Senegal acacia fibers: prebiotic, useful for intestinal microflora

Senegal acacia fibers: prebiotic, useful for intestinal microflora

Senegal Acacia fibers is a mild -acting prebiotic useful for the body. Read more in the article.

Acacia is a plant from the Beaver family, which can grow on any soil and in any conditions, including in the desert. The trees or shrubs of acacia are thermophilic, but they have long been cultivated in the northern latitudes. Mention of Senegal Acacia was in the Bible - the Sitim tree.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The best products with iherb for children from colds and influenza". You will find a list of dietary supplements with a description, parents' reviews.

From this article you will learn about ways to apply this prebiotic, as well as contraindications, side effects, and other useful information. Read more more.

Senegal Acacia: botanical characteristics, description, photo

Acacia Senegal In nature, it occurs as a low tree, which reaches approximately 6 meters in height. It can grow in the form of a magnificent shrub. Botanical characteristics and description:

Acacia Senegal
Acacia Senegal
Senegal acacia flowers
Senegal acacia flowers
  • You can meet such a plant in Africa savannah or on the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Hindustan.
  • The root system of acacia is quite developed, it helps to keep the plant on complex soils with the preservation of minerals.
  • Such a plant grows very quickly, already after 3-4 years Reaches mature growth.
  • On average it grows 30 to 40 years oldbut it happens longer.
  • Excessive drought or exhausting heat is not an obstacle to the normal growth and life of the Senegal Acacia.
  • There are several branches in the plant trunk that form a crown in the form of an umbrella.
  • The barrel bark has a dark color, close to black.
  • Cirrus leaves are green with a bright shade.
  • A distinctive feature of acacia - triple spikes on shoots, curved down (they are rather sharp). These spikes are underdeveloped branches. The formation of such spikes is associated with a protective function, it will be difficult for animals to break branches.
  • Colos -shaped inflorescences have yellow flowers.
  • Senegal acacia is found in nature and with white colors, as in the photo below. The smell of such colors is fragrant and fragrant.
White acacia Senegal
White acacia Senegal

The healing raw materials of acacia is a gum (hummiarabic). It is from it that an enveloping substance for the intestine is made.

  • A gum of cracks on the trunks of the plant or by cut with a knife is assembled.
  • Comedy is collected manually, because it is not possible to mechanize such a process.
  • If there are long rains, and after the sharp heat occurs, then the acacia trunk cracks and the gum appears naturally, damage to the plants of animals is not excluded.
  • After thorough drying with straight rays of the sun, the raw materials are ready for further processing and use.
  • High-quality gum is large, spherical and with yellow-orange shade (outwardly it is very similar to amber).

The basis of Comedy is Arabin. This is a substance that combines potassium salts, calcium, magnesium and ugly acids and other natural additives. In medicine, the use of acacia fibers received a well -deserved place. Acacia fibers are used for problems with the digestive tract and in inflammatory digestion processes.

Fibers, acacia resin: advantages

Acacia fibers
Acacia fibers

Acacia fibers - Soluble fiber, which is a natural prebiotic. Its digestion is not performed, but it is food for its microflora. There is a top dressing in the intestines of beneficial bacteria and their further reproduction, which is necessary for the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such a useful prebiotic "Senegal acacia fibers" can buy on the site Iherb. This is a resource that only natural products offers its customers - useful and convenient for reception.

Acacia resin is used for cosmetic purposes. The main feature is the retention of moisture, which is suitable for anti -aging skin, as well as for caring for dry hair and sensitive skin. She has many other advantages. If the gum is contained in a cosmetic product, then it contributes to the following:

  • Improves complexion
  • Prevents wrinkles, reduces the risk of their occurrence
  • Contributes to the active regeneration of the skin
  • Retains the elasticity of the skin and nourishes it
  • Well suited for skin with frequent rashes (acne, acne)
  • Helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes
  • Smoothes facial wrinkles (proved using certain tests)
  • Eliminates excessive swelling of the eyelids

Leaves, flowers and gum are able to relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from acacia. The gum is added to mascara for adhesion (adhesion).

In addition to drug properties, acacia fibers are used to thicken baking (1 tablespoon is used for 1 cup of flour). Such baking will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy.

