Natural face masks. Melon face mask: recipes for peeling and dry skin, for softening, tonic and freshness

Natural face masks. Melon face mask: recipes for peeling and dry skin, for softening, tonic and freshness

From the article you will learn about the vitamin-mineral composition of the melon and its benefits for the skin of the face. You will get acquainted with the most effective recipes for melon masks for different types of skin.

In the summer season, you need to have time to enjoy ripe and juicy melon pulp. Do you know what kind of skin this southern fruit brings? Melon masks will enrich your skin with many vitamins and minerals. For home remedies, both melon juice and its pulp and whole slices are required.

The benefits of melon for the skin of the face

When preparing homemade melon masks, you can easily do without a beauty salon. This sunny fruit contained a wealth of vitamins and minerals that need freshness, youth and face health.

  • Vitamin A Acts as an anti -inflammatory agent, it is especially useful for inflammation and irritation of sensitive skin. Vitamin A Slows down the processes of cell wither and opposes the signs of aging.
  • Vitamin C - A valuable element for any skin type. With his participation, the epidermis replenishes the reserves of elastin and collagen, which are simply indispensable for maintaining elasticity, the youth of the skin. Masks with melon pulp allow you to better outline the oval of the face, improve skin tone, pull it up.
  • Vitamin B5 Eliminates the irregularities of the epidermis, makes the skin even and smooth.
  • Vitamin RR Returns his natural radiance and color to his face. It is also excellent protection against ultraviolet rays.
  • Carotene Makes a melon with an excellent means for holding moisture in the skin. He copes even with very strong overdryness and peeling.
  • Potassium Regulates moisture delay in the epidermis cells.
  • Cobalt Useful for inflamed and prone to skin irritation. It regulates the production of skin fat, dries up rashes, fights pathogenic bacteria.

Important: the course of masks should last at least 3 weeks. It is optimal to conduct sessions about a month of 3 procedures per week with an equal interval between them.

Important: check the skin for sensitivity to fruit masks. To do this, apply each mixture for 10-15 minutes on the bend of the elbow or wrist. If the reaction does not occur, then this composition suits you. If you notice redness, irritation, itching, then you are allergic to one of the components.

In addition to masks, you can wipe with melon juice at night or in the morning. Such procedures will be useful for eels and a tendency to them, as well as with other problems, including excessive dryness. Squeeze the juice from the pulp into a bowl, warm it a little above the steam, dip a cotton pad into the liquid and walk on the skin.

Melon mask recipe for normal skin

RECIPE: Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 1 tbsp.;
  • plum pulp - 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

Mix all components well in containers. Gently gently place the fat fruit mass on the skin with a rather dense layer. Rest for fifteen minutes, then remove the composition, and rinse your face with refreshing and cool water.

Such a mask will make the skin velvety and flat. The food that will receive the face will also be invaluable, because the plant components will saturate the epidermis with vitamins and minerals.

Important: a melon mask for normal skin is good in the summer, when it is necessary to protect the face from both ultraviolet radiation and from the negativity of sunlight.

If the plums and oils were not nearby, you can make a classic melon mask that is suitable not only normal, but also any other skin type.

RECIPE: To do this, just clean the melon pulp, open it with a fork or whisk it into a blender. Link the resulting gruel on the face and leave for fifteen minutes. It is recommended to remove the mass softened with lemon or boiling with cool water.

A recipe for a natural mask for irritated and very sensitive face skin

RECIPE: Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 2 tbsp;
  • chopped melted cheese - 1 tsp.;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice.

Remove the seeds from the pulp and move it into the gruel, you can use a blender. The cheese must be chopped very well, to a state of uniform mass. For this purpose, the smallest grater is best suited.

IMPORTANT: a sugared honey for the product is not suitable. Take a fresh viscous product or heat it into a container above the pot of boiling water.

From freshly squeezed lemon juice, prepare a solution with water in proportions of 1: 1. It will need so much solution to dilute a thick mass from other ingredients so that the composition is conveniently applied to the skin.

By combining the components, dilute them with a solution of lemon juice. Put the mixture on the face for a quarter of an hour and remove it, rinse the skin with cool water.

