Do I need to add carrots, garlic, bay leaf, greens to the mushroom soup: what do they put besides mushrooms? The most delicious recipe for mushroom soup: with carrots and without carrots

Do I need to add carrots, garlic, bay leaf, greens to the mushroom soup: what do they put besides mushrooms? The most delicious recipe for mushroom soup: with carrots and without carrots

Different ingredients for taste can be added to the mushroom soup. Read more in the article.

Mushrooms since ancient times were used in cooking, they are rich in protein content, low -calorie, rich in the presence vitamin D and the content of the Selena antioxidant.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to defrost mushrooms before cooking soup, hot?". How to defrost mushrooms?

A variety of mushroom dishes can satisfy the needs of any gourmet. One of the leading positions of mushroom dishes is soup. This dish has many variations and cooking methods. For cooking, fresh and dried mushrooms are used - forest and artificially grown. Your attention is offered a selection of useful tips and recipes that diversify the preparation of this dish. You can cook mushroom soup unique to taste - tasty and healthy.

What can be added to mushroom soup, except for mushrooms and potatoes, so that it is tastier?

Mushroom soup
Mushroom soup

Mushrooms are well combined with many products that can be added to the soup in different proportions to change taste. In addition to mushrooms and potatoes, cheese, cereals, seafood, legumes and dairy products are used. This will enrich not only the taste of the soup, but also increase its nutritional value. Also, the addition of greens and spices to the mushroom soup during cooking is not forbidden. A variety of spices will enrich the taste of mushrooms and add its bright aromas.

Do I need to add carrots, onions, garlic, bay leaf to mushroom soup?

Add the above products - the choice of everyone. Carrots gives a beautiful color, and the taste of mushrooms will not hurt. Onions and garlic are very effective in raw form, but when added to the soup, they can benefit the body. The main thing is to take into account some rules for adding these vegetables to mushroom soup:

  • When passing onions, its beneficial properties are preserved, but with prolonged frying they will begin to evaporate. The optimal passing time 5-7 minutes.
  • However, when cooking vegetables over low heat, valuable substances will not be destroyed, but will go into the broth. This option is more useful and less high -calorie.
  • When thermal processing of garlic, its beneficial properties are reduced, and with insufficient processing, it simply clogs all other tastes of the products.
  • For maximum benefit, add chopped garlic after preparing a soup and let it brew under a closed lid 5 minutes.

Bay leaf - perfectly complements the taste of mushroom broth. Its leaflets can be put in 10 minutes until the end of cooking and then the soup will acquire a rich spicy aroma or throw in 2-3 minutes Before turning off fire.

What greens are better added to mushroom soup: dill or other?

Mushrooms have a very vivid taste, the task of greens to emphasize it, and not overshadow it. Therefore, twigs of different plants should be added to mushroom soup moderately. Also, greens helps remove the bitterness of mushrooms. Well with mushrooms are combined to taste - parsley, dill, celery. Greens are added both during cooking and finely chopped in a plate. Dill helps the work of the intestines, which will undoubtedly be a plus, since the mushrooms are heavily digested due to the content of quinin.

What kind of cereal can you add to mushroom soup?

Group to mushroom soup is added for satiety. There are no exact rules and proportions, everyone focuses on their own taste. The most popular are pearl barley and millet. Classics of Russian cuisine are considered soup with barley. This cereal has a neutral taste, increases well in volume and goes well with other components: mushrooms, meat, vegetables. Persian cereal before adding to the soup, you must first rinse and boil separately so as not to interrupt the taste of mushrooms with a decoction of pearl barley. Also used rice, buckwheat, barley cereal and even Hercules. These cereals of preliminary processing do not require, except flushing.

What seasoning, spices are added to the mushroom soup: do they put bay leaf?

Mushroom soup
Mushroom soup

Mushrooms contain difficult to learn protein, spices and spices will help digestion. The seasonings and spices should be chosen, focusing on the variety of mushrooms. For example:

  • Champignons and oyster mushrooms do not need the abundant use of spices, otherwise their taste will be lost.
  • Fresh forest mushrooms are more useful to season greeneryShe will remove bitterness.
  • Nutmeg Well complements dishes with mushrooms and sour cream.
  • Mediterranean herbs are also used for mushroom dishes: oregano, thyme, rosemary.

The bay leaf, as mentioned above, goes well with a mushroom taste in moderation.

