Types of aging of the face and their characteristic. Facial skin aging in women: causes, first signs, prevention

Types of aging of the face and their characteristic. Facial skin aging in women: causes, first signs, prevention

The face is the business card of every woman. Caring about the beauty of the skin, you can try to preserve its youth. Depending on your age and health, you should choose the right face cosmetics. The tips of this article will teach you how to take care of young and mature skin correctly.

Types and stages of the aging of the face and their characteristic

With age, the person’s face does not become more elastic and elastic. Surprisingly, far from birthdays and the number of years old are aged, those toxins and poisons that enter the body and leave their destructive effect are aged. As scientists noted and calculated, the human body does not have cells that would be older than eleven months (except for bone tissue).

Knowing in front of the stages of aging that your face can pass, you can know the features of its change and carry out a certain prevention.

It is worth noting that according to biological indicators, the human body begins to age after twenty -five years. But everything can depend on the individual characteristics of the person himself, his hormonal background, predispositions and heredity. Also, in addition to internal factors, external factors are affected by the skin.

Stages of aging skin on the face
stages of aging skin on the face

Types of skin aging:

"Tired face" -this type of aging is distinguished by the beginning of withering of the skin tissue. You cannot notice special wrinkles at this stage, but the shape of the face has already changed and it has no clear boundaries. The youthful roundness that was observed earlier has already been lost. You can also notice that in the morning, the face looks much better than in the evening, especially if there were nervous and physical activity during the day. A distinctive feature of this stage is its short duration, because soon the next stage will be replaced.

A few more characteristic “symptoms” of this type of skin aging: some swelling (especially in the morning), a clearly expressed fold above the lip, lowered corners of the mouth. It is interesting to know that this type of face is more characteristic of oily skin and combined skin than the rest of the other.

What causes such aging? A number of factors: frequent fatigue, an abundance of stressful situations in life, bad habits, regular not rash. Such negative factors can directly affect the microcirculation of the skin, aggravating its condition.

Type of aging tired face
type of aging "Tired Face"

Small -deciduous type of skin aging

This type of aging is already boldly characterized by the appearance of a variety of wrinkles. This aging can also allow even the smallest wrinkles to look very noticeable. The situation is aggravated when a person is the owner of thin skin. On such skin, a capillary grid can also be very visible. Such visual signs are complemented by the same dry skin, in front of the eyes you can notice the characteristic “goose legs”, the upper and lower eye eyelids are literally “corrugated” with wrinkles, the area around the mouth also has wrinkles.

The reasons for such quick and obvious changes in the skin are its instability with the retention of moisture: either a lot, or the skin completely loses it.

You can avoid the appearance of a global amount of wrinkle on the face only carefully avoiding all harmful factors: adverse weather conditions, ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the skin should be regularly moistened and fed by the cosmetics with the type of cosmetics that consist of a complex of items.

Cosmetics, which contains hyaluronic acid, which can best retain moisture, will be very wait for this skin type. In some cases, only injections for the skin will be able to help.

facial skin aging, fine -decorated stage of aging

Hormonal aging of the skin, how is it manifested?

It is impossible to avoid skin aging, it is a natural process that always occurs on time. Some external and internal factors can also affect it that will force aging to occur more progressive and global. For example, hormonal aging of the skin.

In most cases, such aging of the skin comes to a person when he crosses the age mark of forty -five years. But it is possible that this stage cannot occur earlier. This can happen because some diseases can be present in the human body.

Hormonal aging always occurs because in the body of a woman a normal amount of a certain hormone - popinol decreases. This is a female sex hormone that is able to influence the sensitivity of the skin, making it more prone to the speedy appearance of wrinkles.

In some cases, the loss of this hormone provokes the appearance of not only wrinkles, but also age spots, as well as contributes to the loss of a clear contour of the face.

Along with the fact that their attractiveness loses its face, changes also occur with hands and neck. For women, such aging is invariably connected with the menopause, because most hormones are produced precisely by appendages.

Unfortunately, a number of cosmetics with various compositions are powerless in the fight against this type of aging, since they are in no way able to influence a person internally. In such situations, you can try the use of hormonal drugs that will affect hormone receptors, forcing them to work intensively. The narrow area of \u200b\u200baction of such drugs guarantees the safety of using agents that are not able to harm the whole body.

hormonal aging of the skin

The deformation type of skin aging, how is it manifested?

This type and stage of aging of the skin has several obvious characteristics. The most pronounced change should be attributed to the ability to completely change the shape and configuration of the contours as a face and neck. It should be noted that all soft tissues on the body suffer deformation.

People with a full person, with oily and rather porous skin, are most subjected to senile deformation.

