Does 48-hour starvation treat? This is what you need to beware: possible complications, it is important about water, reviews

Does 48-hour starvation treat? This is what you need to beware: possible complications, it is important about water, reviews

If you decide to introduce a 48-hour starvation into your life, then read important information in this article. It is important to know about water, as well as about precautions and advantages of this type of post.

Can fasting bring us health and well -being? This question worries many of us, especially those who have never refrained from food for a long time.

  • In different parts of the world, many people starve, because they simply have nothing to eat.
  • Chronic nutrient deficiency is harmful to our health.
  • This situation can only lead to exhaustion and diseases, and in the most difficult cases to death.
  • The controlled starvation is widely practiced by many people even in developed countries where access to food is not limited.
  • Why starve of your own free will?

A person decides to refrain from eating for various reasons, both ethical, philosophical and religious. But, basically, this is due to the scientifically proven benefit of fasting for health. In this article you will find information about 48-hour starvation - What is the benefit of such a “post” and what you need to beware. Read further.

48-hour starvation once a week, 2 weeks, month: helps to slow down the aging of cells

48-hour starvation once a week
48-hour starvation once a week

Recently, interval (periodic) starvation has become increasingly popular, in which the periods of hunger and meal are changing regularly. Different types of fasting, including 48-hour starvation Once in week, 2 weeks, month, for a long time, was practiced by humanity, mainly by religious and cultural concepts. But according to scientific research, such periodic "post" is associated with significant advantages for good health:

  • The sensitivity to insulin increases
  • Cells are restored
  • The weight is reduced
  • Cell aging slows down
  • The mood rises
  • A positive attitude towards life appears

Although interval starvation usually has shorter periods of abstinence from food, for example, more often people starve for a day or 36 hours, some still like nothing to eat for a longer period of time. 48 hours is the longest period of interval fasting, usually used by lovers of healing.

Remember: 48-hour starvation It is not suitable for everyone. Before starting this type of “post”, you must carefully read the recommendations presented in this article below.

In addition, it is better to first try shorter interval fasting that will help you understand how your body reacts to a lack of food during a period of time.

Health benefits from 48-hour starvation: description of the advantages

48-hour starvation once a week
48-hour starvation once a week

According to the results of numerous scientific research, abstinence from food for 2 days has many benefits for health. Here are the health benefits of 48-hour starvation-a description of the advantages:

Slets the aging of the body at the cellular level:

  • Researchers proved that 48-hour starvation can stimulate the processes of self-healing occurring at the level of the cells of our body.
  • This happens much more effective than with other varieties of interval fasting.
  • The process of cell renewal protects the living organism from diseases and slows down the aging of tissues.
  • Professors of medicine have proved that more effective regeneration at the cellular level contributes to good health and longevity.

Relieves inflammation:

  • Chronic inflammation in our body can lead to serious health problems, such as the development of cancer or diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Studies confirm that controlled starvation for even 24 hours reduces inflammation by reducing the level of oxidative stress, which naturally occurs in the body during life.

Increases sensitivity to insulin and reduces blood sugar:

  • Even the doctors of evidence -based medicine are sure that interval starvation, especially that which lasts more 24 hours at least once a month, can positively affect the increase in the body's sensitivity to insulin at the cellular level.
  • In addition, blood is cleaned.
  • If you starve during 48 hours at least 1-2 times a month, better per week (but this is for trained people and do not have contraindications and prohibitions of doctors), blood sugar is reduced.

Promotes weight loss:

  • 48-hour starvationspent every two weeks, reduces the monthly amount of energy coming from food. 8 000–10 000 calories.
  • Thanks to this, you will lose weight gradually, slowly, but very confident.
  • Remember, in order not to destroy this good effect, do not overeat on ordinary days when you do not starve.

Such a "post" accelerates the metabolism for approximately 3,6–14%what the daily combustion of additional 100–275 calories Without any effort.

48-hour dry starvation in practice-what you need to beware: it is important about water

48-hour dry starvation in practice-what you need to beware: it is important about water
48-hour dry starvation in practice-what you need to beware: it is important about water

How stop overeat and make your waist beautiful? You have 100%probability Interval fasting will help if there are no health contraindications.

In theory, 48-hour post Very simple. Just refrain from food for two full days. One of the frequently used and most convenient schemes in this case is the beginning of starvation immediately after dinner on the first day, and the beginning of eating again in the second half, but already on the third day.

Remember: It is best to fast in their free time. When engaged in your favorite things that bring you the greatest pleasure, you will avoid a sense of concentration on a feeling of hunger.

Despite what it is 48-hour starvation It is called dry, you should drink a lot of liquids during this "post". That's what to beware - it is worth knowing important information about water at this time:

  • Not only clean water is allowed, but all non -core drinks, such as black, green, herbal tea, coffee.
  • Drinking fluid is very important and prevents dehydration, which is one of the main potential complications with prolonged starvation.
  • During fasting, it is also worth filling up the lack of electrolytes.

