How to write and answer the notification: Rules, sample

How to write and answer the notification: Rules, sample

Letters-notifications play an important role in modern office work, so any self-respecting person must be able to write them. After all, if you notify the addressee of anything, then you probably want to get the desired information from him, or to encourage him to any action.

And if your notification is made incorrectly, or simply illiterate, then a person who received it may not respond to the message properly. Let's learn to write this important document.

How to write a notification correctly?

  • Any document falls under a specific classification in office work, and we can safely take the notification to the discharge of information messages.
  • The information letter differs from the usual one in that it contains any information exclusively for the official property. Thanks to this, information messages are widely applied in practice by various services and enterprises of all forms of ownership.
  • If a person or organization is going notify the addressee (On the conclusion or termination of the contract, connecting or disconnecting the service, dismissal of the employee and the like), it is enough to write a notification that can be considered as a full -fledged document.
Notification is written on a certain form with a clear reason
Notification is written on a certain form with a clear reason

Although information messages are allowed to be composed in any form, there are still some generally accepted dogmas, which is not recommended to retreat from in office work.

How to write a notification correctly:

  1. Such a letter is created on a company form (if, of course, the sender has it).
  2. On the company form (or outgoing data) is indicated basic contact information about the sender (full name or name, bank details, contacts - physical and electronic and the like).
  3. Like any official document, information message recorded And he is assigned an outgoing number indicating the date of sending.
  4. It is desirable type, briefly conveying the essence of the whole letter.
  5. If necessary, the main letter is attached additions for in -depth clarifications.
  6. The letter is signed by the letter, and the following are usually arranged that, in fact, this message was prepared indicating the author’s contacts.
  • Letters-notifications that we, in fact, will learn to write are suitable for a message to the addressee about any fact or event.
  • The main difference from other varieties of information letters is the heading "Notification" is mandatory. Besides, The “body” of the letter is conditionally divided into two blocks: First prescribed causewho pushed the author to write it, and then stated conclusions and offers.
  • Very often, the notification is accompanied by additions that are carefully listed with the attached copies and the number of pages in them at the end of the document under the term “appendix”. An example of such applications may be the following documents: “Appendix: Order No. 2 of 03/03/2019“ On the provision of the next paid vacation to the driver Petrov V.K. ” per 1 liter, 1 cop. ”
  • Like any information letter, the notification is signed by the head, and below, in the left corner, the compiler of the document and his contacts are prescribed.

How to write a notice of termination of the contract?

  • The “body” of the notification, or in other words, is its main text, as you probably have already guessed, in each case it will be significantly different.
  • After writing about debt, when applying to the debtor, Either a not too disciplined addressee should protect yourself and draw up a notice of termination of the contract in duplicate, having received a note on one of them (preferably, personally into the hands of the leader or in the appropriate department). Another option is to send it with a registered letter with a notification through the postal service, duplicating it in electronic form.
  • Good the application for the debt notification will be a reconciliation act, And you should start with the phrase: “We notify you that as of such and such a number, such and such a debt arose in total ...”.
  • In the second notification block You can indicate the terms during which the addressee can correct the situation “without loss” (for example, without the application of penalties, if possible) or with minimal costs. In addition, it is nice to indicate the possible negative consequences that may occur for the debtor as a result of ignoring these requirements.
  • And most importantly, do not forget at the very beginning of the notification to refer to the document that you are guided by. For example, the number and date of the contract, order and so on.

If you disassemble these tips on a specific example, we will get the following option:


on the termination of the contract unilaterally

Recipient address: RF, Saratov, st. Lenin, 44/1

Full name and position of the addressee: to the commercial director of LLC “Luch-2” Ivanov I.I.

Tel.: (000) 000-00-00, fax: (111) 111-11-11

r/s: 2222222222222222 at the State Bank of Russia

MFIs: 333333, TIN: 44444444444444444


  • We notify you that on May 5, 2018 between LLC “Svet” and LLC “LUCK-2” an agreement was concluded on the implementation of construction work at the address: RF, Saratov, ul. Executive Committee, 40/5 (hereinafter - the contract).
  • According to clause 10 of the contract, our company has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract if your organization violates clause 15 of the contract.
  • According to paragraph 5 of the contract, your organization obligated to carry out construction work at the address: RF, Saratov, st. Executive Committee, 40/5 until June 25, 2018, but did not fulfill its obligations, violating the terms of the contract.
  • We notify you that the contract is notifying you on the implementation of construction work at the address: RF, Saratov, st. Executive Committee, 40/5fromMay 5, 2018 on the basisp. 3 tbsp. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation andclause 10 of the contract is considered terminated from the moment of receipt of this notification.
  • We demand until June 30, 2018 to return funds in the amount of 10 thousand rubles issued as an advance for construction work.

