AVA fertilizer: reviews and advice on use for different types of crops in a summer cottage and garden

AVA fertilizer: reviews and advice on use for different types of crops in a summer cottage and garden

In order for cultures to be fruit well, it is important to fertilize them in time. In this article you will learn about the use of AVA fertilizers.

In order to get an excellent crop, you must regularly use fertilizers. It is a pity, but with our climate, fertilizer must be used for sure. Without them, some exotic crops cannot grow, and many vegetables would not have matured before the first frosts.

Thanks to the mineral fertilizers of AVA, the development of plants is stimulated, their immune system is strengthened, and the ripening of the fruit is accelerated. Using constant top dressing, the fruits of vegetables become tastier, their shelf life is extended.

Characteristics, beneficial qualities of AVA fertilizers

AVA brand fertilizers are included in the mineral group. The drugs are quite popular, and therefore people have been using them for a very long time. Such a fertilizer is used, on average, 1 time per season, but the effect of the product is extended throughout the year. Such fertilizers contain a huge amount of nutrients. With their help, any plant is strengthened, becomes protected from various diseases. In addition, the yield increases significantly in plants.

The composition of this mineral fertilizer includes many beneficial substances that were extracted from soil located near volcanoes. Scientists argue that lava, when it enters the ground, enriches it, nourishes it. Therefore, it is near volcanoes that a lot of plants grow. Each useful component of this fertilizer was obtained naturally, so fertilizer is so useful for plants. However, if the culture receives a lot of AVA fertilizers, it can be poisoned and perish.

The fertilizer itself quickly dissolves in the ground, after that it retains all useful qualities. If you feed the land correctly, it will maintain its own fertility for several years. Depending on the type of AVA fertilizer, they can act differently on the plant.

  • AVA fertilizer It begins to dissolve in the soil when its temperature is at least +8. Therefore, you can use such a fertilizer even in the fall to prepare cultures for spring.
  • AVA fertilizer It has a long period of validity. It does not wash off for a very long time, even with strong humidity.
  • Stimulates the emergence of new useful components.
  • It carefully affects the roots, there is no chlorine in the fertilizer.
  • This is a full -fledged top dressing. You do not have to additionally fertilize cultures.
  • Increases the immune system of culture. The plant ceases to hurt, better tolerates temperature changes and other weather phenomena.
  • It is easy to use, has a long shelf life, economical.
We fend
We fend

For plants AVA fertilizer Brothers great benefits. As soon as you feed cultures, they will begin to grow faster, become stronger. Cultures that bear fruit, after adding fertilizers, can more actively bloom, ripen, the fruits become large, having, while, a brighter taste.

The main advantages of AVA fertilizer

AVA is a special fertilizer that is considered environmentally friendly. In its own composition, it contains all components that have a beneficial effect on development, flowering, fruiting of crops. In addition, thanks to fertilizer, the microflora useful is more actively propagated, and this has a positive effect on the state of cultures.

There are several reasons why you should definitely purchase AVA fertilizer:

  • AVA fertilizer It is produced in various types, it is not required to be diluted in liquid.
  • The drug can be freely added to the ground in the fall. In winter, the fertilizer is inactive, but with the advent of spring it begins to actively act on the soil.
  • AVA fertilizerit is completely safe for the roots. During the procedure, burns are not formed on the root system.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the composition of the soil, on the number of nutrients in it.

The main advantage aVA fertilizers - You can feed the roots not every year. Unlike such drugs that have a similar composition, the active components in the form of granules always remain in the soil. They do not disappear later from the effects of precipitation, release as necessary.

Types, forms of release of AVA fertilizer

In total, on sale you can find the following varieties of AVA fertilizer:

  • Granules. This type of fertilizer is ideal for feeding perennial plants, since it must be added to the soil no more than 2 times a year.
  • Powder. Suitable for annual crops. The effect of top dressing lasts no more than 12 months. Maximum use in season 1 is 2 times.
  • Capsules. This type of fertilizer is suitable for feeding indoor colors.

Bring the product into loose soil, mixing it with the top layer of soil.

  • If you feed trees, shrubs, then add fertilizers during planting. In total, make no more than 100 g per 1 seedling. Granules simply distribute on the ground.
  • For strawberries, you will need a maximum of 15 g.
  • The volume of fertilizer for vegetables, flower crops is 10 g.
  • For indoor crops, no more than 5 g is required
  • AVA, like other similar fertilizers, can be used for the non -circuit method. To do this, mix the drug with water, seize the composition of the culture. You can pour plants with the same tool.
  • Ava - complex fertilizerswith which you can feed any plants. To get the best effect, use the corresponding form. Nitrogen is only in one type of top dressing. You can find out about this if you carefully read the instructions for fertilizer.