A egg is added to the mushroom soup?

In classical recipes for mushroom soup, this ingredient is not. But there are varieties where the egg is part of the composition. It is introduced into mushroom soup in raw form, previously whipped into a bowl, pouring a thin stream into the soup, thus tender fibers form. Also, the egg is used when serving the dish, adding a half welded directly to the plate, it turns out edible decor.

Do you add vermicelli to mushroom soup?

There are a lot of recipes with the addition of vermicelli or noodles. Macarone products are added a few minutes before the end of cooking so that they do not lose their shape and do not boil. Owls of a spider web or noodles of their own preparation are more often used.

What cheese is added to mushroom soup and when, at what stage of cooking?

Cheese in combination with mushrooms is loved by many, and there are a lot of recipes for this proof.

  • More often use the flown cheese, it dissolves well and gives the creamy taste to the broth. Add it in 15 minutes until the end of the preparation, mixing thoroughly for 5 minutes For complete dissolution.
  • Solid cheeses are also used, having previously grated. Add at the end of cooking.

When preparing cream-soups, grated cheese is sprinkled directly into the plate, a delicious golden crust is formed.

Is the meat add to mushroom soup?

Mushroom soup
Mushroom soup

The protein content in fungi is three times more than in meat, so it is better not to overload the dish with a large amount of beef or pork. To facilitate the work of the intestine, it is better to put dietary types of meat or poultry. This combination in Thai cuisine is popular, where in one recipe the soup is combined mushrooms, meat, vegetables, coconut milk And an abundance spices. And in Russian cuisine, meat and mushrooms are combined in the first dishes, since ancient times a team of hodgepodge has been known, where these products have been used together.

Do cream add, sour cream to mushroom soup?

Cream and sour cream You can and even need to be added to the mushroom soup. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. Mushrooms and cream are rich in protein, so the dish will turn out to be nutritious and will not be too high -calorie. By adding cream, the soup will acquire a pleasant aroma and creamy taste. For cream-soups-cream and sour cream irreplaceable ingredients. These dairy products are equally well combined with forest mushrooms and champignons and oyster mushrooms.

What to add to the mushroom soup for the density: you can add flour, why semolina?

For lovers of thick soups, several tricks are suitable:

  • To do this, you can use cereals, pasta.
  • Flour or semolina (1-2 tablespoons) is added for the pulling of the broth. This will not affect the taste, and the broth will become thicker.

In some recipes, flour is added when fried vegetables or panic before passing.

Is it possible to add beans to the mushroom soup?

In the cold season, when the body needs a more nutritious diet, mushroom soup can be diversified by adding beans. This product gives saturation for a long time. The beans are required to be pre -soaked to remove substances that are poorly absorbed by the body. Conducted beans are also suitable. This option will appeal to people who monitor their figure, the dish turns out to be hearty, but low -calorie. In addition, beans are well suited for mashed soups.

Do tomatoes add to mushroom soup?

It would seem that such a strange combination in mushroom soup will not be popular, but in this form it has fans. This product increases digestive activity and is rich in the content of beneficial substances and minerals for the body. Tomatoes are added to soup with champignons after a short passing or in the form of mashed potatoes, crushed in a blender.

The most delicious recipe for mushroom soup with carrots

Mushroom soup
Mushroom soup

If you have mushrooms, then be sure to weld the soup with them. The broth will turn out to be fragrant and rich. Here is the most delicious recipe for mushroom soup with carrots:

For preparation, you will need:

  • Oyster mushrooms - 300g
  • Carrots - 300g
  • Onions - 2 medium onions
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - a little
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Spices: salt and red pepper

Cook like this:

  1. Carrots in this recipe replaces potatoes, it must be cut with rings, pour water, salt and send it. Cook after boiling over low heat 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the mushrooms in coarsely, fry in vegetable oil until moisture is completely evaporated.
  3. Add garlic cut into slices, fry more 2 minutes And send this mixture to the pan with carrots.
  4. Cut onions into thin rings, panic in flour and fry until golden in vegetable oil, add to the soup.
  5. Following, put sour cream and a little red pepper, stir everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil and turn off the fire.

Let the soup brew 5-7 minutes Under a closed lid. Ready.

