Sauna: benefits, harm and basic rules of visiting

Sauna: benefits, harm and basic rules of visiting

The sauna has long entered our lives, at the moment it is not only a way to spend time in the company of friends or friends. This is an integral part of rituals for caring for himself and healing a modern person. Nevertheless, the discussions about the benefits and harm of the saunas do not stop, as well as the debate about which sauna is better.

This article is designed to answer many questions regarding the sauna. And help the reader decide to visit the sauna or look for another way to relax, recover and lose a couple of kilograms.

The benefits of a sauna for the body of women and men

And the women and men of the sauna will give an unforgettable feeling of lightness and peace. In addition, representatives of both sexes will be able to cleanse the body of toxins, improve blood circulation, strengthen immunity and establish the function of the respiratory system.

The benefits of the sauna for the woman's body:

  • Weight loss (However, it is important to remember that if you set out to lose weight, then you can’t eat and take alcoholic drinks two hours before the procedure and two hours after - the effect will be accurately and on the contrary).
  • Reducing pain associated with the menstrual cycle.
  • Improving the condition of the skin and hair. What exactly the positive aspects are manifested in - we will find out later.

The benefits of a sauna for the skin of the face and body of women and men:

  • Cleaned The pores of the skin.
  • The keratinized particles exfoliate.
  • Wrinkles are smoothed, skin rejuvenation occurs.
  • Manifestations are reduced cellulite.
  • Wounds heal faster.
The benefits of the skin
The benefits of the skin

It should be noted that women who are too abundant by discharge during menstruation should avoid visits to the sauna. In the first periods of pregnancy, you should also abandon the sauna - the possibility of miscarriage is too high.

The benefits of a sauna for the body of a man:

  • Useful with prostatitis.
  • With inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Due to bath procedures libido rises.
  • The sauna relieves tension in the muscles after power loads.
  • Sauna prevents the development of impotence and premature ejaculation.

If the couple plans to have a child in the near future, then the thermal load on the ovaries is contraindicated, so you should avoid visiting a bath or sauna.

How to steam in the sauna with benefit, so that it benefits and pleasure:

  • Do not eat two hours before the procedure.
  • Make a list of things you need in the sauna to forget anything and feel comfortable.
  • Take your favorite aromarin and herbal infusion.
  • Look at moon calendar And choose a day suitable for the sauna.
  • Do not drink alcohol before and after visiting the bath - choose better herbal tea with honey.
Do not forget about the important thing for the sauna - Venika
Do not forget about an important thing for a sauna - a broom

Sauna for children: benefits and harms

  • Many sauna lovers are wondering - can the kids be in a sauna? If so, at what age? Which the benefits of the sauna for children?
  • In Finland, the country, where the love of the saunas has spread around the world, the children have been taken with them from the age of four. It is believed that the sauna sulfuries Not only the body of the baby, but also the character. Such a child is less susceptible to viral and colds, more calm, not as prone to tantrums as other kids.
  • The sauna helps remove nervous overexcitation, Which in babies often happens. Scientists say that if you regularly visit the sauna, then the baby can be taken with you from 3 years old. Of course, this applies to home saunas, in the sterility of which you are confident.
Children can be from 3 years old
Children can be from 3 years old

Despite the fact that the benefits of the sauna for the child's body are great - it is better not to visit public institutions with the baby.

  • A fragile children's body cannot withstand the temperature loads that an adult organism withstands. Stay in the sauna at a temperature of 100 ° C for 30 minutes can even lead to cardiac arrest.
  • Start with 5 minutes at a temperature of not more than 50 ° C. Pay attention to the behavior and condition of the child in the sauna more often.
  • Advice: Before you attach a child to the sauna, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

The benefits of the sauna after training in the gym

Today it is impossible to imagine a sports club without a sauna. Many even have boom at the same time, and the infrared sauna, and the Russian bath.

The benefits of the sauna after training:

  • removes "crepe" and muscle tension;
  • toxins are excreted several times faster (including lactic acid, which is released during training);
  • removes fatigue;
  • helps relax;
  • enhances the effect From training.

