What is retinol peeling and how is it useful? How to conduct retinol peeling at home on your own?

What is retinol peeling and how is it useful? How to conduct retinol peeling at home on your own?

In this article, we will talk about what is retinol peeling and how to do it at home.

Cosmetology is actively developing and today it can offer many means and procedures that allow you to rejuvenate and heal the skin. In a special place among the procedures is peeling, which cleanses the skin of dead cells. Piling is chemical, mechanical or physical. The chemicals include retinol peeling, which we will consider in our article.

What is retinol peeling?

Retinol peeling
Retinol peeling

Piling is one of the most ancient procedures. It involves the removal of dead skin using special substances. Retinol peeling has significant differences from other species. Judging by the research, it is closer to Middle.

The main acting substances of such peeling are retinoids - synthetic analogues of vitamin A. in their action, they resemble fruit acid, but make cells actively share. Moreover, thanks to them, the skin begins to produce collagen, which is important to moisturize the skin. In addition, retinoids reduce inflammation on the skin and purify it.

In fact, the procedure allows you to simultaneously solve other problems. For example, bleach the skin in the presence of age spots. As a result of the wrinkle procedure, it becomes smaller, a blush appears, and in general the skin is healed.

If you have a serious event soon and you would like to improve your skin, then it is better to do it in advance, at least in two weeks. Otherwise, it is better to choose a different method of care. This is due to the fact that the skin after the procedure is not restored immediately. After each session, it is better to use a healing cream.

For each woman, the number of procedures is determined individually. The final effect of the procedure depends on the type of skin.

Retinol peeling - indications and contraindications: Features

Retinol peeling - Indications
Retinol peeling - Indications

Retinol peeling is an effective procedure that allows:

  • Remove freckles and age pigmentation
  • Rejuvenate the skin and slow down its aging
  • Get rid of irregularities of the skin and wrinkles
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Restore immunity and improve the skin
  • Get rid of acne and other problems

Retinol  peeling  it has  lots of  testimony  for  conducting:

  • Skin aging

Such peeling should be carried out when there are even small changes in the skin, manifested in the appearance of the skin folds and small wrinkles. The effect of retinoic acid allows you to reduce already distinguishable wrinkles, improve the appearance of the skin and make it elastic.

  • Thickening of the stratum corneum or cicatricial changes

After peeling, the skin becomes thinner, but at the same time it still heals. If you have the first symptoms of keratinization, then they will disappear.

  • Problem leather
Yellow face peeling
Yellow face peeling

Cosmetologists argue that the procedure is highly effective, especially in terms of getting rid of acne and acne. Retinoids stimulate cells so that they reject the infection. This allows the skin to recover after inflammation. Moreover, retinoic peeling allows you to reduce skin fatty and fights acne and black dots.

  • Hyperpigmentation

The procedure allows you to whiten the skin and eliminate pigment spots.

It is important to say that all the procedures that suggest the use of acid have contraindications. They need to be clarified in advance, so that then there are no problems.

So, the procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • The presence of small wounds on the skin
  • An allergic reaction to the components of the drug and vitamin C
  • Inflammation on the skin
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun - solarium or tanning
  • Herpes or papillomas
  • Recent intake of antibiotics
  • Somatic diseases, for example, the respiratory system
  • With a disease that affects the skin with a microscopic tick. It is called demodicosis
  • If your wounds are slowly healing

Is retinol peeling safe?

Safety of retinol peeling
Safety of retinol peeling

Any intervention is a delicate process. However, such a procedure almost does not harm the skin, and accordingly no scars and scars appear from it. This type of peeling is considered the safest because it has almost no serious complications and side effects.

Retinol peeling - consequences: possible complications

Retinic acid is a chemical drug and this must always be remembered. So you can’t do without side effects at all. But only after the peeling they are very rare, and they appear minimally.

The most frequent complication that is observed in girls is peeling of the skin. You should not accelerate exfoliation, but it is better to wait until this happens naturally. By the way, peeling can lead to a slight darkening of the skin. You should not be afraid, because after the recovery process everything will pass by itself.

Swelling and small inflammations can also form. This happens in women who have very thin skin. It is mainly manifested in the eye and neck. Typically, swelling does not appear immediately, but a couple of days after the procedure and after a day they themselves pass.

It is important to remember that after peeling, the skin is very sensitive to any irritants. Even cold weather and wind can negatively affect it. It is better, of course, to protect yourself from the scorching sun, frost and other factors for a while.

Retinol peeling procedure at home: features, instructions

How is a grooved peeling carried out?
How is a grooved peeling carried out?

Retinol peeling is not necessary in a cosmetic salon. This procedure can be done independently. It is important to just know all the features and accurately follow the instructions. So, retinol peeling is carried out in several stages.

  • Training

If you really like to be in the saunas, solariums and so on, then you should refuse them a couple of weeks before the procedure. In addition, stop using any exfoliating agents. Start using creams that contain glycolic acid. This is required to soften the already keratinized skin in advance.

The necessary substances for the procedure can be found in pharmacies. A very popular remedy is Differin, Tretinoin and others.

  • Application

First, clean your face very well. After that, you can apply glycolic acid, which will soften the skin and prepare it for the procedure. Next, you can impose a mass for peeling. You need to withstand it for 45 minutes to get the maximum effect.

