Turkish soups: how to cook, 12 best recipes

Turkish soups: how to cook, 12 best recipes

Connoisseurs of Turkish cuisine are a large number. If you enter this group of people, you can prepare tasty and fragrant soups at home, which are popular in Turkey.

The best recipes for Turkish soups will be presented in this article.

Turkish soups: 12 best recipes

Turkish soup from lentils

This option of the first dish is prepared not only for lunch, but also for breakfast. You can supplement the recipe with your favorite components, however, there should be a lentil and red pepper. The peculiarity of the dish in low calorie content. Therefore, it will be appropriate for those who follow the figure.

Lentil soup
Lentil soup


  1. Peel one onion and carrots. Grind finely.
  2. Melt in deep container oil from cream (100 g). Mix the chopped vegetables in it, and fry them until soft.
  3. Rinse the orange or brown lentil (200 g). If you choose the second option, then you will have to cook it more. Rinsing is carried out until the water becomes transparent. Pour lentils to the fried vegetables.
  4. Pour into a container of 1 liter of water. Wait when the mixture boils. After cook another quarter of an hour. The cover should be closed all the time.
  5. When the lentil acquires softness, add salt, 1 tbsp. l. dried mint and 1 tsp. red pepper. Cook for about a minute.
  6. Pour the dish into the blender, and whisk to the state of mashed potatoes.
  7. Pour it on plates, and season every 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Serve with crackers.


This option is prepared with the addition of natural yogurt. You can add various components to it at your discretion. However, the basis of yogurt, butter and mint cannot be changed.

With yogurt
With yogurt

Step -by -step instructions for preparing Turkish yogurt soup:

  1. Mix in a saucepan 2 tbsp. l. vegetable and butter. After pour one crushed onion, and pass until soft.
  2. Sprinkle 4 tbsp into the bow. l. Dry mint, and fry until a characteristic pleasant aroma appears.
  3. Rinse 125 g of rice, and pour it into the total mass. Fry no more than 5 minutes. Pour 1,500 ml of boiling water, and cook until rice is ready. The fire should be slow.
  4. Connect together 0.5 l of natural yogurt and one egg. Beat with a whisk so that the mass becomes homogeneous. After pour 100 ml of water into the container, in which rice was cooked, and whisk. After add another 300 ml of broth.
  5. Pour the whipped mass into the pan and mix. This is necessary in order to avoid turning yogurt.
  6. When the Turkish soup will boil, sprinkle with dried mint, and serve guests.


This option is slightly reminiscent of dishes of Balkan countries. For preparation, you need to need beef, onions, garlic and eggs. You can also season the finished dish with a lemon or vinegar if you like sourness. The dish is quickly absorbed by the body, and helps to relax. At the same time, it improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut 500 g of required beef into small pieces. Throw into the pan. Mix one onion cut in two, 100 g of cream oil, and several cloves of unpeeled garlic. Pour 3 liters of water into a container, and put down medium heat. Cook for 3-4 hours. First may appear unpleasant odor. However, after he will gradually disappear. Pierce the scar with a fork. If it comes in smoothly, then he is ready.
  2. Cut the scar into strips in size 5*20 mm. Throw them into the broth again.
  3. Separately connect 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt, one egg and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Pour 50 g of flour and mix. Make sure that lumps do not form.
  4. After boiling the scar, take a little broth, and mix in the yogurt mass. Mix.
  5. Pour the yogurt mass into the broth, mix, and wait for boiling.
  6. Pour on plates, season with lemon juice. For decoration, use parsley and red pepper.

Bride soup

This Turkish tomato soup is prepared on the eve of the wedding. The dish is based on lentils, bulgur and tomatoes. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Grind one onion with cubes. Press the garlic (1 tooth) with a knife, and then cut. Chop two slices of dried tomatoes in small pieces.
  2. In a deep pan, heat olive oil. On it you need to fry all the vegetables until cooked.
  3. While the vegetables are passing, rinse 50 g of bulgura and lentils each. Pour a circle to vegetables, and fry before the aroma of nuts.
  4. Pour into a mass of spices (1 tsp. Kurkum, kumin, thyme, paprika and mint). It will also be necessary to add 1.5 tbsp. l. Pastes of tomatoes. Mix everything, and fry half a minute.
  5. Pour into a container of 1 liter of water, and wait for boiling. Pour salt and slightly sugar to taste. You need to cook half an hour over low heat so that cereals acquire softness.
  6. After preparing the soup, it must be left for 10-15 minutes so that it thickens a little.
  7. To serve, prepare oil from peppermint. Pour ½ tsp. Mint into a container, pour in two tbsp. l. Olive oils and warm up. Pour into a small plate, and season with sharp pepper (1/2 tsp) and a little sweet paprika. Mix thoroughly. Let the mass brew.
  8. Serve Turkish soup with bulgur, watering it with prepared butter and lemon juice. You can put crackers on the table.
For the bride
For the bride


On sale today you can find the already finished mixture of Tarkhana, which is used to prepare a delicious soup. It consists of flour, tomatoes, yogurt, red pepper, onions and spices.


  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • the mixture of "Tarkhana" - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • water or broth - 2 l.


  1. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, and add tomato paste. You can also use groomed tomatoes.
  2. Pour a dry mixture into the mass and pour the broth (water). Mix everything thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps. Cover the Turkish soup with a lid, and cook until cooked.

