Exfoliation. How to do faces at home? Homemade piling recipes

Exfoliation. How to do faces at home? Homemade piling recipes

This article has recommendations on how to cleanse the skin of the face at home. Recipes of cleansing drugs

If the skin of the face is dull, thin, flabby, wrinkled or covered with a rash, will improve its condition of the process of peeling. Mechanical or chemical, it can be done at home.

Exfoliation. Or why is peeling done?

Piling - cleansing the skin from dead cells
Piling - cleansing the skin from dead cells

Peeling - This is a cosmetological procedure for deep cleansing of the skin, during which it is exfoliated of its upper layer from dead cells.

Important: The term "peeling" is production from English. The verb peel ("grunt", "scrape"). The procedure has another name - exfoliation

The procedure for getting rid of the stratum corneum is carried out with the aim:

  • improved oxygen nutrition of living cells
  • improving blood circulation in subcutaneous vessels
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism
  • acceleration of skin cell regeneration
  • preparing the skin for nutrition, moisturizing, rejuvenation with masks

If the peeling is carried out regularly, it is possible:

  • get rid of small wrinkles
  • prevent the appearance of new ones
  • smoothing other irregularities on the skin
  • clean and close the pores
  • make the skin more elastic
  • improve complexion
  • get rid of acne, other rashes
Piling helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face
Piling helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face

Peeling can be done in a cosmetology room or just at home. By what exactly affects the skin, exfoliation is distinguished:

  1. Mechanical - small abrasive particles in the composition of the skin cleansing tools I act on it as sandpaper
  2. Chemical - removal of dead cells with acids and alkalis
  3. Ultrasound - the use of a special apparatus creating ultrasonic waves. Under their influence, the connections between the living and dead cells of the epidermis are destroyed, as a result of which the latter are separated
  4. Laser - removal of the stratum skin layer under the influence of laser rays
  5. Biological - using enzymes (pepsin, papain, bromelin, others) in order to accelerate the natural processes of cellular renewal

There is a whole arsenal of folk and store products that can be used for home peeling for all skin types.

Important: a drug for mechanical peeling is called a screenshx or exfoliant

With the help of peeling, you can remove acne
With the help of peeling, you can remove acne

The home peeling procedure has contraindications:

  • open wounds and ulcers
  • acute inflammatory process
  • oncology
  • treatment with ointments with hormones (glucocorticosteroids)

Homemade peeling for dry skin

Dry skin of the face requires delicate cleansing
Dry skin of the face requires delicate cleansing

The owners are dry or sensitive to peeling, rightly considering it injured. Some prefer not to do it at all. It is not right!

Important: dry skin needs to be cleansed no less than other types. It is possible and necessary to carry out its exfoliation at home

But! There should not be a scrub:

  • absorbent substances
  • large abrasive particles
  • too rude abrasive particles
  • other components damaging thin skin

Substances and products that effectively and safely cleanse dry and sensitive skin, this:

  • fruit acids (grape, citric, others)
  • sunny
  • oatmeal (from chopped flakes)
  • strawberry
  • coffee grounds
  • other

Carrying out the procedure of exfoliation, the owners of thin, dry, sensitive skin must observe several rules:

  1. Do peeling no more than once every 7-10 days
  2. The duration of the procedure is 1 minute
  3. Rubbing the scrub into the skin, you can’t press it hard on it
  4. Смывать отшелушивающее вещество лучше молоком
  5. После эксфолиации рекомендуется сделать увлажняющую маску

Important: before applying any exfoliant for dry skin, it is necessary to check it for allergies. Аллерготест делается на внутренней стороне сгиба локтя. If in this day there is no reaction on this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the drug is used as intended

Домашний пилинг для жирной кожи лица

Выбор пилинговых средств для тех, у кого кожа жирная, намного больше. To clean the pores of toxins and remove the upper cornea of \u200b\u200bthe cells, you can use:

  • milk
  • sugar
  • honey
  • морскую соль
  • косметические глины
  • rice and bran on a coffee grinder
  • other
The exfoliation procedure is able to solve numerous problems with oily skin
The exfoliation procedure is able to solve numerous problems with oily skin

Rules for conducting exfoliation for oily skin:

  1. Piling is done every 5-7 days
  2. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes
  3. Wash the drug with warm water
  4. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nutrient mask to the skin

Important: before peeling, oily skin can be steamed, for example, using a towel or steam bath with herbs moistened in a decoction in a decoction. Then the pores will be cleansed better

Facial Pilling Mask

This remedy differs from exfoliant in that it not only cleanses the skin, but nourishes and moisturizes it. The effect of the caring procedure will be double.