  • The finish stage

While the retinoic composition is imposed on your face, additionally impose a neutralizing mixture over it. To do this, mix salt and water in a ratio of 0.5: 1. Keep all this on your face for 7-8 hours.

It is important to note that the composition can slightly burn the skin. This reaction is normal and do not worry about this.

When the time passes, you can wash off everything with warm water and apply a protective cream.

  • Recovery
Retinol peeling effect
Retinol peeling effect

Immediately after the procedure, the skin becomes very delicate and ironing. The main process of eliminating the dead layer will begin after about 12 hours. It happens that redness appears and does not disappear anywhere. Do not be afraid, as it will pass on its own in a few days. Complete recovery will be in a week.

The most effective procedure will be if they are conducted by the course. Every three weeks you can cleanse the skin. It is enough to carry out three procedures yourself. The next course, if necessary, can only be done after six months.

It is important to note that the exfoliation will be strong and it will last a week. At this time, do not interfere in the process. Let it be natural. You can help the skin if you use creams to moisturize, thermal water or masks.

  • Care

The skin after such processing requires careful care. It is important to protect it from sunlight and help with the restoration of the water balance. Before going to the street, use a high SPF cream.

Retinol peeling - side effects: List

Retinol peeling - side effects
Retinol peeling - side effects

Peeling is a sufficiently deep procedure that makes you get rid of the upper layer of the skin. Accordingly, some complications may occur after it. Some are quite predictable. And some are very unexpected. They appear for two weeks and can be expressed to varying degrees.

  • Erythema

This is redness of the skin, which can last in different ways. For example, if alpha hydraulic acids were used for the procedure, then redness can persist only a few hours. Sometimes redness remains longer, up to several days. If the Middle TS-Piling was used, then even 5 days can last erythema. There are longer deadlines, up to one year.

  • Peeling of the skin

Many are familiar with this, and peeling itself involves peeling. Usually, after the procedure, this phenomenon passes through a few wives. After soft peeling, it is almost not visible, but strong chemicals give a very clear result.

It is clear that this does not look in the best way, but it is better not to remove anything manually, since there is a risk of skin damage. The whole process should be natural. Your task is simply to moisturize the skin on time.

  • Swelling
Swelling after peeling
Swelling after peeling

Edema is a consequence of the permeability of capillaries after the procedure. More moisture penetrates through them than usual and therefore swelling appears.

When peeling is done on fruit acid, swelling is practically not manifested. But they appear with a stronger effect, which is retinol peeling. The appearance of the first edema occurs after a few days, and for some time they are preserved. That is why experts carefully select the composition suitable for the skin to reduce manifestations.

  • The darkening of the skin

This can also happen, but there is nothing to worry about, because it will pass after the completion of exfoliation.

  • Increased sensitivity

After peeling, the skin is always more irritated. The problem goes on its own, but can become a real problem if it lasts a very long time.

All complications described above are predictable and are manifested in most girls. However, there are those that can be unpredictable. This is all individual. Such manifestations spoil the entire type of face, and can also threaten health and therefore need to be urgently treated from urgently.

  • Herpes infection

It usually manifests itself when herpes is already in the body, but it is at the stage of relapse. Although there are cases of primary infection, when immunity is not able to cope with the virus. The doctor prescribes the correct treatment and serious consequences can be avoided.

  • Allergy
Yellow peeling
Yellow peeling

After peeling, the skin loses protection for a while, and therefore allergies can even provoke that you used to perceive normally. To prevent this from happening, it is better to conduct a test for allergens and components of the drug for the procedure in advance. Complication treatment is carried out using special drugs.

  • The marbled of the skin

This problem is manifested in the death of an overly large amount of melanocytes. The peeling procedure is especially risky for those who have dark skin. It is almost impossible to fix this situation. All that can be done is to conduct several more peeling sessions to make the skin tone more evenly.

  • Persistent erythema

This complication can manifest itself with the expansion of surface vessels. The reaction remains up to one year, but often it passes on its own. To make rehabilitation more fast, try to avoid harmful factors - frost, heat, and so on.

  • Hyperpigmentation

It can only occur if the specialist conducted incorrect diagnostics before the procedure. So, if the places where melanin is produced especially strongly - it is incorrectly processed, then this will lead to the appearance of dark spots.

In order not to encounter such a problem, contact the professional salons exclusively, where cosmetologists can be trusted. If the problem has manifested, then you can eliminate it with mesotherapy.

  • Seborrhea and acne

It can appear in the case when the cells responsible for the skin fat are inflamed. The biggest risk is observed in patients who have chronic or too oily skin seborrhea.

For the prevention of the inflammatory process, you can drink a complex of vitamins. If the side effect is still manifested, then the course of antibiotics is written out.

  • Dermaccation line

Simply, then this line appears in the place between the processed and untouched area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Since the peeling procedure bleats the skin, after the procedure it will be noticeably lighter than in a place without processing. For people with fair skin, this is not critical, but it will definitely be noticeable on the dark -skinned skin. This problem is solved by Jessner's peeling, but it cannot be carried out immediately. You need to wait a while.

Video: yellow peeling (retinol peeling)

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