To lie, lie, deceive, say a lie is one and the same or not, what is the difference between these words, concepts?

To lie, lie, deceive, say a lie is one and the same or not, what is the difference between these words, concepts?

If you do not know - to lie and deceive - the same thing or not, then read the article. It describes an explanation, there are synonyms and quotes from literature.

The ability to tell the truth is very highly appreciated by society. But quite often a lie brings peculiar bonuses. Even in the elementary schools of the school, the child understands that if he skipped a lesson or received a deuce, then it should not be told to parents about this. Instead, it is better to wrest a page from the diary or tell the teacher that parents on a business trip cannot come to the meeting.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to draw an optical illusion - a fraud of vision on paper with a pencil". You will find 3D drawings with your own hands - vision of vision for beginners.

Why do people constantly lie and deceive? What is the difference between these words? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article below. Read further.

Why do people constantly lie, deceive?

People constantly lie, deceive
People constantly lie, deceive

A person is driven by the fear of getting fair punishment. He is lying to fade himself. This continues in adulthood. For example, a husband can mask the consequences of libations with friends in the garage, and his wife can hide the presence of a lover, lie about what was lingered with a friend or at work, etc. So why do people constantly lie, deceive?

One way or another, lies are used in several cases:

  • A person is afraid of punishment and unpleasant consequences - And that is why he carefully hides, silents the truth. Plus, he comes up with “fantastic stories” in order to take suspicions from himself.
  • A person wants to get anything (material component) - Another reason for deception. The seller perfectly understands that his product is not as perfect as the advertisement says. But he needs to sell this thing. That is why he will lie to the buyer and say that this is the best thing on Earth, which has no analogues. Of course, a person then learns about the disadvantages. But not every buyer will return the thing back, and demand money. Many read the characteristics on the Internet and negative reviews and wave their hand - they say, it is to blame. I had to look right away.
  • The habit of lying - Just as kleptomanes, even having money, cannot but steal a thing in the store, so pathological liars cannot without liability. They definitely need to distort the truth and come up with non -existent facts.

One way or another, a person lies, lies, deceives solely because it is unprofitable for him to tell the truth in this situation. The desire to improve its position and is the motivator that forces you to "get confused in the testimony", to burn yourself and deceive others.

A person who lies and deceives what is called?

If you do not know what the person who lies and deceives is called, then we will explain to you. Such a person has a lot of names:

  • Liar
  • Liar
  • Deceiver
  • Charlatan
  • Scammer

It all depends on what kind of lie takes place, on its motives and sphere in which a person says a lie.

Lies and deception is the same thing?

Many believe that words "False" and "deception" - Synonyms. In fact, this is not entirely true, it is not the same thing.

  • Lie - This is what is not true. For example, we say that Alexander the Great was born in 1987. This is a clear lie and distortion of facts. But at the same time, no one thinks about what purpose a person is lying, whether he does it specifically or simply does not know the real date of birth of the commander.

In other words, a lie can simply be inaccurate. It does not always provide a desire to mislead and selfish motives.

  • Deception - This is already intentional efforts to let a person “dust in the eye”. The liar is well aware of what he does. But he has his motives. Also, deception is not only words, but also actions.

A deceiver is not just a person who says a lie. This is a fraud and a combinator that plays according to a certain scheme.

To lie and lie: what's the difference, what is lies?

Lie and lie
Lie and lie

The lies are a concept close to deception. Moreover, lies are often called large lies and systematic, and not small.


  • Oksana regularly lied to her husband, which lingers at work. And behind him met with Peter - The action is systematic, has major consequences.
  • Son, why didn't you eat? - Mom, I ate everything - why are you lying to me? It is clear that no one touched to the pan - The action is single, it does not carry any consequences for itself.
  • I had to lie that I got sick. Although, in fact, I simply did not prepare for the control in mathematics (False).
  • I'm tired of your constant lies! Do I really not see what is happening? For the second year you have been telling me that you are studying at the institute. But I called the dean. They said that you have long been expelled and have not attended classes for more than a year. At the same time, you take my pocket money from me and say that it is for food at the university. Where do you spend them, and why? -systematic lie.

