How to cancel and delete the order on the Weildberris website? Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris?

How to cancel and delete the order on the Weildberris website? Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris?

If you decide to refuse to order Wildberris, it is easy to do it. Read the article to find out the necessary information.

Many fashionistas and fashionistas know about the online store Wildberry. Here you can order clothes and shoes for children, women and men, as well as sports goods, household appliances and electronics, phones, toys and much more.

  • Often, when buying things on the Internet, it happens that you need to cancel the order. For example, you changed your mind to acquire some of the things, or unforeseen circumstances appeared and it will not be possible to pick up the parcel at the pick-up point.
  • How to change or cancel the order, read in this article.
  • If you are not yet registered on this site, but want to plunge into the world of shopping with Wildberry, Read the articleHow to create an account in this store.

Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris?

Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris?
Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris?

It doesn’t matter what are your reasons for the cancellation or change of the order, on Wildberry This can be done without explanation from the buyer. Therefore, when you have a question: is it possible to change the order for Wildberry, the specialists of this store will answer yes, you can. "

In one delivery point, all your ordered goods or orders may be combined. In this case, delivery is usually issued for one day and time and one addressee. But the buyer can delete one or more goods, but if the order is in status " Reservation". Follow these actions:

  • Open the tab in the LC " My delivery". Click on appropriate delivery.
  • Indicate with a tick those positions that need to be removed.
  • Press the button " Removing the order».
Is it possible to change or delete an order for Weildberris?
Is it possible to change or delete an order for Weildberris?

Then, in the window that opened with additional information, follow the following:

  • If the money was paid for the selected products, then the window will open with the choice of the method of refund. In addition, you will see information about whether removal will affect the redemption percentage.
  • If you have not yet paid money for the selected things, then you will open a record that cancellation will not affect the redemption percentage. You only need to click, you refuse the product - “yes” or “no”.
Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris? click yes or no
Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris? Click yes or no

To continue you need to press yes, but if you changed your mind to do the cancellation, because you do not want this process to affect the redemption percentage, then click “No”.

Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris? Select and press the desired button
Is it possible to change the order for Weildberris? Select and press the desired button

Now the goods selected and marked by Halochka will be canceled, and their position will disappear from delivery. The status of this order will also change, opposite it you will see the inscription "Cancel".

Be careful: the abolition of any selected and already paid thing or a whole order, affects the percentage of ransom.

How to cancel the order for Weildberris?

How to cancel the order for Weildberris?
How to cancel the order for Weildberris?

Cancel not one position, but the whole order can. The algorithm of actions will be similar to changing the order. How to cancel the order on Wildberry? Follow the following instructions:

  • Go to your account.
  • Find the tab " Delivery", And click on it. You can get from delivery with any status.
  • Select the order by checking. If the product is in " Reserve", Then put a checkmark near the record" Select all».
  • Press the button " Removal».
How to cancel the order for Weildberris? Click Delete
How to cancel the order for Weildberris? Click Delete

If the order status is not a reserve, but any other, then click " Cancel the delivery».

How to cancel or delete an order for Weildberris?
How to cancel or delete an order for Weildberris?

If you have already paid for the order, then information will appear on the page that removing the goods from delivery will affect the amount of the redemption interest. Then you need to think about whether you cancel the delivery or not, are you ready for the fact that the value of the ransom percent will be less. Click " Yes" or " Not". The canceled order will disappear from the section menu " Delivery", And the status will change to" Return of goods to a warehouse».

How to delete an order on the Weildberris website?

How to delete an order on the Weildberris website?
How to delete an order on the Weildberris website?

If you have changed your mind to purchase goods, do not worry, since in Wildberry This case provides for the removal of the order. How to delete an order on the site Wildberry? The algorithm of actions will be the same as when canceling the order:

  • Go to your account, then to the section with delivery.
  • Mark the order and click the removal.
  • If you want to remove the prepaid order, then you will lose in the percentage of the ransom. If you did not make payment, then cancellation will not affect this value.
  • The remote order will disappear from the line of my delivery.

In the online store Wildberry Everything is provided and done for the convenience of customers. Have you decided to cancel or delete the order? Do a certain algorithm of actions - it's simple and fast.

Video: Wildberries online store: shopping at your address

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Comments K. article

  1. Wildberries, make the cancellation of the goods in the basket, humanly ...
    To be able to remove the position. There is no product of the right size, why should I pay it, and then you should make a refund)

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