When to dig gladioli in the fall for the winter after flowering and how to store it correctly? Is it necessary to dig out the bulbs of gladioli for the winter, what will happen if they do not dig them up? Which gladioli do not need to dig in the fall: varieties

When to dig gladioli in the fall for the winter after flowering and how to store it correctly? Is it necessary to dig out the bulbs of gladioli for the winter, what will happen if they do not dig them up? Which gladioli do not need to dig in the fall: varieties

Digging and storing gladioli: terms, technology.

The popular gladiolus or “sleeper” - “native” from sunny Africa. The flowers are motley, attracts the attention of lovers of the beautiful, because otherwise almost the entire globe would not conquer with its beauty.

A flower with long leaves with swords, a high straight stem resembling a gladiator sword. The flower is ideal for a men's bouquet. The number of varieties (more than 5 thousand) reflects the love of this bright conqueror of hearts.

When to dig gladioli in the fall for the winter after flowering in the Urals and in the middle lane of Russia?

  • Gladiolus tuber is enough 40-45 days after flowering so that it gains strength and again pleases the gardener with its beautiful flowers next year. These days are considered after cutting inflorescences. Gladioli remain in the garden for the specified period. At this time, the accumulation of nutrients that remain in the corm.
  • Flower breeders who are just starting to grow gladioli and have no experience, following this simple rule will help preserve expensive varieties. If you leave gladioli with inflorescences on rows to the frosts themselves, and only then begin to quickly dig them for storage, then you can forget about a flower garden with beautifully flowering high and slender gladioli.
Gladiolus tuber is enough 40-45 days after flowering so that it gains strength and again pleases the gardener with its beautiful flowers next year
  • Clubs, who gained strength with a peduncle, have no chance to rise next year. Local climatic conditions dictate and the time of preparing gladioli for cleaning. It is better to do this in August.
  • In some regions, stable colds may begin in early October. In such parts, gladioli must be removed in the last days of September.
  • As for the middle band in Russia, here the terms of digging gladioli are somewhat shifted: it is better to dig gladioli in the second decade of October.

When to start the "universal" cut of inflorescences? And what to do with gladioli, which are not completely bloomed?

  • It is necessary to take 40-45 days from the date on which cleaning corms is planned.
  • If this is the middle strip, then the flower arrows are cut off in early autumn - in September. Then it will be possible to start digging gladioli after October 10.
  • And if the deadlines can be shifted depending on climatic conditions, then the rule of cleaning gladioli after 40 days after the cut of peduncles remains unchanged. The maintenance of corms for ripening in the ground during this period should be a law for a flower grower that cannot be violated!
In central Russia, it is better to dig gladioli in the second decade of October

We reveal the secrets of digging gladioli with experienced collectors.

  • Dark-colored varieties (burgundy, purple, lavender-blue) are the first to dig. This is due to the early period of the loss of natural immunity to fungal diseases.
  • Cleaning of early and medium varieties is better to start in the first place. After them, late varieties are dug. For the last period of ripening corms after the cutting of the peduncle, it increases by another 10 days and is not 40, as mentioned above, but at least 50 days.
  • If the corms are young and not blooming, then they will need more time to ripen. This means that they should be dug after all the other corms are removed. As a rule, such plants are in the flower garden of each collector, because new children are acquired by new varieties. The flower arrow appears only in the last days of August.
  • To see what kind of gladiolus the inflorescence has or to check the correctness of the variety, collectors use such a simple method: the flower arrow is broken out, but only the first bud remains on the plant alone. Gladiolus will blossom and the arrow is already removed completely.
The first to dig dark-colored varieties (burgundy, purple, lavender-blue

An impressive collection of gladioli requires large -scale, laborious and responsible work on cleaning corms. One day for this will be not enough. It is necessary to prepare in advance: to free several days from other cases, arm yourself with boxes and containers, take care of labels with the names of varieties.

  • Gladioli is not afraid of the first autumn frosts and light colds (0-2 degrees). However, when the temperature decreases, leaf damage occurs.
  • Strong freezing leads to the fact that the process of synthesis of nutrients slows down and the plant needs immediately digging.
    From the frosts, corms in the ground will not die. But when the temperature drops to -5-7 degrees, it is better to sleep the crook.
It is necessary to allocate a day or two for digging gladioli long before the onset of stable cold
It is necessary to allocate a day or two for digging gladioli long before the onset of stable cold

Features of cleaning:

