How to properly care for bulbous flowers: pruning and dug up onions of lilies and gladioli and their storage in winter. When to trim lilies and gladioli and dig out the bulbs for storage?

How to properly care for bulbous flowers: pruning and dug up onions of lilies and gladioli and their storage in winter. When to trim lilies and gladioli and dig out the bulbs for storage?

In this article, we will consider how to correctly cut and care after flowering with lilies and gladioli.

What care do lilies and gladioli need when they bloom? What exactly to do further with these bulbous flowers, so that they begin to multiply and give lush peduncles annually? Such issues excite most of the novice gardeners.

Lilia have faded: what to do, how to cut it right?

Lilies are considered many years of flowers that have incredibly beautiful shapes and magnificent colors. Caring for these flowers does not bring many problems: you easily plant the bulbs in the ground, you do not have to weed and process flowers from various pests. You just need to properly care for the bulbs - sometimes water them, loosen the ground, and so that the plants grow better, regularly feed them. When lilies bloom, treat them with special attention.

As soon as lilies bloomPrepare them for wintering. To get started, process dried peduncles. This is necessary so that the plants are less consumed by useful components. The stems with the leaflets that were tied will further fuel the energy of each onion. But how to properly care for onion and when to cut the peduncles that have faded? Do this only when the season ends. Twine annual roots with additional beneficial substances.

Pruning dry lilies
Pruning dry lilies
  • Also use camouflage plants, hiding with their dried peduncles in your own garden. As an excellent masking agent, use long decorative grass or annual flowers that can hide decorating lilies.
  • Remove only peduncles, and be sure to leave the stems, because it is with the help of the stems and leaves of the lilies that will continue to receive strength. At the same time, peduncles absorb nutrient components, and when they can perform their own decorative properties, cut them.
  • It is advisable to think in advance that it will be adjacent to lilies in the flowerbed, so that they are fading, and you knew what exactly to do with ugly faded buds. To do this, drive in front lilies herbaceous annual plants that can hide wilting foliage.
  • If you grow lily in the room, and she faded, then wait for the inflorescences to dry, and then fall off. After that, the leaves will fade, acquire yellow. It is at this time that reduce watering. As soon as the leaflets are completely dry, stop watering the plants altogether. As you can see, it is simple to care for the onion, the main thing is to do everything on time.

Proper care for bulbous: top dressing lilies after flowering

Lilies need to be looked after even after they bloom. If you choose the right approach to plant processing fertilizers and proper watering, then your bulbs will be filled with nutrients, become stronger, and therefore the next year they will grow and bloom more actively. During rest, feed the bulbs with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Important: Professional gardeners believe that the use of mineral fertilizer for lilies at the end of the vegetation is undesirable. Better add to the soil before planting bulbs a diluted mineral preparation, designed specifically for onion plants. As a rule, nitrogen is present in such funds.

You will achieve a positive effect if you add humus, mixed with straw into the ground. Add this composition to the ground in the autumn, thereby creating protection against strong colds.

How to dig onion?

Very often, gardeners are worried about the question - “How to properly care for onion and is it necessary to dig out the bulbs of lilies?” Here everything will depend on the climate and temperature of your region, a variety of one or another lily. For example, be sure to dig up the tubular varieties, but the Asian are remarkably tolerate frosts, and therefore they are able to winter in the ground. The need to dig in lilies appears 4 years after planting the plant, since a large number of children are formed on them.

Digging lilies
Digging lilies

Just dig on the bulbs, carefully separate the small bulbs that have formed, rinse well. Do such a process no earlier than 1 month after the plants bloom. If you plan to plant lilies in the fall, then dig on the bulbs at the end of summer. If you want to plant plants in the spring, then postpone the procedure in mid -autumn.

How to store lilies onion?

Keep adult bulbs in a cold, dark place that is well ventilated. A wonderful option for such a goal - put the bulbs in pots in the fall, and then put them in a cold place. With such two methods, store only adult bulbs. But store small onions only in the soil, since they can dry out over time. Plant them no later than 1 week after you dig.

  • Choose a sandy soil for wintering, select the size of the pot, taking into account the value of the bulb. As soon as you plant lilies, place them in the basement and other similar place. An important rule - the temperature in the room should be no more than +4 ° C.
  • If you decide to store the bulbs without soil, then dry them thoroughly, then place them in a bag, take it into a cold place. You can sprinkle a little planting material using sand or sawdust.
  • The future flowering of plants will depend on the lilies after they bloom and rest. If you begin to properly care for onion, you are guaranteed to get a wonderful result: lilies will be given gorgeous peduncles, diseases and pests will not be terrible for them.
Storage of lilies
Storage of lilies

Good attempt on lilies also has a positive effect on the size and duration of flowering. I would like to emphasize that lilies require special love and your custody in a “sleeping” state, and therefore you should not refuse it.

Video: How to care for lilies after flowering?

When to cut gladioli after flowering, how to do it correctly?