Important: Mask-Peeling does not rub into the skin, but affects it for some time

As a rule, home masks with a cleansing effect include:

  • dairy
  • fruits and berries
  • vegetables
  • oils
  • cereals

Recipe No. 1: Mask - oatmeal peeling with oatmeal and lemon juice
This drug cleanses pores, nourishes the skin cells with vitamins, tones the skin, and helps to separate its stratum corneum.
Prepare a mask - peeling from 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal and lemon juice in the flour (as a rule, there is enough half of the fruit) so that it has a consistency of thick gruel. The drug is evenly distributed on the face and left until completely dry. Wash off with warm water or decoction of chamomile

Oatmeal - component of mask -piling for oily skin
Oatmeal-component of mask-piling for oily skin

Recipe No. 2:Mask Piling for dry skin from strawberry gruel and oily sour cream
During the use of this tool, moisturizing and cleansing the skin occurs.
Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of strawberry berries and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oily sour cream, mix. The mixture on the face is left for 10 minutes, after which they are washed with milk diluted with water 1: 1

Strawberries with sour cream will be cleaned and torn to dry skin
Strawberries with sour cream will be cleaned and torn to dry skin

Recipe number 3: Max rejuvenating - peeling
Honey, wheat bran and lemon juice will help improve the condition of wilting skin.
A slightly heated liquid honey (2 tbsp. Spoons) is mixed with wheat bran (1 tbsp. Spoon) and lemon juice (1 tbsp. Spoon). The mask is made for half an hour, then it is thoroughly washed off and the anti -aging cream is used.

Chemical facial peeling at home. How to make deep face peeling at home

At home, chemical peeling can be done with acids:

  • glycol
  • almond
  • salicilova
  • lemon
  • grape
  • other

To remove dead skin cells, they are often used inexpensive and effective calcium chloride.

Important: a natural reaction to chemical home peeling is a hyperemia of the skin of the face, which remains for 8-18 hours after the procedure. Therefore, it is better to cleanse it in the evening before the weekend: tolerant tingling or burning of the skin during chemical exfoliation is a normal phenomenon. But if the discomfort is too strong, the drug needs to be washed off immediately and consult a dermatologist as soon as possible

Glycolic peeling at home

Glycolic acid for peeling is sold in bubbles
Glycolic acid for peeling is sold in bubbles

Glycolic fruit acid Very often used for homemade skin cleansing. The substance is extracted from sugarcane. It is not aggressive, but at the same time has the ability to penetrate deeply into the epidermis, where:

  • contributes to the separation of dead cells
  • improves cellular metabolism, in particular, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin
  • desters melanin

Important: glycolic peeling levels the skin and improves its color

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A gel or lotion with 10-15% of glycolic acid content is applied to pre-peeled skin.
  2. The applique of the drug is carried out by a special brush
  3. The drug is applied in circular motions from top to bottom, from forehead to chin
  4. You can not apply a gel or lotion to the area around the eyes
  5. Within 15 minutes, while the drug affects the skin, with the help of cotton gross make -up, light acupressure
  6. The mask is washed off with running cold water

Piling with calcium chloride. Face peeling with chloride calcium at home

Calcium chloride in ampoules
Calcium chloride in ampoules

Piling with chloride calcium It is good that it can be carried out for any type of skin. In addition, an allergy to the substance is very rare.

