VILDBERRIZ: Shelf life of an order at a pick -up point. Wildberries: How to extend the shelf life of the order? Wildberries: Obtaining an order by another person

VILDBERRIZ: Shelf life of an order at a pick -up point. Wildberries: How to extend the shelf life of the order? Wildberries: Obtaining an order by another person

Delivery and storage rules to the wildberries pickup points.

Wildberries - online store, which has goods in their catalogs more than 5000 the most popular brands. The assortment is different: children's and adult clothes, shoes, electric goods, haberdashery, toys and other useful essential items.
A special advantage of the trading platform is, almost all the corners of the country, convenient ways of free delivery: with the help of their own courier service, by pickup or mailing.
One of the most popular methods of obtaining an order is the pick -up points.
When using this method, sometimes questions arise. Some of them will answer in this article.

How much is the order at the VILDBERRIS Search Participant Steppie?

  • When choosing a delivery method with a pickup, the date of receipt is indicated immediately when placing an order
  • To do this, just indicate it in the form offered on the site
  • It is from this day that there is a report report at a pickup point
  • The set dates vary 4 to 10 days
  • Specify this fact if you have to receive orders at different points

Important: You can track the possibility of receiving an order only in your personal account. No other notifications Wildberry does not.

  • When the order is ready for issuance, its status will change to "ready for shipment"
  • You can go to get a new thing
Each item has its own term for the order

Wildberries: How to extend the shelf life of the order?

If there is no way to pick up the goods at the established time, it is necessary:

  • In your personal account, postpone the date of delivery of the order.
  • To do this, go in the "My Deliveries" section, click "Change delivery conditions."
  • Put the necessary date. It should be remembered that it is possible to change it only to the deadline established by the rules, from the moment originally assigned delivery date.
  • You can change the delivery for any other day at all stages of receiving the order, if there are available transfer dates.

For example, when placing an order, the delivery time was indicated on March 31. At the selected pickup point, the maximum shelf life is set - 10 days. In this case, the deadline for receiving the order will be on April 10.

Important: According to paragraph 7.1 of the “Public Offer Agreement”, the online store has the right to return the goods back, without prior notice, if it is not taken by the customer within the deadlines established by the Rules.

The main advantage of Wildberries: convenient delivery methods

Wildberries: Obtaining an order by another person

  1. If there is no way, within the prescribed period, to pick up the order yourself, any other person you trust can receive an order.
    For this, upon receipt of the order, it is enough to say your data completed when registering for Wildberries. As a rule, a passport is not required at self -sowing points. It is necessary to know only the surname and name of the recipient.
  2. In a situation where you need to deliver the goods to another city, or not to the address indicated during registration:
  • Add the desired address in your personal account
  • When placing an order, select the function "receipt of an order by another person"
  • We fill out the data of the one to buy
  • We pay the order with a card

Wildberries - One of the few online stores offering a convenient service that includes: free delivery, pickup, WebMoney payment, changing discounts up to 30%every day.
The only inconvenience, we can call, short shelf life at a pickup.
It is not always, it turns out, to meet the established time and get an order in time. You have to refuse to order, or the store itself takes it back.
But there is no longer the opportunity to purchase at the same price - the action has passed, the tempting discount is lost. Yes, and the existing minus for the % of the failures reduces bonuses, which is also not very happy.

A pleasant service is always pleasing

You can get acquainted with the rules and methods of delivery in more detail on the official website, after going on link.

Video: Clothing with Wildberries: expectation and reality. Men's shirts

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Comments K. article

  1. A few years ago, it was possible to contact the store on the phone and was small to solve their question through the call center. Now appeals can be in electronic form, which is good, but robots-bots are responding, which is very bad. As a result, it is impossible to get an answer to a very specific question, for example, why the point of extradition is closed to which the paid order received and when it opens. This store befell the fate of all online giant stores-when the level of customer support is falling to zero, and after the people will begin to look for other trading floors. So I, today I could not get that the delivered and paid order at the pick -up point, but even not understand when it starts to work again.

  2. I did not have time to pick up my order. She came on the last day when he still had to be. As a result, they did not return the entire amount to the account. I understand for storage ...

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