What can be prepared from the remnants of raw -button sausage: a recipe for hot salad, filling with filling, soup

What can be prepared from the remnants of raw -button sausage: a recipe for hot salad, filling with filling, soup

Do not know what to cook from the remnants of raw -button sausage? The article has a lot of delicious and simple recipes.

A holiday has passed, and in the refrigerator of each housewife almost always there remains a dish with cutting various varieties of sausage. Yes, and the remains from the cut, of course, will be found. It makes no sense to throw out products. Using them, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be prepared from residues, small scraps of fat?". You will find a bastard recipe, in a husk from onions.

However, you should not forget that smoked sausage is a high -calorie product. It consists of a 30% bacon (fat). Let's try to cook new and delicious dishes from it. Below you will find many recipes. Read further.

Remains of raw -button sausage - what can be prepared: List

The remnants of raw -button sausage
The remnants of raw -button sausage

We will not make sandwiches familiar to everyone at breakfast. Let's show a little imagination, and even these same sandwiches, you can make unusual and very tasty. With the remnants of raw -button sausage, you can cook:

  • Add to cooking sauce to porridge, potato puree, various pasta products
  • Bake pizza
  • Puff pastry pies
  • Rolls from Lavash
  • Sandwords
  • Express with vegetables

Here are a few more recipes that will help diversify breakfast, lunch and dinner:

First dishes (soups):

  • Soup with melted cheese, cauliflower and raw -butoped sausage
  • "Cabbage dream"

Second dishes:

  • Potato zrazes with a filling of raw -button sausage
  • Cutlets with cheese filling and smoked sausage
  • Omlet for breakfast, with vegetables and sausages
  • Stewed cabbage with raw -swing sausage


  • Hot salad with smoked sausages
  • Pancake rolls with cottage cheese and smoked sausage

Raw -cut sausages are distinguished by a unique taste. Such a product added to the dish will give it a special piquancy. There are recipes that can be called classic. They are prepared not only when to use the remaining products. Read further.

Carbonar paste with remnants of raw -captive sausage instead of bacon, cream and cheese: recipe

Carbonar paste with remnants of raw -captive sausage instead of bacon, cream and cheese
Carbonar paste with remnants of raw -captive sausage instead of bacon, cream and cheese

There are several recipes for making this dish. The sauce is considered special in it. It is prepared using cream and cheese. For a restaurant supply of the dish, there is a special way, raw egg yolk is added to the already finished dish and stir. This recipe for carbonar paste with the remnants of raw -button sausage instead of bacon and cream and cheese will also bring the motives of Italian cuisine. He will need:

  • 300 g of spaghetti, we use made of solid wheat varieties
  • 2 yolks
  • 200g smoked sausage
  • 100ml cream
  • 100g of any hard cheese, if there is no "parmesan"
  • 15 ml of vegetable oil

Do this:

  1. Cook spaghetti in a large volume of water (per 100 g of spaghetti 1 liter of water).
  2. It is necessary to add salt (10 g per 1 liter of water).
  3. Cooking time-strictly according to the instructions on the packaging (5-6 minutes) to get the perfect Al dente paste. It should not be boiled and slightly hardened.

We cook the sauce:

  1. In a bowl to egg yolks, add the cream, stir, add salt and pepper.
  2. Then finely grated cheese and mix again.
  3. The sauce is not cooked, it reaches ready when mixed with hot spaghetti.

Important: Do not sauce, but add hot paste to a bowl of sauce. Mix gently.

We add fried cubes of smoked sausage to the paste. When serving, decorate with chopped spicy herbs and ground pepper.

Salad with remnants of raw -captive sausage: Simple recipes

Salad with remnants
Salad with remnants

If you want to surprise with the new tastes of your household or guests, then prepare a simple, but very tasty salad. You can make several different salads and serve them, alternating on different days. They are very satisfying and tasty. Here are simple recipes for salads with the remains of raw -button sausage:

  • Recipe No. 1 - Cut the thin strips of 200 g of smoked sausage, 5 boiled eggs, 1 piece of sweet pepper, 4 fresh cucumber, garlic teeth, several salad leaves. Add a can of green peas, salt, pepper, chopped greens. We season with mayonnaise (add 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard). If you want to get a less high -calorie salad, season with Greek yogurt.
  • Recipe No. 2: 200 g of smoked sausage (you can assort), 200g carrots in Korean, chopped greens to taste, a can of sweet canned corn, 3-4 fresh cucumber, grated or sliced \u200b\u200bwith large strips, several spoons of mayonnaise. Mix and serve to the table.
  • Recipe No. 3: 200 g of smoked sausage, 2 tomatoes, a bit of feta cheese, salad leaves or arugula, a little olive oil. Grind everything, season and serve.

There are a lot of options for making fast and simple salad. It is not necessary to look for recipes, just look into the refrigerator. And the hostess will create nothing out of five minutes, if not a masterpiece, then a delicious salad is mandatory.