If after training you feel very tired, it is better to first take a cool shower and calm the heartbeat. Also, since sweating after training is intensely, it is important to drink water before entering the sauna.

Video: Sauna after training

The benefits and harm of the sauna after the pool

  • The life -giving surface of the pool ideally combines with hot air of the sauna. This combination is especially useful for those who suffer respiratory system diseases: The mucous membrane is cleaned and appropriate organs are trained. Laryngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis (including chronic) will forever leave your life.
  • Regular procedures will save from seasonal colds and strengthen immunity.
  • If you are already ill with a cold, you should not jump into a cool pool after the bath. With a viral infection, you should also not visit the pool and sauna.
  • It is important to pay attention to the contrast of temperatures - if you are not particularly experienced in hardening, then you should not plunge into ice water after a steam room - a decrease in temperature should be gradual.
  • Pay attention to the fact that the cores Cold shower and cold pool after the sauna are contraindicated.

Infrared sauna in the apartment: benefits and harm to health and weight loss

  • Despite the fact that many biased to the infrared cabin, preferring more “natural” types of saunas, in it you can get one of the safest procedures. Therefore, many sauna lovers install special equipment at home to relax in the sauna after a hard day.
  • Infrared cabin or infrared sauna -This is a place where the human body is warmed up by infrared waves from special emitters to a depth of 4 cm. When choosing an infrared cabin for waves, pay attention to how long the waves recreate the emitters. Waves are considered the safest for humans from 50 microns.
  • Infrared waves heat the human body, while the air around it heats up to only 50 ° C (in the Russian bath this indicator can reach 110 ° C).
Ideal for home use
Ideal for home use

The benefits of infrared sauna:

  • it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • help to establish blood pressure.
  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • removes toxins from the body.
  • promotes healing of wounds and scars.
  • relieves stress.
  • helps in the treatment of skin diseases.
  • accelerates the treatment of ENT diseases.
  • relieves pain symptoms.
  • strengthens the immune system.
  • In this case, the human body does not overheat and does not occur a large load on the cardiovascular system, as in those types of saunas where the air temperature is higher.
  • People who want to lose weight can use procedures for 30 minutes as an addition to physical activity and diet. This procedure is equated with doctors with 10 km run. This is the largest weight loss among all varieties of saunas.
  • Do not abuse procedures - The optimal time in the infrared cabin is 30 minutes. There is also a warning for the happy owners of the infrared cabin in the apartment - you should not pamper yourself with this procedure daily. It is recommended to take breaks between visits at least 1 day.
  • Contraindications The visit to contraindications for other types of saunas - malignant neoplasms, pregnancy and lactation, infectious diseases, arterial hypertension, and abundant discharge during menstruation.

Finnish sauna: benefits and harms

A feature of the Finnish sauna is a high air temperature with low humidity. Despite the fact that the air in it heats from 70 ° C to 100 ° C in it should not exceed 20%.

Finnish sauna
Finnish sauna

Finnish sauna, benefits:

  • immunomodulating and general strengthening effects;
  • lung ventilation;
  • restoration and renewal of the mucosa;
  • breathing cleaning;
  • a slight weight loss;
  • activation of metabolism.

Damage to the Finnish sauna can bring people who have contraindications to high temperatures. As well as those who abuse the procedure. Even for a completely healthy person, the time of stay in the sauna should not exceed 30 minutes, 1-2 times a week.

Video: The benefits of the Finnish sauna

Salt Sauna with Himalayan salt: benefit and harm

  • The salt sauna belongs to saunas with dry air. When heated to 100 ° C, air humidity in such paired ones does not exceed 15%.
  • In this sauna, the magical power of hot air is enhanced by Himalayan salt. For this, the walls are laid out gimalayan salt blocks. Thanks to this, the air is saturated barium, iron, magnesium, iodine, calcium, manganese and chlorine.
  • The salt sauna is useful for people with bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia. It is also an excellent prevention of colds, sinusitis and tonsillitis.
The benefits of salt
The benefits of salt
  • Inhaling particles of heated Himalayan salt, we fill the body with aeroions that kill pathogenic organisms in the bronchi. It is indispensable with eczema, dermatitis and other serious skin diseases.
  • Harm Salt Sauna It can apply to people who visit it with high body temperature, purulent wounds or cancer.

