Vodka, alcohol, moonshine from aphids on trees, currants, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage: how to use, reviews. Ammonia from aphids on cucumbers: instructions, reviews

Vodka, alcohol, moonshine from aphids on trees, currants, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage: how to use, reviews. Ammonia from aphids on cucumbers: instructions, reviews

Instructions for the use of vodka, alcohol, moonshine from aphids.

Aphids are insects that carry viruses among plants, and also suck their juices during the development period. The colonies cause significant damage to plantings, so they must be dealt with. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of aphids with vodka, alcohol and moonshine. 

How to apply alcohol, vodka, moonshine from aphids: concentration

Alcohol - this is A rather strange substance for the fight against aphids. As it turned out, this substance affects the body of insects that suck alcohol. Thanks to this, there is a significant impact on the nervous system of the insect, which contributes to a violation of coordination of movements and digestion.

How to apply alcohol, vodka, moonshine from aphids, concentration:

  • It is necessary to dissolve about 250 ml of vodka in 1000 milliliters of warm water. Add 20 g of soap chips. Mix everything and conduct processing. This tool is ideal for trees and shrubs. This tool cannot be used to spray vegetable crops, such as cucumbers, tomatoes and pepper. 
  • For vegetable crops, it is necessary to dissolve 100 g of vodka and 20 g of soap in one liter.
  • There is another good recipe based on Coca-Cola. Pour about 1000 ml of the product into a jar and leave to stand for about 12 hours to completely disappear carbon dioxide. Pour 100 ml of vodka into the product, add a little soap. The drink contains a large amount of orthophosphoric acid, which is destructive for aphids. 
  • Work well with vodka vegetable oil. It is necessary to dissolve approximately 250 ml of oil in one liter of warm water and add 100 g of vodka. Eat the mixture and apply on the leaves, stems with a sprayer. Alcohol itself disappears very quickly, so the main task is to promote the adherence of alcohol to the leaves. It is for these purposes that vegetable oil, or soap, is added to the mixture. They create a thin film on the surface of the leaves, which does not allow insects to penetrate into the plant, sucking its juices. Alcohol drives off insects due to a strong smell and affects the nervous system. 

How to use alcohol from aphid on currant?

The choice of concentration of the product depends on the growing season. As for currants, it is necessary to spray it several times per season. If the kidneys have just appeared on the shrub, it is best to use a recipe with a high concentration of alcohol.

How to apply alcohol from aphids on currants:

  • In this case, it is necessary to administer 300 or 250 ml of vodka per 1000 ml of water. If the currant blooms, or the first berries appear, it is best to use less alcohol.
  • 100 ml of vodka is enough per 1000 ml of solution. Use a strong solution before the appearance of colors and berries, and reduce the concentration of alcohol if the plant blooms. 

How is the processing of aphids with vodka on fruit trees?

Alcohol or vodka are great for spraying trees. The concentration is selected according to the same principle as for currant bushes.

How to process aphids with vodka on fruit trees:

  • After the appearance of the leaves, 300 ml of vodka must be dissolved in 1000 ml of warm water, and add soap chips. Such a solution is sprayed. During the flowering period, it is necessary to choose a solution that contains only 100 ml of alcohol per 1000 ml of water.
  • With the help of vodka, not only spraying is carried out, but also a kind of traps are made that block the road to ants. To do this, take a tape about 20-30 cm wide, and wind in a circle.
  • It is necessary to moisten the tape with a prepared solution of vodka. You can wrap the barrel with a tape, with stripes from flies. Insects will stick to the tape and notthey can cause significant harm to trees. 

Vodka from aphids on cucumbers

There are plants that perfectly tolerate alcohol, while it is effective not only against aphids, but also significantly improves fruiting. Such plants include tomatoes, cucumbers.

Vodka from aphids on cucumbers:

  • It is necessary to dissolve 250 ml of vodka and slightly soap in 1000 ml of water. The leaves and stems are sprayed with the product. Such spraying contributes not only to the destruction of aphids, but accelerates the maturation of the fruit. Processing prevents the formation of a black leg.
  • Scientists conducted a number of studies, and found out if you introduce about 0.5 ml of vodka into an unauthorized tomato, then it will ripen much faster. Cucumbers speak very well to alcohol spraying.
  • It is best to use ordinary laundry soap, 72 %, or special green, which is sold in garden stores for preparing the solution. Do not rush to pour it into a finished solution of alcohol and vodka, it is best to pre -dissolve in hot water, let cool, and transfer the soap into a jelly -like solution. In the finished solution, along with alcohol, there should not be any grains, or insoluble pieces of soap. 

Cultures such as strawberries, strawberries are very tender, so do not spray them with a strong solution of alcohol. Only 100 ml per 6 liters of warm water is enough.Remember, there are plants that tolerate vodka very poorly, ethyl alcohol. If you do not know how culture will respond to this kind of processing, try to conduct an experiment on one bush. If after 24 hours the plant does not wound, and does not receive burns, you can process the entire garden. 