Soup with melted cheese, cauliflower and rawcoped sausage: Recipe

Soup with melted cheese, cauliflower and raw -butoped sausage
Soup with melted cheese, cauliflower and raw -butoped sausage

Such soup is rich, tasty and satisfying. Cooking quickly. Here is a recipe for melted cheese, cauliflower and raw -buttoned sausage:

  1. Pour water into the pan ( 2 l). You can use the finished broth.
  2. Add potatoes ( 500 g), half of the average carrot. Vegetables can be cut into large pieces.
  3. Add a pack of frozen colored cabbage to almost ready -made potatoes ( 400 g). We bring to readiness and turn off.
  4. Carefully, so as not to burn, rub out a blender.
  5. We put again on the stove, add salt, pepper.
  6. Add 2 grated melted cheese. Good in the freezer for 30 minutesso they will not spread a grater or 3-4 tablespoons soft melted cheese.
  7. We continue to cook soup, stirring well until the cheese dissolves.
  8. Add fried onions with smoked sausage, you can use several varieties, so it will be even tastier.

Sprinkle with greens when serving.

Soup "cabbage dream" from the remnants of raw -button sausage: Recipe

Soup "cabbage dream" from the remnants of raw -captive sausage

It will be great if there is a finished broth. If not, then you can just use water or cook it specifically for this dish, for example, from some seeds. Here is a recipe for delicious soup "Cabbage dream"from the remnants of raw -button sausage:

First we prepare a gas station:

  1. Finely cut half the middle onion, slightly grated carrots, cut into cubes smoked sausage (300 g), half a small sweet pepper and one medium tomato. Before cutting, pour boiling water and remove the skin.
  2. Add vegetables alternately, give onions and carrots fry.
  3. At the end of the frying, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste.

Now do the following:

  1. To the broth ( 2.5 l) Add 4-5 medium potatoes, cut into cubes.
  2. Add salt, bay leaf, do not forget about ground pepper.
  3. We cut the Beijing cabbage into the finished potatoes with thin strips. We bring to a boil and add a gas station.
  4. Cut the greens - onions, dill, parsley.

Beijing cabbage is a rather delicate product, do not cook it for a long time, taste of taste is lost. The soup is ready.

Potato zrazes filling the remnants of raw -button sausage: Recipe

Potato zrazes filling the remnants of raw -button sausage
Potato zrazes filling the remnants of raw -button sausage

Zraz will like everyone without exception. They are very tasty and approach any side dish. In addition, they can be served as an independent dish. Here is a recipe for potato tires with the remnants of raw -button sausage:

The following products will be needed:

  • 600 g of potatoes
  • 2 eggs (one in the dough, the second for breading)
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Ground crackers - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - a little

First prepare the filling:

  1. Twist a slightly smoked sausage, sweet pepper in a meat grinder, you can add a few olives, greens.
  2. You can use finely chopped sausage and Beijing cabbage as a filling (it is more tender than white cabbage). The proportions are not particularly important.

Next, do this:

  1. We clean and cook potatoes. We knead the finished potatoes in mashed potatoes. This can be done using a mixer, so we will get rid of all lumps. Salt.
  2. In the cooled mass we break the egg, a little flour and knead the dough well.
  3. With wet hands we take a little dough and make a pancake.
  4. We spread the filling on it and form a flat pie. We collapse it in a whipped egg and breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry in a pan on both sides until a golden crust forms.
  6. Those who do not like breading crackers can simply roll in flour.

Serve zrazes with sour cream.

Cutlets with cheese filling and residues of rawcoped sausage: Recipe

Cutlets with cheese and remnants of rawcoped sausage
Cutlets with cheese and remnants of rawcoped sausage

The filling for the cutlets will be the remnants of raw -button sausage and grated cheese. In this recipe, sausage needs very little, just a few pieces so that its special taste is saturated with the cheese in the filling. Those who love dill and parsley in dishes can cut greens and also add to the filling.

Cooking ordinary home minced meat:

  1. We take 700 g of beef for 300 g of pork. You can cook more lean cutlets, scroll in a meat grinder chicken fillet or turkey meat.
  2. When preparing the minced meat, add onions, pepper, salt to it.

You can cook minced meat and in your own way, observing the usual proportions. We cook cutlets with filling, therefore, it is worth taking care so that they do not fall apart. Add an egg to the minced meat (you can a couple of pieces of a loaf soaked in milk, without crusting). Make a cake out of minced meat, put the filling and blind the “pie”.


  1. We roll the cutlets in the egg and breadcrumbs.
  2. They can be prepared in a pan, frying on both sides, or deepeners can be used.
  3. We put the finished cutlets on a paper towel, so we get rid of excess fat after frying.

It is better to use vegetable salad -cooked vegetables or stewed vegetables on the side dish.