Important: calcium chloride and calcium chloride are the same substance

It is suitable for cleansing 10% calcium chloridewhich is in ampoules in any pharmacy:

  • ampoule with calcium chloride is opened
  • a cotton pad is wetted in the product
  • the product in several stages is applied to the whole face, except the upper lip and area around the eyes
  • when the contents of the ampoule dry out, the face must be washed with warm water, but not wiped
  • when moisture is absorbed into the skin, a moisturizer is applied

VIDEO: Hollywood peeling with calcium chloride

Almond piling of faces at home

Piling with almondic acid is soft, but effective.
Piling with almondic acid is soft, but effective.

Almond acidobtained by glycolysis of almond nut extracts, as peeling:

  • eliminates acne and other types of rash
  • improves skin color, struggling with age spots
  • contributes to the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin
  • stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improves the skin relief

Important: Light -skinned and dark -skinned girls can use almond acid for homemade peeling

Almond acid is used in pure form of multicomponent cleaning agents.

Recipe No. 1: Pilling almondic acid

At first, a steamed face is applied to a cleaned face, a tonic with almond acid, then pre-peeling with 10% almond acid, and lastly 30% of the drug is applied to the steamed face. After the procedure, a soothing mask with collagen, kelp and lactic acid is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 2: Pilling with almonds

Take 1 tbsp. spoonful of ground almonds, 1 tbsp. spoon of oat flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of cream. Mix and apply to the face. Exposure time - 15 minutes.

Important: so that almond peeling has an effect, it needs to be done regularly, once every 2 weeks, alternating with a less damaging cleansing procedure

Facial lemon peeling at home

Lemon, zest, citric acid in powder - everything is suitable for peeling
Lemon, zest, citric acid in powder - everything is suitable for peeling

For lemon exfoliation, you can use:

  • lemon juice
  • lemon gruel
  • lemon zest
  • citric acid

The first three substances, as a rule, are part of the masks - exfoliants. Their advantage is that additional components can be selected according to the type of skin: olive oil and cream - for dry, honey and clay - for oily, the like.

Citric acid is used in this way: on a cleaned and steamed face with a cotton pad or sponge, applying 15 % acid, after washed with warm water and make a nutrient mask.

Salicylic Piling of Faces at home

For home salicylic peeling, you need a pharmacy aspirin
For home salicylic peeling, you need a pharmacy aspirin

With hyperpigmentation of the skin, wrinkles, seborrhea and acne, they recommend a salicylic peeling. At home for this you will need ordinary aspirin.


Pilling tools with salicylic acid

2 tablets of pharmacy aspirin are dissolved in 0.5 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of honey (instead you can use olive oil for dry skin, aloe juice - for oily). The drug is applied to the prepared face for a quarter of an hour, remove the remains with a cotton pad and a tonic mask is made.

VIDEO: Facial scrub | Piling aspirin

Fruit peeling faces at home

You can clean the skin with other fruit acids
You can clean the skin with other fruit acids

They refresh the skin, fight wrinkles, rash and seborrhea, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and other fruit acids, which can be used at home:

  • wine
  • dairy
  • apple

The concentration of acid in the drug for exfoliation should not exceed 25%. After its use, the skin must be reassured and moistened.

Pilling: tips and reviews

The results of the use of acids for exfoliation of the house are obvious, the condition of the skin really changes for the better. But since the procedure is comparable to the thermal burn, before its conduct, you should still consult a doctor-a dermatologist so that he approves it. If there are contraindications, it is better to choose a more gentle way to remove dead skin particles.

VIDEO: Pilling at home. Chemical Piling at home

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Comments K. article

  1. You need to understand that homemade natural compositions are the most safe for the skin, since they carefully and neatly remove the dead cornea layer, simultaneously ensuring the receipt of the epidermis of vitamins, minerals and minerals important for the health of the epidermis. However, they act only on the surface and in the upper layers of the epidermis, while chemical types of peeling can penetrate deep, reaching the median layers of the dermis itself. For this reason, home peeling will not save your skin from wrinkles, pigment spots, scars left after acne, but with regular use will significantly improve its condition, increase the density of turgor, elasticity and provide a healthy complexion. In addition, from home peeling you will never receive burns and red spots that do not disappear for 2 to 3 weeks.

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