneezing, nasal congestion decreased. I went up for the recovery. There is no time to get sick.

  11. We have half of the office "fell." And now the annual reports are in fullness, and therefore there is no time to get sick. True, at the first symptoms, when I began to get sick to take tilors. The course is behind, everything is fine. And I also realized that this tool can not only be accepted with the symptoms, but also as a prevention, so that I will take into account the troubles.

  12. I do not accept anything but antifungal from the nature of the product with a cold. And the action of this tool is enough for me to reduce unpleasant symptoms of colds. Even the nose begins to breathe.

  13. Irina, how do you accept this tool? And at what age can it be taken? Answer me please.

  14. Alena, it's good that I saw your questions. Now I will answer you. I take an antifungal from the nature of the product, diluting it in warm water. In general, there is nothing hard in the reception. But regarding age, I can say that there is an adult tool, and there is a children's anti -infectine from the nature of the product. So children can be taken from three years.

  15. My throat became sick, was it really cold too? (((

  16. Zina, I have the same. If I start to get sick, then the throat begins to hurt the throat. But, I am stocking, my first -aid kit I have a good home. And in it, by the way, the anti-angin formula lies from the sore throat.

  17. It is a shame to say that before the therapist consultation was not thought about differences, nuances in treatment and preventive measures. Therefore, I did not treat SARS in the child incorrectly, thank God, thank God. After faithful therapeutic measures, she took up prevention, bought vitamins of Evalarov bears for immunity, are produced in the form of marmalade. Health at the moment is in perfect order, during the winter and spring, the child did not hurt.

  18. Probably, if not for the pandemic. I would not be puzzled by the strengthening of immunity. It's scary to get sick today. I'm even afraid of a cold. Therefore, she began to harden. I come on vitamins. It is better to certainly live. But the season of fresh vegetable and fruit has long ended. This is the only thing. She is even a greenhouse useful. Still frozen berries. Of these, the fruit drinks learn vitamin. Plus, I buy hiss of hiss of Evlavarovsky immunity. In them I like the composition. Buzina's juice vitamin C and zinc. For immunity in the spring, the most that not to eat, then!

  19. ARVI for children is unpleasant, but even worse getting sick together. Here the son recently brought some kind of infection from the garden, as a result, he returned to normal in three days, and I fell down for two weeks. Well, the doctor, besides the main treatment, prescribed by the Tekababron, it really became much easier with him. I was pleased that in the composition of vitamin C and the root of the licorice to relieve symptoms.

  20. Before the offensive, I begin to take Evalar multivitamins in hissing tablets. The complex has a general strengthening effect and is necessary for the body to maintain and improve its functional activity.

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