The fraud of vision in pictures: Illusion. Watch pictures with an optical deception of vision. Complex 3D pictures with fraud of vision and explanation

The fraud of vision in pictures: Illusion. Watch pictures with an optical deception of vision. Complex 3D pictures with fraud of vision and explanation

An optical illusion is a deception of human vision. Observations of some images leave visual illusions in our minds.

Complex pictures of an eye of vision with answers and an explanation

The fraud of vision is an inaccurate perception of a certain visual information. A person, looking at the illusion, incorrectly assesses its size or shape, creating a deceptive image in the mind.

The cause of erroneous perception is the peculiarity of the structure of our visual organ. Physiology and psychology of vision allow us to make an incorrect final result and instead of round forms, a person is able to see square, and large pictures will seem small.

Illusion - a mistake of visual perception
illusion is a mistake of visual perception

There can be distributed vision to several main types:

  • incorrect color perception
  • incorrect perception based on contrast
  • incorrect perception of the size of the subject
  • incorrect perception of the depth of the image
  • a curved illusion
  • "Combolation"
  • illusions that move
  • pictures "3D"
  • contour vision

The human brain is capable of deceivingly respond to some images. It seems that the image moves or even changes its color only due to the fact that the brain perceives the visible light of some pictures.

Moving pictures of vision of vision, photo

One of the most popular are the so -called, moving pictures. The secret of this type lies in color and contrast perception.

Moving picture
moving picture

It is enough for a few seconds to look at the center of this drawing, then look away on one of the sides of the salad frame of the image, as the picture will literally “swim”.

Moving illusion Wall
moving illusion "Wall"

This illusion can be attributed to two types of “curvature of form” and “moving illusion”. Firstly, the non-uniform placement of cubes allows us to conclude that the lines are curved.

However, they are absolutely even. Secondly, if you move the picture up and down using a runner on your monitor on the right, you can see how cubes move and run.

Moving illusion
moving illusion

Thanks to the textured image, it seems that the squares in the center of the picture are moving.

The illusion that moves
the illusion that moves

Thanks to the contrasting image of the round discs, it seems that they move in different directions: clockwise and against it.

The illusion moves
the illusion moves

Patterns in the picture of different sizes are distinguished by bright contrasting colors. That is why it creates that lines and bends are moving.

What are the pictures of vision of vision for children?

  • Visual illusions are one of the most popular intellectual entertainment for children. Observations of such pictures allow you to develop a child's thinking
  • He tries to understand why this happens that what is desired is not issued for the actual
  • In addition, groups of eye muscles are practicing. This helps to improve blood circulation to the visual canal, which means that it serves as a kind of prevention of blindness and other problems

During the observation of illusions, the child exercises his logical thinking and develops the brain.

The most popular illusions for children:

Animalistic shift
animalistic shift

Such an illusion helps the baby what the animal is depicted in the picture: a cat or a dog. The child analyzes all external features and remembers characteristics, in addition, he tries to visually turn the image that trains his eye muscles.

Volumetric illusion
volumetric illusion

This illusion provides the child with the opportunity to see a voluminous image. In order to do this, you need to bring your face closer to the image, direct your eyes into the middle, disperse your vision for five seconds and then quickly sharpen your sharpness. Such a lesson intensively trains the muscles of the eye and allows the child to develop vision

Mirror illusion
mirror illusion

Uniform prints located mirror to each other allow the baby to find general features of external parameters in different animals.

Optical illusion
optical illusion

This image allows you to develop abstract thinking: in the proposed picture you can see a simple branched tree. But if you read the contours correctly, the image of a newborn child will appear to the eyes.

What are hypnosis pictures of vision?

Some images are called “hypnosis pictures” because they are able to mislead and a certain trance when a person carefully tries to understand what the secret of painted objects and why they move.

Hipnosis picture
hipnosis picture

There is a belief that if you look at the center of a moving image for a long time, a person represents how he plunges into a deep tunnel without a bottom and edge. It is this immersion that distracts him from other thoughts and its trance is comparable to hypnosis.