Such a person may not have a huge number of wrinkles, as is observed in small -deciduous type, but nevertheless it loses its elasticity over time and is no longer able to withstand the usual load of the fat layer that is present in it. Therefore, it is deformed under the strength of its severity down to the neck. The skin flows with ugly folds and pulls. Most often, you can see overly sagging cheeks visually.

In addition to sagging cheeks, the shape of the face is disturbed and becomes wavy, bags and sagging in the jaw appear on it. You can also notice the second chin in the form of a not large skin bag. In the area of \u200b\u200beye sockets, changes also occur: the eye sockets swell, the folds of the eyelids drop down, the bags appear under the eyes.


This type of aging of the face of the face also involves the transformation of any shape of the face into a square.

This situation can only be fixed if the possibility of controlling your own weight. It is interesting to know that such aging can come very quickly when a person loses weight. In addition, you should constantly monitor your facial expressions: does not wrinkle, do not grind, do not strain the folds. Botox injections, cosmetic procedures based on ultrasound or plastic surgery will be able to significantly help.

In cosmetics, you should give preference to means that can have a lifting effect that can refresh and rejuvenate it a little. Such products contribute to the production of collagen and participate in the natural processes of skin regeneration.

Such effects will not give such an effect in deep and striking effect. However, they are able to withstand facial wrinkles and fight a very sagging shapeless skin. You should also pay attention to some individual cosmetics, which include extracts of seaweed. A good effect on the skin will be responded with a lymph drainage and a special facial massage.

type of aging - senile face deformation

Biological aging of the skin

Biological aging is a natural wilting of the skin, which is invariably associated with all processes in the body. The epidermis changes and the structure of the skin changes. The older the skin becomes, the more difficult it is to retain moisture. In addition, protein synthesis is disturbed and the production of important substances is reduced: elastin and collagen.

Aging occurs in several stages, each of which occurs in certain areas of the face.

Eye area:

  • At the age of 25 years and older, wrinkles around the eyes appear
  • By 30 and 35 years, “goose paws” may appear, so -called.
  • the structure of the upper and lower eyelids change, the upper eyelid sags
  • the level of eyebrows sags
  • eye gaps may narrow
  • bags appear under the eyes, under the lower eyelid
biological aging of the skin

Friday area:

  • the appearance of folds on the forehead, or their more clear visualization
  • the appearance of wrinkles and folds between eyebrows in the nose of the nose, the so -called "concentrated wrinkles"

RT region:

  • loss of folds in the corners of the lips
  • more clear visualization of nasolabial folds
  • "Corrugated" folds on the upper lip

Other areas:

  • The skin on the cheeks loses its elasticity
  • The skin sags on the neck
  • The oval of the face is changing, as a result of sagging
  • The appearance of folds in the auricle

Natural aging of the skin, how is it manifested?

Feel free to distinguish two types of skin aging: natural and premature. Premature differs in that it appears when it depends only on the state of human health, and not on his age. Premature aging can affect:

  • Harmful working conditions
  • Non -compliance with sleep and rest mode
  • Lack of sleep
  • Non -regular and not balanced diet
  • The use of incorrect cosmetics selected not by the suitable skin type
  • The influence of toxins from the environment
  • The presence of toxins in the body

Natural aging of the skin can begin only after a person crosses the mark of thirty years. Of course, in some cases, this can be observed after twenty -five, but this feature depends on its hormonal background and lifestyle.

Signs of natural aging manifest itself gradually one by one, starting with the appearance of facial wrinkles and ending with the inability of the skin to retain moisture. On the other hand, scientists note that there are a special framework for natural aging - this is 50 years!

natural aging of the skin of the face

The first signs of aging skin

You can notice the first signs of skin aging only when you know exactly their manifestations. Having timely identify all the signs, you can instantly proceed with their elimination and thereby preserve the youth of the skin.

The first signs:

  • The skin becomes too dry and thin. This suggests that subcutaneous fat ceases to be updated. This feature also contributes to the appearance of peeling
  • The skin changes its shade, pigmentation, yellowness and gray appear
  • An excess of the skin appears around the eyes, excess fabric. This is because it is not enough collagen and elastin
  • Under the eyes there is a regular swelling or only in the morning. Bags under the eyes can have a bluish tint
  • The nasolabial fold can become more and more noticeable, and the corners of the lips are gradually lowering to the bottom
  • In some areas of the face, a capillary grid appears, which becomes very noticeable
  • Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes cease to be only facial and become much deeper
  • The shape of the face is changing, has square outlines
  • The shape of the lips is changing
the first signs of skin aging on the face

The aging of the skin of the neck, how is it manifested?

The skin on the neck with age loses its elasticity and ceases to be elastic. The older a person becomes, the more flabby and thin it is capable of being. All changes should also add the appearance of pigmentation, as well as a vascular mesh. The capillary grid allows the skin to have a grayish and bluish tint.

