How to draw an optical illusion - a fraud of vision on paper with a pencil: 3d drawings with your own hands - a fraud of vision for beginners

How to draw an optical illusion - a fraud of vision on paper with a pencil: 3d drawings with your own hands - a fraud of vision for beginners

Optical illusions or as with the help of a pencil, eraser and papers create a masterpiece.

When a creative impulse occurs suddenly and I want to try new drawing techniques, optical illusions come to the rescue. The ability to draw optical illusions and 3D drawings very well develops imagination and the ability to think abstractly.

In this article, we will tell you how to draw several optical illusions and 3D drawings from the simplest options to more complex ones.

How to draw optical illusions - a fraud of vision with a pencil on paper in stages?

We will start with a rather simple optical illusion - heart.

  • First, we plan the outer contour of the heart. We carry out exactly in the middle of the vertical line of symmetry. Since the heart will have three visible faces, we will need two more vertical lines at a distance of 0.5 cm on the sides of the symmetry line.
  • Now we repeat the picture in the photo below. We retreat along the left line on top of 1 cm and lead the arc to the right to the intersection with the contour.
  • From the extreme right line, parallel to the previous arc, we draw also an arc and complete it on the extreme left axis of symmetry below.
  • Two more arcs are completed as shown in the figure.
Step 1
  • On the left side, it is necessary to repeat the drawing of the right side, only in mirror reflection.
  • We do this as shown in the figure.
Step 2
  • The basis is ready. Now you need to remove all unnecessary lines of constructions, make the contours more clear, and the transitions are soft. Each face should get one clear line.
Step 3
  • We take a soft pencil and begin to circle the pattern. We do it as shown in the photo.

Attention! The pencil should be soft (at least 5m) and sharp, so that the line is neat.

Step 4
  • So, all lines are circled in our country. The outer and internal contour lines should be the thickest. The lines inside (face) are thinner.
  • We begin the hatch from the darkest places. Our shadow will be in an arc on the right side.
  • We start from the upper corner and go down, gradually reducing the power of pressing the pencil to get the gradient.
Step 5
  • This is how the gradient (transition) that you should succeed looks.
Step 6
  • We create such transitions wherever there are sharp corners. Our task is to give the image volume and realism.
Step 7
  • Add a little horizontal strokes in the shadow areas so that the drawing is more believable. The optical illusion is ready!
Step 8

Video: draw 3D on paper - heart - drawing

Now we will tell you how to correctly draw a non -existent 3D triangle. To do this is also quite simple.

We prepare accessories:

  • a few pencils of different hardness from hard to very soft
  • drawing paper sheet for drawing
  • ruler
  • eraser
Step 1
  • We draw an equilateral triangle. It doesn’t work out to be equilateral - stop at the isosceles.
Step 2
  • Inside this triangle we draw three lines parallel to its sides. The distance between the parallel lines should be 0.5 cm, no more. We got a large triangle and a small triangle in large.
Step 3
  • Inside a small triangle, we need to make an even smaller triangle. To do this, we turn to step 3.
Step 4
  • When we painted the first time the inner triangle (now we have the middle one), some lines crossed in the corners of the large triangle. Now, these lines must be connected to each other as shown in the photograph.
Step 5
  • We circle everything exactly as shown in the photo. We do not circle only the corners of the large triangle and some lines of internal constructions.
Step 6
  • We take the eraser and wash all the lines that are unnecessary for us. The drawing looks concise and very carefully.
Step 7
  • The soft pencil of the three corners between the small and medium triangle, as shown in the figure, draw the shadows.
  • The darkest places are at the intersection of lines. The farther from them, the weaker the pencil should be.
  • Remove all unnecessary divorces and stains from the pencil.
  • The drawing "Non -existent triangle" is ready!
Step 8

Video: impossible triangle - optical illusion

3D drawings with your own hands - vision of vision for beginners with explanations

The ability to draw optical illusions is interesting, useful and exciting. But the ability to draw 3D drawings opens up new boundaries for you! How to turn a two -dimensional drawing into a three -dimensional read further in our article!

One of the simplest 3D drawings is the staircase. We will learn to draw her.

We will need:

  • thick paper
  • pencil
  • eraser.
  • We fold the paper twice on the short side.
  • We draw one strip from the center to the edge, then from the other side we draw symmetrical to it.
  • Repeat a little below.
Step 1
  • On one of the stairs, we begin to draw horizontal steps.
Step 2
  • We finish with one staircase and go to another.
  • We draw as many steps as on the first staircase.
  • Do not forget that both stairs are located completely symmetrically relative to each other.
Step 3
  • We take a ruler and, as shown in the figure, draw a shadow under the stairs. Without this shadow, the drawing will lose volume and realism.
Step 4
  • We fold the drawing along the fold line, which was made in step 1. We turned out to be a different 3D staircase, congratulations!
Step 5

Video: 3D staircase - optical illusion

Next, we present to your attention 3D butterfly drawing, made on a drawn millimeter paper with colored pencils. If you do not have such paper, then you can make it yourself, drawing 1x1 cm on a regular sheet on a regular sheet.

  • Prepare the paper.
Step 1
  • Sove the contours of the body and wings of the butterfly. Use the sample below, or come up with your model.
Step 2
  • Inside the wings of the butterfly, come up with a pattern. It can be completely anything.
Step 3
  • Complete the pattern with additional elements.
  • This step can be skipped.
Step 4
  • Take colored pencils, in our case it is red, yellow, black and brown, and add the colors to work.
Step 5
  • We made the pattern with colored, and we will now need a black pencil to paint everything inside the wings of the butterfly, except for the pattern.
Step 6
  • Make the hatch more dense so that there are no gaps. But do not overdo it.
Step 7
  • The most minimal press on the black pencil, mix the shadow under the butterfly.
Step 8
  • Make the shadow darker. The darkest place is exactly under the butterfly. To the edges, the shadow is highlighted.
Step 9
Step 10
  • Cut the butterfly as shown in the figure.
Step 11
  • As a result, you will get such a drawing! Work is ready!
Step 12

Video: 3D drawings: how to draw a butterfly in a 3D pencil: drawing lessons

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