Pictures-illusions are black and white, fraud of vision in contrasts

Black and white colors are absolutely opposite. These are the most contrasting colors of all existing ones. Looking at such a picture, the human eye literally “doubts” which of the flowers to pay the main attention and that is why it turns out that the pictures “dance”, “swim”, “move” and even appear in space.

The most popular black and white illusions:

Parallel black and white lines
parallel black and white lines

The secret of the image is that the dashes on the lines are depicted in different directions and that is why it seems that the lines are not at all parallel.

Black and white illusions
black and white illusions

These images allow us to discern two images in one picture. The drawing is built on the principle of the circuit and contrasts.

Black and white illusion based on concentration
Black and white illusion based on concentration

In this illusion, for the effect, it is necessary to peer into the red point located on the image for a long time.

One minute will be enough. After that, the look is assigned to the side and on any subject you see what was previously observed only on the monitor.

What is vision of 3D pictures?

This type of illusions allows a person to literally “break the brain”. All because the picture reflects the location of objects so that, firstly, they become voluminous on the plane, and secondly sometimes too complicated for understanding.

Simple 3D Illusion
simple 3D Illusion

This picture makes for a person the arrangement of objects: their sides and surfaces. Nevertheless, the drawing is perceived voluminous.

Complex picture-illusion in 3D
complex picture-illusion in 3D

More complex images suggest a long peering in the depths of the picture. It is worth completely scattering and splitting vision and after some time to sharply restore it.

In a completely flat picture, there will be a voluminous figure (in this case, a woman) with clear contours.

Optical illusions pictures of vision deception

Optical illusions of vision are mistakes that can arise in our vision. The reasons for optical illusions are perception errors.

During the examination of the picture, inexplicable movements, disappearance and appearance can occur. All this is justified by the physiological and psychological aspect of visual perception.

Optical illusion black dot
optical illusion "Black Point"

The secret of the illusion is that noticing a small black item in the center, we do not pay attention to the environment.

Optical illusion elephant
optical illusion "Elephant"

Not a clear image of the contours allows you to see an elephant instead of four or eight legs.

Optical illusion Sun.
optical illusion "Sun"

Contrast colors and not clear boundaries of the picture allow the image to literally vibrate at the moment when we look at it and remain immobilized when we look at something else.

Optical illusion one picture - two images
optical illusion "One picture - two images"

It is based on a mirror display with an accurate repetition of all forms.

Shuple of vision pictures: dress, explanation of the illusion

  • The famous network "virus" and the joke "Blue or Golden Dress" is based on the perception of vision, depending on the individual characteristics of each person
  • Once everyone came in social networks from friends a picture with the signature "What color dress?" And many of your friends answered this question in a completely different way: either blue or golden
  • The secret of perception of the picture lies in how your visual organ is built and in what conditions you observe this picture
  • In the retina of the human eye in each case there is a certain number of cones and sticks. It is the quantity that plays the role of perception: in some it will be blue, for others - golden
Optical illusion dress
optical illusion "Dress"

It is important to pay attention to the fact of lighting. Look at the image in bright light - see a blue dress. Leave for half an hour in a dark room and then look at the picture back - most likely you will see a golden dress.

Double pictures of vision of vision, what's the secret?

As already mentioned earlier, the secret of this illusion is hidden in the complete repetition of the lines of the drawing during its mirror display. Of course, this can be done in practice not with every picture, but if you clearly choose the form, you get a completely interesting result.

The classic double picture is an old or young woman?
the classic double picture "Old or young woman?"

looking at this image, you need to decide for yourself: "What do you see first?" Of the possible options, a young girl will appear to you, turned by a profile with a pen in a headdress or an old woman with a long chin and a large nose.

Modern double image
modern double image

Of the more modern double -image options, paintings can be distinguished, at the same time depicting two separate drawings. In such cases, the features of one image are read in different lines.

Video: “Five of the most incredible optical illusions. Optical illusion"

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