VILDBERRIZ: Why is paid delivery to a pick -up point?

VILDBERRIZ: Why is paid delivery to a pick -up point?

Currently, purchases made on the Internet have become familiar for many consumers. Now you do not need to get up in the morning to get to the market or to the store, buy things, household appliances or products there.

Enterprising companies were able to take care of the convenience of the buyer. They offer customers the delivery of goods right home at the address indicated by them.

Why is Valdberris paid delivery at pickup points?

  • One of the popular stores is Wildberries. Earlier in this store, people bought products, which they then received completely free (delivery was free).
  • Today, many customers of the store complain that they have to pay extra for the delivery of the ordered goods. For what reasons, the Wildberries store made paid delivery? We will try to figure it out together.
  • For some reason, which are unknown to anyone, the owners of Wildberry changed their own decision. It concerns free delivery. Clients of this retail chain began to be indignant, since now they have to pay 200 rubles for delivery of the order. Many buyers even decided to stop ordering products here and choose another store, which, in their opinion, is more loyal to customers.
  • Yes, Wildberryn delivery conditions have really changed, their essence is as follows: buyers must pay 200 rubles in that situation if the order of the order is less than 10,000 rubles. Plus, when the percentage of redemption is less than 20. If the client orders the goods worth more than 10,000 rubles and pays for it at once more than 20%, then the delivery remains free.
  • Such conditions of the Wildberries trading network. But many of us know that certain products in the store cost less than 10,000 rubles. And this once again proves that nothing is free. That's exactly what Wildberry's store owners counted on.
Delivery is now paid
Delivery is now paid

So why did the owners decide to change the terms of delivery? Perhaps they took into account the following factors:

  • A lot of customers live In remote cities. The company spends large amounts to deliver to these people. Consequently, the owners decided to deliver their own products paid.
  • Shipment terms, Located in the central areas, are often overloaded. For such cases, delivery is paid. So that buyers do not pay for the delivery of their order, they can choose a pick -up point not so busy.
  • Many customers often refuse the goods, and therefore they are not behind them to the issue point. The company returns a huge number of products back to the store warehouse. Therefore, the decision make a paid delivery of 200 rubles on Wildberries - This is an option that allows you to solve the problem with the cost of returning, plus, forcing customers of the store to relate to their own order with more responsibility.

Other articles on the site about this online store:

Video: How to buy expensive things cheap?

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  1. Buyers' inflation is specifically on the face! Why, in the electronic check, in addition to the amount for the goods, do not print the amount of delivery? So, refusing the goods, it will come to the card again - these minus these overpaid 200 p. I am a pensioner and did not immediately notice that they began to take money for delivery, and delivery was not to the house, but to the pickup punt! That is, I have to come for these 200r for my order with my feet? Customer deception is evident! I wrote two appeals in the “Contacts”, to which no one has answered me so far. And I can hardly wait ....

  2. Firstly, Wildberry must first restore order. I ordered the shales: once they sent the wrong size, another time both on one leg. I ordered shoes repeatedly, but the inconsistency of the size forces to refuse. My 38 size, I write out, and the shoes are about 40 sizes. I ordered a jacket in the desired color, sent in a completely different color. It turns out that I have to pay for the delivery for marriage in Wildberry. Then sent in the package. Where the code does not correspond to the product and then I had to go through the circles of hell in order to hand over the goods that is not suitable for me. And in what form the goods come, then this is generally a separate topic. Often you have to forgive you your mistakes. Gentlemen, you need to respect customers.

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