Oksalates in the urine: What does this mean? The reasons for the appearance of oxalate in the urine in a child and adult. How to get rid of oxalates in the urine?

Oksalates in the urine: What does this mean? The reasons for the appearance of oxalate in the urine in a child and adult. How to get rid of oxalates in the urine?

The reasons for the appearance and ways to eliminate oxalates in the urine.

Oksalates in the urine are salts of oxalic acid, which often appear due to malnutrition. In this article we will tell you why oxalates appear in the urine, and how to deal with it.

Oksalates in the urine: what does this mean - the reasons for the appearance of oxalates in the urine

The causes of salts of oxalic acid in the urine are a huge amount. This does not mean at all that the body has a pathological process, or you are sick with a serious ailment. Quite often, oxalates appear due to malnutrition, the use of very hard water, as well as when using products rich in oxalic acid in food.

Reasons for increasing oxalates in the urine:

  • Improper nutrition. A person most likely eats chocolate, sorrel, spinach, nuts in large quantities. All these products contain oxalic acid, and can contribute to the formation of kidney salts. People say that stones, or sand, appeared in the kidneys. In fact, this does not always indicate the presence of stones in the excretory organs.
  • Diabetes and other endocrine diseases.
  • Lack of water taken. Due to the fact that the body lacks fluids, salt does not have time to completely dissolve and washed out of the kidneys. Because of this, oxalates are often found in analyzes.
  • Kidney disease. Among them can be pyelonephritis, nephritis, the presence of stones, sand.
  • Pregnancy. Very often, women in an interesting position do not feel very well. This is due to the special work of the body during pregnancy. Most often this is due to increased load on excretory organs. In addition, the growing uterus can exert strong pressure on the organs of the excretory system. Accordingly, the kidneys can hurt, sand, stones form in them, or not to completely wash off oxalates, which are then detected in the urine.
  • Disadvantage of vitamin B6. Very often, with a lack of this vitamin in the urine, oxalates are found. This is due to incorrect chemical reactions in the body in which vitamin B6 should participate, but ultimately it is not enough.
Under a microscope
Under a microscope

What to do if oxalates are found in the urine?

Is it worth it to sound the alarm if the oxalates are found in the urine? Not necessarily a person is sick with some kind of serious ailment. In most cases, the doctor gives the direction, and several times requires the patient to hand over Urin for analysis. If in all other cases there are no oxalic acid salts in the analyzes, no treatment is prescribed to the patient. If the results were confirmed, then they are trying to find out the main reason for their appearance. First of all, they are sent to an ultrasound of the kidneys to detect possible stones or sand.

If they are not found, then the doctor gives a referral to a biochemical blood test. It allows you to establish the number of leukocytes, as well as the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Together with the detection of oxalates, an analysis is also carried out for sugar in the urine. Indeed, quite often with diabetes mellitus, the concentration of oxalates in the urine increases. If endocrine disorders were the cause of the ailments, then they are engaged in their treatment. Only by eliminating the cause of the appearance of the oxalates in the urine, you can correct the situation.

Oksalates stones
Oksalates stones

Oksalates in the urine in a child: how to get rid of folk methods?

How is it necessary to reduce the concentration of oxalates in the urine? Most often, a special diet is prescribed for this purpose. Coffee, chocolate, sorrel, nuts, cocoa, cocoa, products rich in vitamin C are necessarily excluded from the diet. At the same time, rice, buckwheat, cauliflower, cottage cheese, meat products, with low fat are introduced into the diet. Thanks to such a diet, it is possible to reduce the concentration of oxalates in the urine, and prevent the appearance of stones in them, as well as sand.

Urine for analysis
Urine for analysis

What do oxalates in the urine have a child? The fact is that children are often found in the urine oxalates.


  • This is due to the non -compliance of the drinking regime. Especially often this happens in children in kindergarten. The fact is that among the day, children may not ask for water, and educators do not insist on its use. Accordingly, water is simply not enough to completely wash and dissolve sorrel acid salts.
  • That is, they are not completely excreted from the body. In this case, in order to to prevent the appearance of oxalates in the urine in a child, a diet is often prescribed. Citrus, nuts, chocolate, cocoa, sorrel, spinach are completely removed from the diet.
  • In the same way, the amount of low -fat protein is increased in food. It can be either plant and animal. The ideal option will be cottage cheese, as well as low -fat chicken.
  • A prerequisite for reducing the concentration of oxalates in the urine is greatness of the amount of fluid consumed. In this case, you can not drink mineral water, it should be ordinary purified, filtered. After all, mineral water can also increase the concentration of oxalates in the urine.
Reception of vitamins
Reception of vitamins

How to take urine correctly for analysis?

Please note that the correct results of the analysis depends on the implementation of all the rules. Remember that urine needs to be taken early in the morning, on an empty stomach. Before pouring a portion of urine into the container, it is necessary to wash yourself, because part of the mucus from the genitals can get into the urine, distort the results.

Before passing the tests, men should delay the foreskin. In addition, on the eve of the tests, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet. You can not consume products that change the color of urine. Among them are carrots, beets, as well as drugs containing iron. Before using any vitamins or drugs, it is worth warning a doctor and consult with him.

After all, most drugs are excreted with the urine, which can affect the results of the tests. In addition, it is impossible 12 hours before the tests of the tests is sharp, salted, smoked and very spicy food. After all, an increased amount of salt and spices can affect the composition of urine, distort the results.

Urine for analysis
Urine for analysis

As you can see, oxalates in the urine may indicate serious ailments. But this indicator is quite conditional, and can only indicate non -compliance with the diet, and the predominance of certain foods in the food. That is why it is important to adhere to a certain diet before the tests.

Video: Oksalates in the urine

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