So, the following forms of AVA fertilizer are found on sale.

Universal AVA fertilizer

AVA fertilizer is designed for a variety of types of cultures. They can feed fruit, berry, decorative plants. Also trees, shrubs, lawns and indoor flowers. The packaging, as a rule, indicates the validity period of “from 2 to 3 years”. This means that feeding affects the soil for this particular period. An ideal drug for perennial crops.


Pick AVA fertilizer in the form of granules with a spoon, add to the soil near plants. Determine the dose individually:

  • For berry crops, vegetables, 1 \\ 2 measured spoon is required.
  • Bulbal plants, onions - several granules.
  • For large bushes - 1 measured false during planting.
  • For trees - 1.5 measuring spoon.

On sale you can also find fertilizer for annual crops. Distribute this tool along the ground, 1 square meter - a maximum of 15 g, then plant seedlings or sow the seeds.

Elit Gardener Ava: Instructions

Top dressing, which contains a lot of phosphorus. Thanks to this component, plants grow faster, bring more fruits. Gives an excellent effect in the garden or garden during landing.

Use AVA fertilizer, adhering to the following rules:

  • For one tree, a maximum of 500 g during planting is enough. Next, add the drug no more than 1 time in 3 years.
  • For shrubs - a maximum of 50 g.
  • For strawberries or strawberries - no more than 5 g.

Top dressing is suitable for both autumn and spring use. Add the first time when you plant a culture, then no more than once every few years.

AVA fertilizer with nitrogen

On sale there is only one type of feeding AVA, in which nitrogen is present. It is used in cases where this element is not enough in the soil, with possible symptoms of a lack of nitrogen in crops.

For prevention, you can make Universal AVA fertilizerin which there is no nitrogen. Top dressing is able to stimulate the development of bacteria in the ground. Under its influence, the component fixes nitrogen from the air, puts it in the soil.


Autumn fertilizer AVA

This type of AVA fertilizer is considered the main top dressing, which can be used for perennial crops. The drug acts gradually, therefore, make it in a standard dosage of a maximum of 3 years. The component penetrates the soil in the form of granules, but its effect is transferred only for the next season, when the temperature of the soil is at least +8 ° C.

Spring AVA fertilizer

Fertilizer is used for various types of crops, applied during planting. The top dressing contains the same acting components as in other forms. However, their concentration is such that the process of plant development is not accelerated. In addition, thanks to the drug, the stability of crops to temperature changes increases, the germination of planting material improves.

AVA fertilizer fertilizers

Each culture needs its own top dressing. Let us consider in more detail the methods of its use.

Fertilizer of annual crops

Using AVA fertilizers, you can feed garden, balcony flowers. Fertilizer is produced in the form of granules. Prepare the water composition from it, as indicated in the instructions. However, you can also add in a dry state.

There are several methods of using AVA fertilizer:

  • When you plant flowers, mix the seeds with fertilizer in this proportion: 1 spoon of the drug per 1 spoon of seeds. Add sand (1 \\ 2 tbsp.), Pour the composition into the soil. Then carefully pour the soil.
  • If you water the plants, dissolve the fertilizer in water, adhering to the proportion: 2 g of the drug and 2 liters of water. Water crops until the soil becomes completely wet.
  • Spray the flowers with this composition: mix the bait with water (2 to 1).

Flowering of flowers has no prolonged action. Therefore, process plants at least 1 time per week. The granules dissolve perfectly when they fall into the water. Act only with sufficient moisture.

Fertilizer of indoor colors

Apply fertilizer to the soil or prepare a product for spraying the leaves.

Dosage, fertilizer consumption is as follows:

  • Feel the first time for the first time: a maximum of 5 g of fertilizers in the form of granules per 1 plant. You can also add 10 g of fertilizer to the soil.
  • For watering, make the following composition: dissolve the fertilizer in water (4 g per 1 liter of water).
  • Spray the plant with this tool: 2 g of fertilizers per 1 liter of water. Insist several days. Then spray the plants.
Indoor colors
Indoor colors

The procedure is carried out in any season of the year. There is no ammonia in top dressing, therefore, it is suitable for fertilizing flowers when they bloom.

Fertilizer of trees, bushes

AVA fertilizer for trees and bushes Available in the form of granules. They can fertilize fruit, decorative crops. Thanks to top dressing, plant immunity improves, after which pests, negative factors are not terrible.