Corn recipe

A very popular in Turkey is a recipe for corn and natural yogurt. Often it is prepared in the regions that are located along the Black Sea coast.


  1. Put a deep container on medium heat, and melt 30 g of cream oil on it. After pour 50 ml of oil olive oil. Pour one chopped onion and fry it until cooked.
  2. Pour it corn of corn from 7 cobs In a pan, season 3 tbsp. l. Chile pepper and mix. Cook for no more than five minutes.
  3. Pour a liter of broth into the pan, season with salt and boil. Then reduce the fire, and cook for another 10 minutes. Corn must soften.
  4. Pour 2/3 of the soup into a blender, and beat to the puree consistency. Pour into the pan, season 40 ml of lemon juice and chopped parsley. Add your favorite spices to taste.
  5. Pour on portioned plates, add 1 tsp. sour cream. Use chopped parsley to decorate.

Ayran Ashi

This recipe is in great demand in the summer. Due to the fact that it is served in chilled form, it has a refreshing effect. For preparation, the following components will be required:

  • grated cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt - 200 ml;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • ayran - 1 tsp;
  • mint - 1 twig.
Cooling soup
Cooling soup


  1. Dilute the yogurt in the water to make the consistency of the soup.
  2. Mix grated cucumbers missed through the press garlic, and salt to taste.
  3. When you serve to the table, season Ayran and chopped mint.

Celery Board Recipe

Soup made of celery is considered very popular in Turkey. However, many do not like this component, because it has a specific aroma. Despite this, the dish turns out to be hearty and useful. Process:

  1. Pour one thigh of the chicken with water, season with salt, and cook until boiling. The fire should be slow. Leave the lid open.
  2. After removing the meat, peel from the bone, and chop finely.
  3. Put 50 g of butter in a stewpan. When it melts, fry the crushed vegetables. You need one onion, two celery stems, one carrot, 10 g of ginger root and 2 garlic cloves. Mix 1 tbsp. l. flour and a little caraway seeds. Stir the mass and fry for another minute.
  4. Pour half a glass of bulgura, one potatoes into the chicken broth (first chop it with cubes), chicken and vegetables. When the mass boils, cook another third of the hour.
  5. Pour 100 ml of milk (with a fat content of 2.5%). Season with pepper and cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Pour on portioned plates, and decorate with celery leaves.

Turkish soup with chicken and yogurt

For the first you can cook a delicious dish based on chicken, yogurt and vermicelli. The finished dish is velvety, tasty and healthy. Process:

  1. Break 1 liter of chicken broth in advance. To do this, pour chicken meat with water, season with salt, and cook for about 40 minutes. Do not forget to add fragrant peas and bay leaf. Strain the broth.
  2. Clean one carrot, and grind it with a coarse grater.
  3. In a deep pan, heat 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix carrots and fry it until cooked. It should become soft.
  4. Clean the garlic clove and chop it. Pour to the carrots. Fry the components for one minute.
  5. Pour the chicken broth and increase the fire.
  6. In a separate container, mix 140 ml of natural yogurt, one egg, ½ tsp. flour and 0.1 liters of water. Pour the mass into the broth and boil. After pour 40 g of vermicelli.
  7. In a separate stewpan, melt ½ tbsp. l. Cream oils, add the same amount of dried mint. Warm up half a minute. Pour the mixture into the soup.
  8. Bring Turkish soup with vermicelli to a boil, remove from the stove, and pour it on portioned plates.
An unusual combination of tastes
An unusual combination of tastes

Soup in ADANI

Quite popular in Turkey is a recipe made from peas. It needs to be soaked all night, and in the morning begin to cook. Process:

  1. As already mentioned, from the evening, soak 50 g peas in the water.
  2. Peel one tomato and cut into small cubes.
  3. Combine peas with 9 glasses of chicken broth. Pour tomatoes, salt to taste, and bring to a boil.
  4. Season the stuffing with spices and form them small balls. Throw into the broth that boiled. Cook a third of the hour.
  5. Serve the soup of Turkish peas to the table, after changing with vinegar and thyme.

Be one-chevy soup

A dish will turn out to be very tasty and useful if combine beans and lentils. Cooking process:

  1. Boil the beans and lentils separately. After strain and grind. It should turn out 290 g of mashed potatoes from each component.
  2. Combine mashed potatoes in a pan and pour 2 liters of meat broth. Season with salt.
  3. Mix 100 g of cream oil, and 100 g of cream mixed with two egg yolks.
  4. Remove from the stove and pour on portioned plates. Serve with white bread croutons.

Young lamb soup

As you know, in Turkey, Baranin is held in high esteem. Therefore, this meat is often added to various first dishes. Process:

  1. Chop 1 kg of lamb in small pieces. Pour 250 ml of water, season with salt and chopped herbs. Boil.
  2. Rinse 120 g of rice, and mix in the broth.
  3. Beat in a separate container two yolks, 250 ml of natural yogurt and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Pour into the mass and cook until cooked.
  4. Remove Turkish lamb from the fire, and pour it on portioned plates. Serve with chopped herbs.

As you can see, you can try Turkish cuisine at home. It is not necessary to buy a ticket to another country. For the preparation of soups, accessible ingredients will be required, and the cooking process itself will not take much time.

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