Handsome gladioli look excellent on each bed. Gladioli are quite high, slender flowers that are of different colors. But most of the inexperienced gardeners do not know how to properly care for bulbs after flowering plants. Is it possible to dig on the bulbs and lay them in the winter? Do you leave plants until frost?

Pruning gladioli
Pruning gladioli
  • Cut the flowers that have faded with stems. Do not cut the stems directly under the root, leave about 20 cm. Such stems can help small bulbs grow faster.
  • Feed the bulbs of gladioli. In order for your plants to grow better, feed them with this composition: take 5 liters of water, add 100 g of ash and 1 tsp. superphosphate. Thanks to this impregnation, larger root crops will form.
  • When feed the bulbs, leave them for a couple of weeks in the soil. For this period of time, the bulbs will finally ripen, therefore, will become much more.
  • Dig on the bulbs. Save the large ones, and then dry them thoroughly. In order to dry the planting material, put it on plastic or cardboard boxes. Leave in a sunny place for several days.

When and how to dig on the bulbs of gladioli after flowering?

Approximately 45 days will pass when the bulbs are completely ripened. There are some well -known rules that help to properly care for onion:

  • The beginning of autumn is the ideal period when you can dig on the bulbs. When the September comes, think about how to dig a gladioli properly. In this period of time, the bulbs become quite mature. Inspect the plant carefully, what its appearance it has. If the gladioli is saturated green, then dig them. If the flowers look critical, then dig them even earlier. How to find out whether the bulbs have matured or not? The ripened bulbs from the root go cover scales. You can easily separate the children from the main onion. As a rule, they have dense dark scales.
Bulbs of gladioli
Bulbs of gladioli
  • If it rainsThen you can’t dig gladioli. During digging, make sure that the soil is dry, otherwise it will pollute the tubers.
  • Dig the flowers until the moment when cold weather comes. The air temperature should not be less than -2 ° C. Gladioli cannot tolerate low temperatures. Therefore, if you do not start in time to digging plants, you will lose most of the planting material.
  • Dig the early varieties first, then later.
  • Dig the initially gladioli, which have a dark or purple color. They are often subjected to fungal diseases.

How to store the bulbs of gladioli?

Want to get a high harvest? Then you will have to properly take care of the bulbous.

  • Humidity Each onion should be at least 13%. But due to excess moisture, fungal diseases can occur. As a rule, a lot of moisture is collected under the scales of tubers. But this will happen if you do not dry them in time.
  • For storage Use a basement in which there is good ventilation. In such a room, do not store vegetables with fruits, because because of them there is a lot of moisture, which is an excellent environment for the development of diseases. Choose the basement that is very dry.
Storage of bulbs
Storage of bulbs
  • Support The desired temperature regime In the place where the bulbs will be stored. The maximum permissible temperature in the basement should be no more than +7 ° C. Gladioli is also thermophilic plants, therefore, they poorly withstand cold air.
  • During tubers processing Use bactericidal agents. Before laying the bulbs, process them. Place the root in the infusion prepared by their garlic. In 10 liters of water, add garlic (300 g). Put the water in advance. Professional gardeners process the lights of gladioli naphthalin or lay the heads of garlic between them.
  • Inspect the bulbs more often, remove those that are infected.

Where can you store the bulbs?

Storage of bulbs depends directly on the conditions that you provide to them. The most ideal place is a cold basement with a humidity of not more than 80%. You can make a separate comfortable place for each onion.

In order for the root crops to be better preserved, make a box for them, where the mesh bottom will be present. This method will improve ventilation, and therefore the bulbs will be dried.

When the planting material dries, lay it out by varieties in individual racks or in boxes with a thin layer.

You can also store the bulbs of gladioli in:

  • Special trenches. Put each onion in a box, then fill it with sawdust. Lower the box into the trench, fill it with dry leaves, cover with a film that will save the bulbs and protect them from precipitation. At the very end, pour this box with earth.
  • Refrigerator. Place the root crops in paper bags, put in the lower box of the refrigerator. To make the material better, make holes in each package. Thanks to them, air conditioning will be better.
  • On the glazed loggia. In this case, follow the temperature, since the bulbs can freeze. During the cooling of the corm, place in a warm container. Be sure to put another thermometer. Also cover the container with a warm bedspread and put on a paper or fabric lining.
  • On the windowsill. To do this, you will have to make a screen that will lower the temperature coming from the room. At the same time, open the window so that the room is ventilated.

To make your crop it be better preserved, put a few cloves of garlic in the boxes. This method will protect the bulbs, scaring different pests.

Store onions
Store onions

If you do not want the tubers to dry out, use the following method:

  • Take paraffin
  • Melt it
  • Take the scales of the bulbs
  • Lower them not 2 seconds into a liquid paraffin

In fact, it is very simple to take care of the bulbous, which have already faded very simple. The most important thing you need is your patience, free time and great desire. Believe me, the only way the result will be really the best. In addition, remember that watering, elimination of weed grass and loosening should be performed both before the flowering of beautiful flowers, and after they completely bloom.

Video: What to do after gladioli has faded?

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