Vitamin K2 for women during the period of menopause and after it: what is it, what is useful for women, daily norm, dose

Vitamin K2 for women during the period of menopause and after it: what is it, what is useful for women, daily norm, dose

Vitamin K2 for women is a necessary substance in the period and after menopause. Helps to make bones strong and adds health.

During menopause, significant hormonal changes occur in the female body, which are associated with physical and mental symptoms. If mood swings or tides are easily noticeable, then the problems that complicate everyday life - osteoporosis or heart diseases are manifested very slowly.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "How is it right and when to take vitamins and minerals to be absorbed?". You will find a detailed step -by -step guide.

It is worth noting that with the right way of life and a balanced diet, you can do a lot to maintain health during the years before and after menopause. One of the most important, but little mentioned nutrients in this regard is vitamin K2. Read on and we will tell you why.

The consequences of menopause: What are their complications?

If there is not enough K2, then there will be complications of menopause
If there is not enough K2, then there will be complications of menopause

By menopause is meant the last menstrual period, which does not follow the subsequent. This is the end of the process. It usually begins at the age 45-47 years old, And it is called perimenopause - when menstruation is rare, the production of estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries stops. The consequences of menopause - what are their complications?

  • Estrogen plays a very important role in regulating metabolism, maintaining the health and strength of bones.
  • A decrease in its level is associated with a decrease in bone density and an increased risk of fractures.
  • A decrease in bone density can achieve 2-5% per year.
  • Estrogen also has a cardi -protective effect, including helps to maintain low levels of blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Thanks to female hormones, blood vessels are flexible, and blood coagulation is normal.

If these positive effects are lost, then, unfortunately, the risk of heart disease will increase.

What is vitamin K2?

Vitamin K is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. It is necessary to activate proteins that participate in the normal process of blood coagulation, suppression of atherosclerosis and the construction of bones. It preserves our cardiovascular system and healthy bones.

Vitamin K is found in nature in two forms:

  1. Vitamin K1 (Phillokhinon)
  2. Vitamin K2 (Menakhinon)

According to scientific research, it is best absorbed, biologically active - natural vitamin K2 or Menakhinon-7 (MK-7). Its body can get if you use fermented products (sauerkraut, cheese, etc.), as well as food additives.

Vitamin K2 Contained in such products:

Vitamin K2 is contained in such products
Vitamin K2 is contained in such products

Biologically active additive - vitamin K2 You can buy on site iherb. It has it a large section with such food additives, which include vitamin K2.

These are natural drugs that contain not only this substance, but also other vitamins for better absorption and effect - D3 and others.

What are the advantages of vitamin K2 during and after menopause: what is useful to women?

During menopause, a woman should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical exercises and use bioadlopes to maintain health. What are the benefits vitamin K2 During and after menopause? This is what it is useful to women:

  • Supports bone health

Laboratory and clinical studies showed a strong relationship between deficiency vitamin K2 And a decrease in bone density. Japanese scientists have proven that the number of national bobs consumed by a national dish is inversely proportional to the risk of osteoporotic fractures in postmenopause women. Since this dish contains a huge amount vitamin K2 (MK-7), its consumption leads to a higher level of activated osteocalcin, which increases the formation and density of bones.

In a three -year study already in Russia, completed in 2013, women in postmenopause were accepted 180 μg of vitamin K2 Daily in the form of MK-7. This effectively increased the level of this substance in the body, and the researchers came to the conclusion that the MK-7 helps reduce the loss of minerals and increase the density of bone tissue, while increasing bone strength.

Another study in America - 126 women in postmenopauses were accepted vitamin D3 and K2 together. It is worth noting that these two substances are more effective in combination in maintaining bone density than any of them separately. In another American study, 148 women in postmenopausa took part. They accepted vitamin K2 (MK-7), calcium and vitamin D. Their bones were more durable than in women who took only calcium and vitamin D.

  • Supports health of the cardiovascular system

Scientists have proven that osteoporosis can be associated with an increased risk of diseases of the heart muscle. Calcification of vascular walls is often found in people with osteoporosis, which is an important risk factor for heart disease. In women in postmenopause, a reverse dependence was found between the content of minerals in the bones and mortality on such diseases.

  • Vitamin K2 (MK-7) activates protein GLA, which binds and removes excess calcium from blood flow, thus preventing the accumulation of this substance on the walls of blood vessels and other soft tissues.
  • This is very important for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, kidney diseases and many other diseases.

In a study with the participation of more 16000 women aged 49 to 70 years old Used this substance to maintain health. It became clear that every 10 μg of vitamin K2 reduced the risk of heart disease 9%. In another study, a technique was used 180 μg MK-7 Every day for three years. In women in postmenopause, taking drugs in such a dosage reduced the rigidity of the arteries. Thus, we can say that the research of women in postmenopauses gave the result that high consumption vitamin K2 was associated with a decrease in coronary calcification (but this is impossible to say about vitamin K1).

  • Improves mood

Scientists in their work in this area are still at the initial stage. But we can say for sure that the right consumption vitamin K2 It can play a role in the fight against anxiety. Changes in the level of hormones after menopause can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar, which increases the risk of anxiety, depression and cognitive disorders. According to the 2016 animals experiment, vitamin K2 Helps to balance the level of glucose in the blood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and poor mood.

  • Improves skin condition

Estrogen plays a very important role in maintaining skin health. Due to a sharp decrease in the level of this hormone within 5 years after menopause, the skin loses the content of collagen approximately 30%, and then during the following 20 years about 2%. As a result, the skin sags, especially around the neck, a chin and cheeks, becoming dry, thinned and wrinkled.

The good news is that in addition to replacing the oral collagen and moisturizing the skin, vitamin K2 Helps in the fight against skin changes caused by menopause. It supports the preservation of the elasticity of soft tissues, such as blood vessels, proper blood circulation and the health of the vascular system. Thanks to this, it allows you to get rid of wrinkles, bags and circles under the eyes, stretch marks, varicose veins, inflamed, edematous, reddened skin and even eczema.

How much vitamin K2 do women need a day: daily norm, dose

Vitamin K2 should be taken for women
Vitamin K2 should be taken for women

The need of the female body in vitamin K2 already in the perimenopause, i.e. in 45 years, It begins to grow. From now on, special attention should be paid to a diet rich in vitamin K2 and conscious dietary supplements. Above the text, it was indicated in which products contain a lot of this substance. How much vitamin K2 do women need a day? Here is the daily norm, dose:

  • Based on clinical trials and expert assessments, women entering or after it are recommended for a daily dose 180–240 μg of vitamin K2 (MK-7).
  • This dose helps to maintain strong bones and healthy blood vessels.

However, this amount can only be achieved by regular use of dishes prepared from products in which there are many this substance. Of course, these dishes are rich in the source of such a substance. But it is best to get vitamin K2 by taking a dietary supplement containing natural MK7.

Video: Vitamin K2 for the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. The benefits of vitamin K2

Video: Three superf products with vitamin K. Live great!

Video: Vitamin D3 + K2 | Calcinosis | Dr. Irina Mironovna

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