TOP-10 Best Facial Pilling Skatkok: with chamomile, apple, snail mucin, fruit acids

TOP-10 Best Facial Pilling Skatkok: with chamomile, apple, snail mucin, fruit acids

In this article you will find the best faces for the face. Choose and use to clean and rejuvenate the skin.

Skin care is an integral part of many people. For deeper skin cleaning, peeling slotting is used, which gives an amazing effect and rejuvenates the skin of the face. This is a tool for cleansing the skin, which includes different beneficial substances. Here are a few simple and inexpensive peeling slotting, which will help to carry out this procedure at home at a highly professional level.

Korean gel, Russian Piling Skatka for Facial: How to use this cosmetics for home peeling, the principle of action of Peeling Gel

Poor ecology, bright sun, stress, malfunctions in the hormonal system, age - all this leads to the development of inflammation on the upper layer of the epiderma, the pores are clogged, the skin becomes dull and sluggish. Objects for leather exfoliation help to gently and effectively cleanse the skin. Ideal in this case are Korean gels, face sling. How to use this cosmetics from Korea for homemade peeling? Here is the principle of action of such Peeling Gel:

The action of peeling slopes
The action of peeling slopes
  • First you need to clean the skin with any your daily cream, lotion, milk.
  • Then get your skin with a towel.
  • Squeeze a small amount of gel from the tube and apply it evenly to the skin of the face. Try not to touch the skin around the eyes and lips.
Stages of using peeling slotting
Stages of using peeling slotting
  • Leave the gel on your face for a couple of minutes. The exact time is usually indicated on the tube.
  • Then for more 2 minutes Start massage the skin with light movements with fingertips. Do not injure the skin and do not stretch. “Roats” will form under the fingers.
  • Wash under the crane of warm water, washing off the remains of cellulose and cream.
  • Then complete all the procedures for daily care, as usual.

If you regularly use a peeling slot for cleansing the skin of the face, then you will see the effect after 2-3 applications:

  • The micro -relief of the skin will become even and beautiful
  • The pores will be cleaned and become smaller - they will pull
  • Will become lighter pigment spots
  • The complexion will improve
  • The skin will be healthy and beautiful

Many jumps even help to cure some dermatological pathologies, such as: hyperactive leather syndrome, acne, rosacea and others.

How to choose a face sling: tips

Choose the best peeling slot
Choose the best peeling slot

There are many different face gels that help rejuvenate the skin and give it freshness and elasticity. Read article on our website on this linkin which there are many different recipes for the manufacture of homemade scrubs. If you have not found a suitable recipe for yourself, then use ready -made gels that will be described below.

All peeling slotting differ in different parameters:

  • Type of skin
  • Additional impact
  • Active components in the composition
  • Texture
  • Form factor

Now let's take a closer look at each parameter. Below you will find tips that will help when choosing peeling slopes by type of skin. Pay attention to the following purpose of this gel:

  • For all skin types
  • For problem skin - antiseptics, against inflammation and for healing wounds
  • For sensitive skin - soft action, gel does not injure and does not overdose

Pilling slotting is designed for exfoliation of dead epiderma cells. For this, the composition of such a gel contains cellulose, which helps to clear the pores of dirt. But besides this component, other care components can be added to the composition of the cream. According to such additional impact, peeling slopes are divided into such funds:

  • Soothing - With Aloe Vera.
  • Moisturizing - with an extract of green tea, hyaluronic acid, sea collagen.
  • Nourishing - with extracts of natural yogurt, fruit acids.
  • Anti -inflammatory - Salicylic acid, extracts of roots and figs.
  • Clarifying - Lemon extract, apple.
  • Rejuvenating - Extract of ginseng, Asian herbs.

Texture of peeling slotting Maybe in the form of a gel or cream. Therefore, choose what you like.

Form factor: tubes and bottles with a dispenser. Regardless of the packaging, it is convenient to use the gel, since when squeezing, a portion necessary at once comes out.

The best peeling sling with fruit acids for the face: Brown manufacturers, which is part of Peeling Gel, the principle of action for home peeling

The best peeling slot with fruit acids for the face
The best peeling slot with fruit acids for the face

The main function of acids is the breakdown of dead particles of the skin and pollution.