Turkish sauna: benefits and harms

Turkish sauna For several centuries it has been a favorite resting place for residents of the East. In addition, it is the sauna safest for human health, although it brings any benefit at least others. Humidity in Hamam reaches 100% while the temperature does not exceed 55 ° C.

Hamam - benefits:

  • lung ventilation;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improving sleep;
  • stress relief;
  • mood stabilization;
  • improvement of blood flow in brain tissues;
  • contributes to the breakdown and elimination of salts from the body;
  • relaxation.

Hamam harm:

  • overheating is possible;
  • large load on the heart;
The benefits of Hamam
The benefits of Hamam

Contraindicated to hammam People with bronchial asthma, thyroid problems, cancer, and kidney inflammation. In addition, hammams for epilepsy, hypertension and heart diseases are prohibited.

Video: How to go to hammam?

Herbal Sauna: Benefit

  • The herbal sauna came to us from distant Thailand. It is there that hot steam is served in the sauna, saturated with aromas of herbal preparations.
  • The air temperature in the Thai sauna does not exceed 45 ° C. Useful mixtures of herbs, thanks to the revealed pores, reach each cell of the body, cleansing it, rejuvenating and healing.
  • Drawing toxins, weight loss, relaxation and strengthening of immunity - Here is a list of useful properties of such a sauna. For each specific case, there is a special herbal collection, the recipe of which is transmitted from generation to generation.

Jade sauna: benefit

  • For the first time, the Chinese began to use the nephritis in the decoration of the saunas. Combination properties of steam and nephritis promotes slowing down the aging process, And also turns the negative energy accumulated in a person into a positive one. That's what The benefits of a jade sauna.
  • For such an effect, it is not necessary to inlalate all the walls of the sauna with nephritis - just put a few green pebbles to the stones in the sauna.
With jade
With jade

Cedar sauna: benefit

Another unusual view of the sauna is a cedar barrel. The benefits of the cedar sauna are simply huge. In fact, this is a mini-hodger.

Only 15-20 minutes of this unique procedure once a week is enough to:

  • Strengthen the immune system and forever forget about colds and influenza.
  • Highlight the musculoskeletal system.
  • Facilitate the course of tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Lose weight easily and quickly.
  • Improve skin condition.
  • Get rid of cellulite.
  • Strengthen health after injuries
  • Normalize the hormonal system.

Contraindications to the procedure - bleeding, neoplasms, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic and inflammatory diseases, the third trimester of pregnancy.

Tourmaline sauna: benefit

  • The tourmaline sauna takes the origins in Japan, China and South Korea. The premises of this sauna are finished reed or bamboo, behind which are tourmaline, stones of volcanic origin and Germany.
  • Stones and temperature up to 60 ° C create a special microclimate. The benefits of the tourmaline sauna are undeniable at diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, state of constant anxiety, stress, overweight and respiratory system problems.
  • Contraindication to visit the sauna is oncology, the presence of metal implants, pregnancy.
Sauna with tourmaline
Sauna with tourmaline

Sauna costume: benefit and harm

  • Saun's costume is a suit sewn from vinyl. He accumulates the warmth of a person inside. Thanks to this, sweating is enhanced, an excess fluid is excreted from the body and a person drops excess weight.
  • For weight loss, 30-40 minutes a day is enough. It is not worth exceeding this norm. There is a risk of dehydration, so it is recommended to drink 350 ml of water for every 10 kg of weight. People who have a weak heart with a costume can be dangerous.
Ideal for weight loss
Ideal for weight loss

In addition to the benefit of a suone, it is important to say about contraindications:

  • Allergy to costume material
  • Pregnancy
  • Skin diseases
  • Inflammatory processes in the body
  • Oncology
  • Transferred heart attack
  • Venous problems
  • Joint diseases

Sauna for the joints and with arthrosis: benefit and harm

People suffering from joint diseases are extremely recommended to visit the sauna regularly. The benefits of the sauna for arthrosis, for the joints contributes to:

  • Closing blood circulation;
  • Increase the number of inter -duster fluids and its quality;
  • Removal of swelling;
  • Getting rid of joint pain.
For joints
For joints

The sauna increases muscle tone, which is why it is useful for all known varieties of arthrosis: gonartrosis, coxarthrosis, osteoarthrosis and spondylo arthrosis. The procedure promotes the renewal and strengthening of the muscle corset, so that the load on the joints decreases.

Contraindications can be a pathological disease of the joints and acute forms of diseases such as rheumatism and spondylitis. It is important to exclude this factor before making a decision to visit the sauna.

Sauna with a cold: benefit or harm?

  • At the initial stage of the cold, the sauna is very useful - one procedure is enough for the disease to retreat.
  • Contraindications: the disease progresses, high temperature, headaches, herpes.
Useful for colds at the beginning
Useful for colds at the beginning

Video: Is it possible to steam with a cold?

Sauna every day: benefits and harms

  • Feeling incredible Board of vigor and a surge of energy After the sauna, everyone wants to repeat this feeling again and again. This is especially true for women who want to lose weight and notice the result after the sauna.
  • But daily procedures can cause irreparable harm to human health. A break between the procedures should be made for at least a day. And then the benefits of the sauna It will be undeniable.

Beer in the sauna: harm or benefit

  • Drink or not drink - that’s the question?! The answer, unfortunately, is disappointing for lovers of skipping a glass in the company of friends in the bath. In the sauna, the heart receives so strong load, and strengthening it with alcohol is simply dangerous.
  • Before drinking a glass, cool for at least an hour. If you visit a sauna for weight loss, refuse a beer's glass at all. Allowed and useful drinks in the sauna are morse, herbal tea and water without gas.

The benefits of the sauna: reviews

The benefits of the sauna - reviews:

  • Zhanna L., 65 years old, Novgorod: ""With age, it became increasingly difficult to keep myself in shape, and I gained 25 kg. The load on the joints became very large - it was painful to walk, climb the stairs, the joints ached even at night. Once a friend invited me to a sauna with her - and it was the first night in a few years when I was able to sleep calmly. Now the procedures have become a need for me ".
  • Natalia F., 25 years old, Yekaterinburg: « Never shared my boyfriend’s hobby for a sauna. And then somehow we went with friends. A surge of vigor, which I then felt, I still remember. Now the guy and I go together - and it should be noted that we are not sick even in the offseason. "
  • Victor R., 45 years old, St. Petersburg: « In the gym, in which I walk, the Finnish sauna appeared. After the first procedure, I felt a pleasant relaxation in the body, the crepe was gone. It is only important to remember that despite the benefit of a dry sauna, the body there is dehydrated more strongly, and, accordingly, you need to drink more fluids. ”
  • Marina K., 34 years old, Moscow: “Upon arrival in Thailand, my husband and I were looking for a real Thai sauna for a long time. It turned out that it is offered even inSPA The center of the hotel under the mysterious nameherbal steam. This procedure of a penny is worth, but the sensations after it are simply fantastic. Stay in the steam room longer - Thais advise inhaling the aroma of herbs for at least 20 minutes. Such lightness appears in the body that it seems as if wings have grown behind his back. ”

Useful articles about the bath and sauna:

Video: the influence of the sauna when losing weight

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Comments K. article

  1. I really like the sauna in the Moscow Massage Salon Vanilia. I constantly go there before the massage, to steal and relax. There is a large selection of programs for every taste and wallet. And then skillful masseuses make my evening even better. I advise everyone to visit, especially after a hard working day.

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