  • The dosage is this: 25 g of the drug distribute on the soil (1 square meter).
  • If the culture is young, we deliver it with the following composition: Dissolve 4 g of the drug in a liter of water.

Know that the roots of young cultures are not yet strong, therefore, do not knead too concentrated composition.

Feeding vegetables with AVA fertilizer

AVA fertilizerintended for vegetable crops, has a lot of phosphorus, thanks to which the number of future fruits increases. Apply fertilizer during landing. This top dressing is enough for the season.

Vegetable fertilizer
Vegetable fertilizer

AVA dosage for vegetables as follows:

  • For cabbage, tomatoes: add 5 g of fertilizers to the hole. Mix the drug with sand in advance.
  • For cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini: use 15 g of fertilizers for 1 square meter of soil. Add before you plant.

Feeding is valid for 1 year. During planting plants, repeat the procedure.

Top dressing when planting seeds with AVA fertilizer

Fertilizer improves germination. This drug is suitable for any culture that can multiply with seeds.

Make AVA fertilizer as follows:

  • For small seeds: mix seeds with sand, add top dressing. Sit into the furrows.
  • For large seeds: mix sand with fertilizer, place it in furrows. Put on top of the seed, sprinkle with soil.
  • On a spoonful of seeds, take a spoon of top dressing, 1 \\ 2 tbsp. Sand. It is not necessary to pre -prepare seeds. When you sow them, moisten the soil.
For seeds
For seeds

Top dressing of greenhouse crops

You can use AVA fertilizer During the landing of cucumbers and tomatoes in greenhouses.

  • First top dressing: a maximum of 5 g for a bush. The product acts for 3 years, then top dressing must be repeated.
  • Further top dressing: 3 g of fertilizers per culture.

Onion fertilizer, garlic

The procedure is the whole season.

  • In the fall, prepare the soil in advance, loosen it, deliver it. Plant garlic and onion when you mix the ground well with top dressing. Planted crops are mulched by dry grass or sawdust.
  • In the spring, when it gets warmer, make fertilizer: 4 g products in the form of powder - mix in a liter of water. Repeat the process in May or in June.

Feeding strawberries, strawberries with AVA fertilizer

In order to feed data from culture, make the drug once when spring comes. During planting, add a maximum of 5 g to each plant. Repeat the procedure in the fall when you collect all the fruits. Fertilizer does not dissolve from rain, talus snow. It begins to affect the soil when the air temperature rises.

Feeding of root crops: advice on the use of AVA fertilizers

For each type of root crop, a special top dressing has been developed. Bring it in the ground: 15 g per square meter. Repeat the process after a year when the season begins.

Feeding of lawn plants with AVA fertilizers

Apply fertilizer no more than once a year. On sale there is a product in the form of powder so that it is comfortable to distribute it on the surface of the soil.

  • When you carry out the main top dressing, add no more than 15 g of the drug.
  • When repeated top dressing, add no more than 10 g of the product.

Each dosage is given by 1 square meter.


Feeding aquarium plants

It may seem strange to you, but plants located in the aquarium also require fertilizer. The difficulty of the process lies in the fact that during the procedure you can harm other underwater inhabitants. Therefore, make the concentration of the drug minimal. For crops in water, take a maximum of 2 g of top dressing, dilute in 1 liter of water.

Add the resulting composition like this: 0.5 liters per 100 liters of water in the aquarium. Without getting a positive result, if the inhabitants of the aquarium do not harm, increase the dosage.

AVA fertilizer: reviews

Pro using AVA fertilizers On the Internet you can find many good reviews. People claim that they use the drug every 3 years and are satisfied with the results. Gardeners say that fertilizer in the form of powder and capsules is considered the best. Many cultures that grow in room conditions, after a few years, thanks to top dressing, begin to develop faster, and garden crops - to give more fruiting flowers.

  • Ekaterina, 30 years oldI read about Ava powder on the Internet. I decided to try. I used fertilizer during celery planting. The composition made of sand and fertilizer poured into each hole. The plant grew perfectly, it was cheerful, large.
  • Marina is 42 years old: I will say only good fertilizer. It was used during the planting of carrots. Earlier, the root crops of the exchange grew crooked, small. After the AVA fertilizer began to add, the carrot began to grow even, at least 20 cm long.
  • Vladimir 58 years oldI began to bloom with a flower that had previously been sitting quietly for several years. He made fertilizer as indicated in the instructions. The drug is more than satisfied. I advise.

Video: Application of AVA fertilizer

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Comments K. article

  1. i have been using Ava since the appearance of retail, for many years the results on my clay without manure are beautiful. But a little expensive

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