  • The concentration of these components is minimal, injuries and skin burns are excluded.
  • The keratinized particles and pollution are removed thanks to the rolling components of the product.
  • Substances of such peeling act neatly.
  • In this case, deep skin cleansing is carried out. Such a tool replaces salon services.
  • The most common peeling slotting with fruit acids.
  • These components have a softer and natural effect on the skin of the face.

Below you will find the best pilling slopes with fruit acids For the face, with scrub manufacturers. You will also learn what is part of peeling Gel And the principle of action for home peeling.

Biomatrix Mindalin

  • This is a almond -based tool.
  • A feature is the opportunity to use in any season.
  • It has a good antibacterial effect, easily removes black dots.

Elemis Papaya Enzyme Peel

  • The peeling gel of this manufacturer is mild to effect on the skin of the face.
  • When used, it does not cause burning and discomfort.
  • It has a pleasant aroma.

Mi & Ko Mack

  • Economic option for home peeling.
  • Despite the affordable price, it copes with its functions.

Fitness Model with gold powder

  • Deep peeling.
  • It has a natural composition.
  • Whites well the skin.
  • Affordable price.
  • Not suitable for age -related skin.

Oz! Organiczone with AHA acids

  • Great peeling.
  • The result will not be long in coming.
  • Additional features: well moisturizes and whiten the skin.
  • Nice texture and smell.
  • Affordable price.

Piling-slop with fruit acids is an excellent alternative to salon services. Safe, deep cleansing of the skin at home. Getting rid of black dots and small wrinkles. Successful acquisition for any woman.

The best cosmetics are a piling-slop with bamboo coal for the face: a scrub manufacturer, how to use?

Best cosmetics-Piling with bamboo face coal
Best cosmetics-Piling with bamboo face coal

At the moment, one of the best and effective peeling slotting is the cosmetics of the company Propeller. This is a modern manufacturer of scrubs for the face, various creams and gels for body care.

  • The composition of the face gel includes the bamboo coal of the complex "Pure Carbon", with which you can get rid of oily shine on your face, slow down the formation of black dots and acne.
  • This peeling slot fits softly, cleanses the pores and is suitable for all skin types.
  • Also, this cosmetic agent is the extracts of natural plant fruits, activated carbon, lactic acid and thickeners.

How to apply? Here are the methods of use:

  • Wash and dry your face.
  • Apply the gel to the face bypassing the zone around the eyes and eyebrows.
  • Gently massage your face with circular movements.
  • When the gel begins to slide, cleansing the skin on the skin, massage should be stopped.
  • Rinse the rest of the gel thoroughly.
  • Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

The advantages of this tool are:

  • Efficiency
  • Easy to use
  • Lack of discomfort when applying
  • Accessibility for the price

The only minus of such a gel is that he the nail plates stains.

Advice: To avoid this, use gloves while applying a gel to the face.

Using a peeling slot Propeller with bamboo coal, The instructions should be clearly observed, the gel is only on dry skin and a thin layer. Thanks to this, a positive effect will be provided to you. Below you will find a description of another effective product for cleansing the skin of the face from this brand. Read further.

The best salicylic peeling Piling for the face "Propeller": manufacturer, what is the point, how to apply?

The best salicylic peeling Piling Skutka
The best salicylic peeling Piling Skutka "Propeller"

Line of skin care products "Propeller"very popular, thanks to high quality and affordable price. A scrub with bamboo coal was described above. No exception to these indicators and "Salicylic peeling pyling to" Propeller ".

Here is a description of the best scrub from this manufacturer:

  • The packaging is a tube characteristic of a given producer of coloring.
  • The cover is of two types: screwing and flip-top.
  • The integrity of the package can be checked by a protective membrane.
  • The volume of packaging - 100 ml. It is enough for 8-10 procedures.

Composition, color, smell, consistency:

  • The main components are the composition of the peeling slotting, salicylic acid and lactulose are Bio-salicylate.
  • BIO-salicylate and salicylic acid, perfectly cleanse the face, narrow the pores, relieve inflammation.
  • Lactulose Blocks the appearance of bacteria, increasing the immunity of the skin to the appearance of acne.
  • The slop is a gel of a homogeneous transparent consistency, with a light, unobtrusive smell.

The use of this scrub is the same as that of other similar creams:

  • It is applied to uncleaned dry skin.
  • After two or three minutes, after application, with light massive movements of the fingertips, rub the roller into the skin of the face until the spit forms.
  • Continue rubbing until the time, until the spools cease to form, and the skin will become dry.
  • After that, rinse with warm water.
  • On the face peeled, it is advisable to apply a cream or mask.

