What time of day is it better to take zinc? How to take zinc in tablets? Zinc compatibility with other vitamins

What time of day is it better to take zinc? How to take zinc in tablets? Zinc compatibility with other vitamins

Thanks to vitamins and trace elements, a person forms a good immunity. Zinc is necessary for people for the immune system. It is indispensable for one hundred enzymatic reactions in the human body, is able to inhibit the development of viral bacteria in cells. Therefore, it is appointed doctors. Then we learn how to take zinc.

It is no secret that now the ecological state of the planet has worsened significantly, as a result, people began to hurt more often. There may be stress, large loads at work, as well as a deficiency of trace elements in the body. Such zinc can be classified. This mineral has primary value for the immune system. It also affects the production of hormones. Therefore, it is important to know how to take zinc in order to improve your health.

ZN plays one of the important roles in the human body, it should be taken to adults, children to develop normally. This trace element is found in muscle, bone tissues. Thanks to him, internal organs are developing properly in children. If zinc is not enough in the human body, then pathologies develop. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to take it because zinc itself in the body is not produced.

What time of day is it better to take zinc?

In the human body, zinc, like iron - irreplaceable elements. Zinc is capable of activating many reactions for shaking food, as well as its absorption. For a normal process, an adult needs about three grams of this component. ZN is also important for other body systems, starting with the immune, ending with the genital system. Thanks to zinc, antioxidant properties are enhanced, cell aging slows down. How to take zinc is better - we will consider further.

Rules for taking zinc
Rules for taking zinc

To extract maximum benefits from the action of vitamins, trace elements, they should be used at a certain time of the day. Thus, they are more effectively absorbed, properly affect the body. You can not use vitamins and trace elements in increased dosages-this negatively affects the patient’s condition, before using zinc, it is still better to consult a specialist doctor.

ZN plays a large role in the operation of reproductive, immune systems, has a direct effect on fertility. If your diet has few products that are rich in protein compounds (fish, seafood, nuts), then ZN should be taken.

How to take zinc in tablets: dosages, recommendations

In a chronic deficiency of ZN in children and adults, immunity may significantly decrease, growth in growth in the child occurs, potency in the male half of the population worsens, and women have problems with the reproductive system, an early menopause is observed. That's why they advise you to take a trace element in tablets. And how to take zinc, we will find out in detail further.

Zn is advised to use the following factors:

  1. Violation of taste characteristics, smell.
  2. In case of frequent colds, reducing the functions of protection against infections in the body.
  3. If there are problems with the hairline. Hair fades, breaks, falls out.
  4. When too brittle nails and white spots appear on them.
  5. If there are problems with skin, diseases occur in the form of dermatitis, acne, eczema, etc.
  6. When a person loses visual acuity, he sees everything vaguely.

It is advisable to take from 10 to 25 mg of matter per day. It is impossible for the dosage to be above 45 milligrams per day for an adult and 26 milligrams for a child. Much depends on the weight of the patient and age.

The minimum man per day requires about 12 milligrams of zinc, and during sexual activity, the dosage can be even from 25 to 69 milligrams of zinc. For women, it is normal to take about 12-18 milligrams of zinc. And pregnant and nursing mothers are maximally advised to use 22-29 milligrams of zinc.

Children should take zinc after consulting a pediatrician. On the advice of medical specialists from the Academy in America, daily dosage must correspond to the tabular data indicated below in the text.

The approximate minimum zinc dosages for children and adolescents are painted here:

Age Boys Girls During pregnancy On Guards
from 0 to 6 months 2 milligrams 2 milligrams
from 7 to 12 months 3 milligrams 3 milligrams
1 to 3 years old 3 milligrams 3 milligrams
4 to 8 years old 5 milligrams 5 milligrams
from 9 to 13 years old 8 milligrams 8 milligrams
from 14 to 18 years old 11 milligrams 9 milligrams 12 milligrams 13 milligrams
From 19 years old 11 milligrams 8 milligrams 11 milligrams 12 milligrams
IMPORTANT: To determine the amount of zinc in the body, urine analysis should be done. It is undesirable to drink pills uncontrollably, otherwise the balance of copper in the body is disturbed, it is poorly absorbed. If the patient uses an antibiotic, then due to zinc the effects of antibiotics on the human body systems are reduced.

In order for ZN to be better sucking in the food tract, scientists recommend drinking group B vitamins with this element, namely: B6, B2, and vitamin A. Use the zinc drug either during meals, if it is with vitamins, or forty minutes before eating, Or one hour after a meal, if you drink a pure trace element without vitamin additives.

Where is the zinc?

Interestingly, scientists have found that with coronary infection, ordinary medicines that are used to taking with colds are not always effective. As a result of a viral infection, antibiotics are not entirely effective, it was necessary to investigate alternative methods for alleviating the condition of patients. Scientists have experimentally established that in patients with coronovirus, the balance of zinc in the body systems is noticeably reduced.

