The color of products and health. Products of white, red, yellow, green, orange, purple, blue

The color of products and health. Products of white, red, yellow, green, orange, purple, blue

We will talk about the effect of the color of products on the health of the human health and the body in this article.

Recent studies of scientists confirm the effect of nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits, depending on the natural phytonutrients contained in them - the foundation of the immune system. They staining in different colors, also positively affect the human body.
Is it so?
Let us dwell on the beneficial properties of some products of different colors and try to understand the reliability of these statements.

Products: Orange vegetables and fruits - vitamins and benefits

orange color of products -vitamins and benefits
Orange fruits are available for use all year:

  • The New Year's table is traditionally not without tangerine and orange
  • In the summer of the gifts of orange, a huge variety: apricots, peaches, bell pepper
  • The autumn season presents us with sea buckthorn berries, pumpkin, carrots
  • In late autumn you can pamper yourself with a persimmon
  • And this is far from the entire list of fruits available in nature of this category

Such a beautiful cheerful palette of these gifts of the environment saturates beta-carotene.
With the help of enzymes, it transforms into vitamin Awhich in turn:

  • Contributes to the synthesization of proteins and the correct metabolic process of the body
  • Strengthens teeth and bones
  • Accelerates the process of formation of young cells and inhibits aging
  • Improves vision
  • Increases immunity
  • Protects from infectious flora

The small content of this vitamin in the human body negatively affects the activity of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, the condition of the skin.

Orange fruits are rich vitamin C and beta-cripoxanine. This gives them anti -inflammatory properties and makes them an excellent antioxidant, preventing aging and destruction of the body.
Having general positive actions, each of this product has a certain individual effect on the body.
For example, carrot, In addition to the already mentioned useful substances, has in its composition in, pp, to vitamins and numerous trace elements, so its use:

  • Normalizes cholesterol in the blood, which prevents heart and blood vessels
  • It helps to improve digestion, has choleretic and diuretic properties. This has a beneficial effect on the activity of the liver and kidneys
  • Useful for diabetes mellitus
  • Improves appetite, increases performance, reduces the load on the pancreas
  • Very useful for kids, women in position
    And nursing mothers
  • Effective in cosmetology
  • Great antioxidant

Citrus, They have their superiority in the high content of vitamin C. The benefits of which have already been mentioned above.
In addition to this oranges and tangerines:

  • Saturated with vitamins B. They are an indispensable source to ensure a full performance of the cardiovascular structure, fight with insomnia, nourish the skin and hair giving them strength and brightness. Are a good stimulating component in the fight against depression
  • Availability fitoncides - makes them an excellent antibacterial agent
  • Folic acid - contributes to the strong, full development of the fetus in pregnant women


  • It has a high content potassium, which increases during the drying process of this fetus.
    In the Kurag of this macroelent is more than in a fresh fruit.
    It is necessary to use apricot to treat and prevent cardiovascular problems and diseases of the kidneys
  • Contained in the apricot phosphorus and magnesium contribute to improving brain activity, renewing nerve cells

Pumpkin — this is a storehouse of vitamins B, C, D, T, E, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, pectin, organic acids.
It is easily absorbed by the body, and therefore it is indispensable for nutrition for children and lovers of vegetarian food.

  • For problems of gastrointestinal tract with high acidity
  • With constipation, atherosclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Lung diseases
  • Gout
  • Cholelithiasis
  • With kidney disease
  • Swelling in women in position
  • With obesity
  • To prevent skin stretch marks, with a sharp weight loss

Products: Green vegetables and fruits

green products color - benefits
Pacific, harmony, calm and peace carry a natural green color.

  • One of the strongest healing colors. Has a beneficial effect on the pituitary gland, thereby contributing to the correct and stable metabolism
  • Effectively balances the work of the liver and spleen, regenerates the effect on the muscles and connective tissue
  • Relieves pain and irritation from the eyes

Natural pigment chlorophyll He gave green fruits such a color.
The products of this group contains:

  • Isothyocyte - contributes to cell growth
  • Isoflavonoids - the key to the organic bone system
  • Epagallokatehin - is responsible for the level of cholesterol in the blood
  • Luthein - Pigmet responsible for visual acuity
  • Flavonids - strengthening walls of blood vessels
  • Beta-carotene-protects against free radicals, increases stress resistance, softens the harmful effects of the environment
  • Carotinoids of folic acid salts - harmonize hematopoiesis, homocysteine \u200b\u200blevel, metabolism of the immune system, cell division, amino acid synthesis
  • Stabilize the pressure in the vessels, fight stress and have a beneficial effect on the vision of vitamins of all groups (A, c, c, k), minerals, folates and potassium, iron and calcium.