After the first use of peeling slotting, positive changes will be noticeable:

  • The skin will become softer
  • Fatty shine and peeling will disappear
  • The pores are noticeably narrowed

It is worth knowing: The gel structure of the roll does not contain abrasive particles, therefore it does not injure the skin, but cleanses carefully and delicately. A great advantage of peeling slotting is that the procedure does not take much time.

Contraindications:it is undesirable for people with very dry skin to use peeling sloping, as it tightens the skin a bit.

Facial hyaluronic pilingstate: what is the best company, how to use Peeling Gel?

Facial hyaluron
Facial hyaluron

One of the best, most popular and common in the use of hyaluronic pilingstock sling is a gel from the company Novosvit. As a budget Russian analogue of Korean cosmetic gels, peeling from this brand :

  • Effectively cleans the pores of pollution
  • He exfoliates the keratinized skin
  • Envals the relief of the face
  • Provides skin hydration
  • Promotes the restoration of water-lipid balance

At the same time, the effect of this peeling is achieved due to the content of fruit acids, hyaluron and collagen as part of a complex of fruit acids, which is most useful for the skin than the use of products with scrubbing, abrasive elements.

  • A hyaluronic peeling slot is used in the same way as other similar products, by applying a gel with hands on a dry face with massage movements.
  • Gradually, the gel rolls into the so -called spools, which can be removed with a cotton pad, a towel or washed off with water.

The result of the use of hyaluronic peeling slotting is a fresh, well-groomed, moisturized face with a healthy shine. Due to the fact that the composition does not contain alcohols and dyes, this gel is suitable for use on mixed, oily, as well as on sensitive skin.

Gel Pilling-slop for face with mucin Snail: Properties of a natural component, how to use Peeling Gel?

Gel Piling-slot for face with mucin Snail
Gel Piling-slot for face with mucin Snail

Today, a lot of masks and peels are represented on the market for cosmetic products for facial and body care. There are also unique gels. For example, a piling face sling with a snail mucin extract. Here are the properties of this natural component:

  • Mutsin snails - This powerful anti -aging component. It began to be used in cosmetics recently.
  • Many women like the means containing this extract - a snail mucin.
  • Such a component is now mainly found not only in Korean cosmetics.
  • He also gained wide fame in Latin America.

What is the useful mucin for our skin? Here's the answer to this question:

  • This delicate peeling slot can be used not only for the face, but for the whole body.
  • She gently and effectively removes the keratinized layer of cells, perfectly exfoliates, gently grinding the skin.
  • Improves the regeneration of the upper layer of the epidermal and restores metabolism.
  • Natural mucin snail is the main component of the product. It perfectly refreshes and moisturizes the skin, returning it to its elasticity and gently smoothing it.
  • Snail mucus contains a large number of biologically active substances. All this perfectly contributes to the restoration of damaged tissues.

How best to use peeling Gel? A few important aspects:

  • It is best to start using a remedy after taking a shower or bath, when the skin is softer and already clean.
  • Apply a gel to dry skin, gently massaging, in circular movements until the rolos are formed.
  • Gently stroke your face during 3 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Important: Do not use the product every day. For the best effect, use this gel twice a week.

The best peeling slot with chamomile faces: manufacturer, what is the secret of home peeling, how to use Peeling Gel?

Best Pilling Skatka with Chamomile for Facial
Best Pilling Skatka with Chamomile for Facial

One of the most common natural components found in cosmetology can be safely called chamomile. In addition to cleansing and disinfection, chamomile has a calming effect. Its soft effect does not damage the delicate upper layer of the skin. That is why the addition of chamomile extract to the pyling-slot for the face is very justified. The best such gel is a scrub from the manufacturer's company Librederm.

This is the secret of this product for home peeling:

  • The main advantage of such a peeling slot with chamomile extract is careful removal with its excess cells, stimulating the formation of new ones.
  • This type of scrub levels the tone of the face and fights reddening.
  • In addition, the gel improves blood microcirculation and helps to get rid of oily skin problems.

Apply this peeling Gel with chamomile extract is needed no more often 2 times a week. It should be applied to clean skin with light, massaging movements, leave on the skin for a while indicated on the package and wash off with a large amount of warm water.