Omlet for breakfast with vegetables and remnants of raw -button sausage: Recipe

Omlet for breakfast with vegetables and remnants
Omlet for breakfast with vegetables and remnants

Such a breakfast will give strength to the coming day. It turns out hearty and tasty. You can make omelett cakes and put the filling inside, or you can pour all the products together, mix and so fry. Here is an omelet recipe with vegetables and remnants of raw -button sausage:

Here are the products that you need:

  • 2 - 3 eggs
  • 40 g of milk
  • 20 g of flour or starch
  • Butter - 10 g
  • Salt and ground black pepper

Prepare the filling first:

  • We cut into strips smoked sausage, sweet pepper, tomato, greens, add grated cheese if desired.
  • Mix everything. Ready.

Make an omelet:

  1. We break the eggs and pour into a bowl.
  2. Stir them, adding cold milk. Salt and add pepper.
  3. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. So that the omelet does not settle after cooking, add sifted flour or starch.

The first method of cooking:

  • The filling can be added directly to the egg mixture.
  • Pour into a pan with warmed oil.
  • When the omelet is fried from below, gently turn it over, sprinkle it with greens when serving.

The second method of cooking:

  • Pour the omelet into the pan.
  • When the lower side is fried, we pry the edge with a knife and fold it in half, having previously put the filling inside.
  • It is advisable to serve an omelet on a heated plate.

Choose a way you like and cook. You can do it alternately on different days.

Stewed cabbage with remnants of raw -captive sausage: Recipe

Stewed cabbage with remnants
Stewed cabbage with remnants

You can put out sauerkraut, as well as fresh white. With or without tomato paste. When choosing ingredients, you will receive four different dishes. And the preparation recipe is the same. Here is a recipe for stewed cabbage with the remains of raw -button sausage:

  1. We cut the white cabbage into strips, salt and squeeze a little, and slightly squeeze the sauer slightly, getting rid of excess brine. Fry cabbage in vegetable oil ( 500 g).
  2. In another pan, fry the chopped onion, add grated carrots for fresh cabbage.
  3. Smoked sausage (you can use different varieties 200-250 g) Also slightly fry.
  4. Add tomato paste or do without it.
  5. Stew 5 minutesby adding 100g of water or broth.
  6. Mix with fried cabbage and leave on the stove over low heat, for 15-20 minutes Under the lid.

The dish can be eaten cold. It is also very tasty.

Hot salad with smoked sausages: Recipe

Hot salad with smoked sausages
Hot salad with smoked sausages

To do this, it is better to use hunting sausages, but you can replace with coarsely chopped pieces of other smoked sausage. Therefore, if you still have the remains, do not grind them much. Here is the prescription:

The following products will be needed:

  • 500 g of potatoes
  • Bulb
  • 3 hunting sausages or 300 g of smoked sausage residues
  • 3 small salty cucumber
  • 15 g of vegetable oil

Do this:

  1. To begin with, we pickle onions, it is better to take red. Medium sizes are cut on the thin half rings. Pour half a glass of hot water with a teaspoon 9% vinegar. Leave for 20 minutes And drain.
  2. We spread a pickled onion into a pan with warmed oil, add a tablespoon of sugar to it (for caramelization). Slightly fry and lay out sausage and sliced \u200b\u200bslices or straws with thin slices to it (pickled pickles (pickled, but taste with salted cucumbers will be brighter).
  3. Leave in a pan for several minutes.
  4. At the same time, boil potatoes chopped by large pieces.
  5. Mix everything, add chopped greens (dill, parsley or cilantro).
  6. To your taste, you can add finely chopped garlic, bitter pepper. You can use pickled sharp pepper, it is not as bitter as fresh. Salt may not be needed.

Serve this salad hot.

Roulettics from pancakes with cottage cheese and residues of smoked sausage: Recipe

Pancake rolls with cottage cheese and residues of smoked sausage
Pancake rolls with cottage cheese and residues of smoked sausage

This recipe is suitable for breakfast or as a snack on a festive table. Cottage cheese is sold in stores, or you can cook it at home. This will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 g
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
  • A twig of dill
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Get all this with a blender until a homogeneous mass. Finely cut smoked sausage and add to the cottage cheese.

Pancake dough:

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • About 200 g of flour (it is worth watching the consistency of the dough)
  • A pinch of salt and sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

Pancakes should not be sweet, but not fresh. We bake pancakes and let it cool.


  1. We spread the pancake with a filling and turn into a roll.
  2. Like a festive dish - lay out on the leaves of the salad, cutting in half along the oblique line.
  3. You can add a little chopped pickled piri-piri peppers to the filling (chili pepper variety). Their taste will add piquancy to the dish.

You can continue to endlessly a description of dishes with the remains of smoked sausage. Any of them is very tasty. And if you remember the traditional team of the hodgepodge. That thoughts about her spicy aroma of several varieties of smoked meats mixed with the smell of lemon and olives will make you run into the kitchen and prepare this soup for the joy of all family members. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Just grate the sausage and prepare it!

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