What is an essay - how to write it correctly: definition, brief and understandable description, rules of writing, sample, examples

What is an essay - how to write it correctly: definition, brief and understandable description, rules of writing, sample, examples

In this article, we will figure out what is an essay and how to write it correctly.

The essay is one of the unique literary genres. This is a short essay on any topic that is written on the question asked. The main feature is an author’s design in a free style that you like better. Let's analyze in detail what an essay is and how to write it correctly.

What is an essay: definition

What is an essay
What is an essay

The word "essay" came to us from French Exagium - "weighing." It also translates as an essay, experience, attempt. In fact, this is a small composition in free shape and small in size. Usually, with the help of the essay, an opinion is expressed on a specific issue. It is strictly individual, because everyone expresses his own opinion, impressions, thoughts and experiences, and not strangers.

Among the signs of the essay stand out:

  • There is a specific question to which the answer is given. The essay discusses wide problems that cannot obviously be performed in this genre
  • The essay allows you to express personal impressions on the question and does not claim to be a detailed interpretation of the subject
  • Usually, the essay implies a new word painted with meaning. In this work, a variety of styles can be used
  • On the essay, the author’s personality is evaluated, first of all, how he looks at the world, what he thinks and feels

Recently, the genre has become especially popular. Today on the exam is proposed to write it as a task. And also, this is one of the main documents for a job or admission to an educational institution. So how to write an essay correctly? Let's find out.

How to start an essay: Example

How to start an essay?
How to start an essay?

As a rule, when it is required to solve the question of how to write an essay, even a person with sufficient eloquence is lost, because it is more difficult to express his thoughts on paper. Thinking on the issue can take a long time, which significantly complicates the work.

Especially a lot of questions raises the beginning of the essay. Where to start it! What should be the first phrase?

There are some tips that will allow you to start the essay:

  1. First, formulate the general idea of \u200b\u200bwriting an essay. Determine for what purpose it is compiled and if possible, look for sources for work.
  2. Great for writing a freewriting technique or free spelling. Its meaning is to describe everything that comes to mind even without editing, non -compliance with grammar, and so on. A very good way to deal with a lack of inspiration.
  3. Do not get hung up on the entry. It can be written only later, when the rest of the text is ready. It will be easier for you to write an entry, because you already know what the essay.
  4. One of the options for the beginning of the essay is to formulate the question at the beginning, and then the answer is already given to it.

Essay writing procedure: structure

The structure of the essay
The structure of the essay

Now let's specifically talk about how to write an essay and what to write in it. Here is an approximate structure, how the material is written:

1. Introduction

We have already talked about him above. These tips will help you start the text correctly. In the first part, you should not write much. It is enough to tell you what problem you want to solve. The entry is made for a couple of sentences, write in general terms. Or ask the reader a question.

2 and 3. The main and additional reasons

In these parts, you must show that you are versed in the topic. It is important to observe the balance. For example, in the second part you will reveal the reasons that support the fourth part. Let these be the arguments for the pros. Well, the third part will reveal the arguments against.

4. The denouement

In this part you must indicate a certain statement. It should be something out of 2 and 3 parts. Add something personally from yourself. This is important that the essay is just yours. And do not forget about the statements.

This is mainly the largest part of the material. The facts confirmed by quotes are again listed in it. It is clear that you should write only what relates to the question.

5. Conclusion

It should also be small. It draws out of the whole text. This is a general conclusion from the entire essay.

How to write an essay correctly: sample, plan, template

With an approximate plan, how to write an essay, we figured out. As a rule, there are certain templates or cliches that allow formulating thoughts more conveniently. It is much easier to write an essay with them.

We present you a small table where the main templates are given:

Templates 1
Templates 1
Templates 2
Templates 2

How to write an essay: Examples for work

To make it easier for you to understand how to write an essay, we offer to get acquainted with several works:

An example of an essay 1
An example of an essay 1
An example of an essay 2
An example of an essay 2
An example of an essay 3
An example of an essay 3
An example of an essay 4
An example of an essay 4
An example of an essay 5
An example of an essay 5

What are the errors when writing an essay?

On the question of how to write an essay, some errors arise. Let's find out what the main mistakes are:

  • Grammar and punctuation errors. Any mistakes, especially at school, immediately cross out all the work. After all, they indicate not attentiveness and lack of verification of work.
  • Logical errors. The work should be built logically correctly, and there should also be no contradictions in it. Moreover, the thesis should not change during the text.
  • Repetition of thoughts. Do not constantly repeat the same thing, even in different words. An exception is the reformulation of the thesis in conclusion.
  • Plagiarism. It is strictly prohibited. You can’t take someone else's work and give it out for your own. Such work can be disqualified.
  • Philosophizing, stream of thoughts. The essay, although it is free reasoning - it has its own structure. The text is built on it. If you write by excerpts of thoughts, then such work will turn out to be poor -quality.
  • Jokes. They are inappropriate in this case. With the help of an essay, many skills are checked, but definitely not a sense of humor.
  • Politics and religion. They can only be affected if necessary. So, in order to get to work, you should not touch these topics in the essay, if the work is not one of the spheres. In schools in exams it will be appropriate to discuss these topics when the corresponding question is asked.
  • Inappropriate vocabulary. No jargon expressions and no normative expressions. They are prohibited. Try to adhere to a calm style.

The errors indicated above are very common. You need to be very careful to prevent them.

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