Pilling slot, created by this company, combines all the beneficial properties and does not cause allergic reactions. If your skin is very sensitive to cleansing procedures, it is piling gel from Librider It will perfectly refresh the skin and remove all defects.

Scrub Piling Skatka "Yabloko" Facial: Perfect brightening cosmetics Apple Peeling Gel?

Skrub Piling Skatka
Skrub Piling Skatka "Yabloko"

Scrub Pilling Skatka "Yabloko" It is applied to the face with light massaging movements. This method of use improves blood flow and promotes oxygen flow into remote and inaccessible cells. After this cosmetic procedure, the skin acquires a healthy color and uniform tone. This is an ideal brightening cosmetics.

In the composition apple Peeling Gelthere are exfoliating components. It includes a significant amount:

  • Apple extract
  • Fruit acids
  • Minerals
  • Pectinov
  • Vitamins

This rich composition helps renewing skin cells, tones and nourishes the epidermis, endowing it with smoothness, radiance and health.

  • The remedy is hung up with healing, anti -inflammatory and soothing effects, due to the presence of plant extracts in its composition.
  • Using this scrub, you can carefully and carefully clean the skin, and then apply other care products.
  • The slop has a light structure and a pleasant aroma.

In the packaging of a cosmetic product there is a special spoon for application, which tightens its use. The product is applied with massaging movements on clean, dry skin of the face, except for areas around the eyes and mouth. Particular attention should be paid to the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead, nose and chin. After some time, after using a scrub, you can wash yourself with an ordinary foam for the face.

Piling slot from Fix-Person for Faces: A wonderful tool of home peeling at a low price-how to use Peeling Gel?

Pilling slot from Fix-Persis: a wonderful home peeling tool at a low price
Pilling slot from Fix-Persis: a wonderful home peeling tool at a low price

Periodically, it is necessary to do deep cleansing of the skin of the face to maintain its beauty and health. If there is no desire to visit cosmetic salons, then you should use home peeling products. One of these means, inexpensive and at the same time quite high -quality, is peeling Gel from "Fix Price".


  • Sendo peeling slot - This is a wonderful tool for home peeling at a low price.
  • Contains fruit acids that perfectly cleanse the skin at the level of salon procedures.
  • The product has a delicate and transparent gel texture with a slightly perceptible smell.
  • Apply a gel to a pre -cleaned and dried face. Distribute it on the skin with soft massage movements.
  • Then there will appear spools that will need to be washed off at the end of the procedure with warm water.
  • Give a rest to your face and apply a suitable cream.


  • The result of the exposure of peeling slotting is visible immediately.
  • The skin of the face becomes more even and smooth.
  • Pores are cleaned and narrowed.
  • Black dots almost completely disappear.

Peeling Gel from Sendo Perfect for dry and sensitive skin. For oily and combined skin, the product will be weak.

Piling-slop with calcium for the face: how to do it?

Calcium for Piling-sloping for face
Calcium for Piling-sloping for face

As mentioned above, peeling is a deep cleansing of the skin of the face from keratinized cells, fat and various contaminants using special means. In this case, the condition of the skin changes for the better: it is leveled, becomes lighter and younger. Such purification can be carried out at home. One of the popular species for independent cleaning is piling-slop with chloride calcium.

What is required for the procedure? In order to pile, you need to purchase:

  • Caloride ampoules in a pharmacy 10%
  • Soap, the composition of which should be natural (for example, "children" or another)
  • Cotton wheels
  • Piala

How to do such a peeling slot? The process of the procedure itself takes place in several stages:

  • First you need to cleanse the face, while the skin should be dry.
  • Gently open one ampoule with calcium chloride and pour all the liquid into the bowl.
  • Now you should apply a solution on the face with a cotton pad, excluding the area around the eyes and mouth.
  • After the skin dries, use the solution again, and so repeat until the bowl is empty.
  • Now the turn of the soap has come: it is necessary to foam it in the palms, having previously moistened, and apply the resulting foam to the face, gently massaging the skin.
  • As a result, spools are formed that collect dead cells and dirt during massage.
  • If the foam is not enough, you can add.
  • It is advisable to influence the accumulation of black dots longer.
  • After that, rinse all with warm water, apply a mask with a soothing effect and a moisturizer.
Calcium peeling slopes and apricot seeds
Calcium peeling slopes and apricot seeds

There is another method for removing acne and dead epidermal cells. The procedure is identical to the previous one, but instead of ordinary soap, you need to prepare a special solution:

  • Cut the soap with thin slices.
  • Smart finely apricot seeds.
  • Pour all this with water and mix well.
  • Repeat all stages of purification according to the above example.