Over the age of age, the skin on the neck is not able to hold the fat layer and under its weight falls down, as a result of which sagging appears.

satisfying the skin of the neck

Facial aging after 30: Signs and how to slow down

In a growing and developing body, blood circulation is perfectly established. After thirty years, a person’s skin ceases to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen that causes her blood. It is for this reason that it is able to wither and succumb to aging. In addition, metabolic processes in the body are disturbed and this affects the production of the skin of new cells.

You can improve the situation and avoid aging at this age by establishing a wakefulness and rest mode. It is necessary to sleep at least eight hours a day, avoid direct ultraviolet rays, use suitable oxygen face cosmetics. Choose the most suitable moisturizer for the face.

oxygen cosmetics for wilting skin

Facial aging after 40: signs and how to slow down

In 40, the skin reacts not only to internal changes in the body, but also to the action of many external factors: harmful environment, toxins, radiation. In addition, the skin is very affected by how the body works: whether it receives enough trace elements, how many rests. For this reason, we can conclude that the normalization of nutrition and the use of a complex of vitamins is a way to extend the youth of the skin at forty years old.

In addition, at this age, preference should be given to cosmetic skin care products, which include hyaluronic acid or collagen.

collagen cosmetics for facial skin

Facial aging after 50: Signs and how to slow down

At 50, the skin is already beginning to endure deformation:

  • slim the eyelid
  • the corners of the lips are lowered
  • a large number of wrinkles are present
  • the skin has a tired look and not natural color

Three main manipulations are capable of improving the condition of the skin at 50:

  • plastic surgery
  • botox injections under the skin
  • cosmetics with the effect of lifting and regular face massage

Plastic surgery can remove all sagging areas of the skin, returning youth to the skin. Injections under the skin to fill in sagging parties of the face, fill the voids and defeat wrinkles. Lifting cosmetics will return the tone to the skin, and massages will be given blood circulation.

face cosmetics lifting

Premature skin aging: causes

Premature aging of the skin always depends on a number of reasons, both internal and external:

  • Not a healthy state of a person, the presence of chronic diseases
  • The presence of hormonal disorders in the body
  • Harmful working condition: toxic waste, work at night
  • Not a regular dream
  • Non -regular and not balanced diet
  • The presence of a number of bad habits

Smoking and aging of the skin, how does smoking affect the skin?

Smoking can be safely called one of the most destructive effects on the skin. It is important to know that the nutrition of skin cells is carried out through the blood vessels located in it. At that moment, when nicotine enters the human body, it narrows the walls of blood vessels, thereby violating the natural nutrition of the skin. Over time, the elasticity of blood vessels is lost, they become more prone to the appearance of such a disease as atherosclerosis and lead the skin to gradual wilting.

In addition, if a sufficient amount of carbon monoxide accumulates in the human body, cell breathing is disturbed even more. But this is far from the worst that can happen to her. There are many free radicals in tobacco smoke that can detriment with the skin from the inside, destroying it.

Other facts of the negative effect of smoking on the skin:

  • Tobacco disrupts collagen synthesis
  • Reduces vitamin C in the skin
  • Reduces vitamin A in the skin
  • Reduces vitamin E in the skin
  • Reduces skin elasticity
  • Promotes the development of lipodistrophy
  • Promotes peeling and dry skin
  • Settling on the skin, tobacco smoke has a destructive effect on the epidermis
the destructive effect of tobacco smoke on the youth of the skin

Sharp aging of the skin of what to do?

In order to avoid problems of skin aging and improve your appearance, you should resort to some tricks. There are several ways for this:

  • Performing regular facial massage. Such a non -complex massage can most positively affect the skin of the face, improving blood circulation and movement on lymph tissues
  • Such massage can be ordered in the cabin, but it is also easily performed and independently at home
  • The main thing in facial massage is its regularity, because the procedures should be carried out every day for several minutes
  • The first changes after facial massage can be seen after one month of active classes

In addition to active external exposure, regular cosmetic procedures should be carried out like this: use creams, apply masks and serums.

Which cosmetics to choose:

  • During the day it is best to use a light moisturizer, and in the evening apply a denser nutritious
  • It is useful to use facial acid creams with fruit acid creams
  • Choose a full complex of cosmetics: creams, balms, serums, tonics saturated with enzymes and antioxidants
the fight against premature skin aging

Natural collagen from skin aging

Natural collagen contributes to the active work of skin cells, retention of moisture and regeneration. Natural collagen is a protein that can be found in some products. The use of such products contributes to the fact that the skin remains beautiful for a long time, retains its youth and shines.

It is collagen and elastin that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its attractive natural color. Collagen can be part of a fibrillar protein. It provides the skin with strength. Collagen has the shape of a pigtail if you consider it under a microscope. This pigtail is able to “break through” under the influence of some negative internal and external factors. Additional collagen helps to restore pigtails.