A small list of these products includes: green cabbage, Annon, peas, jackfright, cucumbers, parsley and other greens, avocados, rhubarb, grapes, green apples and pepper, olives, etc.

Products: Red and pink vegetables and fruits

the color of the products is red

A saturated vital-bright color fills the fruits of red color by biologically active substances:

  • Ellagic acid and lycopene - Stabilize the activities of the heart and blood vessels, stimulate life activity. Are excellent antidepressants.

The brightest representatives of this group:
Red grapes:

  • Thanks to a huge number of contained in it antioxidants prolongs youth and beauty, retains harmony
  • Flawonaids This grape variety stops the growth of malignant formations.
    Such grapes are useful for cardiovascular diseases.
    It has an anti -inflammatory and anti -allergic property, cleanses and gives elasticity to blood vessels

Contraindicated in diabetes mellitus

Cherry :

  • Thanks to the content kumarinareduces blood coagulation and fights blood clots
  • Constant use of berries and juice reduce angina pectoris and heart pain
  • With gout, arthritis and atherosclerosis, it is effectively used half a kilogram of berries with milk
  • They remove nausea well, normalize the work of the stomach, quench thirst, and reduce the temperature. Facilitate the condition with coughing, diseases of the upper respiratory tract
  • Have a slight laxative property
  • Effectively rinsing juice for sore throat, stomatitis, gum blood flow
  • Increases hemoglobin in the blood, helps after operations with large blood loss

In addition to these fruits, this group includes: watermelon, raspberries, red bell pepper, tomatoes, papaya, strawberries.

Products: Vegetables and fruits of yellow

the yellow color of food products
The renewal of cells in the human body, rapidly scarring of disorders on the skin and strengthening a clear vision contributes to the rich composition of yellow fruits:

  • Alfa-carotene
  • Beta-carotene
  • Beta Cryptoxantin
  • Zeaksantin
  • Kurkumin
  • Luthein
  • Vitamin C

In addition, curcumin fights with various infections of the body.
According to the latest scientific research, yellow products normalize the productivity of brain processes and stabilize physical activity, and have a beneficial effect with signs of depression.
Their list is rich, here are some of them: Durian, Pineapple, Yellow plum, carambola and kumkvat, lemon, melon, corn.

Products: white vegetables and fruits

white color of products- content and benefit
The main fruits of this category: pears, onions, garlic, ramp, bananas, coconut pulp.
White products are full of carbohydrates, quercetin and allistine.

  • Queretecin - helps the processing of vitamin C and harmonizes the performance of blood vessels
  • Allistine - Reduces blood pressure and sterine content. Stabilizes the norm of sugar content

Products: Vegetables and violet fruits

violet color of products
The fruits of purple gamut include:

  • Potassium - stabilizing activity of the heart, struggling with the problem of chronic fatigue. Serves as an excellent anti -sclerotic tool
  • Resveratrol -antiallergic substance
  • Pectin- Cleans the blood. Great antioxidant. Improves the digestive tract

Products: Blue -colored vegetables and fruits

blue the color of products
These products tend to deal with inflammatory processes.
They have a good soothing property.
Recommended for use to prevent cancer and diabetes.
Blue -colored fruits are rich antocyanine,which the:

  • Perfectly saves spasm and tachycardia from muscle
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Strengthens memory and coordination
  • Stimulates the functioning of the heart muscle
  • Normalizes sleep and emotional balance

In these products zinc:

  • It is necessary for the production of testosterone
  • Beneficial affects the process of cell renewal
  • Strengthens the immune system

Blueberry - The undoubted leader of this group.

  • Contains not only antioxidants, but also vitamins C, K and fiber. Due to which, great old age, excellent memory and vision remains.
  • Its constant use reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, eliminates excess obesity, fights infectious diseases.
  • It is also a diuretic, choleretic and astringent

This group also includes: black currants, grapes and prunes.
Summing up, we can say that, indeed, their effect on the health of a person as a whole depends on the color of the products.
Therefore, it is effectively consumed daily, at least several fruits of different colors, thereby saturating itself with different useful substances.

Video: fruits and vegetables in their form and color are not in vain similar to our organs

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