According to many women, such facial cleaning helps even in the most advanced cases. It is worth noting that these procedures have contraindications. It is not recommended to use a peeling slot:

  • More often than 1 time in 2 weeks
  • With dry skin
  • In the presence of wounds, pustules, irritation
  • With rosacea

It is worth noting that there is a recipe for peeling that can be used to rejuvenate the face at least every day. It contains ordinary oatmeal porridge. Read more in article on our website on this link.

Remember: All home cosmetic procedures, before starting them, must first be tested on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on the arm, near the elbow.

Skuts after peeling faces at home: skin care before and after such a scrub Peeling Gel

Picking after peeling faces at home
Picking after peeling faces at home

It was described above how the spark on the face is performed after peeling of the face at home. After applying a scrub, a coat of cellulose is formed on the skin, and when you begin to massage the skin with your fingers, the cream spools roll, collecting the dead epidermal cells. This is exactly the goal of any peeling: cleansing, rejuvenation, and even treatment of inflammation. Skin care before and after scrub Peeling Gelno different from your usual everyday care:

  • First, the skin is cleaned with any lotion that you are used to using every day.
  • Then a peeling slot is performed.
  • After that, a mask with a soothing cream follows, for example, with aloe vera.
  • At the last stage, any moisturizing gel is applied.

If you do everything correctly, and the sling-slop does not help, then you need to change the product. For example, you used peeling with chamomile, and you have even more acne and redness. Perhaps you are allergic to this component or any other in the composition of peeling. Try another peeling gel. For example, with a snail mucin or with an apple.

Advice: Listen to the state of your body. If after using such a peeling gel, you have unpleasant sensations on the skin or rash, refuse to use it. You can change the product for another or use your own cooked.

The best pyling to the face “Propeller”, “Compliment” (compliment), Librider, Novosvit, Sendo, Ekel, Belita: Reviews: Reviews

Best face sling
Best face sling

If you have not yet chosen a home peeling gel, and were confused among a huge assortment, read the reviews of other women who preferred face care not in the cabin, but at home.

Lyudmila, 25 years old

I use hyaluronic peeling scatter from the face from Novosvit Aquanti Peeling Transformer. This gel came up to me in terms of price and quality. The goods of this company have been used for a long time. I decided to try and peeling a slope. You can find many different useful components in the composition. The product cleans my dry skin very well. I recommend trying this scrub. I also really like peeling from the company Propeller. It cleanses well of peeling and removes inflammation.

Anna, 27 years old

Pilling slot Libriderm For the face, a girlfriend who has long been using her has recently recommended me and has an excellent skin condition. Although the price of this cream is somewhat more expensive than the rest of the manufacturers, but the quality pleased me. Now this company has become my beloved in the field of skin care. Like the structure of the cream and the lack of a pungent odor. I recommend to all women. Before that, I used peeling from Compliment (compliment) - This is also a very good scrub. But I wanted to try something new and Librider I am delighted.

Anastasia, 22 years old

I have long been looking for a new good pilling slot for my problem skin. Before that, I used the gel from Sendo and Belita. But the face became dry and completely strewn with eels. A familiar cosmetologist said that the skin could be already used to the means used, or vice versa, an allergy developed on them. Therefore, I advised to use something new. I tried many different means, but the effect was not the way I expected. I recently bought a peeling slot from Ekel And she was satisfied. The cream turned out to be not only with a good lush effect, but also nutritious and moisturizing. I especially recommend such a mask to those who have increased dry skin.

Video: deep facial cleaning for 1 procedure at home. Peeling

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  1. Zara6 from 2O ooo ru6ley in the day!
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  2. I do brushing my face at home, it is better to do once a week, very light to remove old cells and renew the skin. I use an Italian natural sponge with a cotton sponge to clean my face. When washing, sponge saturates the skin with water, rinses fat and dirt, and also makes the best cleansing of the face: removes dead cells clogged with mud, then, bacteria, acne, residues of cosmetics. He levels the skin and the skin becomes smooth, elastic, thin, elastic. There is never acne and acne, the skin is rejuvenated, it looks 10 years younger.

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