Tulips have faded: when to dig out bulbs after flowering? Do I need to dig up tulips every year? Do I need to dig out tulips bulbs for the winter?

Tulips have faded: when to dig out bulbs after flowering? Do I need to dig up tulips every year? Do I need to dig out tulips bulbs for the winter?

The reasons for digging tulips bulbs. The optimal time for digging up and planting them back.

The beauty of summer household plots is the merit of caring owners who are attentive to the nature and characteristics of plants. The latter often requires a periodic change in the growth site. This has a beneficial effect on plant health, their beauty during flowering, preserving the species and color.

Interestingly, not all plants should be dug up for the winter. There are such that they feel better after summer drying. For example, tulips bulbs. They do not really like soil moisture, and they have a lot of pests. Not only pathogenic, but also physically destroying their bulbs.

Why dig on tulips bulbs?

A person digs out bulbs of tulips for storage
a person digs out bulbs of tulips for storage

The main reason is the preservation of the type of flowers, their beauty and health.

Other important points:

  • Reproduction.
    Since the main method of obtaining new plants is the vegetation with bulbs, gardeners collect them followed by growing for 1-2 years.
  • Prevention of diseases.
    In the hot season, the maximum number of pests, pathogenic flora are present in the soil. Add shower problems and increased soil moisture.
  • Selection of the best bulbs.
    When you forth the dug bulbs with your hands, you see the affected specimens and reject them.
  • Control of the depth of the root.
    The bulbs of tulips have a property - gradually delve into the soil. This is fraught with delayed flowering, thinning of the stem, grinding the flower itself and a decrease in its strength. In other words, tulips will degenerate.
  • Change of space.
    If you plan construction work or redevelopment of the site, be sure to dig tulips. Then for the winter you will find for them the best place for flowering next year.

Tulips have faded: when, in what month to dig out bulbs after flowering?

Dug tulips after fading
dug tulips after fading

Professionals in the field of selection of tulips dig their tubers immediately after wilting peduncles. That is, in late May - early June.

Owners of land plots that independently engage in landscape design leave the bulbs until the end of June - early July.

When to dig out tulips in the summer for transplantation and plant again?

Tulips ready for storage
tulip bulbs ready for storage

The best time for digging is the presence of yellowed leaves. However, do not wait for their complete dying, otherwise it will be difficult to find the bulbs of plants.

Consider the climatic conditions of the area in which you live. For some, it is appropriate to dig in June, for others - at the end of July.

Send tulips to the soil again in the soil in the fall. The ideal option is in the first frosts on the ground. Although many flower growers prefer to do this either:

  • for the first school call
  • during the period of landing garlic for the winter

Given the climatic conditions of your area, planting tubers of tulips is allowed even in November.

Do I need to dig out tulips every year, for the winter?

Lumba with tulips, a bucket and a shovel for digging their bulbs after flowering
tulip flowerbed, bucket and shovel for digging their bulbs after flowering

To preserve rare varietal specimens, their beauty, color and healthy appearance, dig on the bulbs every year.

For common representatives of tulips withdrawn in the last century, the absence of such work for 3-5 years and longer is allowed.

In the winter, tulips do not dig. On the contrary, they are planted with the first frosts for wintering in the ground.

How often do you need to dig out tulips bulbs?

A man in his hands holds a handful of bulbs of tulips
a man in his hands holds a handful of bulbs of tulips

Not more than once a year for rare unique species, after 2-3 years for more persistent varieties, once every 4-6 years for the most common representatives.

When to dig up tulips for storage?

There are 2 answer options:

  • immediately after flowering
  • after the appearance of yellowness on the leaves

If you are engaged in breeding flowers on an industrial scale, then only the first option is acceptable for you. In other cases, a rush with digging is inappropriate. You can wait about a month before digging up.

Is it possible not to dig out tulips onion?

You can, if you have ordinary species or semi -wild representatives. And you are also ready for the fact that over time, tulips will turn into weeds, which is extremely difficult to cope with the flower garden.

So, we examined the reasons for digging tulips, the frequency of such works, as well as the best time to plant them back. Take care of your favorites, especially their rare varieties! Take care of tulips correctly!

Video: When and how to dig tulips?

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