Signs of zinc lack in the body. Cycloth for female hair: benefits, characteristics, application, reviews

Signs of zinc lack in the body. Cycloth for female hair: benefits, characteristics, application, reviews

In order to get rid of hair problems, use the drug Zincitele. Detailed instructions in the material below.

Thick shining hair - every woman dreams of this. But what to do if it does not just become dry (or, conversely, fatty), brittle and dull, but begin to fall out with whole strands? Folk remedies have been tried everything, but there is no result. Salvation in such a situation can be a vitamin -containing drug called zincerel.

It is noteworthy that when choosing this tool for themselves, with accurate compliance with the instructions, people get a very positive result. But the main advantage of the zincerel is that it does not harm, and therefore is so popular.

Signs of zinc lack in the body

In addition to increased hair loss, these are the presence of acne, poor condition of the nails, frequent infections (since immunity is reduced), forgetfulness, state of fatigue and irritability.

Also, the lack of zinc in the body may indicate that minor wounds or scratches heal very problematic and slowly. Therefore, the presence of at least two or three of these features with a high degree of probability indicates a lack of this element.

Hair benefits from the drug Zinchelle

Already in the very name of the drug Cycincerel, its essence is laid - the replenishment of zinc reserves involved in many processes taking place in our body. This element contributes to the fact that the amount of free radicals decreases in the body, and therefore, the best absorption of all the necessary substances contained in food occurs.

The relationship here is direct: The better the condition of the body, the more healthy the hair will be. Also, zinc is necessary for the absorption of proteins that are important components for high -quality hair growth. With a decrease in the amount of zinc, a protein deficiency begins, which affects the condition of the hair - they become subject to loss. This explains the testimony of this drug for alopecia.

With a problem with hair
With a problem with hair

In addition, the positive impact of the required amount of zinc extends, in particular, to the growth and condition of the nails, which is no less important for women. There are other indications, because the zincutheral contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, increasing immunity, vitamin E is better absorbed. All these factors are very important for normal growth and hair condition.

What is the composition of the zincerel?

  • This drug includes zinc in the form of ions, enterosorbent povidon, a source of magnesium and silicon in the form of talc, reducing the amount of cholesterol and which is a supplier of starch energy.
Consists of zinc
Consists of zinc
  • The composition also includes lactose in the form of monohydrate, which accelerates calcium exchange and is a source of energy. Another important component - titanium dioxide - is similar in its characteristics an ultraviolet filter, which reduces the harmful effects of the straight sun on the skin and hair.
  • Stearat Magnesium is a stabilizer of the consistency, the composition of the drug is supplemented by hypromallosis, macrogol and azorubin varnish.

Rules for the use of zincerel

Compliance with the instructions when taking this tool is especially important, because An excess of zinc also creates problems for the body, as well as its disadvantage.

Correct consumption is important
Correct consumption is important
  • You can take the drug from 4 years. At this age, children are not recommended for the treatment of alopecia for more than 3 tablets per day, and with progress in treatment, the doctor, as a rule, immediately reduces the dosage to one day per day.
  • For adults, the dosage is twice as large-up to 6 tablets during the day. You need to take pills without chewing, drinking only water to avoid negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects from taking zinciteral

Diarrhea may occur, because The composition of the drug contains macrogol that has a laxative effect, nausea, and the possibility of a metal flavor or heartburn is not excluded. Along with young children (until the age of 4 - the age), the zincerel is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Reviews about the drug Cycinchedral

Many of those who took the drug note that the first effect is not noticeable immediately. This is due to the fact that the means to complete normalization of all processes in the body should be absorbed in it. Therefore, it is wrong to stop the course of treatment, which is usually from three months to six months.

  • Some talk about the presence of pronounced side effects: nausea and diarrhea, which is understandable in that the macrogol, which is part of the zinciteral, has a laxative effect. As one of the ways to avoid this action, the means recommend taking it while eating.
  • In addition, if the body actively responds to macrogol, a specialist can offer simultaneous intake of Mesim Fort or other drugs, normalizing the digestion process. By the way, it is not worth taking a zincerel on an empty stomach, say everyone who accepted this tool.
  • Some of those who take the drug advise to set aside for the time of consumption of milk, coffee and green tea, because They are able to some extent interfering with the complete assimilation of zinc. Cases of sore throat are noted in the first days of taking the drug that quickly pass.
  • There are also recommendations among the reviews as taking a zincuthel every other day in the event of a manifestation of side effects, but this must be stipulated with a doctor.
  • Many note the availability of the drug (its price is an average of 330 rubles) and ease in taking tablets, since they have a small size and are covered with a smooth shell. In general, based on reviews, we can say that, depending on the general state of the body, individual response to a particular component of the zincerel and a sufficient number of side effects, the doctor should determine the duration and intensity of taking the drug.
Nice price
Nice price

Trichologists recommend a zincerel as a means of complex therapy for problems not only with hair, but also with nails and skin. They emphasize the need to consult a doctor, and even better - a detailed examination that will help to find out which microelements deficiency is present in the body. And, of course, the mandatory observance of the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Zinc is one of the most important elements that the body needs for its uninterrupted functioning. The daily need is about 10-15 mg. A large amount is contained in red meat, liver, eggs, seafood, chocolate, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Less zinc in vegetables and fruits.

Video: zinc in tablets: why take it?

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