Pests on roses
Pests on roses

Vodka from aphids: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of gardeners who used vodka from aphids. 

Vodka from aphids, reviews:

Oksana. I have a small cottage on which I grow a green salad, onion, also a few cucumbers, tomatoes. Aphid is a real misfortune with which I constantly struggle. Until recently, I bought insecticides, and special toxic substances. But I had grandchildren who often rest with me in the country. I am afraid to give vegetables that are treated with carbophos or other toxic substances. Therefore, she began to carry out processing with vodka. Indeed, the amount of aphids has decreased significantly. But processing must be carried out often. Usually I do this about once every 2 weeks. I will not say that the aphid completely disappeared, but it is much less. 

Valery. I have no cottage, but I live in a private house, with a small garden. I grow greens on it, as well as cabbage. Recently, a lot of aphids have divorced, perhaps because of the hot summer. I found a recipe with vodka on the Internet. I do not buy alcohol, but I cook the moonshine, so I use it instead of vodka. I dissolve a glass of vodka in a liter of water. Add a little vegetable oil. It turns out a kind of emulsion, which spray cabbage. It helps a lot, this tool is one of the best that I tried. 


Ammonia against aphids on cucumbers - how to use?

Aphid is an insect that propagates very quickly in favorable conditions. If the summer is dry and not very hot, then the insect can give more than 10 populations. Accordingly, it is necessary to deal with pests when a small number of individuals are detected. A fairly effective tool is ammonia. It causes paralysis when the insect enters. 

Ammonia against aphids on cucumbers, how to use:

  • It is necessary in a large bucket to dissolve 45-50 ml of the product. Add 50 g of grated laundry soap. Spend spraying in the morning or in the evening. 
  • In a bucket of water, dissolve 50 ml of ammonia, and enter two heads of garlic grated. Be sure to mix, and spray the cucumbers. About 2-3 processing must be carried out during the season.
  • This is enough to completely remove the population of insects. Remember that even an insect can give an increase in a whole colony. Therefore, every week, carry out processing. It is best to apply the product to the lower part of the sheet, because it is there that there are a large amount of aphids. 

Ammonia alcohol from aphids on trees: Instructions

The processing of fruit trees is carried out a little different.

Ammonia from aphids on trees, instructions:

  • It is necessary to dissolve 60 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water, and add 30 g of grated soap there. Eat the mixture so that the soap completely dissolves. Type liquid into the spray, spray the leaves and stems.
  • Much attention is paid to the lower side of the sheet. Processing is carried out in the evening, after sunset, when the aphids prepare for sleep. Repeated processing is carried out after 4 days. Do not worry if part of the solution falls into the soil.
  • The ammonia contains a large amount of ammonia, that is, nitrogen, which is an excellent fertilizer and stimulates the growth of the green part. The processing of fruit crops can be carried out both during flowering and during the formation of a large number of fruits. Such processing will not harm the plant. 

Ammonia from aphids on cabbage: Instruction

Ammonia- this is One of the best means that help fight aphids on cabbage.

Ammonia from aphids on cabbage, instructions:

  • To prepare the solution, it is necessary to take 40 ml of the product, dissolve in 8 liters of warm water. Add a little soap to improve the sticking of the solution to the leaves. Processing is carried out from the inside of the leaves.
  • It is necessary to carry out two or three spraying, with breaks of 6 days. Remember that aphids may appear again, so preventive spraying is sometimes used.
  • To do this, use a weak solution. It is necessary to dissolve 25 or 30 ml in 10 liters of water along with soap. Spraying is carried out about once every 2 weeks. 

Ammonias from aphids: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of gardeners who prefer ammonia. 

Ammonia from aphids, reviews:

Oleg. I learned about this tool for a very long time, about 15 years ago, after the acquisition of the cottage. I use it every year, and not only to fight aphids. This is a good remedy that helps during the formation of the kidneys, as it contributes to the growth of green mass. I use ammonia with garlic. The smell of the product is terrible, but it is quite effective. 

Faith. I do not use insecticides, and expensive means in the fight against pests is fundamentally. Recently, I have been acquiring ammonia. I dissolve it with soap, and I can process the bushes of tomatoes and cucumbers. It helps great, but you need to carry out processing often. But since I live in the summer in the country, it’s not hard for me. Aphids disappears after third processing. In order not to appear new colonies, I spray for prevention by a weak solution. 

Anatoly. I use insecticides, and folk remedies. But when small cucumbers appear on the bushes, I prefer to abandon the use of insecticides. After flowering, I usually use drugs that are absolutely harmless. Ammonia- this is The tool used by my parents to combat aphids and for the purpose of fertilizer. In the same way, I do it, I am very pleased with the results, ammonia is effective. 


A lot of interesting things on our website:

The insect that is under the influence of vapor of alcohol falls down. Individuals that remain on plants cannot fully eat, due to the pungent smell of alcohol and its unpleasant taste.

Video: Vodka from aphids on garden crops

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