Vita and Vitalina: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Vita, Vitalina and Vitali?

Vita and Vitalina: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Vita, Vitalina and Vitali?

Vita and Vitalina are the same name or different? So rarely called girls, but these are very beautiful dialects.

There are many interesting and diverse names in the world. At times, there are so rare and unusual examples that it is not always clear how to call a person to be shorter or what synonyms to choose. Such a problem may arise with the name Vita and Vitalin, which are infrequent among people in the vastness of our country.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Feminine name Mia - which means: description of the name".

From this article you will learn how the names of Vita, Vitalin and Vitaly are different. We will also talk about the meaning of the name. Read further.

The meaning of the name of Vitalin

The meaning of the name of Vitalin
The meaning of the name of Vitalin

It is known that "Vita" In Latin means "life". In ancient Rome, there was a personal or generic nickname Vitalis, translated: “life” or “full life”. In addition, there was a clanman (part of the complete name or nickname, which often became the surname) Vitalianus, which meant "belonging to Vitaly." Thanks to him, the names Vitaly and the female version appeared - Vitaly (Vitalina).

  • These names similar in meaning vary depending on the country.
  • In Russia and Ukraine, Vitalina and Vitaly are used.
  • In Western Europe they say Vitalin and Vitali, and in Serbia - Vitaly.

Vitalin has an extraordinary fate, which will make itself felt more than once. Having a strong character, they know their price and there is always a clear goal in front of them. They will not stop at anything until it is reached. However, such determination does not concern the school. Being a student, Vitalina does not pay due attention to this and is always ready to get carried away with something else. At that time, while it grows, and her character is formed, the girl chooses an idol, most often female. If Vitaly can’t become like her dream, then she can be closed in herself and spoil relations with her relatives.

Vitalina always strives for male society, and in order to attract attention, is engaged in boyish affairs. A confident, energetic and decisive girl, having the luggage of experience and knowledge behind her, is ready to help her husband. These qualities allow her to easily become a good leader, especially in the office where some women work.

Vita and Vitalina: the same name or not?

Vita can be both an independent name and a brief option for naming Vitalina. In addition to him, diminutive appeals are represented by the following forms:

Meaning name Vita Similarly with Vitalina. The girl is also brave and straight in her actions. Strong health allows her to be energetic and fun, but does not save from allergies and problems with immunity. The girl’s straightforwardness will prevent her from accepting theoretical knowledge, but the gullible Vita will be practical skills. With age, the girl will become more cynical, but will acquire leadership qualities and a share of caution necessary in life. She does not forget about the material component of the career, but does not pay attention to the rank. The most important role in life Vits A family played at a fairly early age plays.

What is the difference between the names of Vita, Vitalina and Vitali?

The difference between the names of Vita, Vitalina and Vitaly
The difference between the names of Vita, Vitalina and Vitaly

As previously mentioned, Vitalina and Vitaly - These are two different options for the same adherence. Babies with a similar rare name in their nature are very purposeful, love to live on their own and very brave. But this does not prevent them from being affectionate, dreamy and possessing femininity.

Catholic adherence Vita It has many short forms (longer than the original):

Women's versions are more familiar to the Slavs Vidoslav and Vidanaas well as the male name Vit (view). Most often, Vita is a short version of more common names: Victoria, Violetta, Vitaly, male adult Victor and others.

Can Vita Vitalina or Vitaliy be called?

Sometimes Vita is a reduction from the full name Vitalina (Vitaly), But not always. It all depends on the situation, because Vita can also act as a brief form of other names of female and male, as well as be an independent name. So if you are not sure, then better call Vita - twisted.

Both of these names are an excellent choice for an active and purposeful girl, meaning life itself. And the rest already depends on the preference of parents.

Video: Vita-karma, character and fate

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