You can slightly suck the water that you will drink or stock up on special tablet drugs - electrolytes.

Exit from 48-hour starvation: how right?

48-hour starvation exit
48-hour starvation exit

Another important issue is to get out of 48-hour starvation. How to do this correctly? Here's the answer:

  • Start a gradual increase in food consumption after fasting.
  • First cook liquid soups and eat in a small amount - 1 portion no more 70-100 grams.
  • Then you can porridge, but also liquid - not thick and not in milk.
  • Thus, you will avoid excessive intestinal stimulation, which can lead to malaise, irritating flatulence, nausea and diarrhea.
  • Then you can already eat more hard food: start with a light snack, such as a handful of hazelnut or almonds.
  • Then you can start eating meat dishes with a side dish, but chewing well. After a couple of days, you can eat a little more, gradually increasing the amount of food that you eat.

If yours 48-hour post Must be part of a longer, interval starvation, then do not forget to maintain moderation in food on non -working days. Refrain from excessive consumption of high -calorie products, for example, during a trip with friends in a fast food cafe.

Advice: Take a snack with you. It can be a piece of chicken fillet, thinly cut, on a piece of whole grain bread with a sheet of salad. Simple, but so useful for you.

How often you should conduct such 48-hour post? Usually this type of fasting is carried out 1-2 times a month.

Advice: Create a system for yourself. For example, starving for 48 hours - 1 time in 2 weeks. Such or another scheme can bring more health benefits than starvation without a specific regime.

Precautions for 48-hour starvation: possible complications

Precautions at 48-hour starvation: salt, electrolytes
Precautions at 48-hour starvation: salt, electrolytes

The longer the post, the greater the risk of its side effects. Although health benefits can be significant, it is also important to remember the possible negative consequences of 48-hour starvation. Precautions and possible complications:

  • If you do not drink enough fluid and do not take electrolytes during fasting, then this can lead to a strong dehydration of the body.
  • Sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium are indispensable substances that can be quickly excreted from the body, while not replenishing.
  • Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor and, according to his recommendations, deliberately complement food with these nutrients.
  • This is especially necessary if you fast more than 24 hours.
  • Take care of the correct drinking mode, taking water regularly during the day, with a pinch of salt or with the addition of electrolyte tablets.
  • Drink black coffee or green tea, which will reduce hunger and slightly fill the water balance in the body.

It is worth noting:

  • The main disadvantage of abstinence from eating within 48 hours is a strong feeling of hunger.
  • Although many say that this is temporary and over time, when the body gets used to this type of nutrition and starvation.
  • A study was conducted with 768 volunteerswho fasted at least 48 hours. Of them 72% of the participant We tested various side effects, including mainly hunger, fatigue, insomnia and dizziness.

It is important to remember: After, for example, 24 hours The hunger, the human body begins to burn the accumulated fat. At this time, you may feel a lack of strength and explicit exhaustion.

Important: Before starving, you should consult a doctor, because each of us has different genetic predispositions and diseases that may be a contraindication to such interval starvation.

In particular, people should avoid such a long post with such deviations or pathologies:

  • Type 1 diabetes.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Insufficient weight or existing history of eating disorder.
  • Pregnancy and when a woman breastfeeding, tries to get pregnant or does not have menstruation for adulthood for any reason.
  • It is forbidden to starve children and adolescents.
  • If you take any drugs important for health: insulin, tablets from high blood pressure, for thinning blood and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

People who feel bad at the time when they want to start periodic fasting should immediately abandon this venture. Health is more important. Start “post” if you feel good, and your doctor allowed you to do this. Good luck!

48-hour starvation: reviews

48-hour starvation
48-hour starvation

If you decide to hold a 48-hour starvation, but still doubt and do not dare, then read the reviews from other people who are successfully doing this and not even one year.

Alexandra, 30 years old

I can tell about my experience of interval 48-hour starvation. Per 2 months Such a diet and post within 2 days 1 time in 2 weeks, I lost 10 kilograms. I tried to sit on different diets before, I did not help to lose weight. And now, my dream came true. I want to return to my 42 size, despite the fact that now I have 50th size of clothing. Just a few years ago I weighed 55 kg And she felt comfortable in this weight. Now the excess weight interferes, the doctor says that there is a suspicion of a pre -antiabetic state. I will continue to starve further.

Alena, 25 years old

Began to starve with 1 day interval in 2 weeks. Gastritis worsened after 2 times. I went to the hospital, the doctor said that I was not recommended to conduct such a “treatment”. Can reach the ulcer. Therefore, now I am being treated and I had to forget about interval starvation. But it is unfortunate, very good prospects for those who have such a way of life.

Olga, 29 years old

Thanks to 48-hour starvation, I managed to reset insulin resistance. All because she began to eat right in those days when there is no starvation. Of course, the post also helped, but it seems to me that I could establish health and lose weight without hunger strike. Although my nutritionist sometimes advises to do unloading days, if there is no deterioration in terms of health, mood and so on.

Video: Food pause: 48 hours!

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