Composition of the prebiotics of acacia fiber: beneficial properties

Prebiotics are made from the acacia fibers, which in turn have a favorable and gently acting intestines. The size of one portion is approximately 2.5 g (this is about 1 teaspoon), the total portions are in the package - 180. Useful properties - this is how many % is per portion of need per day:

  • Calories - 10
  • Fat - 0 grams or 0%
  • Sodium - 0 grams or 0%
  • Carbohydrates - 2 grams or 1%
  • Food fibers (acacia powder 100%) - 2 grams or 9%
  • Soluble fibers - 2 grams
  • Protein - 0 grams or 0%

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Probiotic and prebiotic: what's the difference?". You will find out which probiotic is better for the intestines when taking antibiotics for adults and children. You will also find a list of the best probiotics in diarrhea, diarrhea, dysbiosis, constipation and after taking antibiotics

The composition of the prebiotics does not have the following:

  • IBS triggers (gluten, intestinal irritating or stimulants, fibers that cannot be dissolved, citric acid)
  • Inulin
  • Lactose
  • Gluten
  • Artificial dyes
  • Fructose
  • Different fillers
  • Pesticides
  • Conservatives
  • Herbicides
  • GMO

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Acacia fibers: indications for use

Acacia fibers
Acacia fibers

Due to the large content of soluble fibers, the prebiotic Acacia Senegalskaya reduces cholesterol levels, increases blood sugar and protects against such a disease as diabetes mellitus. The fibers dissolve (one of the most famous dietary fibers) in the intestines and form a gel -like mass.

The following benefits for the body when taking a prebiotic from acacia - indications for use: can be distinguished:

  • Normalization of the digestive process
  • Elimination of constipation and diarrhea
  • Increase in the growth of intestinal trend and bacteria in the intestines
  • Reduction of swelling and gas formation
  • Restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa
  • Purgation
  • Suppression of appetite and help in reducing excess weight
  • Well suits those people who are on a diet

Due to the establishment of the gastrointestinal tract functions, an increase in immunity occurs. The prebiotic is also consumed before eating or before prolonged starvation. But for cleaning the intestines of the acacia fiber will not be suitable, other drugs are prescribed for such purposes.

A way to use the prebiotic of the acacia fiber of the Senegal

The use of the prebiotic of the Senegal Acacia fiber begins with minimal doses - ½ teaspoon 2 times a day. This powder must be mixed with a glass of fluid at room temperature. A gradual increase in dosage reaches from 2 to 5 tablespoonsthat are divided into several tricks - 2 to 4 per day.

IMPORTANT: It is not recommended to increase the dose sharply. An increase should be carried out gradually - by ½ teaspoon once in a few days Or weeks to stabilize the function of the intestine.

When taking a prebiotic, constipation or diarrhea can be eliminated for several days. In chronic constipation, the use of a prebiotic can drag on for several weeks. If stabilization has occurred in the intestines, then an increase in doses is not required. The daily dose should be distributed during the day into several doses - from 2 to 4. It is worth knowing:

  • The meaning of the use of acacia fibers is the complete filling of the intestine.
  • Reception of acacia fibers on an empty stomach is useful.
  • Several teaspoons of acacia can be added to various dishes (soups, cereals, jam, etc.).

If after morning awakening in the intestine there is discomfort, then a prebiotic should be used in the evening, preferably before bedtime. Such use will help to cope with impaired intestinal function and eliminate the problems that arose in the morning.

It is worth paying special attention: To dissolve acacia fibers, a lot of fluid in the intestines is necessary. Drink a day at least two liters of water.

Acacia fibers are not a laxative, quick relief will not occur. Minimum doses may not improve the condition even after a few weeks, an increase in doses will be required. The restoration of intestinal functions with the intake of the prebiotic will be slow, but stable.

Side effects from taking the prebiotic of acacia fiber

Acacia fibers
Acacia fibers

The use of the prebiotic from the Senegal Acacia fibers is safe for regular administration throughout life. There is completely no risk of addiction and any side effects.

But in the first week, when taking a prebiotic, in rare cases, slight nausea is possible in the morning, light diarrhea and slight bloating. After the body gets used to it, i.e. After the first week of admission, all of the above symptoms will disappear.

It is worth knowing: The daily recommended dose cannot be exceeded.

Contraindications to receive the prebiotic of acacia fiber

The reception of acacia fibers is contraindicated pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years old. If there is a need to accept this prebiotic aged up to 12 years, then you should consult a doctor.

Pregnancy and acacia fibers

As mentioned above, the use of prebiotics to pregnant women is completely contraindicated. The safety of taking acacia fibers for women is not studied.

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