  • It is better to dig cubes in dry weather when it is not cold outside. But in the case of lost time, gladioli dug up regardless of what the weather is outside. The main thing is to preserve valuable varieties. Therefore, neither rain nor snow should become an obstacle.
  • A piece of film is spread next to the bed. A shovel is lowered under the corm and gently digging. Excess land is already shaking over the film (so that the children “do not scatter” in the garden).
    Next, it is necessary to cut off the stem. This is done by a secateur. But it is cut not to the very edge, but a stump is left 1-2 cm high.
  • If the corms are old, it is better to remove it immediately. Children are left from her for reproduction.
    If there are gladioli grown from children, then their roots are shortened, and during planting in the soil they are completely cut off.
It’s better to dig cubes in dry weather when it's not cold outside
  • Digging does not mean to keep corms. To do this, you will also need to process planting material. A potassium permanganate is divorced or one of the fungicides and corms are thoroughly washed. During this process, you can remove several upper scales from corms, if they themselves are easily separated.
  • Varieties are laid out in separate boxes. They are dried in a warm room (25-30 ° C, but not lower than 20 ° C) for two weeks.
  • After this period, corms are transferred to a room where a temperature of 20–22 ° C is preserved and 1 month are dried.
  • It is better to store gladioli in linen bags until the next spring. For this purpose, ordinary cardboard boxes are also used. The optimum temperature is 5–10 ° C. For storing gladioli, a dry non -residential utility room, a cellar are suitable. Clubbering corms and in the refrigerator on the lower shelf are well overwhelmed.
  • The corms periodically inspect so that the sick can be removed in time. The gladioli damp or molded are leaning in a warm place for 2-3 days. After driving, corms are again cleaned in the refrigerator for further storage.

Video: Gladioli have faded, what to do next?

How to dig gladioli: Dates and dialing technology

  • Cleaning corms, the peduncles of which were not cut, which means there was no ripening period, can lead to the fact that gladiolus simply will not rise next year.
  • It is necessary to select a day or two for digging gladioli long before the onset of stable colds.
  • So that the kids do not stay in the ground, cleaning corms is better in warm dry weather. If the kids remain, then they can germinate for 3 years. They need to be immediately dug up, otherwise clean -grade landings of gladioli will be clogged.
  • If you did not have time to remove gladioli in time, and the deadlines are already running out, then it is necessary to do this even in bad weather: during rain or snow.
  • In dug tube corms, the stem should be cut using a sekator, but not to the very edge, but leaving a stump of 0.5 -1 cm high. Thus, the likelihood of damage to planting material with tripps can be reduced.
  • In order not to spread various diseases, the old maternal tuber is removed immediately. Adult corms additionally cut the roots. This significantly reduces the deadlines for drying material. If the corms are grown from children, then their roots can only be shortened.
  • Dug tube corms are inspected. If there are patients or damaged by diseases among them, then they should be immediately burned.
How to dig gladioli: Dates and dialing technology

What to do with the bulbs of gladioli after digging out, is it necessary to wash gladioli?

So, the process of cleaning corm is behind. We proceed to the preparation of planting material for storage.

  • First of all, it is necessary to wash the corms from the adhering soil to prevent diseases. We do it under running water. If there is a potassium permanganate in the house, then we are treating corms in a solution of weak potassium permanganate. We take 5-10 g of the drug per 10 l of water. In the absence of potassium permanganate, we use any fungicide. We leave the corm in the solution for 20-25 minutes.
  • After the specified time, we lay out corms on a dry fabric or paper towel in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. The optimum temperature for drying is 25-23 degrees.
    Clubs should be dried at a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees a little more than a month.
  • In order for the corms to dry evenly, it is recommended to turn them over 2 times during the day.
  • If the corms dry poorly, then bacterial or fungal diseases can develop on them, as a result of which planting material dies. So that gladioli bloom together next year, it is better to dry them in preparation for long -term storage.
What to do with the bulbs of gladioli after digging out whether it is necessary to wash gladioli

How to store the bulbs of gladioli in winter?

  • Dragged corms in linen bags or cardboard boxes are laid out in a cool dry place. Humidity should not exceed 70%, otherwise the root tubercles germinate in corms and sprouts begin to appear.
  • Only high -quality planting material can be stored until spring planting. If the corms are found on the diseases or areas affected by fungi, then such gladioli are thrown out.

To preserve valuable varieties of gladioli, damaged areas (if they are small) should be cut. Credches are made to healthy tissue. The cut is treated with ordinary green.

How to store gladioli
How to store gladioli

Where to store gladioli:

  • in the refrigerator (can be stored for 2 years)
  • on the floor in a cardboard box, far from the battery (in the box you need to make holes for ventilation)
  • on the balcony
  • next to the window
  • near the doors
  • in the lockable block of the staircase (corms should be well dried, otherwise they can be bent in the cold)
  • in the corridor on a flattering platform

How long to store corms?

  • The damp corms must be dried and constantly sorted out in order to identify rotten in time.
  • When corms begin to germinate (usually in the middle of winter), they need to provide sufficient lighting. However, you can not set planting material to direct sunlight. Clubs with grown green or reddish shoots can be stored until spring planting.
Clubs with grown green or reddish shoots can be stored until spring planting.

Is it necessary to dig out the bulbs of gladioli for the winter, what will happen if they do not dig them up?

  • Negative temperatures are destructive for gladioli. Therefore, without digging up corms, gladioli cannot be saved until the next spring landing.
  • Planting material must also be properly dried. An important stage in the technology of growing gladioli is the way of storing this culture. The quality of corms is affected by the timeliness of the cleaning and how planting material was stored during the winter period.
The tailword is tiled

Which gladioli do not need to dig in the fall: varieties

The winter -hardy includes only species gladioli. These flowers can rarely be found in the store. The only type of gladioli, which is grown without the use of shelters, is considered to be a tiled gladiolus, or a tiled lap (Gladiolus imbricatus).

Video: Planting and caring for gladioli, cleaning and storing bulbs of gladioli

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