Recipe for delicious mushroom stews without carrots

If you do not like carrots or you did not have it at hand, but you want to cook soup. Then you can do without this vegetable. Here is a recipe for delicious mushroom stews without carrots:

For preparation, you will need:

  • Sour cream - 0.5 cups
  • Buckwheat - 50g
  • Mushrooms - 300g
  • Potatoes - 2 medium tubers
  • Onion - 1 onion
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices: salt, bay leaf, herbs

Cook like this:

  • Cut the mushrooms with slices and boil for half an hour, removing the foam, then strain the broth.
  • Cut the potatoes, onions and carrots with a cube and fry in vegetable oil.
  • Bring the broth to a boil and add vegetables and buckwheat, cook again 20 minutes.
  • Per 5 minutes Until readiness, add bay leaf and salt.

Put sour cream and greens when serving.

Cheese cream soup from mushrooms of champignons: a recipe for delicious soup-puree

Mushroom soup
Mushroom soup

Cream-soups are very nutritious and satisfying. Their thick texture helps to get enough and withstand for 3-4 hours without a snack. Many housewives do not like to cook puree soups, since it is believed that they can cook them for a long time and will need a lot of manipulations. But this is not so-make sure this and weld a delicious cheese cream soup from champignons mushrooms:

For preparation, you will need:

  • Champignons - 500g
  • Cream 20% - 250ml
  • Cream cheese - 250g
  • Butter - 50g
  • Onion - 1pc
  • Spices: salt, nutmeg ground and black pepper ground

Do this:

  • Cut the mushrooms with quarters.
  • Melt the butter in the pan, pass the onion on it until golden, add mushrooms.
  • When mushrooms let the juice and decrease in size, pour them 500 ml of water, reduce the flame and cook 15 minutes.
  • After the mushrooms are readable, the broth is squeezed into a separate container, and chop the mushrooms with a blender to the puree consistency.
  • Pour the ingredients with previously filtered broth and bring to a boil.
  • Then add the cream and bring to a boil again.
  • In small portions, introduce the flown cheese, thoroughly mixing until it is completely dissolved.
  • Last time, bring to a boil, add spices and cook on low heat 2 more minutes.

You can use crackers to serve. Very tasty, and when serving, such soup looks appetizing.

Unusual soup made of dried mushrooms: recipe soup Tom Yam

Mushroom soup
Mushroom soup

This unusual soup is known to many, it is remembered by its rich taste and a huge list of ingredients. The combination of such different products gives an unforgettable taste. The name is to him - Tom Yam. Dried mushrooms are perfect here, but you can also use fresh. Here is the prescription:

For preparation, you will need:

  • Chicken broth - 2l
  • Shrimp - 300g
  • Champignons - 300g
  • Lime - 1 pc
  • Pasta Tom Yam - 2 tablespoons
  • Coconut milk - 4 tablespoons
  • Lemongrass - 4pcs
  • Ginger - 1pc
  • Cins - 1 bundle
  • Tomato - 1pc
  • Fish sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Chili pepper - 1pc

Do this:

  • Lemongrass cut into pieces, ginger with rings.
  • Peel the chili pepper from the grains, and cut into thin rings.
  • Defrost the shrimp and clean.
  • Cut mushrooms and tomatoes with quarters.
  • Add lemongrass, ginger to boiling chicken broth and cook until boiling, then put the paste.
  • Boil 5 minutes And add mushrooms, shrimp and fish sauce.
  • You need to salt after adding the sauce, as it contains salt in the composition. Add one lime juice and mix thoroughly.
  • Per 3 minutes Until readiness, add chili pepper and coconut milk, mix thoroughly.
  • Turn off the fire and put the chopped tomato in the soup, close the lid and let it brew 5 minutes.
  • If desired, you can add pieces of chicken left by chicken broth.

When serving, put a finely chopped cilantro in a plate. Active cooking time - 30 minutes. The taste of the soup is sweet and sour with a saline-ostro "highlight". This soup will like exotic cuisine and dishes "Aquarocious".

A variety of mushroom soups is huge, and their components can be easily replaced. A huge plus is their compatibility with many products, which gives a large selection for cooking. However, moderation is important in the use of mushrooms, do not abuse them. In large quantities, mushrooms give a strong load of digestion, while in soups their content is diluted with the addition of other products - vegetables, cereals and greens, which also help them digest faster. According to experts, consuming mushrooms no more than twice a week in portions 100-150 g, there will be no harm to the body. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Stunning delicious mushroom soups

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