Natural mask to soften dry skin of a melon with sour cream

RECIPE: Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 2 tbsp;
  • fat sour cream - 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • barley flour is a few pinch.

Take the melon crushed to the state or as much freshly squeezed melon juice. Choose sour cream medium or high fat content, such a product will be more useful for a overdried face.

Important: any vegetable oil is useful for the skin. But for the skin prone to dryness, olive, coconut, almond, pink, sandalwood oil, rosehip oil, mangoes will be especially valuable.

Combine all components in a bowl, rub it to uniform mass. If you have taken a melon juice, then the composition can turn out liquid. Add a little oatmeal to adjust the thickness of the mask.

Distribute the mass over the face, relax with it for about fifteen minutes and rinse the composition with water.

Nourishing natural melon and cucumber mask

RECIPE: Ingredients:

  • dolka melon;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • egg protein - 1 pc.

Peel the lobby of the peel and seeds, turn the pulp in mashed potatoes with a fork or blender. It is not necessary to remove the skin from the cucumber, grind it with it, using a medium -sized grater. To prepare the protein, you will need a mixer that need to foam it well.

Mix all components, apply to the skin. Ten minutes later, rinse your face with boiled, chilled water to room temperature.

Important: a cucumber mask with melons nourishes and refreshes the skin of the face. Penetrating into the deep layers, the fruit and vegetable composition pushes dirt and fat from the pores, thereby making the mask also a cleansing agent, suitable just for the summer period.

Melon mask with very dry peeling skin

RECIPE: Ingredients:

  • melon pulp - 3 tbsp.;
  • fat cream - 200 ml.

Grind the melon with a grater, blender or handle a fork manually. Combine both components, mix them thoroughly and distribute them with a thick layer over a peeled face. Rest in the bathroom or in bed for fifteen minutes and remove the composition with cool water.

Important: to enhance the effect, it is recommended to cover the mass with a clean soft cloth and knock on it with fingertips, gluing matter to the face.

Toning, refreshing melon masks recipe

Of the ingredients for this simple and affordable means, you will need only a slice of melon.

RECIPE: Cut it into thin slices. The number of slices should be enough to cover the whole face with them, and ideally - and the neck. After all, the skin of the neck and the neckline needs the same regular care.

Before applying the mask, withstand fruit slices in the refrigerator for half an hour. This will make your home remedy truly refreshing and tonic. When the slices freeze well, put them on the skin so that they go to each other and there are no gaps left between them. Rest lying in bed or cool bath for a quarter of an hour and remove the melon. It is even better to cool and tone the skin with a piece of ice after the procedure.

IMPORTANT: Effective will be wiping ice from herbs. To do this, pre -prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of herbal gathering, flooded with a glass of boiling water. Freeze the infusion in the ice container and wipe the skin for toning into pieces.

Facial mask from melons: reviews and tips

The melon masks are useful primarily with excessive dryness, peeling, as well as various problems like rashes, irritation, inflammation. However, according to reviews, a melon from melon will help to solve a number of issues related to the skin of the face. It:

  • the first signs of cell withering;
  • facial and shallow wrinkles;
  • excessive pigmentation of the skin, freckles;
  • loss of natural complexion;
  • acne.

Important: make your skin a gift in the form of fruit procedures exclusively in the season, when the melon is being checked independently, without chemical additives. Only in this way can she become useful for the beauty and health of your face.

Despite the effectiveness of masks for dried skin, drugs based on melon pulp are suitable for any type of skin. You will see the effect of the procedure instantly, immediately after removing the melon mixture from the face.

In addition, if you do not have time to prepare a mask, you can buy it.
You can watch and buy a rejuvenating collama cream mask can here.

Video: face mask from melons, yogurt and olive oil for refreshing, rejuvenation and moisturizing the skin

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Comments K. article

  1. Well, now you can’t find a melon ... Therefore, I can offer an alternative-mask of gelatin, honey and yolk. It pulls the skin very well. In general, do not forget about collagen, it is very important to accept it. I always have Evalarovsky with a dosage of 6,000 mg and vitamin C, because it is better in terms of price and quality ... All these products in the complex help to maintain youth and stay healthy.

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