It turns out that the difference and the difference between lies and lies are that a lie is a little lies. It occurs only 1 time, and then it may not be repeated. And a lie is a cycle of lies, which has systematicity.

  • When we met, he lied to me that he is the son of the Arab sheikh. He talked about the fact that he was very rich that he was born in a palace with golden columns. But in fact, he is not an Arab, but an ordinary Armenian. Trades at the station Shawarma and a goal like a falcon. As soon as I could believe him? (lies).
  • “Sorry, I had to lie to you. In fact, I am not 19 years old, but 10 years more. I knew that I looked younger and thought that you would not suspect anything. But the fact is that I really love you. I just thought that if I am much older, you will be scared and you will not want a relationship with me. You are only 18. Yes, and your parents would not be delighted that you have love with a man who is almost 30. Therefore, I realized that the lie will be the only way out of the situation ” -“ No, lies is the worst, the most terrible, this is the worst What could be. It would be better if you told me the truth! This would still not have influenced our relationship. And so, now I don’t know if I can believe you. ”

Now you know the difference between concepts "lie" and "Lie". Below even more interesting information. Read further.

The difference between deception and lies: what is the difference between these concepts?

As in the case of a lie, lies are a more critical, systematic concept. But the deception can be single. Moreover, the lies include self -interest and, possibly, negative consequences. The deception can be one -time and even harmless. There is also a gradation of deception: self -deception, tactical deception, verbal, deception in the game, etc. This is the difference and difference between these concepts.

  • My grandfather went to war at the age of 15. He had to attribute to himself 3 years to take him to the fronta single deception. So, as after this incident, the grandfather of the protagonist could live a long life, having never ever lied to anyone.
  • Do not even try to go for an interview in this company. Their stories about a high salary and a premium system are a lie. In fact, instead, you will run around the city for days, and offer everyone windows and doors from a low -quality manufacturer that no one needs. And people will swear and send you to hell - all because they already know that these are scammers. And you may not get money at all. This is all lies.
  • Of course, I deceived myself, believing that I could sing. But when my uncle accidentally heard me, a teacher of a music school, he said that not everything was lost - supposedly, there is a voice, but you need to work a little over your hearing. Lies.
  • I'm tired of your lies! Do you even sometimes tell the truth?This is a lie.

Below is still interesting information. Read further.

How is not true from lies, lies: explanation

Not true from lies, lies
Not true from lies, lies

There is a significant difference between these concepts. What is not true from lies, lies differently? Here's an explanation:

  • You can speak a lie and unconsciously (for example, a person does not know the truth), but they always lie intentionally.
  • A person is trying to specifically discredit the other, slander him, conceal the facts or provoke something.
  • Unlike untruth, lies always have reasons and leads to a specific goal.

For example:

  • How did Vitya pass the exam? I don’t know, he said that he had learned poorly. Probably failed - (after a while). Why did you say a lie? He came across a ticket that he knew. And he received the "four"! - Truth? Sorry. I did not want to lie to you, I just relied on the facts. Sorry to mislead you. If so, then I'm glad for him (not true).
  • When a passerby on the street asked me where the nearest Pyaterochka is located, I said "go right, then turn around the corner and left." And then, when the man had already left, I realized that he had said a lie and “sent” him in the wrong direction. All because I was visiting a friend and I am poorly oriented in this area (not true).
  • Natasha, I'm night with Anton today. If my mother calls and asks where I am, can you say that I am with you? - An, do you want me to lie? Of course, I am your girlfriend, but lies are not my methods. Sorry. I will not burn you out. Better to ask someone else (lies).

As you can see, understanding the difference in these terms is simple. You just need to delve into the meaning.

To lie and deceive: what's the difference?

People are lying and deceiving often for a specific goal - for example, to sell the goods or to avoid negative consequences. But the lie provides for a certain disrespect for a person. In the case of deception, the attitude to the object of fraud can be neutral: for example, a person just needs to get financial benefits. Therefore, he deceives everyone. But at the same time, he does not have a hatred and neglect.