Mineral oil aging skin

To preserve youth, the skin can be successfully used by mineral oil. This tool can serve as a kind of barrier that is present between the skin and air. It is an effective barrier that does not allow to lose moisture to the skin. It very carefully moisturizes the skin, not allowing it to grow old prematurely.

Vitamins from skin aging, their effect

The presence of vitamins is vital for youth and health of the skin and the whole organism. Vitamins can improve the work of metabolic processes in the body, participate in the process of cell regeneration. A sufficient supply of vitamins helps the skin withstand the action of free radicals and toxins.

Cosmetics based on vitamin complexes and recipes of traditional medicine are necessary in order to extend the youth of the skin and maintain its beauty. Every day the skin needs:

  • vitamin a
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C.
vitamins for youth skin

Skin aging tablets, principle of action

Tablets from skin aging are a complex of dietary supplements. In order for the skin to remain fresh and radiant, it should be taken daily:

  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C
  • prigue oil
  • hyaluronic acid
  • Laura (Crazy tablets)
  • Nattokinaza
  • Oxin
  • Activin
  • Lesmin

Folk remedies for aging skin: masks

A great effect on the skin of the face can have recipes for traditional medicine. For this, washing with decoctions of herbs, scrubs, application are relevant natural face maskscreated on the basis of natural useful components: fruits, vegetables, honey, kefir and sour cream.

Some recipes offer you to actively use lifting mask hand -in -hand preparation at home. Such masks will extend the youth of the skin, return it to tone and elasticity.

Homeopathy against skin aging

Homeopathic cosmetology contributes to the active production of natural collagen skin. It improves blood circulation, which in turn improves the metabolic processes of the skin. Homeopathic preparations should be selected individually, the outcome of your skin characteristics.

Such means reduce swelling, improve the outflow of lymph and microcirculation. The vascular mesh also goes and the skin color improves.

homeopathic agents contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin

Skin aging products

In addition to faithful and effective recipes of traditional medicinefor young skin, you should know that there are a number of products for its good appearance. The secret of such products is that they contain the necessary vitamin complex that are important for the body and the course of all metabolic processes in the body.

You should know about which nutrition corresponds to natural female beauty, as in case of nutrition and drinking get rid of edema and how to determine the benefits of food for yourself by the color of the products.

Massage against aging of the skin of the face

Daily face massage from wrinklesit will avoid premature aging and intimidation of the skin. Having studied additional technology and points for self -massageyou can regularly bring the skin in tone and enjoy your beautiful appearance.

Facial skin aging exercises

Also in the fight against wrinkles, you can successfully practice breathing exercises and a number of exercises aimed at the muscles of the face. The muscles that regularly exercise are characterized by strength, resistance and endurance. They confidently hold the fat layer of the skin on the face and the skin does not drop.

Face aging cream

In the fight against wrinkles, every woman should use caring cosmetics. Effective can be either a cosmetic cream purchased in a store, or cream made from natural components.

Prevention of skin aging

To avoid changes in the skin and its aging, you should adhere to the following conditions:

  • have a vitamin balanced nutrition
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • use high -quality face cosmetics
  • apply the recipes of traditional medicine
  • do not forget to remove cosmetics from face to night

Video: "Types of skin aging"

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  1. Try balm for the area around the eyes "Freistil sensitive"
    He smoothes the skin and removes circles. The product is natural, without smell.
    It helps me very well, the look is always fresh, even if I don’t get enough sleep.

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  3. I refuse to get old, do charging for the body and for the face (for him using Lulu Ultra).

  4. And where did they get the simulator, is it Russian? I just can’t understand which one, so many different, is needed such that the effect of classes with him is, and not just money and time in the pipe.

  5. russian, I took on the website, I am engaged in video, a bunch of video tutorials in Utub and on the site. You can get a consultation, it is paid, but there is inexpensive. He has a bunch of documents with this simulator.

  6. russian, I took on the website, I am engaged in video, a bunch of video tutorials in Utub and on the site. You can get a consultation, it is paid, but there is inexpensive. He has a bunch of documents with this simulator.

  7. Thank you for an interesting article)) I sincerely think that regardless of the type of aging, every woman can do everything in order to slow down this aging. For example, I’ve been learning for almost all my life, I am actively involved in sports and eat right. I take the dietary supplement-carnosine Evalarovsky and ginseng root. And you know, I definitely don’t feel myself for your 40 years ... And many do not even give 35)))

  8. Getting rid of wrinkles on the face is quite problematic.

  9. Your comment is waiting for verification.

    To preserve the youth of the skin, I take courses - 3 months at twice a year, hyaluronic acid of 150 mg of Evalar in capsules. Hyaluronic acid nourishes, softens and allows you to effectively deal with age -related changes in the face. During the reception, you need to monitor the water balance (drink about 2 liters of water, but no less).

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