Signature of the head of LLC "Svet"

Printing enterprises

About termination
About termination

How to write a notification of reduction, notification of dismissal?

  • If you are going to inform the employee about the reduction or dismissal, then be sure to familiarize him with the letter under his personal painting. In case of refusal, find two witnesses who will put their signature under the relevant act.
  • Do not forget to correctly prescribe the reason why the employee is subject to dismissal: “We inform you that the employment contract from such and such a number is terminated on the basis of an article by such and such a Labor Code of the Russian Federation because of such and such ...”.

Reduced notice:

About reduction
About reduction
Changing the state
Changing the state

How to write a notification of construction?

  • In the case of the planned restructuring of any room or the construction of a new one, it is necessary to draw up a notification of construction-it is on its basis that it will be made a decision on whether these works of the enterprise are subject to the enterprise without an appropriate license.
  • Although it is traditionally written in any form, the author must indicate the list of proposed works, the address of the rebuilt premises, attach documents confirming the ownership of the building and the like.
The scheme is attached
The scheme is attached

Write a notification about the sale of the share of the apartment

  • If you live in a communal apartment or occupy part of the house, then when selling your share you are obliged write a notification about the sale of the share of the apartmentas they have a priority right to buy your real estate.
  • For example, you decided to put up a room in a small family for sale, then you must either enlist a notarial refusal to buy from all neighbors officially available or send them a message (through mail with registered letters with notifications about the delivery and description of the topic of letters), which In practice, it comes out longer and more problematic, but at times cheaper.
About sale
About sale

How to write a notification to employees?

  • If you plan to send an employee to the next paid vacation (according to Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then on the basis of the compiled vacation schedule you must in advance write a notification about it.
  • Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation It is stated that the company is obliged to notify the employee about the upcoming vacation two weeks before it starts (unless, of course, this vacation is granted in accordance with the schedule and is not tolerated by the written application of the employee himself). Failure to fulfill this legislative norm is punishable by a fine, the amount of which is indicated in paragraph 1 of Art. 5.27 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
  • The notification form of the start of the next paid vacation each enterprise is being developed independently, however, the main positions in it must be present: the details of the enterprise; date, number and name of this document; Name and position of an employee sent on vacation; the number of days that a person will stay on vacation; the dates of the beginning and the end of the rest; Signatures of the head of the enterprise and employee gathering on vacation.
On vacation
On vacation
  • If the terms of the employment contract are changing for some reason, then they are necessarily displayed in the contract, and the employee is informed, using a special notification.
  • The terms of the employment contract may change for a number of reasons: Changing the technology of production, reorganization of the enterprise and so on. And if such changes attract changes in the working conditions of the employee (place and hours of his work, features of official duties and the like), then, according to Part 1. Articles 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee should notify this in writing under his painting (it is possible to send him by mail by registered letter with a notification).

Note: an employee must receive such a notification no later than two months before significant changes in the conditions of his work.

  • This type of notifications is compiled individually, but it must contain the following information: a description of the changes that are planned to be introduced into the working conditions of the employee, the time and reasons for their introduction, the proposal to switch to another place of work (if there are vacancies).
  • If the employee accepts new working conditions, then concludes an additional agreement with the enterprise, if not, it is subject to dismissal.
With an employee
With an employee

How to answer a letter-notification correctly?

  • The addressee who was written a letter of notification is sometimes obliged to give an answer to it, if this, of course, is required according to the context.
  • How to answer a letter-notification correctly? In this case, you should refer to the notification received, indicating its name, the date of receipt and the outgoing number, register your contacts, and the details of the recipient.
  • It is convenient to start such answers with phrases: “In response to your notice, we inform you ...”, “Thank you for your appeal ...” and so on.
  • When planning to refuse the notorious, think carefully and formulate the reasons for the refusal.
  • And remember, no matter what notice you write, carefully check the literacy of its compilation. After all, no one will seriously perceive the document with grammatical errors.

Video: Notification of the start of vacation

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