Moreover, the deception provides for a selfish goal. And you can lie exclusively for self -preservation. Example:

  • I had to lie that I participated in the school Olympics. All because if my father found out that I had performed on a rock concert, he would have tore my head.
  • Can not you see? He deceives you! A phone with functions like this, you can buy 5 times cheaper. This model is "a hundred years at lunch"! Do not even try to transfer money to him!
  • Sorry, I lied to you. In fact, I'm married and I have a child. No, you didn’t just lie to me - you deceived me for 2 months (an example of the use of two concepts at once).
  • Didn't you immediately say that you could not help me? Why lie? Because of you, I lost a lot of time.
  • Sorry, dad. I didn't want to deceive you. But you would be horrified if you found out that your daughter was expelled from the Polytechnic and has been working as a model for 5 years now.

Lies are always a prolonged action. And the deception can be short -term or even single. Example:

  • Ivan had to lie that he was 18 years old to be sold in a store of alcohol.
  • For 10 years now, Tamara had been deceiving her husband that she could not get pregnant. Although, in fact, she was simply afraid to ruin the figure - therefore, she used all kinds of “tricks” so as not to fall into an “interesting position”. Like many men, Artem did not even know about this. He thought his wife had health problems.

As you can see, the difference between the concepts of “lie” and “deceiting” is clearly visible on examples. Everything is simple, you just need to remember.

False deception: what does this mean?

False deception
False deception

Exists 2 types of deception. The first can be called the situation when a deceiver misleads a person. But at the same time, he does not lie. He can simply hide information, conceal the facts. However, he does not seek to make the victim believe that he is not true.

But with a false deception - a fraudster lies and hopes that the victim will believe him - and everything for his own mercenary goals. Accordingly, a false deception is the type of manipulation in which the scam will be successful only if you resort to lies.

In the case of the usual deception, the communicator can hide the information, factory facts - but not always lie. The motive in both cases is one: so that a person believes. Examples:

  • Boris promised to give me a new album of Morgenstern for my birthday, but did not keep his promise. He deceived me (ordinary deception).
  • He regularly deceived me, saying that he works in a decent company (false deception).
  • I came to the appointed place, but there was nobody there. Looks like Vitka was scared and did not come to sort things out (ordinary deception).
  • Oksana regularly lied to her husband that they were enough in everything. In fact, she had many complaints to her man (false deception).

It seems that the concept of “false deception” is incomprehensible, but this is not so. Everything is simple - selfish goals, manipulations with a pre -successful scam and the victim must believe without fail.

Lie, deceive, tell a lie: synonyms

To better know what the concepts mean "Lie", "deceive", "speak unrighteous", it is worth picking up synonyms for these words. Here is some of them:

  • To cunning
  • Hung on the ears of noodles
  • To fool
  • To hide
  • Generate
  • To fool
  • Inflate
  • Cheat
  • Output, etc.

Try to choose other synonyms yourself. Even more examples in quotes from literature. Read further.

The person who lies and deceives: quotes from literature

Quotes about lies and deception
Quotes about lies and deception

Sometimes it is the quotes of famous writers that help to understand certain definitions. For example, a person who lies and deceives - who is this? Here are quotes from literature:

  • Lies are the same alcoholism. The liar lie, dying.

This was said by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

  • He who lies himself and his own lies, his listener reaches that he does not distinguish any truth in himself or around, and therefore, enters into disrespect both to himself and to others.

So thought Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  • We know very little and learn badly: that's why we should lie.

The philosopher Frederick Nietzsche loved to say this phrase.

  • The most common and common cause of lies is the desire to deceive not people, but of themselves.

The great writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

  • To lie to yourself for your own benefit is a fake, to lie for the benefit of another is a forgery, to lie in order to harm - slander, this is the worst harm of lies.

Life words from Jean Jacques Rousseau.

  • The punishment of the liar is not that no one else believes him, but the fact that he himself does not believe anyone else.

This is the truth that George Bernard show conveyed to people.

  • Lies make a person the subject of universal contempt, this is a means to deprive him of respect and the faith that everyone should feed to himself.

Such words said Immanuel Kant.

Video: lies, deception, lies

Video: Why is it harmful to lie?

Video: 3 tips on how to stop lying and not to be afraid to tell the truth!

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