How to write a small essay about your best qualities: a sample, an example of phrases, tips, reviews

How to write a small essay about your best qualities: a sample, an example of phrases, tips, reviews

Often, when writing an essay, he is confused with an essay. However, there are some differences between these two literary genres, you should figure it out.

An essay is a small prosaic essay written in arbitrary form and expressing, subjective attitude of the author to the topic of writing. In the essay, the author may not disclose the topic completely, not give comprehensive information, but only express your impressions of any topic. The article will help to figure out how to correctly compose a brief essay about your virtues.

Essay style about your best qualities

Compared to the essay, the essay is characterized by an arbitrary form of writing with a large number of aphorisms and statements filed in the manner of discussion.

To correctly make an essay, you should adhere to certain rules when writing:

  1. Withstand the spelling format - the volume of the text should be small.
  2. Avoid retelling, An individual view should be filed in the topic, on the described topic. It is allowed in free form, to state your own opinion, using figurative thoughts.
  3. Must be observed The integrity of writing, as well as the availability of semantic content. IN essay about your best qualities It is necessary to indicate only the necessary information that affects the topic of the story.
  4. The structure of the essay It should have a clear sequential character, in one paragraph, it is necessary to disclose no more than one main thought.
  5. The story should Reflect the author’s awareness In what he tells: ideas and worldviews, terms, concepts of theory and generalizations.
  6. The author is needed be convincing in your statements, Skillfully give reasoning reliable facts on the topic of the essay to uphold their positions of views.

Tips for drawing up an essay on their best qualities

Sometimes, to obtain a scholarship in educational institutions or when employing to work, it is necessary to write a short essay about your virtues.

For competent writing an essay about your bestqualities, the following tips should be taken into account:

  1. Make it in advance the plan of the text and write it in a draft. This will help subsequently, not get rid of the chronology of writing stories.
  2. It is necessary to separately write out verbal speeds that you plan to use in the text.
  3. It is important to remember that the text of the essay should have homogeneous structure of presentation, For example, when describing the plots and the characteristics of a personal life, you should not disclose the theme of career and success in business or study.
  4. Pay attention to punctuation and grammar of words. If necessary, write out complex terms, the names on a separate sheet. It must be understood that in the story of your best qualities, you cannot show illiteracy.
  5. For clarity and completeness of the story, importantly, from beginning to end of the essay keep the direction of its main semantic line, Choose one topic and reveal it in detail. For example, an essay about personal views and worldviews, a story about a hobby or hobbies, an essay about relationships with friends, an essay on the positive qualities of character.
  6. Better write essay in the style of artistic narrative, Avoiding excessive restraint and dryness. It is allowed to use comparative descriptions, metaphorical turns. Such a style, favorably emphasize the essence of the story - will make it more interesting and brighter.
  7. The story about itself should not turn into a laudatory ode. But do not neglect humorous stories or fascinating cases from the life of the author. If there are such episodes, be sure to briefly describe them. This will give the text a more lively realistic coloring. Light self -irony indicates the honesty and openness of the author.
  8. Describe Not only their advantages, but also disadvantages. Open them from the standpoint of readiness for self -development and improvement of your personality. You can tell you what methods you try to fight your shortcomings and what successes have already achieved.
  9. In your essay, try intrigue the reader. Talk about yourself in stages: first, open only part of the information, indicate your interests and future plans. Then, gradually involve the reader in your reasoning, give examples, characterize the formation of your personality, argue the goals. And at the end of the story, quench the reader’s interest - open the main essence of your intentions. So the essay will not lose significance and will be an interesting story.
  10. Remember that a good essay about your best qualities requires premature training. Do not be lazy to think over the text points in advance and use the rules for writing an essay. This will reduce the time to make a story and make it more advantageous in the reader's eyes.
Avoid errors
Avoid errors

How to write an essay about your best qualities: the course of action

If you need to write a small essay about your best qualities, you should fulfill a number of the following requirements:

  1. At the time of writing the text Keep in front of you a draft with a pre -drawn up plan and follow it according to its points. It is necessary to focus on the main issues of the topic.
  2. Make trial essays from the described nuances and plots from life, as well as phrases, For the subsequent introduction of them in the main story.
  3. Follow the sequence of the structure of the essay. According to the plan, the story should consist of the introductory, main and final part. At the same time, the main part of the essay should occupy most of the narrative and contain key characteristics that describe your best qualities.
  4. Place in the required sequence all the records from the draft Full content of the text.
  5. Having written an essay, it is necessary to read it and make sure that the text is available to perception and completely reflects the author’s idea. Then check grammar and punctuation text

Essay about your best qualities: examples of phrases

These examples from different tops can be used as a sample when writing essay about your best qualities. These phrases give an understanding in what style the story of its own virtues should be compiled.

Creative skills

  • Creation - It is an integral part of my life.
  • Since childhood, I randomly visited many visual, song, dance and needlework circles, in which I acquired its first versatile skills.
  • Over time, mine the desire for self -development It gained a more holistic direction, I decided on the choice and it was a visual art.
  • Now my early hobbies has grown into professional activities, I am in demand by a contemporary artist, annually I arrange exhibitions of my paintings, my drawings use popular printing publications for illustrations.

Benefits and responsibility

  • I like to benefit people and animals, I am responsible for any business assigned to me.
  • I regularly participate in the charity events of our city, I am part of the volunteer organization “Help of Homeless Animals”.
  • On a voluntary basis i work on weekends in a nursery - I feed and take care of stray pets.
  • I also search for new owners for them.
  • Thanks to me, the nursery managed to attach more than 120 cats and dogs to new families.
Choose your best qualities
Choose your best qualities

Head skills

  • I have all the necessary skills for managerial and leadership positions.
  • For more than five years I have been deputy head of the personnel department.
  • According to my recommendations, only in the last half of the year 75 highly qualified employees were employed, who brought a two -time rise in the profit of our organization.
  • The team of our department, under my leadership, was awarded a commendable bonus for the responsible work.

Sports achivments

  • In sports achievements on my account there are several letters and medals on the competitions in athletics.
  • I also have among the awards the Cup of the City Championship for long -distance race.
  • Every day i devote sports at least three hours.
  • I strive to master a new sport - swimming.
  • I visit the pool twice a week.

Study and career

  • I'm all free time I devote to study and self -development.
  • In order to improve qualifications, I attend accounting courses.
  • In the near future i plan to visit lectures On the topic of taxation of small and medium -sized businesses.
  • Training gives its results. For example, this month I was instructed to make a quarterly report on my own.
  • Trying do not stop there And in the next plans to receive the position of deputy chief accountant.

Essay on your best qualities: reviews

The essay about your best qualities - reviews:

  • Julia, 36 years old.Writing an essay about your best qualities is now becoming popular. Especially when employing in a large company. It is very important to know what this text should display. The article helped to figure out and understand what is the difference between the essay and the resume. I hope that now my essay will appeal to the employer.
  • Victor, 20 years old.Information about the essays helped me correctly compile an essay for an educational institution. Indeed, the essay is very different from the usual characteristics. But it allows you to brighten all sides of your character brighter and focus all your attention on its positive qualities. This significantly helps to present yourself.

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