Patients who used drugs with zinc in coronovirus much more easily tolerated pathology. And their recovery time accelerated literally one and a half times. Indeed, thanks to a trace element, the virus ceases to grow, does not penetrate the cell tissue. In addition to Zn, patients are still prescribed to take vitamin D and selenium.

Rules for using zinc for various problems:

  1. To improve the condition of the skin, dermatologists can be prescribed to use ZN inward or externally. Tablets are taken depending on the disease, the norm is 12-15 mg, for 1-3 months.
  2. In order for men to grow hair, beard better in men, you can use sprays, ointments with zinc + to drink tablets in the amount of 12-15 mg for 1-3 months. The consultation of a trichologist, a specialist in hair is desirable.
  3. If you have a cold, then you can take pills for resorption in which there is ZN, or a trace element separately. For adults, this is a norm of 12 mg, and for children up to 9 milligrams. See the table above.

This trace element is usually used in courses so that there is no overdose. If you need a course of treatment, then use zinc in six months or at the direction of the attending physician after passing the tests.

  • What period of time can you use zinc? 

To do this, you will need a doctor’s consultation, because you can establish a shortage of this element only by making an analysis. It is recommended not to self -medicate, so as not to harm your body. You can use this trace element no more than a three -month period.

If the dosages exceed the instructions indicated in the instructions, then you can get the disorders of the food tract, migraine and even lose all kinds of food for food. Large dosages adversely affect the genitourinary system, negatively affect the functionality of the cardiovascular system, and make it difficult to water treatment of the liver.

It is not recommended to take cheap additives in the form of sulfide, oxide, as they contain harmful impurities that can harm the body. It is better to take a chelat form or picoline, citrate, it is undesirable to use nasal sprays with ZN. After all, such drugs can negatively affect the sense of smell. There is evidence that after such funds, patients completely lost the ability to perceive smells.

Zinc, how to take before meals or after?

Without zinc, unpleasant consequences in the form of a loss of appetite, weakening of bone and muscle tissues, and impaired regeneration of epidermal cells can occur in the human body. ZN is necessary for people all their lives. How to take zinc before meals or after - we will find out further.

How is zinc useful?
How is zinc useful?

Important: zinc is recommended to be consumed during food, preferably in the daytime. If you drink it on an empty stomach, then an unpleasant sensation occurs in the stomach, nausea. The intake of the trace element in combination with iron, calcium is undesirable.

For men, a lack of zinc can turn into impotence or even worse - infertility. So zinc is not only a good immunostimulator, but also is responsible for the reproductive system, digestion, affects the emotional state, regulates the composition of bone tissue and muscle.

Zinc compatibility with other vitamins

How to drink zinc with other vitamins and minerals is visible in the table below. Yellow The square means neutral reaction, green - Substances are completely compatible, a red - Absolutely incompatible components. If at the intersection of the lines of vitamins and minerals with ZN - a green square, then such components are compatible, etc.

Zinc. compatibility
Zinc. Compatibility

Example: Let's see the compatibility of Zn and Vitamin K, at the intersection of the lines the yellow square is visible, which means these substances act neutral on each other, in other words they do not affect in any way.

It is best to combine zinc with other elements, then you can achieve the best results, especially since the doctors themselves advise drinking it in combination with other substances:

  • Selenium + zinc perfectly complement each other, therefore, a comprehensive technique of elements is recommended.
  • The drug Omega-3 goes well with ZN.
  • Vitamin Group A, E, B6 with ZN contribute to the absorption of the latter. Use these combined compounds during eating.
  • For the treatment of all sorts of diseases associated with the skin, infections or diseases of the organs, it is recommended to use the composition of ZN and vitamin B2. This positively affects the dynamics. The therapeutic effect occurs faster.

Zinc is not recommended to be consumed with calcium, iron, folic acid, copper and vitamin B9. It is not necessary to take it also with sweets and salt. With these products and substances, ZN is completely not absorbed or absorbed, but in small quantities.

The assimilation of the element directly is influenced by phitat, these components are in food from plant products. Most of them are contained in cereal products, legumes, they can also include unfermented cocoa beans, cocoa powders, coffee beans, nuts, seeds. These listed phytats are able to form all kinds of compounds that are insoluble in pairs with mineral components, they are not absorbed into the intestines. If you take chocolate products or nuts, like a zinc supplier, then the trace element will be much less absorbed than in seafood and meat products.

You can also read on our portal the following articles on similar topics:

  1. What products contain more zinc?
  2. What are the signs of zinc lack in the body, zincuthel - for hair;
  3. Why is zinc, what is its norm in the human body?
  4. How to use zinc ointment for various diseases?

Video: How to take zinc adults, children?

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